The Sovereign – Chapter 16

Volume One: If Life Were Only as It First Met

Hungover Haze

As long as you need me, I won’t leave, even if I don’t attend court.

If it weren’t for hearing that call of “Xun’er,” Hong Yuan would have almost forgotten her real name. Hong Yuan’s original name was Liu Qianxun; she was also considered a descendant of the aristocracy of the Yu Kingdom, and she joined the Shura Sect because of Ling Yu.

She could no longer remember how many years, how long the time had passed, she had spent waiting. She had countless entanglements with Ling Yu, close like family, distant like strangers, never having a clear relationship.

Hong Yuan had always been waiting, but what she waited for was her being assigned to Jidu to carry out a higher mission. She risked her life for the Shura Sect, merely wanting to share the burden for Ling Yu. She thought that by completing this last infiltration, she could return to the Yu Kingdom, but she again received Ling Yu’s order for a beauty trap.

The greatest sorrow is not greater than a dead heart, and a dead heart is not greater than a single smile.

In Ling Yu’s heart, she was merely like this, just like other assassins, merely a pawn. It was only because she possessed both beauty and strategy, along with skills, that she was superior.

“Are you in a bad mood today?” Qin Junlan poured her a full glass of wine. Since she returned from Jingyuan, her complexion had slightly improved, but her eyes carried several layers of sorrow.

“What joy, what sorrow? What’s the difference?” Hong Yuan drank it all in one go. Seeing her beloved person with mixed emotions, she disliked Ling Yu’s intimacy with her even more.

“Of course there’s a difference. When you are happy, you are more beautiful than the irises under the moon. I can see the slight upturn of your lips. When you are sad, you are like the lotus in the pond, aloof and rejecting people thousands of miles away, making me feel so distant from you.” In Qin Junlan’s eyes, Hong Yuan was always beautiful. She just preferred her gentle appearance, like a ray of light, making her happy.

But at this moment, she was so sad, as if there was an insurmountable distance between them. For the first time, Qin Junlan felt it was hard to enter her heart.

“I haven’t pushed you away thousands of miles, your words are full of resentment, are you blaming me?” The curve at the corner of Hong Yuan’s lips, if it could be called a smile, was more like bitterness. If it couldn’t be called a smile, it was rare to see her lips slightly upturned.

She glanced at the wine cup, and Qin Junlan immediately understood, picking it up, “You, your heart has pushed me to the clouds beyond the nine heavens.”

Qin Junlan hoped that the reason for her sorrow was due to matters, not because of a certain person.

The moonlight was reflected in the cup. Although Hong Yuan’s face was flushed, she had always been able to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, yet today she was slightly tipsy. Originally, she wanted to get Qin Junlan drunk to understand her more deeply. Alas, the wine does not intoxicate people; people get themselves drunk.

Today, in the end, she was troubled and hurt by Ling Yu. Qin Junlan remained silent, simply staying quietly by her side, knowing that too many words would only cause more disturbances. Hong Yuan was already taciturn, not liking to get close to people; she could clearly feel Hong Yuan’s distant heart.

“Chaoyan (morning glory,) the face of morning and evening?”1 Hong Yuan played with the wine cup, her eyes dazed.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She raised her eyes to look at the bright moon, which was already obscured by patches of dark clouds. The sky had turned entirely gloomy, just like her mood at this moment. She dared not reveal too much, nor could she say too much, knowing well that too many words lead to mistakes, especially in front of someone like Qin Junlan, who was skilled in political maneuvering and adept at reading others.

“Chaoyan is my courtesy name.” Qin Junlan answered seriously. Even though she had not revealed her true identity, she did not want to deceive Hong Yuan. She also knew that Hong Yuan was trying hard to suppress herself, unwilling to reveal any of her true feelings.

Her strong vigilance towards others was indeed somewhat similar to herself.

“Then what is your given name? Which noble family or high-ranking official’s daughter are you?” Although Hong Yuan’s eyes were already hazy, she knew what she was saying and doing. Normally, she would not be so eager to test Qin Junlan. Alcohol indeed could numb one’s nerves, even if one could remain rational, it was still somewhat different from usual.

“Do you want to continue?” Qin Junlan lightly swirled the wine cup without answering. She would not reveal her real name, nor her true identity. It was still too early for everything now; what would happen between her and Hong Yuan was unknown.

“I am tired, very tired.” Hong Yuan’s face was flushed, and even in her drunken haze, she remained extremely charming. She was tired, tired in her heart.

Everything between her and Ling Yu would eventually become the past. From the moment she pushed herself towards Qin Junlan, deciding to use the beauty trap, she knew that she and Ling Yu could never go back to the way they were, nor could there be a future.

The night was deep, with heavy dew, and in April, the night was slightly cool. Today was the longest time Qin Junlan and Hong Yuan had sat facing each other. They had dismissed Mujin and Li Yue, and it was rare to enjoy this moment of tranquility.

Intoxicated by the wine, Hong Yuan’s steps were already unsteady. Qin Junlan helped her to the bedside and let her lie down. She gazed longingly at Hong Yuan, whose eyes were half-closed, her heart stirring with ripples. She felt a strong urge to get close to her, a feeling of unbearable itching that was entirely new. She wanted to leave but was extremely reluctant, wanted to touch but couldn’t bring herself to reach out, as if taking one step forward would destroy the current beauty.

“Master~” Li Yue dared not disturb, speaking only with a breathy voice, “It’s already the third watch (between 11 PM and 1 AM) of the night.”

Li Yue dared not sleep at night, nor did she dare to lose focus, calculating the time precisely. Today, they had to attend court, and there was no room for delay. Returning to the palace took time, and so did washing, putting on makeup, and arranging the hair. If they didn’t leave now, it might delay important matters.

Qin Junlan naturally knew that attending court was of utmost importance, the most significant duty of a ruler. She did not respond, but gently pulled up the quilt, reluctantly gazing at Hong Yuan’s sleeping face. She couldn’t see her own expression. If she could see herself in the mirror now, smiling foolishly like this, she would never believe that it was the look of an emperor.

She propped her chin with both hands, staring foolishly at the person on the bed, unable to help her wild thoughts. No one had ever attracted her like this. Even in her youth, her admiration for Bai Yifei was merely appreciation. She had never been moved by emotions. Well-read, she always knew that the phrase “love comes without knowing its origin, but once it starts, it goes deep” encompassed more than just a momentary feeling.

Now, her feelings for Hong Yuan were indeed inexplicable and indescribable.

“Master~~” Li Yue’s voice sounded again, bringing Qin Junlan back to her senses. It turned out that whenever she gazed at Hong Yuan, she would unconsciously lose her focus.

She really should leave. It was fortunate that she hadn’t truly hurt her. It appeared that the medicinal bath was gradually improving her condition. Qin Junlan was very relieved; otherwise, she didn’t know how long she would feel guilty and blame herself. She gazed longingly at Hong Yuan, leaned down to take a closer look at her, and sighed deeply. The tenderness in her voice seemed to melt hearts, “I really should go.”

It was truly helpless; she never thought that one day she would be like this. Qin Junlan stood up, just about to lift her foot when she felt a slight coolness from her hand. Hong Yuan suddenly grabbed her hand, murmuring, “Don’t go~”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

It seemed like she was talking in her sleep, yet it also seemed like a genuine plea. That slight furrowing of her brows made Qin Junlan feel pity. How could she bear to shake off her hand and leave? How could she bear to leave when she said “don’t go”? She held Hong Yuan’s slender jade-like hand, sat down on the ground beside the bed, and gently smiled, her voice soft, “Alright~ I won’t go. I’ll stay here with you. Sleep well.”

In fact, Hong Yuan was not asleep at all. She was deliberately holding onto Qin Junlan. Perhaps it was a test fueled by alcohol, or perhaps it was a genuine heartfelt expression. When she grabbed Qin Junlan’s hand, it was almost without any thought.

However, she did not expect that Qin Junlan would actually stay. Did she really intend to forgo attending court just because of a drunken murmur? This could provoke criticism from the ministers and even damage her royal prestige.

Had Qin Junlan really fallen for her? Hong Yuan didn’t believe it. Even Ling Yu, who once swore eternal love to her, treated her with indifference, summoning and dismissing her at will. What more of this ambitious empress? Yet, she truly stayed. Her fingers were slender, and the warmth from her palm was comforting.

Hong Yuan had always had a cold constitution; her hands were slightly cool throughout the seasons. The moment she grabbed Qin Junlan’s hand, she felt a long-lost warmth, even a touch of familiarity, a very comfortable feeling.

“Knock, knock, knock, knock. The weather is dry, be careful of fire.” The night watch made their rounds, and it was already the fourth watch (between 1 AM to 3 AM) of the night, with the sky beginning to lighten. The nobles and ministers were probably on their way to the court, but the emperor was still here…

Li Yue was very anxious, not daring to urge but also not knowing what to do. Could it be that the emperor was going to skip court today? No, no, the emperor was always a person of propriety, even if she occasionally came to visit Hong Yuan, she would never delay attending court.

In fact, Qin Junlan really didn’t plan to leave. She sat on the floor by the bed, and as long as Hong Yuan held her hand, she couldn’t bear to let go.

As long as she was willing to hold her hand, Qin Junlan would never let go and leave. Missing one court session was just that; it wouldn’t affect state affairs, nor would missing one session turn her into an incompetent ruler. The country couldn’t do without her as the emperor. She could devote herself entirely until death, but if Hong Yuan didn’t want her to leave, she would stay.

Through the curtain, Mujin could see everything inside. Qin Junlan maintained the same posture, reluctant to move her gaze, fearing that any movement would wake Hong Yuan. She held Hong Yuan’s slightly cold hand, trying to give her warmth.

She placed Hong Yuan’s hand by her face, gently moving her lips to kiss her fingers. This tender affection nearly melted Qin Junlan’s heart. She slowly lifted her body, bending down until she was very close to Hong Yuan. Their lips were separated by no more than a fingertip. A surge of desire suddenly welled up in her heart, like a thirsty person seeking water, wanting to kiss her.

What was she thinking? Qin Junlan quickly dismissed those inappropriate thoughts. Taking advantage of someone in a vulnerable state was not the act of a gentleman, and even less so for a woman. If Hong Yuan only considered her a confidante, such behavior would indeed seem “sleazy.” She ultimately suppressed her desires and merely stroked her hair gently.

Hong Yuan, lying drunk on the bed, was too beautiful. She could understand why those amorous young men would give everything to obtain her. She seemed both demonic and celestial, sometimes transcendent, sometimes elusive. Qin Junlan couldn’t help but wonder, what kind of person could truly enter the heart of such an extraordinary woman?

Ultimately, Qin Junlan could only sit powerlessly by the bedside, her head leaning against the bed frame, and she fell asleep in her weariness.

“Sigh, it’s really over now.” It was nearly the fifth watch (between 3 AM to 5 AM), and Qin Junlan still hadn’t come out. Li Yue had already given up hope; she wasn’t coming out anymore.

Indeed, beautiful women are a source of trouble. Since ancient times, heroes have found it hard to resist beauties, and even beauties find it hard to resist other beauties.

Li Yue paced back and forth, wanting to knock on the door several times but not daring to.

“Stop pacing around, your master is already asleep.” Mujin approached, trying to comfort Li Yue.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“She… where did she sleep?” It couldn’t possibly be that she was already sleeping on the same bed as Hong Yuan, right?

“On the floor. Where else? On the bed? No one can sleep on our lady’s bed.” Mujin said irritably, as if scoffing at the idea of their empress being so esteemed.

“What?? My… my master slept on the floor??” Li Yue was shocked, her eyes wide and mouth agape. She immediately wanted to rush in and pull Qin Junlan up. What a joke? She is the emperor!! The entire world belongs to the emperor, and yet she dares to sleep on the floor??

“I saw her sleeping soundly, gazing at our lady for such a long time.” Mujin said with a smile. To Li Yue, this sounded like ridicule, like mockery, which made her even angrier.

Who cares about your lady, this brothel? If it weren’t for the fact that the emperor was once saved by Hong Yuan, would she ever come here again? Besides, the emperor only comes here to relieve her mood, not because she is infatuated with Hong Yuan… Infatuated. The thought of this word made Li Yue’s heart skip a beat. Impossible, right?

How could the emperor easily fall in love, and even if she did, it wouldn’t be with a courtesan? If this got out, it would be disastrous. If the Empress Dowager found out, she would be beaten to death, wouldn’t she?

Li Yue sighed helplessly. Since the emperor missed the morning court session today, she herself was not far from being beaten to death. It seemed that returning to the palace today would indeed cause an uproar.


  1. Morning glory: A type of flower that blooms in the morning and fades by evening, often used metaphorically to represent fleeting beauty or transient emotions.