Panda Cub – Chapter 51

Woke up laughing

Laughing awake, He Ying looked at her worriedly, “What’s wrong? Is today’s work very troublesome?”

Her rare solemn appearance seemed like she had been struck by something.

Jing Dan raised her eyes to look at He Ying steadily, gazing at her for a long time until He Ying started to feel uncomfortable, before asking, “Would you kiss someone else?”

“Eh?” He Ying looked dumbfounded.

“Would you undress and sleep with someone else?” Jing Dan continued to ask.

He Ying: “…” What kind of questions are these, and why is she suddenly asking them?

“Well…” He Ying also started to feel awkward, glancing at Jing Dan, and said softly, “It’s not impossible, depending on the person.”

She wanted to say that if Jing Dan was willing, she would kiss her right now.

However, it seemed that Jing Dan across from her didn’t quite grasp the meaning behind her words and thought she might potentially kiss and sleep undressed with Xu Yu, which made her even more irritated!

He Ying: “…” Didn’t she already answer? Why is she now even angrier?

Could it be that she can’t accept someone kissing her and even undressing to sleep together?

This… this…

He Ying felt troubled. If that’s the case, will they only be able to look but not touch for the rest of their lives?

She started to feel melancholic about this matter. It’s not like they must do it, but since they are lovers, there are inevitably moments when they strongly desire intimacy with their partner, right? Will they have to stop abruptly at a critical moment?

He Ying pondered if this would harm them in the long run.

However, Jing Dan had no idea what He Ying was currently thinking. Just the thought of He Ying kissing and hugging Xu Yu made her uncomfortable!

Why does love even exist in this world? Isn’t being friends good enough? Why think about kissing and hugging!

After dinner, lying in bed, she was still upset. Looking at He Ying on the bed, she thought to herself, isn’t their current situation already quite good? Sleeping fully clothed is also comfortable!

As He Ying climbed into bed and saw Jing Dan’s intense gaze directed at her, the strange feeling in her heart intensified. What was going on with Jing Dan today? And looking at her so intensely while going to sleep could easily lead to misunderstandings…

“Sleep?” He Ying asked softly.

“Oh.” Jing Dan lay down, silently deciding to keep a closer eye on He Ying in the future and not allow her to kiss and undress casually with others!

Following this, He Ying’s sense of strangeness grew stronger. Was Jing Dan getting too clingy?

Initially, when she realized this, she was quite happy, thinking that she had finally made some progress, that this person had finally learned a little. But as time passed, why did she feel that something was increasingly wrong?

Jing Dan’s clinginess, why did it feel like she was tailing her? Especially when meeting Xu Yu, this feeling was particularly strong…

“What are you looking at?” He Ying asked Jing Dan, somewhat puzzled. During dinner with Xu Yu, Jing Dan’s gaze had been fixed on her the entire time. How should she put it? It felt as though her girlfriend was looking at her with the eyes of someone trying to catch a cheater…

She shook her head, it must be her own misconception. Jing Dan couldn’t possibly be looking at her with that intent. She probably didn’t even understand what catching a cheater specifically meant, right?

Jing Dan glanced at her, then at Xu Yu calmly sipping soup opposite her. At that moment, she felt a bit redundant!

“I want that!” Jing Dan pointed to the plate of braised prawns.

He Ying looked over, then at Jing Dan’s expression, nodded, put on gloves, and started to peel the prawns for her.

Xu Yu across the table: “…”

She found Jing Dan’s provocation truly impressive. Following her to eat was one thing, but now making He Ying peel shrimp right in front of her? What was she trying to do?!

Xu Yu, rendered speechless by Jing Dan’s provocations, had no desire to witness He Ying feeding the shrimp directly into Jing Dan’s mouth after she finished peeling them. She felt like a complete idiot for agreeing to this dinner with Jing Dan today!

Agitated by Jing Dan, Xu Yu ate her meal hastily, and eventually couldn’t stand it anymore. What were those two across from her up to, were they sure there was nothing going on between them?!

She stood up, perhaps her movement was too abrupt, as both of them on the other side lifted their heads simultaneously to look over.

Xu Yu: “…I just remembered I have something to take care of, so I’ll leave first. Enjoy your meal.”

“Okay,” He Ying nodded, feeling that Xu Yu was acting strangely too.

After Xu Yu left, Jing Dan felt much happier and even found the food that He Ying fed her more delicious.

However, He Ying started to feel melancholic about the changes in Jing Dan during this period. Was it a good thing or not? She had become more clingy, but she hadn’t sensed any other emotions coming from her at all?

As Qingzhu Entertainment’s TV dramas and movies one after another became major hits, Qingzhu Entertainment had become a prominent brand. Many people wanted to collaborate with them, especially after knowing that Jing Dan rejected any hidden rules and let their capabilities speak for themselves. The favorability towards this company skyrocketed.

Recently, with the arrival of spring, Qingzhu Entertainment once again began preparing for a romance variety show, with the guests being the popular celebrity CPs online. The selection of guests was to be based on online voting, with the top three most popular CP receiving invitations from the show’s production team. The deadline was set for March 5th.

When the news of the new program 《My Other Half》 was released, it immediately sparked enthusiasm among netizens, who began discussing which CPs should be invited to the show.

—Do we even need to discuss? Choose your boss first! It’s right in front of you, can’t you see it? Invite Chun and Jing Ming!

—That’s right! Chun and Jing Ming are always right in front of you, are you blind? Don’t you know to invite them!

—Chun and Jing Ming, Chun and Jing Ming! Get them on the show!

Seeing these comments, the production team: “…”

The director quietly turned to Hu Tu and asked, “Should we include Chun and Jing Ming?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Inviting the boss to the show? They were a bit hesitant, after all, the boss was truly beautiful and intimidating.

Hu Tu: “…”

She suddenly burst into laughter. Jing Dan and He Ying appearing together on the show, and still a romance variety show at that, this feeling… seemed nice?

With a big wave of her hand, “Decided!”

She just wanted to see how they would look like falling in love!

She chuckled mischievously to herself. Watching the two of them struggle this whole time, even Hu Tu was left speechless. She didn’t expect He Ying to be so hesitant in pursuing someone, come on, show some backbone!

And that Jing Xiaodan, her intentions were practically written on her face! Are you blind or something!

At this moment, Chun and Jing Ming were still unaware that the popularity of their CP had also been taken into account. Currently, Jing Dan was in her office, sipping the milk that He Ying brewed for her, leisurely watching the dramas produced by the company, feeling especially relaxed.

When He Ying walked in and saw her like this, she couldn’t help but smile. The way she looked right now was like those kids who came home from school, holding a bowl of rice and sitting in front of the TV, simultaneously funny and a bit mischievous.

“Are you not afraid someone might suddenly come in like this?” He Ying raised an eyebrow, in the outside world, this person was very mindful of her image. She wouldn’t lose it unless absolutely necessary.

Jing Dan turned to look at He Ying, paused the TV show, and then replied very seriously, “No one dares to suddenly come in.”

He Ying: “???” Was she not a person?

Shortly after, Jing Dan’s gaze landed on He Ying again. After a moment of silence, she added, “Except for you.”

He Ying stayed silent, okay then.

Now as the company’s etiquette teacher, she frequently appeared in various situations within the company, not just limited to feeding Jing Dan, but also considered a salaried staff member.

At that moment, this staff member naturally picked a grape from the fruit plate beside the boss and started eating it, as they both looked at the computer screen together.

“Truly worthy of investing money in researching costume and makeup.” He Ying marveled at the costume and makeup in the series, which were now being praised to the skies.

Upon hearing this, Jing Dan felt a hint of pride. Of course, they had to be good since they were produced by their company.

Having had enough of the rough and poorly made TV shows on the market, now that she had the opportunity to produce her own, she had to make it top-notch!

He Ying pulled over a chair and accompanied the boss to casually watch their own produced TV series during work hours, occasionally discussing the plot with Jing Dan. In the blink of an eye, they finished watching an episode.

When Hu Tu walked in, she saw Jing Dan and He Ying sitting very closely together, watching the computer screen. At the same time, Jing Dan was naturally eating the grape that He Ying handed to her.

Hu Tu: “…” What were these two up to?!

The two of them turned their heads simultaneously to look over, then He Ying turned to Jing Dan and said softly, “Didn’t you say no one would suddenly come in except for me?”

Caught off guard by He Ying’s question, Jing Dan hesitated, “…”

She glanced at Hu Tu, who was left speechless by her gaze. If she interpreted that look correctly, was she condemning herself?

Approaching closer, Hu Tu then realized they were watching TV dramas during work hours!

Well, well, with the boss leading the way in slacking off, could she still confidently catch those slacking employees?

He Ying lightly coughed, got up to pour a glass of water, and asked, “Was there something you needed coming over?”

Hu Tu: “…” Wasn’t that question supposed to be asked by Jing Dan?

“Oh, I just came by to take a look around.”

He Ying: “…”

Watching the boring scene where each manager seemed more unproductive than the next, He Ying fell silent. The fact that the company was getting better and better was truly a miracle. She even began to suspect if the company was being covered by a magical aura.

Watching the two who were still clueless, Hu Tu secretly found it amusing. However, she thought that if the popularity of this CP were to really shoot up, He Ying should not have a problem with it. The main concern would be Jing Dan, unsure if she would be willing to participate.

Jing Dan suddenly felt a chill down her spine and looked up at Hu Tu, noticing a distorted expression on her face, as if she wanted to laugh but was forcing herself to hold it in.

On the other side, He Ying silently looked at Hu Tu, feeling like her current demeanor was as if she was holding back some mischief, waiting to give them a hard time…

“Jing Xiaodan, do you want the company to keep getting better?” Hu Tu grinned mischievously at Jing Dan, but no matter how you looked at it, she seemed like the big bad wolf trying to trick the little rabbit into opening the door.

He Ying looked at her, in a way, her current appearance really made one want to kick her out.

Jing Dan looked up at Hu Tu, “Of course I want the company to keep improving.” This was a no-brainer, as she was the boss and naturally wanted the company to thrive.

“Absolutely!” Hu Tu nodded.

“Yes, of course we want improvement, but through proper means,” Jing Dan said sternly. Their company was legitimate and must not resort to underhanded tactics! If her aunt found out, she would definitely scold her!

Hu Tu: “…Rest assured, absolutely legal and compliant with all laws and regulations in our country.”

With that assurance, Jing Dan felt at ease.

“You just wait, in a while, you’ll witness the company getting better and better!” Hu Tu patted Jing Dan on the shoulder, gave her a knowing look, and then left.

Jing Dan: “…” She didn’t understand that look.

He Ying watched on the side, almost laughing to death at their conversation. What kind of dialogue was this between law-abiding citizens?

However, when she thought about it later, she wasn’t sure whether to laugh or not.

Later on, she also found out about the company’s plan to launch a new romance variety show, and about the company’s intention to select the top three CP couples with the highest popularity to participate in the program.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

But as she watched the almost fragmented lead in popularity by Chun and Jing Ming, she began to feel uneasy. Were she and Jing Dan considered among those CP couples?!

But observing the consistently high popularity, if the company didn’t invite them despite this situation, wouldn’t they be breaking their own rule of selecting CP couples?

But if she were to appear on the show, it would be a romance variety program…

She was very troubled.

It was one thing to be an observer of love like before, but to be observed by others, she felt awkward just thinking about it…

But then again, considering that she would be paired with Jing Dan for the show…

By March 5th, the top three CPs with the highest popularity were already announced. The female-female CP, Chun and Jing Ming, were sitting comfortably in the top spot. Following them in second place were the male and female CP from the recently popular fantasy drama who had an unrequited love storyline, and in third place was a male-male CP that had gained significant online attention recently.

—Oh, to think that three different orientations are concentrated in one program, it’s intriguing.

—Upstairs, what do you mean by three orientations? They’re just CP, who knows about their real orientations? Don’t turn it into a chaotic mess later, I will really thank you…

—You should trust productions by Qingzhu! When has Qingzhu ever disappointed us with entertainment content?

—I don’t care! Just as long as Chun and Jing Ming don’t get separated! If Chun and Jing Ming are split up, I’ll go and dismantle Qingzhu Entertainment!

—Little Qingzhu, can you hear us! Don’t mess around, or we really will go and dismantle it!

Reading the comments from netizens, the director wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Hu Tu, saying, “Vice President Hu, have President Jing’s ideological work been done?”

With the hype now reaching this level, if they were to say that Chun and Jing Ming couldn’t participate, he doubted those netizens would actually come and dismantle Qingzhu. That would mean he’d lose his job.

However, Hu Tu remained calm and composed, showing no sign of panic as she replied, “No rush, Teacher He has already started the ideological work.”

As long as He Ying agreed, then getting Jing Dan to agree after that wouldn’t be too far off, right? Not far off at all.

Indeed, it was not far at all – just the distance of two extra bottles of milk.

After He Yu promised Jing Dan to give her two additional bottles of milk every day during the show, Jing Dan finally agreed to participate in the company’s romance variety program with her.

Once this news broke, the CP fans of the two immediately went into a frenzy, flooding the company’s official account with praises for the show’s production team! Their compliments made the team members feel on top of the world, prompting an immediate decision to let the audience vote on the behavior of some CPs in the program!

With this decision, the CP fans were thrilled. Already deeply involved in shipping their favorite CPs, what could be more exciting than having a say in the sweet interactions between the main leads!

Thus, even before the program started filming, the CP fans had spontaneously gathered in their own small circles, with fan leaders collecting fan requests, then compiling them into voting options!

He Yu, watching the almost fanatical CP fans, suddenly began to tremble uncontrollably, feeling terrified at the thought of handing over decision-making power to these people!

Yet, while experiencing being controlled by netizens, she also found Jing Dan’s recent behavior very strange. Oh, and Xu Yu.

She was starting to suspect if these two had some hidden agenda? Why did she feel so odd, with Jing Dan now often frowning at her or sighing sorrowfully from time to time, as if she was a lost girl beyond salvation.

And then there was Xu Yu. They used to meet up for meals occasionally, but ever since Jing Dan started joining them, Xu Yu had never personally suggested meeting up again, and even if they did plan, she would insist on excluding Jing Dan.

Excluding Jing Dan? But didn’t she promise Jing Dan to include her? So, for such a long time now, she and Xu Yu had never shared a meal together.

Furthermore, He Ying always felt that Xu Yu seemed to have some opinions about Jing Dan, whenever she saw Xu Yu, she felt a sense of being suffocated by some invisible pressure.

“Is there something going on between you and Xu Yu? Why do I feel like something strange is happening between you two?” In the evening, He Ying picked up a dish with chopsticks and put it in Jing Dan’s bowl, cautiously asking.

Could it be that the two of them were hiding something from her? And given Xu Yu’s flirtatious nature, could it be that she had some feelings for Jing Dan, only to be rejected by her?

If that were the case, even if Jing Dan rejected her, He Ying would still feel some unease.

Jing Dan looked up at He Ying, seeing the confusion in her eyes, contemplating whether to tell her the truth. But if she did, wouldn’t she be helping Xu Yu in the process!

No, she couldn’t say it. If she did, He Ying might immediately go and kiss Xu Yu or take off her clothes!

“No! I just don’t really like her!”

He Ying silently observed Jing Dan. Perhaps that statement was true, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that Jing Dan hadn’t told her the whole truth. There must be something she was hiding, but if she refused to talk, what could she do? She couldn’t force her to reveal everything, right?

However, He Ying was somewhat surprised by Jing Dan’s statement of not liking Xu Yu. She had only heard Jing Dan talk about not liking certain foods, never about disliking specific people.

Was Xu Yu truly not someone Jing Dan liked?

Helpless, the conversation ended inconclusively. By evening, He Ying found herself faced with another strange incident.

“What are you looking at?” Jing Dan’s unwavering gaze made He Ying feel a bit embarrassed. If it were someone else, she would have understood it as them having certain intentions towards her, but when it came to Jing Dan, she couldn’t help but feel like she must have misunderstood.

Jing Dan’s gaze was too intense, like she was conducting some kind of research, making He Ying unable to feel any romantic emotions.

Jing Dan stared at her lips, furrowed her brows. He Ying’s lips were pretty and full. If someone else ate that jelly-like candy without her, wouldn’t she be upset? She hadn’t eaten it yet!

He Ying: “…” She was getting more and more scared. Can’t she just act normally? Even if she turned into a little chick asking for milk, would that be fine?

Jing Dan let out a soft snort and lay back on the bed, closing her eyes. Before falling asleep, she made a mental note to find a good opportunity to tell He Ying to eat the jelly first!

When would be the right time to tell He Ying she wanted to eat her jelly without making her angry?

Unable to figure it out, with this thought in mind, she fell asleep. However, she had a strange dream. In the dream, she was exceptionally powerful, gaining immense respect from everyone. To maintain an air of mystery, she even wore a mask on her face! Strangely enough, in the dream, she also saw her aunt, who, instead of her usual scolding, displayed extreme respect towards her. This puzzled her, as her aunt used to scold her and even spank her. When did she become so deferential?

Hmm, but if she was so powerful, Jing Dan’s lips curled up. If she was that capable, could she overpower He Ying?

The sheer absurdity of her thoughts made Jing Dan wake herself up laughing. As she opened her eyes, she caught He Ying gazing at her with a subtle expression.

As Jing Dan came to realize she had been dreaming: “…”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Seeing the lingering smile on Jing Dan’s lips, He Ying’s eyes flashed with confusion. What kind of dream could make her so happy? So happy that she almost laughed in her sleep, especially since she hadn’t seen her smile so joyfully in real life!

“What pleasant dream were you having?” He Ying asked.

Jing Dan: “…” Can she share the details of this dream?

He Ying raised her hand, gently tapping the slightly curled corner of Jing Dan’s lips with her fingertip, smiling as she said, “And you even laughed yourself awake?”

Jing Dan: “…” It was embarrassing to be told she laughed herself awake from a dream.

He Ying looked at the curled-up Jing Dan under the covers and chuckled softly. She reached over and rubbed Jing Dan’s head through the covers, “Alright, let’s not dwell on that. Get up, you still have work at the company after breakfast. Delegate your tasks to someone else as you still need to attend the show later.”

Feeling embarrassed hiding under the covers, Jing Dan was reluctant to face He Ying.

He Ying chuckled lightly, “Okay, I’ll get up first and prepare some milk for you. You can come out after you’ve finished getting ready.”

A muffled sound of agreement came from Jing Dan under the covers.

He Ying shook her head, got up to freshen up first, then went into the kitchen to prepare her daily cup of milk. While preparing it, she suddenly took a sip sneakily. She was just preparing it normally, maybe she added a bit more honey than usual, was that such a big deal? It was surprising how much Jing Dan enjoyed drinking the milk she prepared.

Even she couldn’t believe that Jing Dan liked the milk she prepared so much.

When Jing Dan came out, she saw the glass of milk on the table, and her lips couldn’t help but curl up slightly. She felt grateful to have milk that she enjoyed drinking every morning.

However, as she drank the milk, she thought about her dream again. When would she ever be as capable as the version of herself in her dream?

Even more capable than He Ying~

The author has something to say:

The biggest support group: fans of the Chun and Jing Ming CP!

For those who may have doubts, I’ll give a spoiler here in advance. Tutu does not have an official pairing. She has a more free-spirited personality, and someone too free-spirited cannot handle a long-term relationship that doesn’t change. Therefore, in the story, she is not given an official pairing. After all, I believe that at the timeline in my story, Tutu doesn’t have the desire to change the status quo.