The Sovereign – Chapter 14

Volume One: If Life Were Only as It First Met

Heart in Chaos

The Empress is in turmoil and accidentally injures her.

In a time of trouble, problems come one after another. The originally peaceful Ji Dynasty has dark waves rising. Since Qin Junlan ascended the throne, various forces have been stirring.

The late emperor had many sons, but only one princess became the heir to the throne. If it were not for Yi Qinghuan’s power in the harem, Grand Chancellor (Prime Minister) Yi Hongchuan secretly communicating with the court, the Grand Scholar persuading the officials, and the Bai family suppressing with military force, there would be no Qin Junlan today.

However, after many years of loyalty to the emperor, some still diligently performed their duties, while others began to have ulterior motives. Although Qin Junlan was suspicious, it was not without reason. At this moment, secretly visiting the Grand Chancellor’s residence gave her a hint that there were some unknown secrets hidden there.

The missing 80,000 taels of tribute silver are nowhere to be found and have likely long been melted down and recast. On the day of the robbery, the guard army clearly said there were only 5 bandits, casually taking away a box containing only 20,000 taels.

“Your Majesty, there was already a discrepancy in the amount of silver recorded by the Ministry of Revenue; we just didn’t think about the number stolen by the bandits at that time. Now, thinking back, it was short before entering the treasury. Unfortunately, there is no evidence, or else we could follow the clues to find the source.” Ji Qiuchen helplessly brushed his sleeves.

“There are no perfect methods for committing a crime in this world. The Grand Scholar will continue to investigate secretly, and no clue can be overlooked.”

“The old minister obeys the order.”

Qin Junlan did not believe it; such a large amount of silver would not just disappear into thin air.

At the fourth watch (between 3 AM and 5 AM), before dawn, Li Yue helped Qin Junlan wash and apply makeup, while four palace maids changed her into the dragon robe. Every corner and every pattern must be arranged properly, with no wrinkles allowed.

“Why hasn’t the Shadow Guard returned yet?”

“This servant has already sent someone to assist; they should be back soon.”

Moments later, the three dispatched Shadow Guards finally returned, but all were heavily burdened. Qin Junlan dismissed those around her, leaving only Li Yue.

“What happened? Were you injured?” At this moment, Li Yue was graceful and exuded a strong aura of a female official.

“Replying to Your Majesty, the subordinate discovered that the Grand Chancellor’s residence is heavily guarded. I originally planned to quietly infiltrate and then return, but unexpectedly, we were attacked by other Shadow Guards.”

“You mean there are Shadow Guards in the Chancellor’s residence?” Qin Junlan pondered; she had not stepped into the Grand Chancellor’s residence for a long time. It seems her vision had still been too narrow.

“Indeed, they are not like ordinary soldiers; those two are highly skilled. This subordinate is incompetent and was not their match. After entangling for a long time, I managed to escape, cough cough.” The Shadow Guards are already experts within the palace, personally trained by Li Ruo and Li Yue.

Li Ruo came from the Jianghu and, although not at the peak of excellence, possessed a unique sword technique that could stand alone in the world. Li Yue’s chivalrous tracking skills are also extraordinary, and each member of the Shadow Guards, whether in Qinggong or swordsmanship, is not someone an ordinary person could injure.

“Can you discern which sect they belong to?”

“The subordinate is foolish; the opponent deliberately concealed their true identity, otherwise we probably wouldn’t have made it back to the palace alive.”

“Did you manage to uncover any news?”

“The Grand Chancellor’s residence is heavily guarded; that is the place where the Grand Chancellor handles political affairs. Furthermore, the Grand Chancellor has already returned to the residence from Luo Kingdom.”

“Really knows how to pick a time to return. Go down and take care of your injuries.” Qin Junlan waved her hand, hoping that her uncle would behave, at least not cause trouble for Empress Dowager Tianling.

It was still early, and the officials of the court arrived one after another to await the Emperor. Qin Junlan was dressed in a red dragon robe with yellow patterns, gold threads entwined, flying dragons in the sky, vivid and lifelike. The floral embellishment on her brow was just beginning to bloom, and the lines at the corners of her eyes rose gracefully, exceptionally enchanting yet still maintaining the dignity of a female emperor.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Li Yue, send someone to deliver the nourishing supplements and medicines to the Suyuan Tower.”

After leaving this sentence, Qin Junlan stepped forward, approaching the dragon throne, as the officials bowed in reverence. Bai Yifei, dressed in general’s ceremonial attire, was imposing and extraordinary. He formally reported to the emperor on the situation at the border town according to the proper protocols.

“Fengcheng and the capital of Yu Kingdom, Zhengyi, face each other, with a hundred thousand red-armored troops stationed there, showcasing our nation’s might. However, Fengcheng originally belonged to Yu Kingdom, and in recent years they have been stirring restlessly, always wanting to probe our army’s strengths and weaknesses, eyeing Fengcheng covetously. I humbly request Your Majesty’s approval to kill the chicken to warn the monkey.” Bai Yihang had endured for a long time; if it were not for the alliance between the two countries, he would have already dealt ruthlessly with those spies from Yu Kingdom.

Qin Junlan’s expression was grave, her face expressionless. After listening to Bai Yifei’s report, she showed no signs of emotion.

“What do the ministers think?”

She did not easily reveal her own thoughts, always listening first to the words of the officials, observing their expressions, in order to grasp the situation in the court.

“This old minister agrees.” Ji Qiuchen stepped forward, cupping his hands in salute, following the standard court etiquette, neither humble nor overbearing. “Yu Kingdom has committed a heinous crime by placing spies in the palace, and there are still spies not yet captured; their intentions can be seen.”

“The Grand Scholar also supports teaching Yu Kingdom a lesson?”

“Indeed, those who invade our territory shall be killed without mercy!” Ji Qiuchen was filled with righteous indignation; loyal subjects who love their country can never tolerate their land being coveted by another nation.

“What does the Grand Chancellor think?” The situation in the court was clear; if the Grand Chancellor did not speak, it was likely that no one would dare to reveal their thoughts easily.

“This minister agrees.” Yi Hongchuan’s mind was not focused on the court. Recently, there had been two instances where someone broke into his residence, which made him very uneasy.

“Good, I also have this intention. Bai Yifei, listen to the decree: Fengcheng is the territory of the Ji Dynasty. Any soldier or civilian from another nation who steps foot here shall be drawn and quartered, and their heads hung on the city walls as a warning to others!”

“Minister obeys the decree!” Finally receiving this imperial edict, Bai Yifei could finally let loose and teach Yu Kingdom a lesson.

“Is there any other matter to report?”

“To report to Your Majesty, the crops in Yuzhou have once again failed, the fields are dry, and the people are struggling to survive. The local officials have petitioned again, requesting the court to allocate funds for disaster relief.” The Deputy Minister of Revenue presented the petition from the local officials for funding.

Qin Junlan’s gaze swept over the officials. “The 100,000 citizens of Yuzhou have suffered from disasters for years, and the local officials have no solutions? The court has allocated funds multiple times; this is not a long-term solution. The dispatched officials are also helpless; you all should provide me with a good plan.”

“Human-caused disasters can still be resolved, but this natural disaster is truly…”

“I do not believe there is anything in this world that is unsolvable. Within 3 days, all officials of 3rd rank or above must present a set of solutions.”

“We, the ministers, obey the decree!”

Qin Junlan noticed that Yi Hongchuan was particularly quiet today. Everything had gone smoothly during the mission to Luo Kingdom, but upon returning to his residence, he discovered two instances of encountering bandits. Yi Hongchuan could not help but suspect whether Qin Junlan was behind this, first sending him away to Luo Kingdom and then dispatching someone to secretly investigate the Grand Chancellor’s residence.

Even though they were blood relatives, the gap between sovereign and minister was ultimately growing larger.

“Grand Chancellor, I have heard that there were assassins in your residence. Were there any injuries to anyone, or was anything lost?” Qin Junlan deliberately asked.

“This old minister is currently investigating with all his might. Your Majesty is busy with state affairs, so I hope you do not worry.”

“The Grand Chancellor’s consideration is a great fortune for the country.” Qin Junlan smiled at Yi Shuchuan, her gaze meaningful. The sovereign and minister maintained a peaceful facade, yet each harbored their own concerns.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

After the court session, Qin Junlan hurried to Fengqing Palace, having heard that Bai Ruoxi had once again caused trouble for the Empress Dowager.

After Bai Yifei finished his report, he had to return to his station; the 100,000 Red Armored Army could not be without leadership. However, Bai Ruoxi refused to comply. She had finally seized the opportunity to sneak back to Jidu, so how could she willingly return?

Fengcheng was far away, and a round trip took six days. Staying in that small place all day and only interacting with soldiers in the barracks was truly boring.

Qin Junlan felt reluctant. Bai Ruoxi was at the age of blossoming beauty, and she was about to reach the marrying age. Letting her stay in Jidu to seek a good family was not necessarily a bad thing.

Moreover, as long as Bai Ruoxi was present, there would always be laughter and joy; she was like a little sun, illuminating the world around her.

However, she was too concerned in her heart. Hong Yuan had not yet recovered from the cold wind and had also received her palm. Every time she thought of this, she felt even more self-reproachful and even doubted whether it was her excessive suspicion that led to such a situation.

She originally wanted to leave the palace to visit, but she was entangled in the disaster situation in Yuzhou and could not get away. She had to come up with a response strategy; in the country she governed, she absolutely could not allow the sight of disaster victims starving to death and local stagnation.

At noon, Suyuan Tower had not yet opened for business, and the daytime was always quiet. Hong Yuan sat upright in the garden, her hand resting on the guzheng.

Delicate fingers gracefully danced on the strings, each sound filled with tender emotions that were conveyed through the music.

High mountains and flowing water sought a kindred spirit; who accompanies the moonlit tune in intoxication?

This sound was enchanting, making one intoxicated. The slender fingers plucked the thirteen strings, subtly conveying deep sorrows. The melody of Hong Yuan was dimmed, like a jade vase overflowing with sorrow, causing the listeners’ hearts to ache.

Ye Ming stood at a distance, gazing at her in a daze. She had not yet recovered from the cold poison, yet her fragile beauty resembled that of a flower. Her delicate fingertips lightly brushed against the strings, but her eyes appeared dim like water.

Though heavily injured, she spoke not of her pain; there were matters in her heart that she never revealed to others. Ye Ming longed for someone to accompany her, to play the guzheng with her, and to hold hands together.

Originally focused, but because of one person, her heart was thrown into disarray. Hong Yuan looked at the medicine bowl placed on the table; although Qin Junlan had not yet arrived, the medicine had already come. They were all rare treasures from around the world. She had originally planned to send someone to pour it out, since Qin Junlan would not know, but feeling reluctant, she still let Mujin brew it well and bring it over.

A moment of distraction caused her to feel pain in her fingertips; the sound of the string breaking ceased, and a drop of bright red fell.

“Come out!” Hong Yuan’s face slightly changed, and a red figure leaped down. Ye Ming approached with a sword, relaxing her guard only after seeing the person clearly.

That person wore fluttering red clothing, and his hair fell loosely, simply tied up without a hairpin. Clearly a man, yet he was born beautiful, with a countenance like that of a woman.

“Lin Wuming, why are you not in Yu Kingdom accompanying the Sect Leader, but here in Suyuan Tower?” Ye Ming sheathed her precious sword.

“Ouch, little Yezi, you’re injured pretty badly.” Lin Wuming’s voice was like a swallow, sharp like a woman. He was lightly made up, with brown eyes like a demon, and his face resembled Pan An, being a famous beauty of Yuguo. It was rumored that he was the male pet of the Sect Master of Shura Sect.

“Speak if you have something to say, then get lost!” Hong Yuan was always cold towards him. The two were at odds and had never shown each other a good face, but Lin Wuming naturally had a good temperament and never took it to heart.

Perhaps he felt he was favored by the Sect Master, and his status was extraordinary.

“Even though your son is injured, you still speak so sharply; you must take care of yourself.” His flirtatious smile spread across his face. Seeing him act so effeminately, Ye Ming clenched his fist and stepped back a few feet, afraid he would lose control and hit him, unable to tolerate his androgynous appearance.

“Ye Ming, show the guest out.” Hong Yuan didn’t want to bother with Lin Wuming and turned to leave.

“Ouch, Xiaoyezi, you’re injured pretty badly.” Lin Wuming’s voice was like a swallow, sharp like a woman. He was lightly made up, with brown eyes like a demon, and his face resembled Pan An1, being a famous beauty of Yu Kingdom. It was rumored that he was the male pet of the Sect Leader of Shura Sect.

“Speak if you have something to say, then get lost!” Hong Yuan was always cold towards him. The two were at odds and had never shown each other a good face, but Lin Wuming naturally had a good temperament and never took it to heart.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Perhaps he felt he was favored by the Sect Leader, and his status was extraordinary.

“Even though Xun’er is injured, you still speak so sharply; you must take care of yourself.” His flirtatious smile spread across his face. Seeing him act so effeminately, Ye Ming clenched her fist and stepped back a few feet, afraid she would lose control and hit him, unable to tolerate his androgynous appearance.

“Ye Ming, show the guest out.” Hong Yuan didn’t want to bother with Lin Wuming and turned to leave.

“The Sect Leader wants to see you.” Lin Wuming took a step forward, and Hong Yuan raised her cold eyes slightly, the corners of her mouth pulling into an indistinct arc.

“Got it.” She maintained her calm demeanor; no matter how many waves surged inside, they remained hidden in her heart.

“Now that you’re done, you should leave.” Ye Ming issued the order to expel him. Lin Wuming was not angry; he flicked his sleeves and flew away.

She ultimately came, and Hong Yuan lightly coughed twice, her fingers gently stroking the feather on her shoulder, her thoughts swirling.

“Tower Master, the medicine has cooled.” Ye Ming brought the medicine bowl to her, and she raised her hand to take it, gazing deeply at the good intentions sent by Qin Junlan. Suddenly, she coldly laughed and smashed the bowl into pieces.

The intense anger and melancholy were clearly sensed even by Ye Ming. For some unknown reason, now that the Sect Leader had come, her emotions were abnormal.


  1. Pan An: Pan Yue, courtesy name “Anren”, was a prominent Chinese fu poet in the Western Jin dynasty. He is popularly referred to as Pan An and was well known for his good looks from a young age. “Pan An” has become the Chinese byword for handsome men.