Still Have This Side – Chapter 7

If she attacks, she attacks fully. No one should think about running away!

Guests follows the convenience of the host. Qiu Baiyu considered herself a guest with basic manners, and since Jiang Shen didn’t say it was time to eat, she wouldn’t start eating.

After she said that sentence, the expression on Jiang Shen’s face slightly collapsed, but he quickly regained his composure and assumed the host’s demeanor: “You can eat anytime, just help yourself.”

Qiu Baiyu then started eating.

She didn’t forget her duties, first helping Jiang Zimin to some dishes, and then started tasting the tomato and scrambled egg sauce mixed with rice.

Yi Wanyue, sitting opposite her, was watching her every move.

She saw her take care of Jiang Zimin first, and then mix the tomato scrambled eggs with the rice and put it in her mouth. After chewing, a slight sparkle appeared in her calm eyes, her brows relaxed, her expression joyful, and she subtly nodded her head.

It seemed that this plate of tomato scrambled eggs was very much to her liking.

Qiu Baiyu focused on eating wholeheartedly, and even when she spoke, it was only to Jiang Zimin, not glancing at Jiang Shen again throughout.

Yi Wanyue, seeing her eating so deliciously, also served herself a bowl of soup.

Since they came to eat, they might as well eat.

She continued eating while quietly observing Qiu Baiyu.

Who would have thought that the interesting parent and child she met at her alma mater that day were actually Qiu Baiyu and Jiang Zimin?

She had heard that after marrying into the Jiang family, Qiu Baiyu was indifferent to her stepdaughter, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Yi Wanyue slightly raised her eyes. The woman opposite her was leaning slightly forward, talking to Jiang Zimin, encouraging her to try the tomato and scrambled egg mixed with rice.

Jiang Zimin did as she was told, and after eating, her eyes lit up, giving a thumbs-up and saying it was delicious.

Qiu Baiyu smiled and said, “Right?”

Jiang Zimin nodded vigorously.

The atmosphere was harmonious, and the interaction was pleasant.

Yi Wanyue lowered her gaze, which held a hint of a smile, and elegantly took a sip of the fresh soup.

She is different from the rumors.

With Qiu Baiyu taking the lead, Yi Wanyue followed suit by drinking soup, and the others gradually started eating.

Jiang Shen sat at the head seat, looking at the farthest end.

There sat two women, one who loved him and one whom he loved, now sitting face-to-face eating, a strange yet harmonious scene.

He secretly sighed in his heart.

He originally wanted Yi Wanyue to sit beside him so he could serve her dishes and take care of her, but Yi Wanyue went directly to the farthest seat…

She must be feeling embarrassed.

Xiaoyue must be feeling embarrassed.

She must be worried that Qiu Baiyu would overthink it.

Ah, his Xiaoyue has always been so polite and considerate of others.

In contrast, this woman Qiu Baiyu…

Jiang Shen raised his water cup and, while drinking, quietly looked at Qiu Baiyu, his eyes cold, lacking any of the warmth he had when thinking of Yi Wanyue.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

This woman is not nearly as considerate as Xiaoyue. She used to only think about monopolizing him, always deluding herself with unreciprocated feelings.

Even though he tried hard to mold her into a second Yi Wanyue, she couldn’t compare to Yi Wanyue at all. He really couldn’t understand why he agreed to marry her in the first place.

She’s been even more outrageous these past couple of days, always talking about money in every sentence.

Fortunately, she was sensible today and didn’t cause any trouble or embarrass Yi Wanyue; otherwise, he certainly wouldn’t have let her off.

A man who had always flattered Jiang Shen noticed his cold indifference toward Qiu Baiyu. Not knowing whether he wanted to watch the drama unfold or to curry favor with Jiang Shen, he suddenly brought up the past.

The past, when Jiang Shen and Qiu Baiyu were not yet married.

The past, when Qiu Baiyu was struggling to pursue Jiang Shen.

“I suddenly remembered something from the past. Oh my, back then our Miss Qiu really tried hard to chase after Mr. Jiang. I remember one time when Mr. Jiang was upset, Miss Qiu wore a mascot costume in the middle of summer to cheer him up. Do you guys remember that?”

“Oh, I remember.”

“I remember, I remember.”

Someone chimed in, and the atmosphere at the dining table became lively.

Jiang Shen glanced at the man, but said nothing and did not stop him.

Qiu Baiyu continued eating, unfazed.

She knew about this matter; the system had told her before, but she didn’t care.

She didn’t do it, so why should she be excited?

That man probably wanted to humiliate her. Seeing that she was unfazed, his tone intensified a bit: “Miss Qiu, don’t you remember? You were really putting in a lot of effort back then, and as a result, you got heatstroke and fainted on the spot!”

“Hahaha— It was really touching, but also quite silly.”

He looked at her with a grin: “In the future, you shouldn’t do such foolish things anymore, or people might misunderstand that there’s something wrong with you. Otherwise, why would anyone wear such a thick mascot costume in the middle of summer just to make someone happy, haha—”

The young Jiang Zimin realized they were talking about Qiu Baiyu and turned to look at her, both curious and worried.

Curious if Aunt Baiyu really did that, and worried that Aunt Baiyu might be upset by this uncle’s teasing.

Yi Wanyue was hearing about this for the first time and gently furrowed her brows.

Qiu Baiyu’s affection was genuine. The process might have been somewhat foolish, but her sincerity shouldn’t be ridiculed.

Just as Yi Wanyue was about to speak, she saw Qiu Baiyu put down her spoon and raise her glass to take a sip of water.

It seemed like she was about to do something.

Qiu Baiyu lowered her eyes and said to Jiang Zimin, “Cover your ears for a moment.”

After Jiang Zimin obediently complied, she turned her head to look at the man with the flamboyant smile.

“I’m still Mr. Jiang’s wife, right?” she suddenly asked.

The man was taken aback for a moment. “Yes, yes.”

Qiu Baiyu asked again, “And you’re friends with Mr. Jiang, right?”

Upon hearing this, the man slowly straightened his back. “Of course!”

Qiu Baiyu shifted her tone: “Then you are being despicable.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Man: “?!”

“Mocking your friend’s wife in front of him, you are despicable.”

After saying this, Qiu Baiyu suddenly looked at Jiang Shen, who had remained silent.

“Allowing others to mock your wife, you are despicable too.”

“Qiu Baiyu!” Jiang Shen’s expression instantly turned grim, and his words came out laced with venom, making people’s ears tingle with coldness. “What did you say?!”

The atmosphere at the dining table plummeted to freezing point.

But Qiu Baiyu innocently blinked her eyes, then stood up with a look of helplessness. As she walked towards him, she muttered, “Didn’t expect you to have bad hearing…”

She came to Jiang Shen’s side, leaned down in front of everyone, and whispered into his ear, enunciating each word: “I said, you are despicable.”

After saying this, she went to the man who had started the conversation, bent down, and clearly articulated: “You too.”

Using the most amiable and harmless posture, she launched the strongest attack.

Jiang Shen’s face turned ashen: “Qiu Baiyu!”


Qiu Baiyu’s voice instantly overshadowed his, completely unfazed by his aura.

Qiu Baiyu despised this type of man the most.

Pointing fingers at women, laughing and joking, having no idea what respect means.

Men who don’t stop this kind of behavior and tacitly allow it to happen are no good either.

If she was going to attack, she would attack everyone—no one would escape!

Her volume and counterattack left Jiang Shen momentarily stunned, even making him question his life choices.

This was the first time Qiu Baiyu had resisted.

She used to clearly not dare to defy him…

Seeing that he didn’t make a second move, Qiu Baiyu turned and left the dining room in a bored manner, right in front of everyone.

After a while, she came back with a composed expression and picked up her plate of tomato and egg fried rice.

Cursing aside, it’s not worth going without a meal because of two despicable men, especially when it’s delicious tomato and egg fried rice.

She hadn’t forgotten Jiang Zimin and gestured for her to put her hands down.

“Do you want to go upstairs and eat with me?”

Staying in this kind of environment, it would be a miracle if Jiang Zimin didn’t get influenced.

Jiang Zimin glanced at her father, whose face didn’t look too good, then scanned the expressions of the adults around her, and finally picked up her dinner.

The answer was obvious.

Qiu Baiyu added more vegetables and meat to her bowl and then looked up, calmly and politely addressing everyone present: “Enjoy your conversation, we are leaving now.”

Before leaving, she nodded to Yi Wanyue across from her: “Miss Yi, enjoy your meal.”

Yi Wanyue smiled and nodded in return: “Okay.”

It seemed her mood was completely unaffected by Qiu Baiyu’s actions.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Qiu Baiyu held Jiang Zimin’s hand and turned to leave.

“You need to eat more meat.”

“But I prefer eating vegetables.”

“Vegetables are good too, but you need to eat both for balanced nutrition to be strong.”


The pair, one big and one small, continued their conversation as they walked upstairs, disappearing from everyone’s view.

After they left, the atmosphere in the dining room became silent and awkward; no one had expected things to develop like this.

The people present didn’t know much about Qiu Baiyu, and it was the first time they saw this fiery side of her, even… not sparing Jiang Shen’s dignity.

It wasn’t until Jiang Shen’s childhood friend, Lu Hong, spoke up to change the topic that the silence was broken, allowing the small gathering to continue.

The woman sitting next to Yi Wanyue turned her head and noticed a faint smile on Yi Wanyue’s lips. She couldn’t help but be curious and leaned over to whisper: “What are you smiling about?”

Upon hearing this, Yi Wanyue glanced in the direction where Qiu Baiyu and Jiang Zimin had left, then retracted her gaze, her eyes curving into a smile.

“Nothing, let’s eat.”