Still Have This Side – Chapter 24


Jiang Shen sat in the office, fingers interlocked, with a serious expression, pondering the problem caused by Yi Wanyue.

Who exactly is she coming for?

Him or Qiu Baiyu?

But she isn’t familiar with Qiu Baiyu… Understood, that’s not appropriate.

Married men and single women going out to eat alone is not appropriate.

That must be the reason!

Recalling Yi Wanyue’s rejection and keeping her distance that day, Jiang Shen fell into deep thought once more.

Besides this, is there no other reason for Yi Wanyue to keep her distance from him?

Isn’t there even a bit, even just a little bit, of restraint due to romantic feelings between men and women?

He admitted that his delay in divorcing Qiu Baiyu was to use Qiu Baiyu to provoke Yi Wanyue. (LP: Trash)

Just like in films and dramas, the protagonist sometimes only realizes their feelings for the other party when a romantic rival appears. Maybe his Xiaoyue is like this too?

But Qiu Baiyu is just not cooperating.

If it were the previous Qiu Baiyu, she would definitely be obedient in everything, extremely gentle. He could then naturally act as if they were deeply in love, surely provoking the woman who likes him.

At that time, Yi Wanyue would be jealous, thereby realizing her feelings for him.

But Qiu Baiyu has changed, changed to not love him anymore, really strange!

He frowned for a while but then stopped dwelling on it.

Forget it, women are all fickle, nothing strange about it, and Qiu Baiyu is not worth his mental effort.

Just the current situation…

He picked up the phone, his gaze paused on Yi Wanyue’s sentence “If Miss Qiu is not there, I won’t go.”

After pondering silently for a moment, he replied: [She will also be there]

Just take Qiu Baiyu once, and seize this opportunity to test Yi Wanyue’s feelings for him again!

It’s just…

Jiang Shen looked at the phone again, his eyes darkened.

—He has to pay that woman another price again.

Qiu Baiyu had another business—accompanying the male and female leads to go out for a meal.

She instinctively wanted to refuse, but Jiang Shen mentioned that accompanying Jiang Zimin was part of her work content and gave her a number she couldn’t refuse.

She fell silent.

Thinking that the system is useless, and she is very free, she agreed.

She didn’t even know how to describe this system.

Saying it has hands and eyes that reach the sky, it indeed can insert a person’s soul into a novel, reborn in another way.

Saying it is rigid, it indeed is rigid; the tasks it issues are all aimed at making Jiang Zimin become a vicious female supporting character, truly unchanged in its original intention, and unchanged in its context.

But it does not force the host to perform tasks, not even any punishments.

Both annoying and Buddhist, making it hard to understand.

Whether it has a backup plan, it does not say, and Qiu Baiyu does not know.

Forget it, when the soldiers come, use a general to block them, when water comes, use earth to cover it. Qiu Baiyu doesn’t believe she can’t outsmart this idiotic system.

This time going out to eat, she still only eats and does nothing else.

As long as no lunatic initiates conversation to attack her, she will not enter attack mode. Overall, she is quite well-behaved.

Jiang Zimin, upon hearing that she would be meeting Yi Wanyue for dinner, was naturally happy and willing.

So the next evening, they sat in the best restaurant Jiang Shen had booked.

Four people, four seats, east, west, south, and north.

Qiu Baiyu and Yi Wanyue were face to face again.

Jiang Shen was responsible for ordering the dishes, and most of the dishes on the table were Yi Wanyue’s favorites.

Qiu Baiyu didn’t mind, she wasn’t picky, and she could eat whatever was given.

Yi Wanyue sat opposite her, calmly drinking tea, as if unaware that all the dishes on the table were ordered just for her.

Jiang Zimin scanned the dishes on the table with her eyes, raised a finger, and unprecedentedly asked Jiang Shen for something: “Dad, another plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.”

As the words fell, the three adults in the room all looked at her.

Jiang Zimin sat still in her place: “Auntie likes to eat it, and I like to eat it too.”

Qiu Baiyu raised an eyebrow: “You remembered?”

Jiang Zimin smiled and nodded at her.

Although Qiu Baiyu had never said she liked scrambled eggs with tomatoes, her love for it had long been revealed in her every move, like when her eyes lit up at the sight of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Jiang Zimin had seen these things, so she remembered that Qiu Baiyu liked to eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Qiu Baiyu reached out and pinched her little cheek.

Jiang Shen said nothing and added another dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Just a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, not costing much money.

The dishes were complete, and Jiang Shen, as the host today, took the lead to speak: “Alright, the dishes are ready, eat, if it’s not enough, order more.”

As the words fell, Jiang Zimin immediately raised her spoon, stretched her arm to scoop a spoonful of scrambled eggs with tomatoes onto Qiu Baiyu’s rice: “Auntie, eat, Auntie, eat more!”

Then she scooped a spoonful for herself, muttering: “I’ll eat more too…”

Then she turned her head to look at Yi Wanyue and asked: “Aunt Wanyue, do you want to try scrambled eggs with tomatoes mixed with rice? It’s so delicious~”

Yi Wanyue saw this, smiled, and handed her bowl over: “Then I’ll try, thank you, Xiaomin.”

Jiang Zimin immediately scooped a big spoonful for her: “Aunt Wanyue, eat more too~”

As for Jiang Shen…

She and Jiang Shen exchanged a glance, then measured the distance between them, and finally retracted her hand, sat back down, and did not scoop scrambled eggs with tomatoes for him.

Jiang Shen: “?”

Jiang Zimin: “Dad, you can serve yourself, I can’t reach you.”

Jiang Shen: “…”

It seemed like being treated differently.

Qiu Baiyu calmly ate the mixed rice, feeling quite gratified in her heart.

The child had finally grown up, no longer seeking unattainable fatherly love.


Jiang Shen cleared his throat, casually adjusting his attire, returning to the appearance of a seemingly aloof, domineering CEO, as if nothing had happened.

He turned his head to Yi Wanyue and said: “Xiaoyue, eat more.”

Then he picked up a piece of meat with the communal chopsticks—

And placed it into Qiu Baiyu’s dish.

“You eat more too.”

Qiu Baiyu: “?”

It was like dropping a timed bomb.

Yi Wanyue looked over.

Jiang Zimin also followed with a curious face.

Jiang Shen glanced at Yi Wanyue, then smugly shifted his gaze to Qiu Baiyu, beginning to secretly anticipate Yi Wanyue’s jealousy for him.

As long as she has a little affection for him, how could she not have a reaction to this action?

Be jealous, Xiaoyue, be jealous for me, let me see your heart.

Yi Wanyue hadn’t reacted yet, but Qiu Baiyu reacted first.

She turned her head expressionlessly and said to him: “Eating what you give me, that’s another price.”

Then she silently picked up her chopsticks and placed the piece of meat in Jiang Zimin’s dish: “Eat more meat.”

Jiang Shen’s face immediately turned green.

This was the meat he personally picked up, and she actually despised it so much?!

Yi Wanyue did not look at his expression, but instead, curiously looked at Qiu Baiyu and asked: “Another price? Then what does the original price refer to…?”

Qiu Baiyu, who is known for being honest, immediately answered her: “Coming out to eat with you all.”

She didn’t sign a confidentiality agreement with Jiang Shen, so what’s there to hide?

“Oh?” Yi Wanyue raised an eyebrow, “Coming out to eat also requires money?”

Qiu Baiyu nodded in agreement.

She added: “I don’t like joining in lively gatherings, but President Jiang insisted on having me eat with you all, so I had no choice but to charge a small fee as my travel expense.”

After Qiu Baiyu finished speaking, she saw the person opposite her smile gently and said in a soft voice: “Have you ever thought that maybe it’s not President Jiang who wants you here, but rather I insist on you being here?”

Qiu Baiyu: “?”

Yi Wanyue calmly said: “It’s inappropriate for a married person to dine alone with a single person.”

Qiu Baiyu suddenly realized.

No wonder Jiang Shen was willing to spend money to bring her here; this person really went all out just to have a meal with Yi Wanyue.

Moreover, judging from Jiang Shen’s earlier action of serving her food, it seems that this person intends to use her to provoke Yi Wanyue.

Childish, truly childish.

Can’t he learn some awareness and sense of boundaries from the female lead?

Who would have thought Jiang Shen not only didn’t think he did anything wrong but also felt quite affectionate about it.

He looked at Yi Wanyue, speaking in a deep, low voice that made Qiu Baiyu uncomfortable to hear, gently saying: “Since it’s someone you want to meet, I will do everything possible to fulfill your wish.”

Qiu Baiyu: “…”

——So disgusting.

She frowned and patted her own ear, then picked up her bowl and started eating.

Eating is important, better not to pay attention to this man, otherwise it easily affects one’s appetite.

This is the best restaurant; since she’s here, she must taste the food well.

Jiang Zimin curiously imitated her by patting her ear and asked: “Auntie, why are you patting your own ear?”

Qiu Baiyu: “Because I heard something dirty.”

Jiang Shen: “…” Is she talking about him?

Yi Wanyue lowered her eyes and smiled.

Jiang Zimin tilted her head in confusion: “…Dirty things?”

Where are the dirty things?

Why didn’t she hear them?

Could it be that Auntie has a superpower to hear other sounds?

Qiu Baiyu did not plan to let the child get involved in Jiang Shen’s matters, so she served her food, urging her to eat quickly, diverting her attention.

Yi Wanyue also encouraged Jiang Zimin to eat more, saying that this would give her more strength.

Since both aunties said so, Jiang Zimin was no longer curious, lowered her head, obediently mixed the rice with scrambled eggs with tomatoes, then stuffed it into her mouth, chewed, swallowed, and exclaimed: “Delicious!”

Yi Wanyue and Qiu Baiyu tacitly turned to look at her, one responding to her words, the other smiling gently at her.

It seemed as if they were a family of three.

Jiang Shen was again pushed out of the picture.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Jiang Shen, inexplicably feeling excluded: “…”

An illusion, it must be an illusion!

“Eat, everyone eat, Xiaoyue you also eat, you should eat more meat, thank you for teaching Xiaomin piano, it must have been hard.”

Yi Wanyue politely smiled and said: “Xiaomin is very obedient and smart, it’s not hard at all, I should be the one thanking President Jiang for the expenses.”

Jiang Shen said: “Having known each other for so long, we are all family, no need to be polite with me.”

Yi Wanyue, however, said: “Even close brothers must have clear accounts.”

She was still very polite to him.

Jiang Shen sighed in his heart.

She was not only polite to him but also had no reaction to him serving food to Qiu Baiyu.

It seems that she still has no feelings for him… well, time is long, they have plenty of time, take it slowly.

Qiu Baiyu was not listening to them at all.

She was seriously eating, like a professional food taster, trying a bit of every unfamiliar dish and soup.

Then she got her tongue scalded by hot soup.

Yi Wanyue looked up and saw her putting down the soup spoon, mouth slightly open, not moving at all, as if airing her tongue.

“Got burned?” Yi Wanyue asked, already pouring freshly squeezed juice for her, “Here, soothe it.”

Qiu Baiyu mumbled a thank you, took the juice, and poured it into her mouth.

Yi Wanyue watched her gulp down the juice and kindly said: “Drink slowly, no rush, don’t choke.”

She noticed that Qiu Baiyu has many small movements and expressions while eating.

When eating something delicious, her eyes would light up, and she would slightly shake her head. When scalded, she would sit dazedly airing her tongue, like a little dog that hasn’t reacted yet.

A bit… unexpectedly cute.

She smiled and refilled Qiu Baiyu’s juice.

Jiang Zimin also followed and said: “Auntie, drink slowly, don’t choke.”

Qiu Baiyu finished a cup of juice in one go, feeling completely refreshed.

Yi Wanyue asked with concern: “All good now?”

Qiu Baiyu nodded: “It’s fine now, the juice here is quite good.”

Yi Wanyue said: “Is that so, then I’ll try it too.”

Qiu Baiyu asked: “Miss Yi, have you not been to this restaurant before?”

Yi Wanyue said: “No, I haven’t been here before, it opened after I went abroad. Being away from home for so long, everything here has changed, and there are still many places I haven’t seen.”

Qiu Baiyu nodded knowingly.

The female lead went abroad for a few years, during which the city never stopped developing, so it’s normal for her to be unclear about where things were demolished and rebuilt.

Jiang Zimin suddenly joined their conversation: “I know many fun places, I can take you!”

She looked at Yi Wanyue and said: “Because my auntie also doesn’t know the roads here, we’re planning to go out more, play while learning the roads, auntie you can come too.”

Yi Wanyue heard this, slowly turned her head to look at Qiu Baiyu: “Miss Qiu doesn’t know the roads here?”

Her words carried a hint of doubt.

How does she remember Qiu Baiyu being a native local?

Qiu Baiyu picked up the juice and slowly drank it.

Never expected that after crossing over, the first person to feel something was amiss would be this female lead who never met the original owner.

Even the male lead turned a blind eye to her changes.

Putting down the cup, Qiu Baiyu calmly said: “Just not familiar with some places, after getting married I didn’t like going out, some places were rebuilt and I didn’t know, naturally unfamiliar.” (LP: As someone who doesn’t like going out, I don’t even know how tell directions around my city)

Though she wasn’t one hundred percent familiar with the city’s roads, she knew the places she often went to well enough to muddle through.

She wasn’t afraid of Jiang Shen saying anything, what could someone who didn’t care about the original owner say?

“I see…”

Yi Wanyue said this.

These few words drifted into Qiu Baiyu’s ears, very ambiguous, making it impossible for Qiu Baiyu to judge if she believed it…

“Then next time you go out to play, call me too.” Yi Wanyue said.

— She believed it.

Qiu Baiyu inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of nervous feeling is really not good.

Obviously, it wasn’t she who actively requested to cross over, yet she still has to guard against being seen through and caught for research, truly inexplicable.

However, this system should not let her be caught for research, right? Probably not, otherwise it would be too useless.

Thoughts returned to reality, Qiu Baiyu responded: “Miss Yi is willing to come, we are also very happy.”

“Super happy!” Jiang Zimin nodded in agreement.

“Then it’s settled.” Yi Wanyue smiled with curved eyes.

Qiu Baiyu returned a smile.

Jiang Zimin watched them smile and followed with a silly smile.

Seeing this, Yi Wanyue couldn’t help but stretch out her hand to poke her cheek: “So cute.”

Qiu Baiyu nodded in agreement: “Xiaomin is indeed very cute.”

Jiang Shen sitting in his original position: “…”

Feeling like he was squeezed out of the picture again, becoming redundant!

On Friday evening, Yi Wanyue, through Jiang Zimin, invited Qiu Baiyu to go out for dinner. So, Qiu Baiyu picked up Jiang Zimin from school and went to the restaurant they had agreed upon, without returning to Jiang’s house.

Jiang Zimin was very happy throughout the journey.

Children naturally love to play, so being able to go out is, of course, very exciting, especially when it’s with her two favorite aunties.

As for dad, she already forgot about him; if dad wants to work, let him work!

“Have you become friends with your class monitor?”

Qiu Baiyu, while driving, was concerned about Jiang Zimin’s friendships.


Jiang Zimin moved forward a bit, leaning on the back of her seat.

“We did homework together! She also shared an apple with me today, and her grandma’s fried spring rolls, very fragrant and delicious~”

Qiu Baiyu, hearing this, was also relieved: “Mingxue is very nice to you.”

Jiang Zimin nodded: “Next time I also want to bring her fruits and snacks!”

Qiu Baiyu responded: “Okay, then let the auntie at home make you a bento to take to school.”

Jiang Zimin agreed, happily sitting back down.

She looked at the road ahead, then at the scenery continuously receding on both sides, and finally looked back at the back of the driver’s seat.

“Auntie, are you and Auntie Wanyue friends now?”

Qiu Baiyu said: “No.”

Jiang Zimin, puzzled, tilted her head in confusion: “Why not? Aren’t we going out to play together now? Going out to play together means being friends, right?”

Qiu Baiyu smiled and said: “Making friends as adults is somewhat complicated.”

Sometimes it can be as easy and simple as kids making friends, and sometimes it’s not that simple.

Just like her and Yi Wanyue, they are forced into the awkward position of rivals in love, because of Jiang Shen, and because of a lack of understanding of each other, too many things between them are not straightforward.

If only it could be straightforward, it would be much better.

I want to be friends with you, just like that, straightforward.

Jiang Zimin’s little head curiously tilted over, puzzledly turned away, her brows furrowed tightly, thinking for a long time but still couldn’t understand.

The adult world is very complicated for her, she doesn’t understand how complicated this complexity is, maybe even if auntie explained, she wouldn’t understand.

They reached their destination.

Qiu Baiyu parked the car and took Jiang Zimin into the restaurant.

They immediately saw Yi Wanyue, right there in the corner sofa seat, raising her hand to greet them.


Jiang Zimin happily ran over and sat down next to Yi Wanyue.

“Xiaomin is here.”

Yi Wanyue poured her a cup of iced juice, then also poured a cup for Qiu Baiyu: “Miss Qiu.”

“Thank you.” Qiu Baiyu took a seat.

She couldn’t remember how many times they’ve met, but they are still so polite to each other.

“Let’s order the dishes.”

Yi Wanyue handed the menu to them.

“Ordering on the phone is also fine.”

Qiu Baiyu thought since the menu was already handed over, she might as well look at it.

She ordered two dishes and put the menu away.

“This meal is AA1.”

Yi Wanyue raised her eyes.

Qiu Baiyu’s tone was serious: “It’s not good for one person to pay.”

Yi Wanyue smiled: “As you wish.”

The dishes were soon all served, and this meal was eaten in silence, as if everyone began to tacitly observe the rule of “not speaking while eating, not speaking while sleeping.”

Clearly, there were things in their hearts they wanted to say but delayed in speaking out.

Only Jiang Zimin was truly hungry, saying nothing, just focused on eating.

Yi Wanyue didn’t speak, so Qiu Baiyu seriously savored the food.

Yi Wanyue could see her little expressions as soon as she looked up.

The quality of the food was all expressed on her face.

It was quite interesting.

Yi Wanyue suddenly also didn’t want to speak, just wanted to enjoy the meal or perhaps watch Qiu Baiyu’s little expressions for a while longer.

Usually, she appears so calm, but when eating, she has so many little expressions, which are very cute.

After eating, they did not disperse. Instead, they casually found a place to walk and digest.

They went to the nearby small park.

In the small park, there were many small vendors selling various toys that attract children. Jiang Zimin was attracted and used her pocket money to buy a tube of bubble water, running off to blow bubbles.

The two aunts just stood by and watched her play carefree.

The night breeze gently blew, and the two remained silent.

After a while—

“Miss Yi, do you have something to say to me?” Qiu Baiyu spoke first, breaking the silence. “From the start of the meal, I felt you had something to say to me, but I didn’t expect you wouldn’t speak even after the meal. What is it that makes you hesitate so much?”

Yi Wanyue, seeing she was seen through, unhurriedly smiled: “I was thinking about how to say it without seeming abrupt or offensive.”

Qiu Baiyu said: “If it’s too tangled, then just say it directly.”

Yi Wanyue looked at her.

Qiu Baiyu’s expression did not change: “Sincerity is always a killer move.”

Yi Wanyue laughed: “That’s right.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Yi Wanyue very straightforwardly showed her sincerity: “Do you like Jiang Shen?”

Qiu Baiyu slowly turned her head to look at her, raised her hand to point at herself: “Me?”

Then asked: “Does it look like it?”

The answer was really too obvious.

She could attack Jiang Shen in front of so many people; how could that be considered liking?

Saying she likes his money would be more accurate.

Yi Wanyue raised her eyebrows, becoming more puzzled: “Then why do you take caring for Xiaomin as your responsibility? If not because you like him, why would you take his obligation as your own?”

Qiu Baiyu: “Because I took money.”

Yi Wanyue: “?”

Qiu Baiyu: “To be honest, I am now Xiaomin’s temporary guardian, with a very nice salary every month, plus five social insurances and one housing fund, it’s legitimate.”

Yi Wanyue was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Never expected that this would be the answer.

No wonder she could see taking care of Jiang Zimin as a responsibility; it indeed should be.

After solving the first question, Yi Wanyue asked the second question: “Then why do you say you two cannot divorce?”

After they divorce, this job can still exist, so why must they maintain this marital status?

Staying under the same roof with someone you don’t love is also a form of torture, isn’t it?

“Because…” Qiu Baiyu felt a trace of melancholy, “He went crazy.”

“I have already actively proposed divorce more than once, but he just refuses to divorce.”

“He believes that at the beginning, it was me who wanted to get married, and now if he even follows my wish to divorce, he would become a joke that anyone can manipulate.”

“Maintaining a marriage with someone he doesn’t love and becoming a joke, he obviously feels the latter is more painful.”

After Qiu Baiyu finished speaking, she seriously looked into Yi Wanyue’s eyes.

“This is him, do you see clearly?”

The plot of this world can change, and characters can encounter all sorts of “unexpected events.”

If the female lead can have the unexpected event of not loving the male lead, isn’t that a good thing?

How much is Jiang Shen, that crazy person, really worthy of Yi Wanyue?

Yi Wanyue said: “There is more to your words.”

Qiu Baiyu said: “Yes.”

This time she didn’t beat around the bush: “I know Jiang Shen has always liked you, but I don’t want you to like him.”

“Because he is not worthy of you.”

Not worthy in any aspect.

The match of family background is certainly important, and the compatibility of values is also indispensable.

Jiang Shen and Yi Wanyue’s values are far apart; the only way for this love to last is for Yi Wanyue to be blinded by love, willing to fall into Jiang Shen’s domineering control.

Perhaps this kind of domineering love is the highlight of this book, but it goes against the heroine’s own character—she is not that kind of person.

“I think so too.”

She suddenly heard Yi Wanyue say this.

Yi Wanyue turned her head and gave her a slight smile.

“He is not worthy of me.”

Qiu Baiyu was stunned.

She had imagined Yi Wanyue’s response.

It could be indifference, it could be that she didn’t need her to point things out, but she never expected this kind.

This was a response belonging to Yi Wanyue herself, free from the plot’s love brain.

Qiu Baiyu’s eyes lit up slightly, a look of surprise appearing in her gaze: “It’s great that you can think this way.”

She then candidly said: “I previously thought you agreed to teach Xiaomin piano for Jiang Shen; it was my narrow-mindedness.”

Yi Wanyue suddenly smiled and said: “Do you want to hear the truth?”

Qiu Baiyu paused: “The truth?”

She frowned: “You really didn’t come just for Xiaomin?”

Yi Wanyue shook her head with a smile: “No.”

So honest that it left one speechless.

“Then you are for…”

“For you.”


Qiu Baiyu pointed at herself in disbelief: “Me?”

What could she want from her?

Could it be that the original owner and the female lead had some kind of connection, but the dog system was hiding it and not telling her?

Yi Wanyue turned to look at the child who was having fun, crossed her arms, and said in a relaxed tone: “Because I am really curious. You clearly seem to not like him, but why do you say you cannot divorce? And you are a very interesting person; I like interesting people, so I wanted to get closer to observe. Seeing is believing.”

Qiu Baiyu thought: Is that it?

“You can directly ask me this kind of question next time; I can give the most accurate answer.”

Yi Wanyue’s gaze slowly fell on Qiu Baiyu.

Their eyes met.

In the slightly cool night breeze, Qiu Baiyu spoke: “So next time you want to meet, just tell me directly; don’t go through Jiang Shen anymore. Without him, we will be more comfortable.”

Although earning money from that crazy person was quite pleasing, she still wanted to reduce such situations.

What couldn’t she and Yi Wanyue meet for?

They didn’t necessarily need Jiang Shen between them.

Without Jiang Shen, the air around them would become cleaner, and the system wouldn’t deliberately issue tasks for her to target the female lead. Isn’t that great?

Yi Wanyue looked at her, from head to toe, as if she were looking at a brand new person.

Different from the rumors.

“You really don’t like him anymore,” Yi Wanyue said, “and it’s different from what they say.”

“They? You even specially learned about me?”

“Aren’t you also specially learning about me?”


Qiu Baiyu slowly turned her head to look forward: “Also…”

Indeed, some topics are not suitable for in-depth discussion.

They were even.

“I probably know how they talk about me,” Qiu Baiyu said very calmly, “I… was indeed a love-struck fool before.”

It’s really not easy to take on what the original owner did as one’s own.

“Then how did you wake up?”

Yi Wanyue asked curiously, as if she were a reporter interviewing her, eager to know everything about her.

This question is difficult for Qiu Baiyu to answer.

After all, she and the original owner are two different souls, different personalities; she does not love Jiang Shen and even dislikes Jiang Shen, so she wakes up, while the original owner deeply loves Jiang Shen and is therefore difficult to extricate herself.

“How I woke up… probably just one day woke up and found it’s not so necessary to have him?”

“Being disappointed too often leads to having no expectations?” Yi Wanyue said.


Qiu Baiyu very naturally adopted this addition, making it her own.

“Being disappointed too often leads to having no expectations, and also not loving anymore. Looking back at the things done before makes one feel ridiculous or even angry, thereby generating disgust towards him, able to attack him without guilt.

“Love and not loving are indeed two different states.”

By this point, Yi Wanyue completely understood.

“You will be better in the future.”

“Yes, I will be better in the future.”

She has the ability to survive alone, without relying on anyone.

As long as she breaks free from the detestable shackles, she will only be better than she is now; she has always believed in herself.

“Then what does Jiang Shen mean to you?” Qiu Baiyu asked.

Yi Wanyue thought for a moment and said: “A friend known for many years but still cannot open my heart to.

“A… subject of observation.”

“Subject of observation?”

Qiu Baiyu thought for a moment, seeming to understand something.

“Isn’t it observing to see if he can be dated, or even married?”

Yi Wanyue suddenly laughed upon hearing this.

“You could say that.”

Qiu Baiyu said: “Then you should indeed observe carefully.”

Towards someone like Jiang Shen, blindly investing just because of his looks is unwise.

However, they are the male and female leads of this book…

At the end of the book, the male and female leads will live happily together, and the system is also following this main storyline. Now the female lead says she doesn’t like him, will she really not like him in the future?

Next, there will definitely be various opportunities to promote the warming of her feelings with Jiang Shen, making her change her mind, once again succumbing to this “destined” love, right?

“Are you sure you won’t like him in the future?” Qiu Baiyu straightforwardly asked.

Yi Wanyue smiled and said: “Aren’t you also hoping I won’t like him?”

Qiu Baiyu said: “I indeed think so, but as for the future—”

“The future also will not change,” Yi Wanyue said very seriously, “because that is my future, and I have the final say.”

No one can decide the direction of her heart for her.

Those who have already been denied will not become a possibility for her again.

Yi Wanyue’s life will only be in the hands of Yi Wanyue.

The carefree and firm words floated down lightly, like a pebble falling into a calm water surface, stirring Qiu Baiyu’s heart.

She watched Yi Wanyue’s back as she walked towards Jiang Zimin.

This clear-headed and decisive female lead was like a sun, brilliantly shining, incomparably dazzling.

She suddenly began to like her, a liking that represented appreciation.

“Miss Yi,” she initiated, “are we considered friends now?”

Yi Wanyue stopped walking, walked back, and said: “No.”

Then she took out her phone, switched to the dial interface, and handed it to Qiu Baiyu.

The two exchanged glances, understanding each other’s intentions.

Qiu Baiyu couldn’t help but smile, took her phone, and left the new phone number she had already memorized thoroughly.

Yi Wanyue saved this number into her contacts, then made a brief call to Qiu Baiyu and put away the phone.

“Now it counts.”

Qiu Baiyu saw Yi Wanyue smile, still so beautiful.

But tonight, especially beautiful.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“You look really good.” She couldn’t help but praise.

Yi Wanyue was stunned at the words, the smile in her eyes deepened: “You also look good.”

Jiang Zimin stopped blowing bubbles halfway, turned her head and saw the two aunts smiling at each other, suddenly full of confusion.

…What are the aunts smiling at?

A perfect evening comes to an end.

Both parties said goodbye, agreeing to meet again tomorrow—tomorrow Yi Wanyue still has to teach Jiang Zimin to play the piano.

Returning to the Jiang household, Qiu Baiyu settled Jiang Zimin and then left her room.

Unexpectedly, just as she walked out the door, she saw Jiang Shen sitting in the living room waiting for her.

She gently closed the door to Jiang Zimin’s room: “What does President Jiang have to say?”

Jiang Shen looked at her: “How was your outing tonight?”

Qiu Baiyu said: “Very good.

“Because you weren’t there.”

Jiang Shen’s brow furrowed: “…”

He held back, and then asked very seriously: “Did you speak recklessly in front of Xiaoyue?”

Qiu Baiyu looked curious: “Say what?”

Then she realized: “Oh, about you, right?”

Then she said expressionlessly: “This question is unnecessary, I am not the kind of person who speaks well of you.

“Even if you give extra money, I won’t.”

This is her principle; she can earn money from the crazy person, but she cannot praise the crazy person.

No matter how much money is given, she won’t praise; losing one’s conscience is unacceptable.

“Tired, I am going to sleep. President Jiang, whether you have something or not, don’t come to find me.”

Having said that, she directly turned and returned to the room, locked the door, leaving Jiang Shen alone in the living room.

Jiang Shen watched her enter the room: “…”

She has changed, she indeed has completely changed.

No, he cannot let her often stay with Xiaoyue, otherwise the consequences are unthinkable!

Thinking this, Jiang Shen once again looked towards Qiu Baiyu’s door, his gaze deep.

(LP: Divorce is the answer!)

Saturday, another clear and sunny day.

Qiu Baiyu woke up from sleep, drowsily looked at the time: 08:12.

Still early.

She lay back down again.

The room was cool from the air conditioning, with the temperature just right.

She sprawled in the big bed, wrapped in the quilt, comfortably to an incredible degree.

Honestly, this kind of day where you don’t have to work and can sleep as long as you want is really wonderful.

The dog system, although it isn’t humane with tasks, indeed gave her a new life experience. If this system would stop releasing those messy tasks, it would be even better…

She was just thinking this when suddenly, a crisp “ding” sounded in her mind.

She remembered this sound.

Previously, when the system notified her that the female lead had returned to the country, it also “dinged” once.


【Important plot reminder: The male lead has triggered the divorce plot.】

Qiu Baiyu suddenly opened her eyes.

LP: Hurrah!!! Now take Xiaomin with you and elope with the female lead!


  1. AA: A term used in some Asian countries, including China, to mean “going Dutch” or splitting the bill evenly among all participants. In the context of dining, it means that each person will pay for their own meal or contribute equally to the total cost of the meal.