Panda Cub – Chapter 98.1

Parent-Child Variety Show 9

I want to sleep with Beibei!

In the end, she rolled off He Ying, pouting slightly and looking a bit dissatisfied.

He Ying turned over and half-lay down. Seeing her pouting mouth, she couldn’t help but reach out and pinch it, saying with a smile, “Turned into a little duckling, huh?”

Jing Dan: “…” You’re the little duckling!

She turned around and climbed back onto He Ying, insisting on being held like this to take a bath, refusing to come down no matter what.

Seeing her being so clingy, He Ying sighed helplessly, struggling to get up while saying, “One day, you’re going to throw my back out.”

Doesn’t she know that this position makes it really hard to get up?

“Then you’re a pretty lousy spirit,” Jing Dan muttered softly.

He Ying: “…” Grinding her teeth slightly, is this little rascal mocking her?

She carried Jing Dan into the bathroom, not letting her get down from her body. Turning on the shower, she pressed her against the wall and kissed her fiercely!

Today, she must teach her a good lesson! This rascal is getting more and more arrogant!

“Mmm, undress, undress…” Jing Dan’s eyes were watery from the kiss, and her hands tried to pull at her clothes.

“Wait a second,” He Ying said in a hoarse voice, lingering on her lips.

As the faint sounds from the bathroom echoed, the moonlight outside shone brightly into another room.

After drinking milk, Xiao Daidai and Bei Queting automatically went to wash the bottles clean. Then, Xiao Daidai took out her pajamas and handed them to Bei Queting, telling her to take a bath first.

Taking Xiao Daidai’s clothes and looking at the sky outside, she suddenly asked, “Daidai, are we going to dig up bamboo shoots to eat?”

She remembered that while drinking milk, she mentioned wanting to eat bamboo shoots.

Hearing this, Xiao Daidai’s eyes lit up, “Really?!”

She loved digging up bamboo shoots to eat!

“Yes!” Bei Queting nodded seriously, seeing Xiao Daidai’s happy look, she also smiled.

“Should we ask Mommy to come along?” Xiao Daidai’s eyes sparkled. If they went to dig bamboo shoots, Mommy would definitely love it too!

In the end, Xiao Daidai, with a small chubby bird on her head, knocked on Jing Dan’s door. After knocking for a while and not seeing anyone open the door, Xiao Daidai looked a bit puzzled. This kind of situation rarely happened; could it be that Mommy wasn’t there?

Returning to the room, she thought about it. Previously, when she couldn’t find Mommy after knocking, it seemed they had gone to dig bamboo shoots themselves?!

“Let’s go! We’ll go now; Mommy might already be in the bamboo forest!” Xiao Daidai said excitedly, thinking they might have a chance encounter with Mommy!

They decided quickly, and the two of them teleported outside, avoiding pedestrians and heading into the bamboo forest. Since the forest was large, they didn’t know where Jing Dan was, so they just picked a direction to walk in. Whenever they saw tender bamboo shoots that Xiao Daidai liked, they would stop to dig them up.

When Xiao Daidai changed back to her true form, she was about the height of Bei Queting’s human form’s calf. Her small hands held a little wooden stick to dig the soil, and her little claws cooperated on the side. They were quite in sync, and soon they dug up a bamboo shoot.

Bei Queting peeled off the bamboo shoot shell and fed it to Xiao Daidai. Watching the small panda cub eat happily, she smiled more and more, her gaze softening.

The two little ones were digging bamboo shoots in the forest, while on the other side, Jing Dan had reached a crucial moment. She was leaning on He Ying’s shoulder, sobbing, “Earlier, earlier, did someone knock on the door?”

In a daze, she seemed to vaguely hear someone knocking, and also heard Xiao Daidai’s voice.

“Yes,” He Ying said, nibbling on her earlobe softly, “It was Xiao Daidai knocking.”

He Ying had heard it, but at the time, she and Jing Dan were in no condition to answer and let Xiao Daidai in, so they pretended not to be in the room.

Jing Dan held He Ying tightly, her body tensing up, then completely relaxed as He Ying held her in her arms. Her eyes moist, she softly asked, “Did they need something?”

He Ying lovingly traced her eyebrows with her thumb, softly saying, “They went to dig bamboo shoots.”

Hearing that Xiao Daidai had come to find them, although she didn’t answer, she had sent a wisp of her soul to follow them. Seeing them go to the bamboo forest to dig bamboo shoots, she couldn’t help but smile.

Although Xiao Daidai was born from her, her personality was very much like Jing Dan’s. The only similarity with her was probably the two small wings on her back?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Running out in the middle of the night to dig bamboo shoots, apart from this mother and daughter, no other panda spirits would do such a thing, right?

“Mm?” Jing Dan struggled to open her eyes, murmuring, “Digging bamboo shoots?”

She wanted to go too!

She hugged He Ying, whispering in her ear, “Can we go too?” Tender bamboo shoots are so tasty.

“No way!” He Ying refused outright, pulling her back into the sea of desire, blowing into her ear, “Jing Dan, have you forgotten what we’re doing now? I told you to wait and see tonight, why would I let you off so easily?”

Hmph, at this moment, she was still thinking about digging bamboo shoots. Did she even care about her?!

Jing Dan didn’t realize He Ying was jealous. When another wave hit, she clung to He Ying like a lifeline, her mind filled with nothing else.

On the other side, Xiao Daidai and the others were still happily digging bamboo shoots. One little girl squatted on the ground, a panda cub beside her. Especially this panda cub, with its contrasting black and white, the white part so bright it almost glowed, making it particularly noticeable in the night.

Xiao Daidai, full and satisfied, nestled in Bei Queting’s arms, half-closing her eyes, smelling the fresh bamboo scent in the air. She felt very comfortable and liked being in this environment.

Bei Queting petted her soft fur, gently stroking it like holding a small doll. It felt really good to cuddle her.

“Shall we go back?” Bei Queting asked. They had been out for a while.

Xiao Daidai shook her head, poking her head out of Bei Queting’s embrace, saying eagerly, “Let’s see who can fly faster!”

They both had little wings; it would be a waste not to see who could fly faster!

Hearing her suggestion, Bei Queting smiled, looking at the white little wings on her back, “Alright, let’s race.”

She put Xiao Daidai on the ground and transformed back to her true form.

Seeing Bei Queting’s true form, Xiao Daidai carefully touched her wings with her paw, saying in a childish voice, “Your wings are really small!”

Bei Queting’s true form was small, and her little wings were even smaller. When she first brought her back, she didn’t even know she had wings until she saw her spread them out, thinking she flew by jumping.

“But they’re enough for me,” Bei Queting said softly. Her wings were small, but her true form was small and light, so they were enough.

Xiao Daidai fluttered her little wings, hovering in the air, looking back and murmuring, “Actually, mine are pretty small too.”

She wondered when she could grow wings as big as her mom’s. They looked so safe and cool!

The two little spirits got ready, spreading their small wings, saying, “Let’s fly to the end of the bamboo forest and see who gets there first!”

Bei Queting agreed, and at the count of zero, they flew off with a whoosh!

Xiao Daidai wasn’t to be outdone, closely following Bei Queting. The two little ones flew through the bamboo forest, the gentle night breeze and moonlight accompanying their occasional childish voices, like the soon-to-ripen green fruit, carefree and joyful.

In the end, they landed together on the outskirts of the bamboo forest. At this point, neither of them cared about winning or losing. Tired from flying, they lay on the fallen leaves. Bei Queting was held in Xiao Daidai’s arms, and she said, “Sleeping like this is so comfortable.”

The weather wasn’t hot, the gentle breeze ruffled her fur, and the bamboo scent filled the air. She felt sleepy, holding the little chubby bird in her arms, her eyelids slowly drooping.

“Daidai, should we go back to sleep?” Bei Queting whispered.

“Mm.” Xiao Daidai didn’t respond, turning over and continuing to sleep.

Seeing her like this, Bei Queting didn’t call her again, just looked at the moon and then at the cute panda, finding a more comfortable position in her arms to accompany her.

When He Ying found them in the middle of the night, Xiao Daidai was already deep in sleep, while the little chubby bird in her arms immediately opened its eyes and looked over warily.

But upon seeing it was He Ying, she softly said, “Aunt He, don’t blame Daidai, it was my idea to come out.”

Staying out so late, she was really afraid He Ying would blame them.

He Ying laughed softly, squatting down to gently rub her head, whispering, “I knew you came out long ago, but next time, let us accompany you.”

The two little ones were still at an age where they loved to play, and He Ying wouldn’t blame them for this. After all, they did come to find her first, but she was too busy to see them.

“Mm, mm!” Bei Queting nodded earnestly.

He Ying’s smile deepened, putting a finger to her lips and shushing softly. She carefully picked up Xiao Daidai and Bei Queting together, carrying them back to the small building where the show was being filmed.

Placing them on the bed, He Ying softly said, “Goodnight, little ones.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Bei Queting also whispered, “Goodnight.”

Only Xiao Daidai slept soundly, without any vigilance.

He Ying smiled helplessly, teleporting back to her own room. By then, Jing Dan was already asleep on the bed, unaware of He Ying’s departure and return.

He Ying’s lips curled into a soft smile. With Jing Dan’s current strength, how could she not notice someone coming in?

The only explanation was that she trusted the person entering.

He Ying carefully got into bed, holding Jing Dan in her arms and kissing her forehead, also saying goodnight.

When Xiao Daidai woke up the next day, she found herself in bed and was puzzled.

Bei Queting had woken up early. Seeing Xiao Daidai’s confused look, she couldn’t help but smile and explained, “Aunt He found us last night and brought us back.”

Hearing this, Xiao Daidai gave an “oh” and then smiled with half-closed eyes, saying, “Mom can always find us!”

She had blind confidence in her two moms!

Bei Queting smiled happily for her. It was nice that someone could give her the assurance to say such things.

Xiao Daidai got up and followed Bei Queting to wash up. When they went downstairs, they were surprised to find that both moms were not there yet.

Hadn’t they woken up?

Xiao Daidai, holding Bei Queting, sat on the sofa in the hall, watching cartoons the director put on for her, waiting obediently.

“Beibei, are you hungry?” After waiting for a while and not seeing Jing Dan come down, Xiao Daidai looked down and asked Bei Queting.

Bei Queting just rubbed her hand and didn’t say anything.

Xiao Daidai got off the sofa, put Bei Queting on her head, and went to the kitchen with a small stool. She climbed up, opened the fridge, and looked inside.

She took out a carton of milk, wanting to make milk for herself and Bei Queting like her mom did.

When she tried to touch the kitchen utensils, the director almost got scared to death, rushing over to stop her, explaining gently, “Little kids shouldn’t touch these things.”

Xiao Daidai looked up, puzzled, “Why?”

Why can’t little kids touch them?

The director picked her up from the stool, patiently explaining, “Because you need to use fire, and little kids playing with fire can burn the kitchen and even themselves.”

Xiao Daidai looked at the stove, seemingly thoughtful.

When He Ying came down, she saw everyone crowded in the kitchen and curiously asked, “What’s going on? Is there something fun in the kitchen?”

Seeing her, the director sighed in relief and quickly explained what had happened.

Hearing the director’s words, He Ying’s expression showed some guilt. After thanking him, she picked up Xiao Daidai and Bei Queting, apologizing seriously, “Daidai, Xiao Ting, I’m sorry I woke up late today.” After apologizing, she continued seriously, “You’re still young, and there are many dangerous things in the kitchen. If this happens again, just knock on our door.”

He Ying sighed inwardly, feeling guilty for sleeping in and letting the two little ones get hungry enough to try making food themselves.

Xiao Daidai hugged He Ying’s neck, saying in her childish voice, “We’ll remember!”

“Mommy, we want milk~”

He Ying chuckled softly and agreed.

After putting them down, Xiao Daidai circled around her legs, curiously asking, “Why hasn’t Mommy gotten up yet?”

This was rare. When Mommy got up, they usually had food too, and Mommy would get up soon after.

He Ying coughed lightly, saying, “She’ll be down soon.”

She reflected inwardly, wondering if she had gone too far last night.

When He Ying finished making breakfast, Xiao Daidai and Bei Queting had already started eating, and Jing Dan came down belatedly.

He Ying placed a glass of milk in front of her, and the family sat down to eat breakfast together.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Fully awake, Jing Dan looked at the two little ones, who were looking at her blankly, and hummed softly.

“Remember to take me with you next time!”

She was still a bit resentful about not being able to dig bamboo shoots last night!

He Ying, beside her, was amused and covered her mouth with a milk glass to hide her smile.

Xiao Daidai understood Mommy’s words, though she was puzzled by them. She nodded obediently.

Although, although they went to find her last night?

She didn’t think much about it, just remembering to knock more next time to see her.

After breakfast, they started practicing for the show they were going to perform the next day.

As they chatted and laughed, time flew by, and soon it was time for the family evening party. Seeing the crowd filling up the seats and even standing to watch, they were surprised.

They didn’t expect so many people to come to see them perform.

Though the number of people was unexpected, they still had to perform. The first act was Beibei’s bird call.

When Xiao Daidai took the microphone and announced in her childish voice, the audience burst into laughter. They saw the little chubby bird, who had been perched on her head, fly up and chirp into the microphone, and then a series of bird calls started. Listening carefully, people realized the bird calls included the tune of 《Two Tigers》?

This discovery surprised them, and they marveled at the little chubby bird’s intelligence, chirping out a melody.