Still Have This Side – Chapter 11

This is a very likable female lead.

After Yi Wanyue said “No rush,” she brushed past Qiu Baiyu, stood in front of the window to look at the night view of the back garden, quite leisurely, and then turned around and walked towards the grand piano placed in the living room on the second floor.

She had seen it when Qiu Baiyu took her to find the restroom.

The piano, her favorite instrument.

She walked to the beautiful piano, and asked, “Do you also play the piano?”

She knew Jiang Shen did not play the piano.

He does not play, but maybe his family plays?

She raised her hand and gently brushed her fingertips over the piano cover.

The whole grand piano was as polished as new, showing that it is usually well-maintained.

Before she had a chance to make the next move, she suddenly heard Jiang Zimin’s voice stopping her: “Auntie, don’t touch it!”

Both adults turned to look at Jiang Zimin.

Jiang Zimin’s face was full of concern as she said, “Dad doesn’t let others touch this piano. If he finds out, he will be angry at you…”


Qiu Baiyu raised her hand and lovingly patted the top of her head.

The child is young and doesn’t understand why her father put this piano here.

She also doesn’t know that anyone who touches the piano will be scolded, except for Yi Wanyue—at least she doesn’t know that yet.


Yi Wanyue’s voice came.

“Buying a piano but not playing it, just using it as decoration? That’s a bit of a waste.”

Qiu Baiyu and Jiang Zimin both looked at her and saw her with her arms crossed and her beautiful eyes curving: “I think every piano must hope that someone will play it, to make full use of it.”

She likes pianos and enjoys hearing the sound they make.

Light, grand, great, and wonderful.

So if the piano is just left there in such a dry state, it’s too much of a waste.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“I want to play it,” Jiang Zimin said, grabbing Qiu Baiyu’s clothing corner, “but Dad doesn’t let me touch it…”

Children have strong curiosity. With such a large piano at home, it’s inevitable that they would want to touch it, press the keys, and hear what kind of sound it makes.

But her dad does not allow it.

She has never even opened the piano’s keyboard cover.

Apart from Dad, only professional cleaners have touched this piano.

Yi Wanyue was silent for a moment and suddenly asked, “Do you still want to play it now?”

Jiang Zimin blinked her eyes in confusion.

Qiu Baiyu also couldn’t figure out the meaning of this sentence.

The female lead wouldn’t be planning to take Jiang Zimin and play a piece right now, directly breaking Jiang Shen’s established rule, would she?

This is not impossible; after all, female leads in romance novels are most skilled at challenging the male lead’s “prohibitions.”

However, on the other hand, Jiang Shen would not get angry with her at all; in fact, he might even be quite happy, since this piano is prepared specifically for her.

Jiang Zimin hesitated and answered, “I want to, but…”

“It’s fine if you want to,” Yi Wanyue walked directly in front of her, squatted down and looked into her eyes, and said, “Auntie also has a piano at her house. You can come over another day to play. Auntie’s house also has other instruments; you can play however you like.”

Jiang Zimin’s eyes instantly lit up: “Really?!”

Yi Wanyue nodded firmly: “Yes, really.”

Jiang Zimin was instantly happy: “Great!”

Yi Wanyue gently patted her head and added, “But you need to be accompanied by an adult when you come over.”

Upon hearing this, Qiu Baiyu thought to herself: Here it comes.

Since this is a romance novel, the adult who will accompany her is presumably the male—

“Let this aunt accompany you,” Yi Wanyue said, pointing at her.

Qiu Baiyu: “?”

She couldn’t help but point at herself: “Me?”


(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Yi Wanyue nodded.

She stood up and looked at Qiu Baiyu: “In this house, Miss Qiu is the most suitable adult to accompany her, isn’t she?”

Qiu Baiyu honestly said, “I thought you would say her father.”

Upon hearing this, Yi Wanyue suddenly laughed.

“Letting a married man take a child to a single woman’s house, this is not quite appropriate.”

Qiu Baiyu: “That makes sense.”

At the same time, she realized: “So that’s why you were sitting opposite me earlier…”

During dinner, Jiang Shen selfishly arranged for Yi Wanyue to sit beside him, but Yi Wanyue did not appreciate this, as she knew: it was inappropriate.

Sitting in that position in front of his wife and provoking her were the same thing.

Yi Wanyue smiled and did not deny it.

Jiang Shen, regardless, did not care; she would not follow along confusedly.

“So, Miss Qiu, are you willing to take her to my house as a guest?” she asked.

Jiang Zimin secretly tugged at Qiu Baiyu’s clothing hem, looking at her expectantly.

She wanted to go to this aunt’s house to play the piano and other instruments, but she hoped even more that Qiu Baiyu would accompany her.

With Qiu Baiyu present, she would feel more secure.

Qiu Baiyu opened her mouth, but before she could speak, the task panel popped up again: 【Vicious Female Supporting Character Mission Released: Reject the female lead’s invitation, be sarcastic, target the female lead, cause the male lead to develop pity for the female lead, and advance their relationship.】

Qiu Baiyu immediately said without hesitation: “I am very willing.”

They agreed on a visiting time: tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the weekend, Jiang Zimin doesn’t have school, making it a perfect day to go out and play.

Yi Wanyue also left the address of her house.

Just after mentioning the address, someone came upstairs.

It was the housekeeper aunt and Yi Wanyue’s female friend.

They probably came upstairs to look for Yi Wanyue because she hadn’t come down, or maybe a certain someone was anxious and unable to leave the table of friends behind, so he urged someone to come up and check.

Seeing this, Yi Wanyue ended the conversation with Qiu Baiyu.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

There were still a few people who could be considered her friends; she couldn’t truly leave them all downstairs and ignore them.

Before leaving, she said to Jiang Zimin, “The dress is very beautiful and suits you very well.”

Jiang Zimin’s little heart was instantly touched, and she jumped even happier.

She had specifically worn her most beautiful dress for this compliment.

Yi Wanyue had seen it and praised her!

Qiu Baiyu watched Yi Wanyue descend the stairs amid the flickering panels, her tall figure looking particularly pleasing and beautiful against the red panels.

“This aunt is really nice!” Jiang Zimin said happily.

After the task failure prompt disappeared, Qiu Baiyu looked down at Jiang Zimin and said, “I think so too.”

This is a very likeable female lead.