Panda Cub – Chapter 96

Parent-Child Variety Show 7

You need to compensate me a bit more!

Xiao Daidai was very well-behaved after falling asleep. Her tiny belly rose and fell gently, and Bei Queting was sleeping here now.

She nestled on =Xiao Daidai, feeling the warmth transmitted from her, and couldn’t help but curl up even more affectionately. Smelling the faint bamboo scent mixed with a bit of milk from Xiao Daidai, she suddenly felt very at ease. This sense of peace even gave her a feeling of stability.

She could actually feel a sense of stability on Xiao Daidai, as if she could make her heart no longer wander aimlessly.

She liked this feeling.

Xiao Daidai hugged Bei Queting in her sleep. She always needed to hold something to feel comfortable when sleeping, especially her panda plush toy. Without it, she would almost always sleep restlessly. But today, even without the panda plush toy, she slept very soundly!

With her little paws carefully holding the chubby little bird in her arms, even in her dreams, she felt sweet.

Early morning sunlight crept in from the window, slowly illuminating the two little ones on the bed. Xiao Daidai mumbled something softly, hugged the chubby little bird in her arms, turned around to face away from the sunlight, and continued sleeping.

With this movement, Bei Queting woke up. She looked up at the fluffy chin of the panda cub and suddenly felt an urge to touch it.

She carefully slipped out from He Jingsu’s embrace, turned into human form, and held her in her arms again, placing her hand on her chin as she wished and stroked it. Her little eyebrows and eyes immediately sparkled with joy.


Without the chubby little bird in her arms, Xiao Daidai groggily opened her eyes. Seeing that Beibei had turned into human form and was holding her, she stretched lazily and found a comfortable position in her arms to close her eyes and sleep again.

Bei Queting gently stroked her fur and noticed that He Jingsu seemed to really like sleeping. Every time she was woken up, she looked sleepy.

She looked at the sky outside. Today, for some reason, it seemed quite late, yet Daidai’s mother hadn’t come to wake them up.

What they didn’t know was that in another room, the just-awakened Jing Dan was still clinging to He Ying, her head buried in her neck, kissing her intermittently and saying sleepily, “Can we not get up?”

Getting up early every morning was such a painful thing!

Hearing this, He Ying couldn’t help but laugh and cry at the same time. Her sensitive neck was teased by occasional light kisses, making her slightly grit her teeth to stop her actions. “You’ve already slept until you woke up naturally, isn’t that enough?”

Jing Dan tried to avoid her hand reaching to pinch her ear, whispering, “But we went to bed late last night.”

So late!

Speaking of this, He Ying gritted her teeth even tighter. This guy had the nerve to say that. Although she agreed to compensate her, she said she didn’t want it later, right? But this guy acted like she didn’t hear it, insisting on tossing her until she felt like her whole body was falling apart!

She pulled Jing Dan’s head up and whispered in her ear, “Be prepared for tonight.”

Last night she was wantonly pressed down by this guy, and she hadn’t returned the favor yet!

Jing Dan’s hair seemed to stand on end, and she instantly became spirited, darting from the bed to the bathroom, leaving He Ying with a flustered back.

He Ying laughed helplessly. As she got up, she could still feel the strange sensation in her body. Her cheeks turned slightly red, and she glared at the person in the bathroom.

After they finished washing up, He Ying went downstairs to prepare breakfast while Jing Dan went to wake the two little ones.

Jing Dan pushed open the door next to theirs and saw the sweet scene of a little girl hugging a panda cub asleep on the bed. Seeing this, she couldn’t help but feel curious. This was the first time she had seen Bei Queting in human form.

The little girl was cute, but she looked a bit frail and weak.

She touched her chin, thinking she must fatten her up healthily.

Looking at Xiao Daidai in her arms, Jing Dan reached out and tugged at the tuft of hair on her head. Her eyes sparkled a bit. Now she understood why He Ying liked playing with her hair tuft so much. Playing with Xiao Daidai’s tuft was quite fun too?

Disturbed by the tug, Xiao Daidai groggily opened her eyes. Seeing it was Jing Dan, she softly called, “Mommy.”

“Mm!” Jing Dan responded, sitting cross-legged by the bed, leaning over to play with the two little ones.

At this moment, Bei Queting also woke up. Seeing Jing Dan leaning over the bed, she softly called, “Auntie.”

“Mm, mm! Good morning, Xiao Ting!” Jing Dan smiled at her, then couldn’t help but poke Bei Queting’s chubby cheeks with her fingertip. Satisfied, she withdrew her finger and said, “You’re too thin. You need to be nourished back to health, then you’ll be even cuter!”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Bei Queting just smiled shyly without saying anything.

Xiao Daidai in her arms saw Jing Dan poke Beibei’s cheek and climbed up to nuzzle her with her fluffy head, saying in a baby voice, “Beibei is already very cute now!”

Jing Dan raised an eyebrow at this, seeing Bei Queting smile at Xiao Daidai’s words. She didn’t expect Xiao Daidai to be good at cheering people up?

When He Ying finished breakfast and saw no one had come down yet, she felt curious. She went upstairs to find Jing Dan, only to open the door and see her sitting on the carpet playing happily with the little ones on the bed…

She walked up with a smile, hugging Jing Dan from behind, biting her earlobe and whispering, “I asked you to come and wake them up for breakfast, but you ended up playing with them?”

Being hugged and nibbled on the ear, Jing Dan instantly became obedient, blinking innocently and saying, “I thought you weren’t that fast~”

It was a complete excuse. She had forgotten the time while playing with the little ones on the bed.

He Ying snorted, clearly not believing a word she said. However, in front of the kids, she didn’t want to embarrass Jing Dan, so she reluctantly pretended to believe her.

She looked at the little ones on the bed and raised an eyebrow, “Aren’t you going to wash up?”

“Oh.” Both responded obediently. Xiao Daidai turned into human form and followed Bei Queting to the bathroom.

Once inside, they started washing up quickly. But seeing each other’s foamy mouths, they couldn’t help but laugh.

Xiao Daidai poked her slightly puffed cheeks due to the toothbrush, her eyes shining like stars, and mumbled, “Beibei, you’re so cute!”

She couldn’t help but praise her cuteness.

Being looked at with such sparkling eyes, Bei Queting suddenly felt a bit embarrassed, lowering her head to silently brush her teeth. Her toes in her slippers began to curl slightly.

Seeing her bashful look, Xiao Daidai kept smiling.

After wiping their faces clean with a wet towel, Bei Queting returned to her original form and sat on Xiao Daidai’s head, letting her carry her downstairs.

By now, the netizens were no longer surprised by Daidai’s behavior. They were even curious how this little chubby bird could stay so obediently on her head without any intention of flying away.

During breakfast, He Ying assigned tasks for the day. Everyone had to practice the song for the upcoming evening show, and no slacking off. If anyone slacked off, there would be no milk to drink tonight!

This sentence was clearly targeting Jing Dan.

Sure enough, Jing Dan’s eyebrows drooped slightly. She glanced at He Ying, then looked down and muttered softly.

Since He Ying had given the task, Xiao Daidai and the others would naturally work hard to complete it, especially with the threat of no milk, which was a great motivator!

After watching Beibei finish her herbal medicine, Xiao Daidai hugged her and went back to their room to practice. This time, she chose the song 《Two Tigers》. When the director’s team heard about it, they immediately prepared tiger costumes for Xiao Daidai to wear while singing.

When she heard this, Xiao Daidai was puzzled. She couldn’t understand why she, a panda, had to dress up as a tiger just to sing.

Bei Queting’s program was simple. She was a bird, so she just had to fly up and call out a couple of times, but Daidai’s was more challenging.

“Two tigers, two tigers, running fast, running fast…”

Her soft voice sang the song, and Bei Queting sat nearby, holding Xiao Daidai’s panda plushie and laughing. Eventually, she couldn’t hold back her laughter and hid it behind the panda’s head, revealing her shiny, moist eyes.

Naturally, Xiao Daidai noticed her situation. She came to Bei Queting, raised her smiling face, and said seriously, “Beibei! I like to see you smile. You look so beautiful when you smile!”

She wanted Beibei to always be happy.

Seeing He Jingsu’s sincere expression, Bei Queting felt a warmth in her heart. “I like to see you smile too.”

Her eyes curved adorably when she smiled.

Xiao Daidai squatted down and placed her head on Bei Queting’s lap, looking up, “Then why don’t you stay? Don’t leave even after you recover.”

Bei Queting was stunned and didn’t know how to respond for a moment.

Seeing no response, Xiao Daidai’s eyebrows drooped a bit, but she persisted, “Don’t leave. We can eat, sleep, and even go to school together!”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

When she mentioned school, Xiao Daidai got excited, thinking that if Beibei went to kindergarten with her, she wouldn’t mind it as much.

Hearing her plan, Bei Queting said softly, “But your moms might not agree.”

Even though she knew He Ying and Jing Dan spoiled He Jingsu, she was still just a little spirit. Taking care of her might be a hassle.

“They will!” Xiao Daidai said confidently. She sat down, hugging Bei Queting’s legs and pouting, “Promise me, and I’ll let you go!”

She was being completely unreasonable.

Seeing He Jingsu like this, Bei Queting’s eyes filled with laughter and she couldn’t help but feel a bit emotional. She nodded to agree to her request.

Seeing her agree, Xiao Daidai got excited and hugged her legs, looking up earnestly, “Don’t worry, I’ll be really good to you! You can even keep my pocket money!”

Her face was serious and earnest, like she was making a solemn promise.

Bei Queting couldn’t help but reach out and touch her head, saying softly, “I don’t need your pocket money.”

As long as you’re truly good to me.

However, Xiao Daidai didn’t know what she was thinking. She thought Bei Queting was just embarrassed. If she was embarrassed, she would find another way to give it to her later. Even if she didn’t, Xiao Daidai would still spend it all on Beibei!

At that time, Xiao Daidai didn’t understand why she was willing to give all her important things to Bei Queting. She just wanted to be good to her.

Meanwhile, in another room, Jing Dan was clinging to He Ying, lightly biting her earlobe and softly saying, “You said you’d make candy for me. Why haven’t I seen it yet?”

It’s been a day!

Being lightly bitten on the earlobe, He Ying gasped, glanced at the camera, and held Jing Dan to prevent her from falling. She whispered, “We’re still on camera. Don’t you care about your image?”

With her legs wrapped around He Ying’s waist, Jing Dan had no high-cold image left.

Jing Dan snorted, mumbling, “Anyway, I won’t have any image left after the performance.”

Singing was fine, but the skit would ruin her image. Thinking of this, she felt He Ying’s compensation last night wasn’t enough. She needed more!

“You need to compensate me more!” Jing Dan demanded confidently. She had sacrificed a lot!

He Ying was amused and helpless. This person had not only become more coquettish but also more righteous in her demands. Even though she was compensated last night, she dared to ask for more today.

“You want candy and more compensation. Jing Xiaodan, you’re a bit greedy.” He Ying held her securely and found a chair to sit down on, Jing Dan sitting on her lap, looking very intimate.

The production team, seeing this, tacitly looked away and considered whether to get the bosses’ permission to include this part in the final cut. Otherwise, Jing Dan’s high-cold image would be shattered.

Jing Dan didn’t feel embarrassed at all. She let go of He Ying’s earlobe, held her face, and played with it like dough, softly saying, “I’m just greedy. What can you do about it?”

He Ying was exasperated. This person had perfectly figured her out. Yes, what could she do? She couldn’t even withhold a bottle of milk from her, fearing her disappointed look.

She really couldn’t do anything to Jing Dan. This person knew it well.

“Jing Xiaodan, Jing Xiaodan, why are you so clever?” He Ying’s face was being kneaded, making her words muffled. She patted Jing Dan’s waist lightly in protest.

This person was getting smarter, using it all on her.

Jing Dan held her face, pecked her lips, and said confidently, “You spoiled me!”

He Ying: “…” She couldn’t refute that.

“Anyway, I want candy and compensation~” Jing Dan pecked her lips again, cooing.

Yesterday, seeing Xiao Daidai with so much candy, she was envious!

He Ying’s heart warmed at her coaxing. This person even used seduction techniques now. She had improved.

“But we need to practice. Making candy means no practice time.” He Ying said helplessly.

This was exactly what Jing Dan wanted. She didn’t want to practice, so she asked for candy at this time!

“I want candy~” Jing Dan released her face and snuggled into He Ying’s neck, cooing softly and slightly aggrieved, “You promised me!”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

He Ying: “…” But I didn’t say it would be during the show.

However, hearing her slightly aggrieved voice, He Ying sighed and finally agreed to make her candy now.

“If you eat my candy, be ready for tonight.” He Ying suddenly laughed softly, whispering dangerously in her ear.

Jing Dan blinked innocently, “Aren’t you supposed to compensate me more?”

He Ying’s hand on her waist caressed her gently, laughing, “That’s for later.”

Anyway, you can’t escape tonight.

The author has something to say:

Luanluan: Cub, do you know there’s a phrase?

Jing Cub: Huh?

Luanluan: It’s called being spoiled and arrogant.

Jing Cub blinked innocently: That phrase isn’t new, right? I studied it!

Luanluan: …