My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 11

Student “Isn’t it that you’re not interested in solving the case?” Song Yuhang, tilting her head, fastened her seatbelt while Lin Yan also opened the car door and got in. She had beautiful eyes, and when she smiled, there was a hint of playfulness in the arch of her eyebrows. “But I am interested in […]

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 10

Doubt Cloud Four hours have passed, and the autopsy has come to an end. Lin Yan put down the surgical knife, and her back was already soaked: “It’s done, all the samples have been collected, right?” An assistant forensic examiner nodded, “Yes, they will be sent to the laboratory shortly.” “What about the documentation?” She

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 9

Anatomy Jiangcheng City Funeral Home. At this moment, it was already past midnight, and two groups of people were still arguing incessantly in the lobby. As soon as Song Yuhang stepped inside, she heard a mournful female voice screaming and cursing loudly, mixed with the sound of shoes scraping the floor and clothes being torn.

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 8

Female Corpse Lin Yan spoke without hesitation, “Pretentious, hypocritical, and annoying to watch.” Lin Ge pulled her aside, his face turning serious. “What are you talking about? It’s one thing to criticize me, but why…” Lin Yan retorted, “If you haven’t spent time with her, you wouldn’t know. She’s two-faced, saying one thing to your

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 7

Blind Date “Feeling bored, so bored! When will a case come my way…” Lin Yan fidgeted restlessly in her chair, while applying nail polish to her fingers. Duan Cheng turned around from the front desk and said, “Sis, what about the injury assessment from yesterday…” “Injury assessments are nothing like real cases. I’m a forensic

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 6

Clash After a boring day of sitting in the office with nothing major to work on, Lin Yan stepped out and lit a cigarette, walking in her high heels while smoking. She kept her uniform jacket draped over her arm. Before she could finish her cigarette, a flashy Rolls-Royce parked at the entrance of the

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 5

Confrontation Song Yuhang lightly knocked on the door twice, and from inside came a vigorous voice saying, “Come in.” Only then did she push the door open and placed the completed case report on the desk. Feng Ju was immersed in handling official documents, and next to him was a large enamel mug with the

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 4

Pengci Three months later. Early Monday morning. Jiangcheng City. As a prefecture-level city, Jiangcheng has not yet implemented license plate restrictions. A massive flow of vehicles converged into the crowded streets. The traffic lights were flashing. Groups of electric scooters and bicycles recklessly squeeze through gaps as if their lives depend on it. Horns blared

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 3

Former Dust Lin Yan changed into a new outfit and appeared in a certain upscale club in the city center. It was just after nightfall, and the place wasn’t too crowded. The dim lighting created a subdued atmosphere, and inside the restaurant, some young men were dressed in tuxedos, playing the violin, producing a melodious

My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Miss Forensics – Chapter 2

Appear In Court “Miss Lin, may I ask what mindset you have as you appear in court as a witness for the suspect?” “Miss Lin, do you feel confident that your autopsy results can convince the judge and thus influence the verdict?” “I heard that the suspect’s father is the CEO of Xin Ye Corporation,

Little Panda
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