Still Have This Side – Chapter 30

Actually, I have a secret that’s not easy to share with others.

Unique Dream.

The name of the quiet bar recommended by Yi Wanyue.

Two glass doors, as smooth as new, appeared particularly simple, elegant, and unique under the warm yellow lighting.

Qiu Baiyu pointed to the English words on the white sign on the wall and asked, “What does this mean?”

Yi Wanyue explained, “Unique dream.”

Then she pointed to the two small characters engraved below the English name: “It can also be called ‘Unique Dream.'”

Qiu Baiyu nodded in understanding.

“I have been to this place,” she said.

Yi Wanyue smiled and pointed to the corner ahead, saying, “Around the corner is a dessert shop. The caramel pudding cake that Xiaomin brought me back then is from there, right?”

Qiu Baiyu nodded and confirmed.

Qiu Zimin really likes the caramel pudding cake from that shop, so she is quite familiar with the way to this place.

Normally, she comes just to buy cake, and she didn’t expect that a quiet bar would be open nearby—especially one that the female lead frequents.

She quietly asked the system if the female lead could drink alcohol.

The system replied: 【Yes.】

This indeed was not hidden.

She then asked: Why didn’t you provide me with this information?

The system replied: 【Because your scenes together do not require this information.】

She was left speechless.

It makes sense, considering the original owner’s love-focused plot would likely not have allowed a chance to sit down with the female lead for a drink, so naturally, this information wasn’t needed.

But the system’s “if you don’t ask, I won’t tell” attitude is still quite frustrating.

Qiu Baiyu’s thoughts returned, and she looked at Yi Wanyue.

Yi Wanyue’s attire was stylish and elegant, her black hair tied in a low ponytail gently resting on her back. Her outstanding appearance, combined with her bright, glistening eyes, suddenly took on a touch of innocence as she looked over.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Qiu Baiyu calmly said, “I didn’t expect you could drink alcohol.”

Yi Wanyue smiled and modestly replied, “Just a little.”

Qiu Baiyu said, “I can also drink a little.”

She truly could only drink a little, as her tolerance for alcohol was low.

Today, it was her happiness and trust in Yi Wanyue that brought her to drink; if it were someone else, she certainly wouldn’t have come.

Yi Wanyue reached out and pushed the door open: “No worries, there’s more than just alcohol here; there are also juices and soft drinks, so those are fine to drink too.”

Qiu Baiyu then followed her into Unique Dream.

As they walked in, a gentle piano melody softly blew into their ears.

The interior decoration of the store was simple and elegant, primarily featuring a wooden style, as if specially designed by someone, creating an overall gentle and tasteful atmosphere.

The lights embedded in the ceiling were slightly warm and dim, adding an invisible yet distinct sense of boundary and an ambiguous atmosphere.

There was also a second floor here, which seemed to have some private rooms.

It was different from what Qiu Baiyu had imagined.

She had imagined the bar to be noisy and hot, not this slow-paced; it seems this is the difference between a quiet bar and a regular bar.

But she quite liked this.

Quietly drinking with friends had nothing bad about it.

Many of the staff in the store were female, which made her feel even better.

An environment with a majority of the same gender can provide a greater sense of security.

They arrived at the bar counter and sat down on the high stools.

Qiu Baiyu noticed Yi Wanyue calmly and skillfully greeting the female bartender.

The bartender asked Yi Wanyue if she wanted the usual, to which Yi Wanyue replied yes, and specially introduced her: “This is my friend, her surname is Qiu.”

The bartender immediately turned to her and asked warmly, “Hello, Miss Qiu, may I ask what you’d like to drink?”

Yi Wanyue timely pushed the menu towards her, a thin book with a strong design sense, and her actions were very skilled, as if she were one of the staff here.

Qiu Baiyu took the menu but didn’t immediately order alcohol. Under Yi Wanyue’s recommendation, she ordered a special drink.

“This will be it, thank you.” She returned the menu.

“Alright, please wait a moment.”

The bartender, after speaking, immediately began preparing their special drink and beverage.

Qiu Baiyu glanced around the store, then her gaze returned to Yi Wanyue, and she half-jokingly said, “You handed me the menu so skillfully, I almost thought you worked here too.”

“I am.”

Yi Wanyue crossed her legs, rested her elbow on her cheek, and looked at her with a full smile.

“I am the owner here.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Qiu Baiyu: “…?”



Did she just say she’s the owner here?!

While Qiu Baiyu was in a daze, the bartender had already brought Yi Wanyue’s special drink, saying, “Boss, your special drink is ready.”

That simple title immediately pulled Qiu Baiyu back to reality.

Yi Wanyue not only can drink, but she is also the owner of the quiet bar.

Good, very good, the female lead actually has this additional identity.

—— That pesky system really knows how to hide character information!

Qiu Baiyu regained her composure and found her voice again: “No wonder you brought me here to drink.”

Yi Wanyue raised her glass, smiling beautifully and innocently: “Isn’t it better to drink on your own turf?”

Qiu Baiyu said silently: “You also praised the environment here; I thought it was a customer’s recommendation…”

The smile in Yi Wanyue’s eyes deepened: “Of course, I have to praise my own store more.”

Qiu Baiyu: “…That’s true.”

She couldn’t argue with that.

She didn’t expect this side of her.

Her understanding of her is still too limited—Yi Wanyue is much more interesting than Jiang Shen.

“This store, does he know?” Qiu Baiyu asked.

“I don’t know,” Yi Wanyue clearly understood who this “he” referred to, “this place is a return gift from my sister, so I’ve just recently become the owner.”

The store was a gift from her sister, the store name she chose herself, and the decoration style she decided on, all perfectly suiting her taste.

Qiu Baiyu suddenly realized.

Yi Wanyue has a sister in her family, and the family business is managed by this sister. She’s heard to be a very capable woman, though she doesn’t appear much in the original plot.

“Your sister even gives you such a big gift; it seems you two have a good relationship.”

Yi Wanyue did not deny it: “Mm, our relationship is very good.”

As they spoke, Qiu Baiyu’s special drink was also ready.

With white and blue tones, floating ice cubes, and bubbles clinging to the cup’s walls, it was like holding a cup of refreshing summer.

Qiu Baiyu took a sip through the straw, and her eyes instantly lit up.

The cool, sweet, and sour taste immediately dissolved the greasiness left by dinner, exactly the flavor she likes!

Yi Wanyue could tell from her expression that she was very satisfied with the drink.

It seems her recommendation was spot on.

She relaxedly sipped her wine while watching Qiu Baiyu.

Whenever Qiu Baiyu encounters something delicious, her expressions become very animated, as if her usual calm demeanor is just saving emotions to fully enjoy food.

Very cute.

The more Yi Wanyue looked, the cuter she found her, her eyes unconsciously curving into a smile. She couldn’t help but want to offer her more delicious things, just to see her continue displaying that happy and blissful expression.

Qiu Baiyu drank half of the juice and asked, “Can all the drinks here be packed to go?”

Yi Wanyue responded, “Yes, we offer take-out service.”

Qiu Baiyu nodded in satisfaction: “That’s good.”

With a take-out service, next time she comes to buy cake for Qiu Zimin, she can conveniently pack two drinks to take home.

Qiu Zimin is still young and can’t come to this kind of place, but she can still taste the juice drinks from here.

Yi Wanyue probably guessed her thoughts and said, “Next time you come over, I’ll give it to you for free.”

Qiu Baiyu slightly frowned.

Yi Wanyue understood and went along: “I’ll give you a discount.”

Qiu Baiyu’s eyebrows relaxed, and she nodded in satisfaction: “That works.”

Yi Wanyue immediately laughed helplessly: “You’re really worried I won’t make money…”

She doesn’t want the class during the May Day holiday, nor does she want it for free—how can this person be so upright?

Qiu Baiyu raised her glass and said earnestly, “Making money isn’t easy; I can’t always let you lose money.”

Yi Wanyue said: “My family doesn’t rely on me to earn money.”

“So what?”

Qiu Baiyu retorted.

“Even if your family doesn’t rely on you to earn money, every bit you earn is still something, and as your friend, I can’t always take advantage of you; it’s not good for our relationship.”

As she said this, she raised her eyes to look at Yi Wanyue: “Wanyue, I don’t want to be just a short-term friend.”

Close friends don’t need to be overly polite, but there must be boundaries, especially when it comes to money.

Constantly taking or giving cannot balance a relationship; it only speeds up its downfall.

She doesn’t want to become a friend’s ATM, nor does she want a friend to become hers. Friendship should be reciprocal, with genuine care for each other.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Yi Wanyue paused after hearing her words, a gentle smile gradually spreading across her heart.

“For what you’ve just said, it wasn’t in vain that I told you about this place.”

Qiu Baiyu was puzzled: “What about this place?”

Yi Wanyue said: “Not many people know that this store is mine; you’re one of them.”

Qiu Baiyu blinked.

She felt something, something called “special.”

She unconsciously smiled, raised her drink, and gently clinked it against Yi Wanyue’s glass: “It’s my honor.”

With the atmosphere built up to this point, Qiu Baiyu was also willing to express her special feeling towards her: “Actually… you are now my only friend.”

“Mm? What about your other friends?”

Qiu Baiyu shook her head, her eyes lowered, and loneliness poured over her like rain: “I can’t see them…”

Yi Wanyue’s expression instantly became serious: “What happened?”

Qiu Baiyu looked at the drink in her hand, her thumb slowly rubbing the surface of the cup.

“I just can’t see them… separated by distance, it’s very hard to meet.”

What happened to her was difficult to express directly.

She feared scaring Yi Wanyue, causing her to have bad associations or even doubt her own existence, so she kept silent.

Her secret can only remain a secret…

Yi Wanyue grasped one meaning: separated by life and death.

For a moment, she looked at Qiu Baiyu with eyes full of sympathy and heartache.

She really didn’t expect that someone who appears strong and calm has experienced such sadness.

Thinking of her friends, Qiu Baiyu must be particularly heartbroken…

“My condolences.”

Yi Wanyue gently patted her hand.

“I’m here.”

Qiu Baiyu was stunned for two seconds.

So this is what it feels like to hear someone say “my condolences” after death.

Unexpectedly, it was a bit… inexplicably funny.

Qiu Baiyu couldn’t help but chuckle softly: “I’m fine.”

Seeing her like this, Yi Wanyue felt even more heartache.

Her friend passed away, and although she was clearly very sad, she still pretends to be strong, smiles, and comforts others. It’s too hard.

“There’s no need to be strong. If you want to cry, just cry. Here, you can always be yourself.”

Qiu Baiyu suddenly couldn’t hold back her laughter even more and said with amusement and helplessness: “I really can’t cry, I’m fine, really fine.”

Even though she died, now she has money and freedom, she really can’t cry about it!

Her friends would all be thrilled if they knew.

Yi Wanyue just looked at her, and after two seconds, raised her hand and gently patted her head.

Her eyes were full of sympathy, pity, and immense heartache.

Everything is understood without words.

Qiu Baiyu: “…”

Now, she probably has the image of someone pretending to be strong in Yi Wanyue’s eyes.

However, this version of Yi Wanyue makes her more willing to open her heart.

Yi Wanyue is willing to let her become a special presence in her circle of friends, openly revealing another side of herself with honesty.

Heart to heart, she is also willing to reciprocate with Yi Wanyue.

But her situation is not so easy to speak about…

Qiu Baiyu said: “Actually, I have a secret that’s not easy to share with others.”

Yi Wanyue asked solemnly: “Are you sick?”

Could it be that something not easy to share is an embarrassing physical illness?

Qiu Baiyu shook her head, smiled, and said: “No, I’m very healthy.

“Do you want to guess again?”

She suddenly became curious about how far Yi Wanyue could guess.

Yi Wanyue raised her eyebrows slightly.

Secrets are not meant to be pried into, but since Qiu Baiyu invited her to guess, it suggests that Qiu Baiyu actually wants to tell someone but, for some reason, can’t easily speak out.

In that case, she’ll make a light guess, boldly hypothesizing—

“Are you actually a man?”

“That’s too far-fetched…”

“Is Xiaomin actually your child?”

“Not possible even if you beat me to death.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)


Yi Wanyue touched her chin.

At the moment, she had no reasonable clue.

After a while, she finally thought of something, her gaze shifting to one of hesitant yet serious scrutiny: “Could it be… you still like Jiang Shen?”

Qiu Baiyu: “…”

“That’s not a secret, that’s a criminal record.”

Saying it out loud would make others pinch their noses and back away!

Hearing this, Yi Wanyue was relieved.

As long as she doesn’t like him, that’s good; as long as she won’t fall back into that vortex, that’s good.

She put down her wine glass, honestly shook her head, and said: “I can’t think of anything else for now.”

Qiu Baiyu saw this, took a sip of her drink, cooled down, and felt a bit clearer. She said: “I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”

Maybe someday, she could openly tell others about her experiences, without worrying about being treated as a fool or being taken away for research or something?

Maybe Yi Wanyue is that person?

She looks forward to that day coming.

“Okay, I will always wait,” Yi Wanyue said gently, then smiled brightly and added, “Now we should celebrate for you—congratulations to our Miss Qiu Baiyu on becoming single again and regaining her freedom.”

She raised her wine glass and lightly clinked it with hers.

The clear clinking sound echoed in their ears.


Laughter sparkled in Qiu Baiyu’s eyes as she raised her drink: “Cheers!”