Panda Cub – Chapter 81.1

Extra 3

Flying Panda

With Jing Dan’s gentle care and Lady He’s attentive nurturing, He Ying’s body recovered very quickly. Before long, she was back to her pre-pregnancy state, and even her temperament seemed softer than before.

While He Ying was recuperating, neither of them had paid attention to the egg. At this moment, the two of them were lying on the bed, their chins resting on their hands as they looked at the egg placed between them. Jing Dan reached out and poked it, causing the egg to roll slightly.

“What do you think, how should we hatch it? Do you need to transform back to your original form to sit on it?”

He Ying: “…”

She silently took out her phone and sent a message to Lady He. After receiving a reply, He Ying fell silent for a moment before saying, “Mom replied saying to put the egg on the abdomen and hatch it for thirty days like that.”

Jing Dan raised her eyes to look at her, “So, shall we start hatching now?”

He Ying: “…”

Her face looked somewhat gloomy, “We can’t just move the nest randomly for thirty days!”

Why does it feel even more exhausting than during pregnancy?

Jing Dan tilted her head, “Then, will you hatch for a while and I’ll hatch for a while?”

He Ying turned her head to look at her, imagining the scene in her mind: a panda cub lying on its stomach, with the appearance of an egg on its abdomen. She couldn’t help but burst into laughter, “Then let’s take turns.”

Taking action as soon as the decision was made, He Ying transformed back into her appropriate size and placed the egg on her abdomen, then remained still.

Jing Dan watched from the side, her eyes showing a thoughtful expression, as if she were learning from He Ying’s current demeanor, hoping to have some clue when it was her turn.

“Oh, right! Did we forget to do prenatal education for her?” Jing Dan suddenly woke up, isn’t prenatal education popular now?

He Ying looked up at her, “What prenatal education are you going to do?”

Jing Dan immediately jumped off the bed and hurried into the study with a thud thud thud. Soon after, she thudded back into the bedroom, holding several books in her hand. “I’ll read her stories to listen to!”

Looking at the covers of the books Jing Dan brought in, He Ying’s face turned green, firmly refusing, “No way!”

“Huh?” Jing Dan lifted her head, puzzled. “Why not? This can help the baby build courage!”

He Ying looked at her quietly, “Have you ever considered that I’m also listening to what she wants to hear? I don’t want to hear ghost stories!”

Although her courage wasn’t small, she really didn’t like things like ghost stories, which were elusive and more elusive than ghosts themselves.

Jing Dan: “…”

She sighed and lamented, addressing the egg beneath He Ying’s abdomen, “It’s your mom who forbids you from listening. If you turn out to be timid in the future, don’t blame me!”

With that, she indeed collected those collections of ghost stories and brought back some literary books from the study. This time, He Ying was satisfied.

Whether the little baby understood or not didn’t matter much, anyway, He Ying listened with relish.

Jing Dan’s clear and melodious voice was particularly pleasant to hear, accompanied by a serious demeanor while reading, making it exceptionally captivating, almost like an auditory feast.

By evening, both of them felt a bit sleepy. Jing Dan transformed back into her original form and leaned against He Ying to sleep. He Ying then spread one wing and embraced her under her feathers, falling asleep together.

The two of them continued to live like this day after day. By the third day, He Ying felt a bit restless. She felt the need to get up and walk around, so she entrusted the task of hatching to Jing Dan.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Jing Dan transformed into her original form and enveloped the egg beneath her abdomen. She found the task of hatching quite novel, and even her silly tuft of hair looked spirited.

He Ying chuckled as she watched Jing Dan in this state. A panda cub lay on the bed, protecting the egg beneath its body. Unable to resist, He Ying took out her phone and snapped several photos. Looking at the bewildered expression on Jing Dan’s face as she looked at the camera, He Ying’s smile deepened.

Jing Dan gazed at her with a gentle look and said, “I’ll remember this!” She vowed to take photos her when it was He Ying’s turn to hatch.

He Ying laughed heartily, leaning down to kiss her silly tuft of hair. “Shall I go make something delicious for you?”

The moment Jing Dan saw the food made by He Ying, whom she hadn’t eaten anything made by for a long time, her eyes immediately lit up. Even the recent photography session was temporarily forgotten.

He Ying made delicious food for her and brought in two bottles of milk. Looking at Jing Dan maintaining the same posture as before she left, He Ying couldn’t help but feel like laughing even more. She slowly fed Jing Dan the prepared food, asking, “Shall we watch a movie later?”

Enjoying the delicious food made by He Ying, Jing Dan hardly paid attention to what movie they would watch later, just casually nodding.

After feeding Jing Dan, He Ying looked at the two bottles of milk, feeling a bit uncertain. Just as she was about to go get a straw, Jing Dan turned over and placed the egg on her own abdomen, then used both of her claws to protect the egg entirely, lying back in He Ying’s arms.

He Ying couldn’t help but laugh. She indeed held Jing Dan like this and fed her milk. Even after finishing the milk, Jing Dan didn’t want to get off her, insisting that He Ying keep holding her like that.

Next, He Ying sat with Jing Dan leaning against the head of the bed, while Jing Dan held the egg in her arms, nestled in He Ying’s embrace. They both looked towards the foot of the bed, where “Jurassic World” was playing.

Watching those people being chased by dinosaurs, even the viewers couldn’t help but feel nervous.

As they watched the characters in the movie name the newly born dinosaur babies, the two suddenly realized that they hadn’t given a name to the baby yet!

They glanced at each other, and He Ying immediately turned off the movie. Then she ran into the study and brought back a dictionary and some poetry collections. They huddled together and began to discuss the name for the little one.

“How about… He Bo? Hmm… He Bo, no, that won’t do.”

Jing Dan flipped through the pages with her claws, muttering to herself as she turned.

Hearing her words, He Ying was a bit stunned. “Why is it ‘He’?”

“Huh?” Jing Dan raised her head, puzzled. “Isn’t your last name ‘He’? What else could it be?” Even she herself, being born from Jing Li, bears the surname Jing~

He Ying couldn’t help but chuckle. “Don’t you want to contest it a bit?”

“If it were mine, of course I’d contest it. But the problem isn’t that I went through all the trouble to give birth.” Jing Dan muttered softly, patting He Ying’s thigh. “And besides, this is our baby, not just yours. Even if she takes your surname, it doesn’t mean I don’t love her. Don’t worry!”

He Ying: “…” She hadn’t really worried about whether Jing Dan would like this child or not.

“Ah! Let’s call her Su! It means to go against the current! Our baby certainly needs such spirit!” Jing Dan’s eyes immediately lit up.

Seeing her bright expression, He Ying chuckled softly. “Alright, let’s call her Su, He Jingsu.”

“Huh?” Jing Dan turned to look at her, then after some thought, she said very seriously, “Will that have too many strokes? What if she gets punished for copying her name when she’s studying, and it makes her cry?”

“Then you’ll wipe her tears for her?”

Jing Dan thought it made sense and immediately nodded in agreement.

After this discussion, the two of them hastily settled on a name for their future child, He Jingsu, a name that could easily bring tears when copied.

With the name decided, the two of them happily resumed watching the movie, accompanied by various delicious snacks made by He Ying.

(LP: “He” (鶴) has 21 strokes, “Jing” (景) has 12 strokes, and “Su” (溯) has 12 strokes… Good luck baby!)

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Due to Jing Dan’s gluttony, most of the incubation period was spent with Jing Dan holding the egg, while He Ying took care of her, serving her delicious food and drinks every day, with that tuft of silly hair on her head always looking lively.

By the twenty-ninth day, they faintly heard a cracking sound. Both of them were delighted, but at this moment, Jing Dan didn’t dare to move around casually. Even if she was curious, she had to suppress the desire to see, standing diligently at her post.

On the thirtieth day, Lady He arrived. Seeing that it was Jing Dan who was incubating, her expression briefly turned complicated, but she didn’t say much, just sitting quietly on the side, waiting.

Later, they heard more and more cracking sounds. After He Yuan let Jing Dan stand up and stop incubating, the two of them stared intently at the egg covered in cracks.

Suddenly, a piece of eggshell was knocked out, and the egg cracked open. They vaguely saw black claws inside. As more pieces were knocked out and the opening grew larger, they unconsciously moved forward, seeing the little fellow inside diligently knocking on the eggshell.

In the moment of seeing clearly, the expressions of the two besides Jing Dan became somewhat complicated, but they couldn’t help but want to laugh.

However, as soon as Jing Dan saw it, her eyes immediately lit up. She approached to get a closer look at the little fellow much smaller than herself, her tuft of silly hair standing unusually lively.

As she approached, the expressions of He Ying and the others became even more complicated, almost wanting to laugh. The little fellow inside the eggshell also raised its head to look at Jing Dan. With the two of them together now, it was as if they were carved from the same mold!

Except for the addition of a pair of white wings, the panda cub inside the eggshell looked just like Jing Dan, even down to the tuft of silly hair on its head!

He Ying couldn’t help but laugh. She never imagined that a miniature version of Jing Dan would crawl out of the eggshell.

“Mm!” Her voice was soft and milky, even her tone was light.

Watching the wings on her back, Jing Dan felt envious, her eyes showing an unusual craving. Unable to resist, she raised her paw to touch those wings, then turned to look at He Ying, her voice tinged with melancholy: “She has little wings, but I don’t.”

Since she has little wings now, it means she will fly in the future, but I won’t.

Hearing her words was both funny and exasperating. He Ying lifted Jing Dan up, patting her little head, and said, “She’s our little cub, her having wings is like you having them.”

Seeing that no one had gone to hold the little cub that had just hatched, He Yuan shook her head, went over to pick up the little fellow from the eggshell, checked her body, and then took her to bathe.

“Mm-hmm~” The little cub nuzzled in He Yuan’s palm.

He Yuan’s gaze softened even more.

Buried in He Ying’s embrace, Jing Dan, although happy at the moment she saw the little baby, felt genuinely saddened when she saw her wings!

Why weren’t those wings growing on her!

Seeing her sad little appearance, He Ying really wanted to laugh. She hugged her and headed towards the bathroom, chuckling, “Why do you want wings so badly? Didn’t I carry you flying before?”

This fellow, ever since getting a taste of it in the Gulong Mountain Range, often insists on taking her flying again.

“But if I had wings, I could fly by myself,” Jing Dan’s tone still held a hint of disappointment.

He Ying, helpless, gently flicked her little ear. “You already have me, yet you’re still thinking about other things. Don’t you think you have a bit of a ‘scumbag’ trait?”

Jing Dan twisted her body and sulked, “No way! I don’t have a ‘scumbag’ trait!”

Auntie said scumbags can’t do well!

He Ying smiled but didn’t speak. Upon entering the bathroom, she saw Lady He sitting by the edge of the bathtub, looking down at the little cub swimming inside, a soft smile lingering on her lips.

Seeing this scene, Jing Dan’s eyes lit up. She struggled to get He Ying to put her in too; she wanted to swim!

He Ying glanced at Lady He, seeing no objection from her, so she also placed Jing Dan into the tub. Two panda cubs, one slightly older and one just a cub, swimming together in the bathtub – no matter how you looked at it, the scene was extremely cute and heartwarming.

As if reminded of something, He Ying quickly took out her phone and snapped a photo of the bathtub. Then she sent the photo to the family group chat, informing them that the little cub had hatched.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Everyone who saw the photo became excited. Phones kept ringing incessantly, and within minutes, people started arriving at their place, one after another, crowding into the bathroom.

In no time, the bathroom was packed with people, yet the little cub didn’t seem afraid at all. It continued swimming leisurely, occasionally leaning towards Jing Dan.

“Oh my goodness!” Jing Li covered her chest. She already adored her own baby, and now seeing an even smaller version, she longed to hold and cuddle it!

Jing Shiyue immediately stood in front of Jing Li, afraid she might impulsively try to pick up and cuddle the cub. The little one seemed too fragile, and she worried that Jing Li might accidentally apply too much pressure and hurt it.

“She, she has little wings!” Bei Yuan leaned over the edge of the bathtub, her face flushed with excitement as she watched the little cub. “So cute!”

Seeing her sparkling eyes, He Yuan rubbed her head.

“When can she transform into a human form?” Qiu Shuhuai looked at the two panda cubs in the bathtub and felt a sensation in her chest, as if struck. How could they be so adorable!

“Probably about a month later,” He Yuan replied.

He Ying also leaned over the edge of the bathtub, reaching out to touch the cub’s dampened fluff, smiling as she said, “Looks like we have a little flying panda in our family.”

In fact, even she hadn’t expected her child, born with Jing Dan, to turn out like this. She was a miniature version of Jing Dan with wings just like hers. The combination was somewhat strange but undeniably cute.

Jing Dan followed the cub closely, fondly touching her small wings, still somewhat reluctant to part with them.