Panda Cub – Chapter 82.2

Extra 4

Flying Panda

In the evening, Jing Dan looked at the comments from the netizens, then turned to look at Daidai, who had reverted to her original form and was sleeping, shaking her head and muttering, “If we went on a show now and you suddenly transformed, you’d scare them to death!”

He Ying, having just finished applying body lotion, got into bed. Hearing Jing Dan’s words, she said helplessly, “Daidai has already learned not to change back to her original form casually.”

Jing Dan raised her head to look at her, a hint of suspicion in her eyes as she said, “I always feel like there’s a hidden meaning in your words!”

He Ying blinked innocently, “Maybe you’re overthinking it.”

Jing Dan snorted lightly, put down her phone, and pounced on her, burying her face in He Ying’s chest, mumbling, “You smell so good.”

“Hmph~” He Ying leaned back, instinctively hugging her, somewhat helplessly said, “Stop licking, you’ll lick it all off soon, and then my efforts will be wasted.”

Jing Dan didn’t listen and continued licking. She couldn’t understand why He Ying, with her already perfect skin, bothered to use body lotion.

With the last bit of her sanity, He Ying placed a restriction on Daidai, then was pulled into the abyss of desire by Jing Dan, sinking into it together.

When little He Jingsu was one year old, she grabbed a handful of money from drawing lots, which made everyone except Jing Dan have complicated expressions. Could it be that she inherited her mommy’s money-grubbing nature?

However, Jing Dan was quite happy about it. In her view, it meant her Qingzhu Entertainment had a successor!

But when little He Jingsu was one year old, she already had some feathers on her wings, so she had to learn how to fly next.

The two placed Daidai on the ground in the front yard. He Ying taught her how to spread her wings to fly, while Jing Dan crouched nearby, watching enviously.

“Ma, ma…” Little He Jingsu babbled. So far, she could only utter some simple sounds, but when she first called out “Ma,” Jing Dan was so excited that she immediately went to get He Ying to witness their little baby finally calling out “Mommy!”

“You fly with your wings, not your mouth,” Jing Dan said seriously on the side. Just calling “Ma” without moving her wings was not going to work.

“Ma, ma…” The wings finally moved, but no matter how she flapped, her body didn’t budge. Those wings seemed quite weak.

Seeing this, He Ying couldn’t figure it out and called Lady He to check.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lady He came over and, looking at the struggling Daidai on the ground, said complicatedly, “Don’t feed her so much from now on.”

After a month, the spirit race doesn’t need to rely heavily on food for survival as their bodies start absorbing spiritual energy to nourish themselves.

“Huh?” Jing Dan turned to her, “You mean she’s too fat to fly?”

She looked down at Daidai. Compared to her true form, Daidai was much smaller, where was the fat?

Lady He silently glanced at her, poked Daidai’s little wings, and shook her head, “These wings probably don’t move much usually, right? Let her exercise more; otherwise, she’ll have muscle atrophy.”

He Ying: “…” She hadn’t really noticed this before.

Knowing the reason, little He Jingsu’s tough days began.

No more breastfeeding, even the formula was reduced to just one bottle a day, which was worse than Jing Dan’s time. One bottle was barely enough, and she had to be taken out regularly to practice flapping her wings, all in hopes that she would one day fly.

“You have to learn to fly, understand? My wish can only be fulfilled through you!” Jing Dan crouched next to Daidai, murmuring, watching her weakly fluttering wings, wishing she could move them herself!

“And you have to fly well, otherwise if He Ying can’t carry me anymore, you’ll have to carry me.”

“When did I ever not carry you?” He Ying pinched her waist, gritting her teeth slightly. She was always young, right!

Jing Dan turned to her, suddenly pouting, “You don’t love me anymore. Now you even pinch me!”

He Ying: “???”

Jing Dan looked like she’d been greatly wronged, as if she were a heartless scoundrel.

He Ying: “…” This girl’s skills in manipulating her were getting more refined.

“One bottle of milk,” she said helplessly.

“Two bottles!” Jing Dan bargained.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“…Fine!” He Ying gritted her teeth.

Jing Dan was satisfied, turning back to supervise Daidai’s wing exercises.

Daidai flapped on the ground, her little tuft of hair looking a bit messy, babbling something in her baby voice.

But neither of the adults understood her.

Finally, after a day’s training, Xiao Daidai was placed back on the sofa, looking exhausted, staring blankly at the carpet.

She became a true “Daidai.”

Jing Dan looked at her, feeling a sense of familiarity. After thinking carefully, she realized that Daidai looked just like He Ying when she was exhausted and staring at the ceiling!

“Hmm, besides those wings, she looks like you in another way too,” Jing Dan said thoughtfully.

Hearing this, He Ying turned to look at her, then at Daidai, understanding Jing Dan’s meaning.

Her expression became complicated. This resemblance made her unsure whether to laugh or cry.

“You see, whether in appearance or personality, she shows she’s our baby!” Jing Dan said proudly.

He Ying said softly, “If she didn’t, it would be a big problem.”

“Ptooey, ptooey, ptooey, don’t talk nonsense!” Jing Dan’s face turned serious, insisting He Ying ptooey along with her.

He Ying: “…”

She was a bit puzzled. Why did she feel Jing Dan was getting more childish?

Yet this childishness made her heart flutter.

She raised her hand to hug Jing Dan’s waist, leaning back on the sofa together. Xiao Daidai, as if finally recovering, turned to look at her two moms, struggling to move toward them.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She was still unsteady on her feet, wobbling on the sofa, stumbling over to fall into Jing Dan’s arms, wanting to be held.

Jing Dan held her in her arms, her hand instinctively going to touch her little wings.

The family of three lay on the sofa, embracing each other, the atmosphere harmonious and warm. Just a glance would show anyone the affection among them.

By the time little He Jingsu was two years old, she almost drove the whole family crazy.

She could fly, but it seemed like she couldn’t.

He Ying watched the clumsy Xiao Daidai flying around the house, sighing helplessly as she used her spiritual power to protect her from getting hurt.

But the decorations in the house suffered.

The constant sounds of crashing and banging made it seem like the house had been invaded by bandits!

Jing Dan, sitting on the only intact piece of furniture—the sofa—said with a bitter face, “Why not throw her outside and let her do as she pleases?”

There’s a vast sky outside for her to fly in, why fly in this confined space?

He Ying also had a headache. The first time Xiao Daidai flew, it was indoors. Although she soon fell, it seemed that in her little mind, she believed she could only fly indoors. When she was outside, she couldn’t get airborne no matter how she flapped.

Seeing Daidai about to crash into the wall again, He Ying quickly used her spiritual power to pull her back and controlled her to stop her from causing more trouble. Pointing outside, she said, “You should be flying out there!”

“Fly, can’t fly!” Daidai mumbled.

“You can fly!” Jing Dan came over. If she couldn’t fly outside, how could she carry her up to the sky in the future?

“Fly, can’t fly!” Daidai said again.

Jing Dan: “…”

She turned to He Ying, “How about we let Mom take care of her?”

They had been teaching her for a year, but still couldn’t get her to fly!

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

He Ying: “…” Wouldn’t that be admitting to Lady He that they couldn’t teach their child properly?

But Lady He had been visiting often over the past year and knew Daidai couldn’t fly.

Every time she faced Lady He’s complicated gaze, He Ying felt embarrassed.

“Then let’s leave it to Mom. Let her deal with it.” He Ying picked up Daidai, holding her up to eye level, “We’ll send you to Grandma’s soon, let her teach you, okay?”

Xiao Daidai tilted her head, looking at her.

He Ying teleported directly to Lady He’s place and handed Daidai to her.

Lady He held Daidai, watching He Ying leave without looking back, and fell silent.

When He Ying returned, Jing Dan immediately hugged her, eyes shining, “Finally sent her away!”

They hadn’t had a moment alone for so long!

He Ying hugged her back, sighing softly, also feeling a bit of relief from the rare moment of leisure.

Raising a child was so exhausting. Sometimes, it could make your blood pressure skyrocket, like looking at the mess in the house now. But no matter how angry you were, facing the cute little face of your child, all the anger deflated like a punctured balloon, leaving no trace of fire.

While the two enjoyed their rare time alone, on the other side, He Yuan looked at the little one babbling at her, her expression very complicated.

“Can you say ‘grandma’?” He Yuan softened her voice, trying to teach her.

“Nah, nah…” Daidai grinned at He Yuan.

He Yuan: “…”

She had taught her before, and she had learned to say it, but after a while, she would forget again!

It seemed, was this child a bit not so bright?

The author has something to say:

Flying Little Panda has about 1-2 chapters left. Saying this seems like saying nothing at all (hands in pockets).

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red flower

thank you for the chapter ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

Little Panda
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