Panda Cub – Chapter 58.1

Public execution

In the end, as he watched Jing Dan’s resolute demeanor, not softened as it was when facing Bian Fengyu, he slinked away dejectedly, following Jiang Ya to feed the cows at a fellow villager’s house.

After Bian Fengyu left, He Ying looked at Jing Dan, and with a soft chuckle said, “Very good, keep it up.”

Receiving approval, Jing Dan appeared somewhat smug, leaning in to whisper softly, “Is there a reward for this?”

With that expectant tone, it was clear she had some ulterior motives. She squinted and said, “Didn’t I already reward you for keeping away from him earlier? Do you want a repeat reward?”

“Is that not allowed?” Jing Dan blinked innocently.

He Ying gave her a disdainful glance, pointing her index finger at her forehead to push her away, ruthlessly refusing, “No!”

“Oh.” Jing Dan softly acknowledged, feeling pushed away.

He Ying glanced at her, fully aware of her tactics. Did she really think her little pretend disappointment would work?

Seeing He Ying unmoved, Jing Dan pouted, lightly hummed, and then proceeded to feed herself twice before feeding He Ying once.

It’s all give and take here!

He Ying naturally noticed her little actions and couldn’t help but smile lightly in her heart.

After the two finished breakfast, the director, being very considerate, waited for them to rest for a while before announcing today’s mission.

Director: “Today, you need to find someone willing to help you, to assist in purchasing ingredients and prepare a sumptuous dinner to invite the elderly left behind here for food together!”

“Prepare a sumptuous dinner?” Jing Dan was puzzled. Wouldn’t that mean He Ying would have to cook!

“It’s alright.” He Ying held her hand and whispered softly in her ear, “I’m happy to cook for those left-behind elderly.”

The loneliest are these elderly left behind, without a companion by their side. If their actions can bring a bit of warmth to others, it couldn’t be better.

After hearing He Ying’s words, Jing Dan obediently nodded in agreement.

However, the production team did not mention funding, so it was clear that they would have to earn the budget for the dinner themselves. Seeing that they still had time, the two did not rush to find help. Instead, accompanied by Zheng Weiyi and others, they took tools and went up the mountain to start digging bamboo shoots.

This time, Jing Dan searched particularly earnestly, as if equipped with a spring bamboo shoot detection device, finding each one accurately. In no time, they had filled three large baskets.

Looking at the bamboo shoots they dug up, Zheng Weiyi remarked with a sense of achievement, “Today, as we head out, we’ve become bamboo shoot experts too!”

Upon hearing her words, He Ying glanced at her, then turned to look at Jing Dan who was diligently digging bamboo shoots. She chuckled softly, “If it weren’t for having a bamboo shoot connoisseur by your side, could you become a bamboo shoot expert?”

The four of them dug all morning, nearly turning the entire bamboo grove upside down to fill seven large baskets. Seeing the brimming seven baskets of bamboo shoots, He Ying covered Jing Dan’s eyes to prevent her from seeing, lest she start feeling distressed again.

“Alright, let’s stop here. We’ll now take the shoots to the market to sell. Let’s see if the money is enough. If not, we’ll think of other ways to earn more money, ensuring the elderly have something good to eat.” He Ying suggested.

The others nodded in agreement, just somewhat puzzled as to why He Ying covered Jing Dan’s eyes.

Though Jing Dan’s eyes were covered, her nose still caught the fragrance of the spring bamboo shoots. She pouted, having worked diligently all morning yet not tasting a single shoot!

He Ying watched her in amusement and annoyance, feeling conflicted. Selling her bamboo shoots in front of a food enthusiast like her was undoubtedly akin to snatching food from her.

“Tonight, I’ll reward you with an extra bottle of milk,” He Ying whispered softly.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

At this, Jing Dan blinked, her long lashes gently brushing over He Ying’s palm, and asked, “Can we skip the milk and have two jellies instead?”

Although she phrased it like a negotiation, it sounded equally natural to her.

He Ying: “…”

Her face slightly changed, a hint of gritting her teeth evident. This person was truly shameless!

But as she watched the baskets of bamboo shoots being steadily taken away, she reluctantly said, “Once!”

Consider it compensation for this person. After all the effort put into finding so many shoots, she ended up not eating a single one.

“Alright.” Jing Dan nodded, feeling satisfied with just the one.

Seeing Jing Dan nod, He Ying sighed softly to herself. When would this person understand that kissing wasn’t something one could casually do between friends.

After moving the remaining few baskets into the car, she said, “Let’s keep one basket for cooking tonight. It saves us some money on groceries, and the spring bamboo shoots are tender and will make a great dish.”

They had no objections to He Ying’s suggestion. They were all kitchen novices, so when it came to professional matters, it was only natural to listen to the professionals.

Upon hearing He Ying’s words, Jing Dan’s eyes lit up slightly. She wondered if she could get a share of this basket to eat.

The group drove to the market. As soon as they lifted the baskets from the car, some familiar faces approached, recognizing Jing Dan and He Ying from yesterday. Seeing them, one of the locals greeted, “Hey ladies, back to sell spring bamboo shoots again?”

He Ying chuckled lightly, “Yes, do you want to take some home? But today, it’s a bit more expensive than yesterday. Today, it’s 15 yuan for 3 shoots. We need money to buy ingredients to cook dinner for the elderly in the town.”

Upon hearing her explanation, they understood the reason for the price increase. Especially considering the good quality of the shoots for 15 yuan, it was indeed not expensive. They all began to select what they wanted, and with Zheng Weiyi and others assisting nearby, it was far less hectic than yesterday’s chaotic scene.

Jing Dan continued to handle the money, holding onto the increasingly thick stack of bills. Her eyes also shone brighter and brighter.

—Oh my, it seems like you’re getting more money-minded by the minute! Take a look at the money in your account first!

—Is it possible that the money in the account is just a string of numbers, with no physical sensation of holding such a thick stack of cash?

—…Well, that does make sense.

After spending two hours selling all six large baskets of bamboo shoots, they made a total of 1105 yuan, which was quite a substantial harvest.

Before they could even go searching for people willing to help them tonight, someone approached with some vegetables and fruits. They placed the items directly into the baskets and said, “We are usually busy and heard you’ll be cooking for the elderly tonight. We can’t offer much help, but these are some things from our own garden. See if you can use them. They’re pesticide-free and healthy!”

He Ying was momentarily stunned by this gesture and hurriedly declined, saying they would buy groceries later.

The individuals waved it off, smiling warmly, “No worries. These are just some things we grew at home. They’re not worth much. Take them.”

Impressed by their firm attitude, He Ying and the others bowed to express their gratitude, thanking them for their generous gift.

“Teacher He!” a youthful voice called out.

He Ying turned to the sound and saw the group of girls she had taught yesterday, standing not far away and looking somewhat excited.

“How come you’re here?” He Ying asked, feeling surprised.

“We came today to try our luck, to see if we could run into you. Turns out our luck is pretty good,” the girl said with a smile, her eyes sparkling and charming.

He Ying chuckled softly, while Jing Dan also glanced at the girls beside her.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Teacher He, we heard earlier that you were planning to cook for the elderly. Is there anything we can help with?”

He Ying raised her eyebrows lightly, as she was just thinking about finding help. She asked, “Can you cook?”

The girl paused for a moment and proudly proclaimed, “My dad is a chef! I’ve been learning to cook with him since I was little! Many people praise the taste! And these girls, they also cook really well!”

Upon hearing this, He Ying’s expression softened, and she smiled, “Can we invite you all to join us tonight in cooking food for the elderly who are left behind?”

The girls’ eyes sparkled, and they all chimed in, “Yes!”

With the manpower issue now resolved, those who could cook took charge in the kitchen, while others who weren’t skilled helped with cleaning, preparing ingredients, and assisting. After returning to the town with the purchased groceries, it was already four o’clock in the afternoon. Despite having worked all day without even eating lunch, they realized dinner needed to be ready by seven. With limited time and no concern for maintaining a celebrity image, they jumped straight into action, munching on bread as they worked diligently, unwilling to waste time on eating.

Meanwhile, Jiang Ya and the others also returned. Jiang Ya immediately joined the team to help out, while Bian Fengyu, feeling exhausted, went upstairs to sleep.

Watching Bian Fengyu’s behavior, the production team shook their heads helplessly. His agent had even called before filming, reminding them to give him more screen time. How could they give more scenes to someone with such a lackluster performance? Giving him more airtime would only lead to criticism!

The busy group paid no attention to Bian Fengyu. They felt relieved when he wasn’t around, preferring to avoid his unpredictable moods. Even if it meant working a bit harder, they felt happier without him.

Jing Dan stood by He Ying’s side, assisting and learning as she worked. Although she didn’t know much, she didn’t want to just watch others work during this situation. She observed how things were done, and when He Ying couldn’t bear watching any longer, she stepped in to teach Jing Dan how to proceed.

Jing Dan looked at the vegetables she had washed, pursed her lips, and smiled faintly. She whispered to He Ying, “From now on, I’ll assist you!”

Now, she too was someone who could assist!

He Ying’s hand, cutting the vegetables, paused, and she glanced at Jing Dan. She noticed the slightly proud expression on her face and chuckled softly, “Alright~”

She was referring to the future.

—What are those two unfocused workers whispering about?

—And are they talking about something we can’t hear?

—President Jing: Tonight, I’m eating you.

—Upstairs is getting quite lively.

After bustling around, they managed to finish preparing all the dishes before seven o’clock. The production team found a space and arranged many tables and chairs. The elderly were already seated there, invited by the production team, eagerly awaiting the start of the food service.

As they watched the elderly, with their snowy white hair, enjoying the food they had prepared and displaying satisfied smiles, the group felt that the day’s busy work was not in vain. They hoped that this episode of the show, once aired, would draw more attention to these elderly left behind and bring them more warmth.

During the food service, some of the elderly would even share candies they had in their pockets with them. This gesture touched them deeply. Though they knew their efforts weren’t grand, the way these elderly individuals looked at them was akin to how one would gaze at their own grandchildren.

After the elderly finished their food, Jing Dan and the others could finally sit down and enjoy their own. When all was settled, Bian Fengyu came down.

Jing Dan gave him a casual glance and said, “We didn’t know if you’re having dinner tonight, so we didn’t make any for you. You can order takeout.”

Speaking extremely bluntly and straightforwardly, without giving any face, did he really think he could eat the food prepared by He Ying? Dream on!

However, when everyone heard Jing Dan’s words, there was no astonishment visible on their faces. Even under the camera’s gaze, Jing Dan had the authority not to give him any face, especially given the excessive behavior displayed by the individual today.

Bian Fengyu’s expression darkened as he watched them all seated at the large table, chatting and laughing together. With a sneer, he turned and left.

The others paid no mind to his thoughts, focusing on enjoying their own food.

After a busy day, everyone had become more familiar with each other. Sitting together and chatting after dinner no longer felt awkward. Upon finishing their food, He Ying and the others prepared gifts for the girls and mentioned that during the program’s recording period, if they had any questions about dance, they could come to her for help. Only then did the production team arrange for a car to take them back.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

After dinner, regardless of whether Bian Fengyu wanted to participate in the program, the director called him down. It was time for the CP interaction segment, what’s the deal with missing one person?

However, Bian Fengyu had truly been blacklisted by Qingzhu Entertainment, and there would be no future collaborations.

At this moment, Bian Fengyu was still unaware that he had dug his own grave and naively thought of getting involved with Jing Dan to gain access to all of Qingzhu Entertainment’s resources.

Director: “The next game is very simple. Just recite a line to your partner, and then you can head back to sleep.”

As he spoke, the TV indoors started playing the scene they were supposed to learn.

Segment One: The classic “I declare you.”

Segment Two: Will you be my girlfriend?

Segment Three: I’ll give you a chance to pursue me.

After watching the three short scenes, everyone fell silent.

The production team must really want them dead! What awkward dialogues these are!

“I request to use the ‘Elimination Card’ for this round.” He Ying raised her hand softly. If she were to act out those scenes with Jing Dan, she would undoubtedly be the one speaking. But she truly couldn’t bring herself to say those lines!