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Still Have This Side – Chapter 39

A cuteness only seen when drunk.

There seems to be an intoxicating fragrance in the air, not sure if it’s wine or something else.

Qiu Baiyu can clearly feel Yi Wanyue’s palm.

It is a bit warm and also a bit gentle.

She also hears Yi Wanyue say, “You look especially good today.”

She laughs softly for no reason and asks, “Do I only look good today?”

Yi Wanyue corrected with a smile: “It’s today that you look especially good.”

She smiled again, raised her hand to lightly pat the back of Yi Wanyue’s hand, and replied, “You look especially good every day.”

Yi Wanyue, the female protagonist in the spotlight.

She possesses excellent character and talent, as well as the most outstanding appearance.

What a perfect person.

If I must say something not good, it’s that… she smokes.

It would be even better if she didn’t smoke.

“You’re not smoking right now, are you?” Qiu Baiyu suddenly asked.

Suddenly came a question, and the ambiguous atmosphere disappeared.

Yi Wanyue didn’t understand why and couldn’t figure out how the topic shifted: “Why ask this all of a sudden?”

Qiu Baiyu was quite honest: “It suddenly came to mind.

“You’re very perfect; the only flaw is smoking, which harms the body.”

Yi Wanyue found this a bit amusing, smiled as she withdrew her hand and picked up the wine glass again: “I’m not smoking because I’m drinking with you.

“But if a person is too perfect, it becomes uninteresting, doesn’t it?”

Qiu Baiyu leaned back against the chair, calmly looking at the wine glass in her hand.

Smoking is indeed not good, and being too perfect indeed has no meaning. Yi Wanyue’s thoughts are far more interesting than those set in a novel.

She seems to be able to take everything in stride.

“Before, I didn’t dare to tell you my secret, and actually, there’s another reason,” Qiu Baiyu said, “I was afraid you would doubt your own existence.”

Turning from a living person into a paper man living between the lines of words, anyone would feel a bit uncomfortable with that gap, right?

Upon hearing this, Yi Wanyue smiled lightly, indeed not taking it to heart.

“When I get injured, I bleed; when I touch fire, I feel the heat. I can feel anxious and happy. I still have flesh and blood, can run, jump, and breathe. So, being a paper man doesn’t stop me from living like a normal person, and naturally, I don’t care.”

Qiu Baiyu heard her words and nodded in agreement: “You’re right, no matter what, we are living.”

After speaking, she couldn’t help but smile: “No wonder we can be friends; we think alike.”

Yi Wanyue and she, and her friends in the real world, all share the same beliefs.

No matter where they go, they must live, live well, and grow freely.

Perhaps Heaven pitied her early departure, so it specially sent such a wonderful Yi Wanyue to her side to be friends with her.

Yi Wanyue smiled and clinked glasses with her.

“Let’s celebrate becoming friends.”

Qiu Baiyu happily drank all the wine in her glass.

As they continued toasting, the red wine in the bottle became less and less, and Qiu Baiyu’s fair face turned a shade of peach pink.

She sat motionless, her consciousness drifting between clarity and vagueness, and the words from her mouth were aimless, speaking whatever came to mind.

She talked about her friends.

They are her university classmates, and they are very, very good. When she lost her grandmother, they supported her and have always been there for her since.

After graduation, they each have their own jobs, but when they have free time, they still arrange to meet up and have fun.

As the days go by, the bond between them grows deeper, becoming as precious as family.

But the accident came too suddenly, causing them to be separated by life and death. She didn’t even have the chance to tell them that she is doing very well now and for them not to worry.

After speaking, she drank all the wine in her glass again, then lowered her head, feeling desolate.

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Yi Wanyue sat quietly listening by her side.

Seeing this, she reached out to hold her hand, gripping it tightly with heartfelt warmth.

“You’ve worked hard.”

Coming alone to an unfamiliar world, with no relatives in sight, Baiyu has worked hard.

But it’s okay, she still has her in the future.

Qiu Baiyu gently returned the hold on Yi Wanyue’s hand, leaned her head on the chair back, turned to look at her, and suddenly said: “What should I do in the future? I can’t see that person anymore…”

Yi Wanyue didn’t understand: “Which person?”

Qiu Baiyu put down her wine glass, held Yi Wanyue’s hands with both of hers, and with slightly intoxicated eyes, she gently looked at her: “When I was little, I met an aunt. She was my first friend.”

“At that time, I was still being excluded, and no one wanted to be friends with me, but she was willing to be my friend.

“The day we met, we got along very happily. She was very gentle and cared for me a lot, but the happy time was too short; she had to go home.

“I asked her when I could see her again, and she said in the future.

“‘How long is the future?’ I asked her again.

“She said that after I grow up, we will definitely meet again. She will wait for me in the future.”

She still remembers the fingers hooked together back then and remembers the promise made by that friend.

But everything has changed.

She has died, she is no longer in that world, so how can she meet her now?

She can’t even remember her appearance…

“I don’t know why, but after returning home, her appearance became more and more blurry in my mind, until I completely forgot what she looked like.”

“I forgot her appearance…”

Qiu Baiyu lowered her head, not sure if it was the effect of the alcohol, her tone became quite aggrieved and self-blaming, as if a tear could drop from her eyes at any moment.

How could she forget the appearance of her first friend?

They are still not in the same world now, how can they meet?

She really wants to tell her that she has been growing up well, she has friends now, and she is no longer afraid of being bullied…

“Perhaps you will meet in this world?”

Yi Wanyue’s voice came from the side.

Qiu Baiyu paused for a moment, slowly lifted her head, and met Yi Wanyue’s gaze.

She could feel Yi Wanyue’s hand gently caressing her face and could also feel the water-like gentleness in her eyes.

“This world also holds your future, and since she said you will definitely meet in the future, then believe her.

“She certainly still remembers you, and on the day you reunite, she will definitely recognize you. We must believe in her, okay?”

She also didn’t know what kind of woman Qiu Baiyu had met.

But since Qiu Baiyu said she was good, she was willing to believe she was good and was also willing to accompany Qiu Baiyu in waiting for a hope.

Being friends is about mutually supporting each other.

Qiu Baiyu now has only her as a friend she can confide in.

After listening to her words, Qiu Baiyu seemed to find them very reasonable and smiled with relief: “You’re right, maybe we can meet here…”

Meeting one’s first friend in a different world, just thinking about it makes one happy.

Yi Wanyue saw her smile and felt relieved, turned back, and picked up her wine glass to drink again.

Qiu Baiyu sat in the same place, leaning against the chair back, with a smile still hanging on her lips, as if she forgot to lower the corners of her mouth.

She was probably drunk, very heavily drunk.

As Yi Wanyue sipped the red wine in her cup, she suddenly heard the person beside her say: “My friend said that after I get drunk, my hands become restless and will touch here and there…”

Yi Wanyue completely didn’t feel that way.

At least for most of the day, she behaved more than actively touching her.

Yi Wanyue put down her high glass and turned to look at the person speaking, only to see her body leaning more and more, as if she was about to be blown over by the air, yet her facial expression remained unshaken and calm, seemingly completely unaware that she was about to fall.

Both funny and cute.

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Yi Wanyue smiled and extended her hand to support her, helping her up.

Qiu Baiyu lifted her eyelid and at a glance saw the person right in front of her.

She quietly raised her hand, and in the next second, her fingertip landed below the end of Yi Wanyue’s eyebrow: “So you have a mole here…”

Just below the end of Yi Wanyue’s left eyebrow, there is a very small black mole.

From a distance, it can’t be noticed, but up close, it’s astonishingly beautiful.

In the moments between Yi Wanyue lowering and opening her eyes, it adds a few touches of charm, perfectly placed, and extremely beautiful.

Yi Wanyue could feel her movement was very light, very gentle.

She heard her softly say, “Really beautiful…”

She also saw her eyes slightly shining, the corners of her lips lightly raised, with an indescribable charm… and a bit of cuteness.

A cuteness different from usual.

A cuteness only seen when drunk.

After Qiu Baiyu finished touching the black mole below her eyebrow, she went on to touch her eyebrow, then her nose, face, and ears.

Her movements were extremely gentle, as if she were touching a priceless piece of art.

“Really beautiful, how can it be so beautiful…” Qiu Baiyu was still marveling aloud.

The sound of their breathing was clearly audible between them.

Qiu Baiyu’s touch made Yi Wanyue feel itchy.

Yi Wanyue held her randomly touching hand and said warmly, “Baiyu, you’re drunk, I’ll take you home.”

Qiu Baiyu didn’t speak, just acted as if not denying it.

She slowly lowered her head, burying it in Yi Wanyue’s shoulder, and quieted down.

The next day, the sky was very bright.

Qiu Baiyu woke up from sleep and made an effort to open her eyes.

She rubbed her head, and her first reaction was to recall the events of last night.

She talked with Yi Wanyue about her grandmother, mentioned friends from another world, and it seems she also talked about her first friend.

Then she got drunk.And then… after that, she just didn’t remember.


Forget it, there’s nothing that can’t be said between them.

Qiu Baiyu composed herself and sat up from the bed.

What came into view was Qiu Zimin sitting in the sofa chair in her room.

Qiu Zimin was holding a book, slumped in the soft sofa, with her two small legs leisurely swaying back and forth on the chair.

“Xiaomin,” Qiu Baiyu called out hoarsely, “what are you doing here?”

Qiu Zimin immediately put down the book and exclaimed with surprise and delight: “Auntie, you’re awake! I’ve been waiting for you to get up!”

Then she shouted outside: “Auntie Wanyue, my auntie is up!”

Qiu Baiyu: “?”

She was puzzled: “Wanyue? How is she here?”

She vaguely remembered that Yi Wanyue said she would send her home yesterday.

She was indeed in her own room, but how was Yi Wanyue also here? Could it be that she stayed here and didn’t go back?

Her doubt had just arisen when Yi Wanyue already walked into her room.

Seeing her awake, Yi Wanyue asked with concern: “How are you feeling, do you have a headache?”

She shook her head: “It’s okay.”

Yi Wanyue nodded and turned around: “Then quickly get up to brush your teeth and have lunch.”

She hurriedly called out to Yi Wanyue.

“Did you stay here all the time after you sent me home last night?”

Yi Wanyue smiled: “No, after I sent you home and you fell asleep, I left. I came over now because I was worried you might have a headache, and I’m planning to take Xiaomin to her Sanda class this afternoon.”

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“Good morning, Auntie!”

Qiu Zimin praised from the side.

Yi Wanyue looked at her: “Auntie is already awake, you should come out to eat as well.”

Without a word, Qiu Zimin got off the floor, put on her shoes, and followed her. Before going out, she waved to Qiu Baiyu, urging her to quickly get up to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Qiu Baiyu, with a muddled mind, got up to wash her face and brush her teeth.

The aunt finished cooking and, knowing Yi Wanyue would stay here to look after Qiu Zimin and Qiu Baiyu, left first.

Qiu Zimin was selecting her favorite TV program because she wanted to watch while eating.

Qiu Baiyu walked to the dining table, glanced at the dishes on the table, and then looked at Yi Wanyue.

The latter handed her a pair of chopsticks: “Hurry up and eat, you haven’t eaten anything since you got back last night.”

Qiu Baiyu raised her hand to accept them and thought for a moment, but still couldn’t help but ask: “Did I do anything after I got drunk yesterday… I didn’t randomly touch anything, did I?”

Once, when she got drunk before, she caught hold of the most expensive antique vase in someone’s store, and her friends were almost scared to death.

After getting drunk last night, she shouldn’t have randomly touched things in Yi Wanyue’s store, right…

“You did.”

She heard Yi Wanyue calmly and softly say.

“You touched me.”

“…?” Qiu Baiyu’s eyes instantly widened, “—ah?”

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