Panda Cub – Chapter 81.2

Extra 3

Flying Panda

He Ying also leaned over the edge of the bathtub, reaching out to touch the cub’s dampened fluff, smiling as she said, “Looks like we have a little flying panda in our family.”

In fact, even she hadn’t expected her child, born with Jing Dan, to turn out like this. She was a miniature version of Jing Dan with wings just like hers. The combination was somewhat strange but undeniably cute.

Jing Dan followed the cub closely, fondly touching her small wings, still somewhat reluctant to part with them.

Seeing that it was almost time, He Yuan asked He Ying to bring out the baby and dry its fur. She herself used one hand to lift Jing Dan, who was still in the bathtub, wrapped her in a towel, and handed her over to Jing Li without a hint of mercy.

Jing Dan: “…” Now that there’s a baby, this is how she’s treated?

Jing Li happily took over to dry her baby’s fur. She couldn’t hold the little cub for now, but she could hold her own cub!

The group followed He Ying to another location, watching as He Ying placed the baby on the bed, then took Jing Dan from Jing Li’s hands, holding her and smiling, “We’ve already decided on a name, it’s He Jingsu, Su as in ‘returning to the source.'”

Hearing this name, He Yuan glanced at her with deep eyes, “Aren’t you afraid she’ll cry copying her name in the future? Have you forgotten what you were like as a child?”

Her thought process was the same as Jing Dan’s reaction upon hearing the name.

Upon hearing Lady He say this, He Ying’s face showed a moment of embarrassment, then she raised the cub in her hands innocently, “Jing Dan said if the child cries, she’ll wipe her tears.”

Jing Dan, who was raised up, nodded!

He Yuan: “…” She could already imagine what kind of troublemaker this baby would become in the future.

“Mm~” The baby on the bed let out a soft, childish cry, her little head always looking towards Jing Dan.

Seeing this, He Ying placed Jing Dan on the bed next to the baby and said with a smile, “We’ll announce her birth to the public once she can control her transformations.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

No one had any objections to this.

Everyone couldn’t help but reach out and touch the baby. Seeing the baby completely unafraid and allowing herself to be touched, while still looking at them with wide eyes, their hearts melted. They stayed with He Ying and the others for a long time, reluctant to leave.

“Mm!” The little one rolled over and burrowed towards Jing Dan, seeming to want to nurse.

Jing Dan was startled by this action! She immediately leaped to the other side of the bed, loudly declaring, “Don’t look for me! I don’t have any milk!”

She wasn’t the one who gave birth, how could she have milk!

Seeing this scene, everyone laughed heartily but sensibly left, giving the space to the family of three.

Before leaving, He Yuan quietly said to He Ying, “Since the child is just born, it’s best for her to drink breast milk. After some time, she can start mixing it with formula.”

He Ying looked at her awkwardly but said nothing.

He Yuan cleared her throat and said no more, leaving to find Bei Yuan.

After everyone had left, He Ying looked at Jing Dan with deep eyes, unable to resist pinching her little ear, gritting her teeth slightly, “You’ve finished it all, what will the baby eat?”

The one with the pinched ear seemed to know she was in the wrong but still said a bit unwillingly, “You said it was uncomfortable.”

It was so uncomfortable that she pushed it into her mouth herself. How can she blame her alone?

He Ying: “…” Her face showed embarrassment as she tossed the two cubs into the bedroom and left.

“I’ll make her some formula.”

After He Ying left, Jing Dan watched as the little baby continued to crawl towards her and quickly transformed into her human form, afraid she really intended to nurse.

When Jing Dan suddenly turned into her human form, the little baby seemed stunned, staring blankly at Jing Dan, seemingly not understanding what had happened.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Seeing this, Jing Dan lay on the bed and poked the little tuft of hair on her head, muttering, “I think you’re the stupid one.”

This little baby seemed much more suited to the name than herself.

“I’ve decided, your nickname will be Daidai!” Jing Dan nodded, satisfied with her decision.

When He Ying returned, she found that Jing Dan had already started calling the baby Daidai.

He Ying: “…Wasn’t that your nickname?”

Jing Dan looked back innocently, “I think it suits her better.”

He Ying glanced at her; it seemed Jing Dan had long wanted to get rid of that nickname herself.

She held a bottle, having already tested the temperature before coming. Carefully, she held little Daidai and fed her the bottle.

“Didn’t mom say breast milk is better?” Jing Dan whispered.

He Ying: “…Starting today, you won’t have any more.”

Jing Dan was about to argue when she caught sight of He Ying’s look and immediately quieted down, muttering under her breath.

He Ying fed little Daidai, watching her go from initial resistance to reluctant acceptance. Her ears felt slightly warm; this matter must not reach Lady He’s ears.

Watching little Daidai drink, Jing Dan looked on eagerly, a bit envious herself.

He Ying ignored her eager gaze; every time their eyes met, she was reminded of embarrassing moments.

Little Daidai finished drinking and yawned twice before seeming tired and falling asleep.

He Ying looked at the thick night outside, realizing how long they had been at it. After showering and changing into pajamas, she found Jing Dan staring at her intently.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

He Ying paused: “…”

Whenever Jing Dan had this look, nothing good would happen.

She approached, sat on the bed, and was immediately pulled down and pressed under Jing Dan, who looked at her with bright eyes.

“…What are you doing?”

“We haven’t been together for a long time!” Jing Dan’s eyes shone brightly. Because of the need to incubate the egg, she rarely stayed in human form. Every time, after helping He Ying, she had to transform back and incubate the egg, holding back for a long time!

He Ying glanced at the little baby on the bed, “What about her?”

Even though the cub was small, she still felt instinctively shy.

But this wasn’t an issue. Jing Dan waved her hand, setting a barrier around little Daidai so she couldn’t hear or see anything.

He Ying: “…”

With a sigh, He Ying didn’t refuse when Jing Dan kissed her, but instead seized the opportunity to flip Jing Dan under her.

Jing Dan’s eyes widened in disbelief, “Wasn’t I supposed to be on top?!”

He Ying raised an eyebrow, “When was that ever agreed upon?”

Jing Dan puffed her cheeks, clearly, she was always first!

The angrier she got, the cuter she seemed to He Ying, who kissed her on the cheek, coaxing, “It’s been so long, I want you too~”

Her words were soft and coaxing, but her hands didn’t hesitate, quickly undressing Jing Dan, whispering in her ear, “Can I have some milk too?”

Warm breath brushed her sensitive ear, making her shiver while hearing He Ying’s words. Jing Dan’s face turned bright red, snapping, “I don’t have any milk!”

She didn’t have any, so why ask her!

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Don’t you? I don’t believe it; let me check.”

He Ying’s voice was soft, with a teasing edge, making Jing Dan blush all over, her skin turning rosy.

He Ying’s kisses were slow and deliberate, savoring the long-missed delicacy with great patience.

“Hurry up!” Jing Dan, face flushed, gripped the bedsheet tightly.

“Don’t rush.” He Ying murmured, her fingers tracing every place she wanted to reach, treating her like a precious treasure, leaving her mark inch by inch.

“Humph—” Jing Dan’s grip tightened, her knuckles turning white as He Ying really checked…

After thoroughly checking, He Ying looked up with a smile, softly saying, “You didn’t lie to me, there’s really none.”

“I told you! You have it, not me!” Jing Dan retorted, her embarrassment almost making her hide under the bed.

“Right, I have it.” He Ying’s voice held a hint of a sigh. She kissed Jing Dan’s cheek, her voice sultry, “Do you want to taste it?”

Jing Dan hesitated, “But didn’t you say I couldn’t have any more starting today?”

“But just now, I felt like there’s enough for you too.” He Ying’s voice grew softer, like a small hook, “Do you want to drink?”

Drink or not? Of course, drink!

Jing Dan’s eyes lit up, but just as she was about to answer, a cry from the side suddenly interrupted, shattering the moment completely…

Jing Dan: “!”

He Ying: “…”

The author has something to say:

Another on-time update (hands on hips)

LP: I messed up dividing the chapter, this one short!

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red flower

did you forget about your baby 😆
thank you for the chapter

Little Panda
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