Panda Cub – Chapter 34

Marrying Young

It wasn’t until He Ying was about to leave that she realized, looking at Jing Dan in those pajamas, that Jing Dan seemingly had no other clothes to wear.

Taking her back to the room, He Ying opened the wardrobe and searched for clothes Jing Dan could wear. Fortunately, their heights and body types were similar enough that there was no issue with wearing each other’s clothes.

Casually grabbing a set of clothes and throwing it into Jing Dan’s arms, she said, “You can wear this set; I hardly ever wear it.”

A dark red suit, which was too formal for her taste.

Holding the clothes, Jing Dan said in a soft voice, “There are also clothes for wearing inside.”

Auntie had said, girls must wear underwear when they’re out.

He Ying: “……”

It was then she realized, casting a profound glance at Jing Dan’s chest, fell silent for a moment, then turned around to pick something more plainly colored and said, “I don’t have a new one of this, you’ll just have to make do with it.”

“Oh right, it might be a bit big for you, you can change into something else when you get back.”

“Oh, oh……” Jing Dan’s face had turned so red she was rendered speechless.

Seeing her shy appearance, He Ying laughed, her prior subtle feelings suddenly dissipated. That bashful look on her, it really was vastly different from her usual demeanor.

Seeing her like that, He Ying didn’t tease her further and turned to leave the room, giving her some private space.

After He Ying left, Jing Dan quietly breathed a sigh of relief. However, as she lowered her head to look at the pile of clothes she was holding, her face began to turn slightly red again. She was somewhat regretting her decision to stay over last night!

If she hadn’t stayed here, she wouldn’t have ended up without clothes to wear, only able to wear He Ying’s!

After changing clothes, she still felt somewhat uncomfortable, pulling at the outfit from one side to the other, and opened the door of the room with hesitance.

Sitting in the living room, He Ying lifted her head upon hearing the sound, a trace of astonishment flickering in her eyes. She realized that this might be the first time she had seen Jing Dan wearing such eye-catching colors. In the past, it was mostly black and white, which, although pretty, always had a bland taste. But today, she seemed like the red plum blossoms blooming in the snow, adding a splendid dash of color to the pristine world.

Jing Dan kept her face tense as He Ying looked on, but her hand hanging by her side awkwardly scratched her pant leg. You could look, but was there a need to stare that long!

He Ying, seemingly aware of her discomfort, shifted her gaze away and took the initiative to say, “Do you want to go to the company first or home? I’ll take you.”

She wasn’t as clueless as that guy, directly asking people to hail a cab and leave.

Jing Dan walked over to her, speaking in a somewhat indifferent tone, “Let’s go to the company first. Someone is coming over for a partnership discussion today.”

For the company to develop better, diversification is essential. They will continue to delve into variety shows, but they won’t fall behind in the area of TV dramas and movies. Therefore, starting today, they will begin to screen for good TV drama scripts to invest in and shoot.

“Okay.” He Ying nodded and got up to go to the door to change her shoes.

Perhaps because she was going to the dance troupe today, her clothes were very casual and loose, diluting a bit of her seductive aura, instead adding a few touches of laziness and leisure.

Jing Dan followed her to change shoes and left the house together, with He Ying driving her to the company, then watched as her car drove away.

Strange, she suddenly realized that she seemed to be getting very close to He Ying.

“Still looking? The person is already gone, you can’t even see the car exhaust!” A sarcastic voice came from behind.

Jing Dan turned around and saw Hu Tu wearing a white long dress, leaning against the company’s main entrance at an angle, looking at her with a mocking tone.

Dressed like a delicate white flower, but her expression and demeanor didn’t show the slightest hint of it.

Jing Dan didn’t pay her any attention and walked past her.

“Hey, hey, hey, what kind of face are you putting on?” Seeing her react like this, Hu Tu quickly followed, then her gaze swept up and down Jing Dan, touching her chin in thought and said: “If I’m not mistaken, the outfit you’re wearing isn’t yours, right? It looks like it belongs to He Ying?”

The more she looked, the more it resembled; the more it resembled, the more she looked. Hu Tu suddenly widened her eyes, pulling Jing Dan’s arm somewhat excitedly, her voice even splitting a bit as she said, “What did you guys do last night! How come you’re wearing her clothes!”

Moreover, it was He Ying who had brought her over in the morning. If they hadn’t spent the night together, she wouldn’t believe it even if she were killed!

The pulled Jing Dan: “…”

Stopping in her tracks and looking at Hu Tu’s horrified expression, she frowned slightly, “I just returned too late last night, so I stayed at her place. My clothes weren’t washed, so naturally I wore hers.”

Wasn’t it just sleeping at He Ying’s place for a night? Did this person really need to make such a face? She had already slept there for a month before!

Seeing Jing Dan’s righteous demeanor, Hu Tu felt somewhat choked up. Glancing at the bustling crowd during work hours, she hurried Jing Dan into her office. After closing the door, she spoke somewhat earnestly, “What did I tell you before? Humans and spirits tread separate paths, humans and spirits tread separate paths. You must keep a proper distance!”

Their interaction truly gave her a strong sense of crisis, feeling that the two did not interact normally.

Who interacts normally by coming over to feed every day, running to someone’s house to sleep and wearing their clothes? If it were a human, saying it’s too late and staying at a friend’s place for the night might be plausible, but you’re a spirit! With your ability to teleport, what reason do you have for it being too late?

Jing Dan looked at Hu Tu’s pained expression and said seriously with a frown, “I know humans and spirits tread separate paths, but really, there’s nothing between us!”

Why did she always think there was something between them? The way she interacted with He Ying was very normal; there definitely wasn’t any room for overthinking, was there?

Hu Tu: “…” But I really don’t believe there’s nothing between you two.

Hu Tu had visited He Ying’s place and knew that in He Ying’s home, only her bedroom had a bed. Therefore, if Jing Dan were to sleep over, she couldn’t possibly sleep on the couch. That meant she’d inevitably sleep in He Ying’s bed, and that’s precisely where the problem lay.

This person wouldn’t even let herself sit on her own bed due to her obsession with cleanliness, yet she’s willing to sleep in someone else’s bed?!

Seeing Jing Dan’s righteous face, Hu Tu felt somewhat at a loss for words. Even if her heart was racing with panic, she forced herself to believe that there really was nothing between them. Even if there was, given Jing Xiaodan’s straightforward nature, it probably wouldn’t develop into anything.

“Why are you talking about me? Instead, why are you wearing such a skirt?” Jing Dan asked somewhat perplexedly, pulling at the skirt on her body. Pure and serene like a quiet little white flower, but this obviously wasn’t Hu Tu’s style. Hu Tu, just like her fiery persona, was a bundle of passionate flames, always freely releasing her own charm.

Hu Tu: “…” Damn it, just thinking about it pisses me off!

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

When she encountered that woman again in the bar, and it seemed like she remembered her too, with new grudges piling on old ones, Hu Tu naturally didn’t want to let her off easily. She found a place to passionately engage, aiming to completely wear that woman down, making her cry and beg!

However, in the end, it was her who got countered, finding herself crying and begging the woman…

Thinking about this, Hu Tu felt humiliated! To think that after so many years of wandering through the flowers, she would fall into the hands of the same person again!

And the condition for her release was to wear clothes picked out by that woman. Who knew her tastes were so perverted! Making her play the little white flower role, what the heck!

Seeing her face looking as if she was constipated, Jing Dan silently closed her mouth, giving her a sympathetic look, then got up and went back to her own office to prepare for the upcoming work.

Stung by Jing Dan’s sympathetic gaze, Hu Tu slightly gritted her teeth, squeezing out the words “f*ck off” and “Xu Yu” between them, her eyes full of unwillingness.

She will have her day to put that woman down!

On the other hand, He Ying had already arrived at her dance troupe, seeking out the person in charge to understand the recent situation, and then observing the dancers practicing, nodding with some satisfaction. It seems her efforts were not in vain, and the dance troupe was also developing in a positive direction.

“Teacher He, the operation of the dance troupe is not bad now, you don’t have to work so hard.” The person in charge followed by her side, looking at the practice inside, somewhat relieved, glad that they had not let down He Ying’s expectations.

Watching those dancers inside striving to do better, a slight smile graced He Ying’s lips, “No worries, if it allows them to create more freely, a bit more effort is also worth it.”

She went in and guided them through a dance for a while before finding an empty dance studio for herself. After stretching her limbs, she closed her eyes to dance following her own heart’s content. By the time she realized it, the sky outside had already darkened completely.

Panicking, she glanced at the time and saw that it was already past seven o’clock, thinking of what Jing Dan had said about inviting her over tonight, and wondering, is this time considered late?

She quickly packed up and rushed to Jing Dan’s home. Although she had never been there before, she knew where it was, very close to her company.

Arriving at the bottom of Jing Dan’s building and looking up at her floor, the lights were already on. Taking out her phone, she sent a message to Jing Dan while pressing the elevator button.

This fellow hadn’t come by herself, yet she also hadn’t sent a message.

Arriving at the floor where Jing Dan lived, just stepping out of the elevator, her brows slightly furrowed, and her nose twitched, feeling as though she could smell something burnt.

Here, with one household per elevator stop, if there was a burnt smell, then it could only be coming from Jing Dan’s home?

Her brows furrowed even tighter, she stepped forward and pressed Jing Dan’s doorbell, immediately hearing a series of clattering sounds from inside, her unease growing heavier.

The door opened, and Jing Dan’s head peeked out from inside.

He Ying: “…” Did she go mining? Why is that clean and fair face now all black?

She looked past Jing Dan into the interior, only to see black smoke still wafting inside the house…

Without even a chance to greet, she pushed Jing Dan aside, and only after stepping inside did she identify the source of the blackness. Covering her nose, she walked into the kitchen to turn off the stove, then hurriedly opened the exhaust fan and windows before turning back to look at Jing Dan.

At this moment, Jing Dan was also acting like a child who had done something wrong, with her head hung low, not daring to look at He Ying. Her hands were clasped behind her back, tugging at each other, displaying a visibly uneasy demeanor.

He Ying: “…” Seeing her like this, how could I possibly say anything harsh?

She sighed softly, looking at the kitchen in disarray. Various pots, pans, and cooking utensils, along with oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar, were scattered all over the floor. Presumably, the noises she had heard earlier were due to this.

Moreover, she didn’t know how she did it, but she had managed to smoke a large section of the wall black, and oil was splattered everywhere. Fortunately, the oil hadn’t fallen onto the fire…

Seeing oil splattered all around, He Ying’s frown deepened. She hurriedly went over to Jing Dan’s side to check for any injuries on her.

Indeed, several spots on her arm were scalded by oil, glaringly conspicuous on her jade-like arms.

He Ying pursed her lips, truly angry this time. She coldly pulled Jing Dan into the bathroom, then turned on the cold water to rinse her off, all the while remaining silent. However, while she didn’t speak, she didn’t forget to wet a towel to help clean Jing Dan’s coal-black face.

The more He Ying remained silent, the more Jing Dan lowered her head, biting her lip slightly, feeling a bit sour in her nose and even her eyes becoming somewhat stingy.

He Ying had never shown her a displeased face before.

Jing Dan felt somewhat wronged. After all, she genuinely just wanted to make something for her to eat. It wasn’t her intention to mess things up like this. Why then, was He Ying giving her the cold shoulder?

With a soft humph, she turned her head away, not facing He Ying, like a child throwing a tantrum after getting upset.

He Ying shot her a glance, asking coldly, “Do we have any burn ointment at home?”

Jing Dan bit her lip, feeling even more stifled, and said somewhat stiffly, “No!”

She hadn’t lived here for long, and many things weren’t fully prepared, not even a medicine box.

He Ying sighed softly, rinsing her wounds with cold water for a while before saying, “You wait at home, I’ll go out and buy some burn ointment.”

The injury wasn’t severe enough to need hospital attention, but it also couldn’t be neglected.

“Oh.” Jing Dan responded softly.

This subdued little tone made He Ying cast an extra glance at her.

After He Ying left, Jing Dan lowered her head to look at her scalded arm, took a low sniff, and then buried her head in her knees to rub.

When He Ying returned, what she saw was Jing Dan in this ostrich-like position, causing her to freeze on the spot. What kind of distress was this person under?

She approached, raised her hand to touch her head, and asked in a very gentle tone, “What’s wrong? Does it still hurt? I’ve bought the burn ointment, it’ll be better once applied.”

Her tone was soothing, truly a testament to ultimate patience.

Hearing her tone, Jing Dan pouted, clearly having been on the receiving end of her cold demeanor just before, but now being treated like this, it was just someone who was capricious!

At this moment, she had already forgotten how many cold looks she had given He Ying, instead, she began to dwell on He Ying’s rare moodiness.

Seeing that Jing Dan was ignoring her, He Ying didn’t press her to speak but instead pulled her arm over, placing it on her own lap to start applying the medicine, even using her spiritual power to help reduce the burning sensation from the scald to make her feel better.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

This person exuded a sense of being carefully nurtured, like a flower tenderly watered and grown by someone, making such injuries on her appear all the more striking.

After applying the medicine, she gently instructed her not to touch water, then, noticing she was still burying her head in her knees, deliberately said, “President Jing’s imposing demeanor is gone, huh.”

Why did she no longer care about her appearance now? With that knee-hugging, aggrieved look, who wouldn’t say her persona has collapsed?

Jing Dan twisted her body, turning her half-back to He Ying.

He Ying couldn’t help but chuckle, yet she realized it might have been due to her own previously stern face and tone. She softened her voice and said, “It was my fault earlier. I was just too anxious seeing you injured. I promise I won’t do that again, okay?”

While speaking, she raised her hand to gently stroke Jing Dan’s nape, soothing her with each stroke.

Perhaps the tone was too gentle and sincere; Jing Dan’s demeanor loosened a bit. She slowly raised her head to look at He Ying, her nose slightly red, as if she had been crying earlier.

He Ying was momentarily stunned, her heart involuntarily tightening, then she quickly averted her gaze, finding herself somewhat unable to bear seeing Jing Dan like this.

After moving her gaze away, she felt it was a bit too strange for them to sit in silence without speaking, so she said, “Are you hungry? What would you like to eat? Shall I cook something?”

Jing Dan shook her head, sounding somewhat muffled, “The kitchen is unusable, let’s order takeout.”

Considering the mess in the kitchen, she couldn’t possibly ask He Ying to clean it up, planning to have housekeeping come over tomorrow to tidy up.

Seeing her sullen look but at least willing to talk to her, He Ying smiled and nodded in agreement.

Jing Dan glanced at her arm, now covered with a high-quality ointment. At this point, she could no longer feel the burning sensation, only a cool spiritual power enveloping her arm. She stealthily peeked at He Ying, feeling somewhat puzzled.

Could this person not fear being discovered as a spirit for using spiritual power so recklessly?

However, while she was lost in her thoughts, He Ying had already ordered the food and, taking advantage of the time before the food’s arrival, entered the kitchen intending to clean up a bit.

“No need!” Jing Dan hurriedly followed her into the kitchen, saying anxiously, “I will call someone to clean up tomorrow. You don’t have to do it!”

He Ying looked up at her, tossed a bottle she picked up from the floor into the trash can, and lightly laughed, “It’s alright, I’m free right now anyway.”

Seeing her so insistent, Jing Dan, as the culprit behind the mess, naturally couldn’t just stand by and watch. She stepped forward to help clean up together.

“You don’t have to move, you’re still injured,” He Ying frowned, trying to pull her out of the kitchen. Didn’t she realize her arm was still being treated?

Jing Dan didn’t budge, stubbornly saying, “I made this mess, I cannot let you clean it up alone!”

He Ying: “……” This person’s stubbornness was really a headache.

In the end, He Ying did not insist on cleaning up the chaotic kitchen. They both sat in the living room, waiting for the delivery to arrive.

Sitting down, He Ying finally had the opportunity to ask her, “Why did you suddenly want to cook?”

Looking at that kitchen, it was clear she hadn’t spent any time cooking at all.

Jing Dan appeared somewhat dejected, her tone somewhat low as she said, “I just wanted to cook for you.”

He Ying was momentarily stunned, her gaze seriously landing on Jing Dan. Observing her sincere and open eyes, she suddenly let out a gentle laugh, “Why did you suddenly think of cooking for me? Could it be because you feel embarrassed for having too many food at my expense?”

Jing Dan pursed her lips, the answer was obviously clear.

He Ying’s smile deepened. Was this guy actually feeling embarrassed now? Where had that righteous attitude of treating her like a tool gone?

“You don’t have to feel embarrassed. It was my own will to cook for you. Just accept it with peace of mind.”

Suddenly being so polite, she was still somewhat unaccustomed to it.

Jing Dan’s face was sullen. What other method could she possibly have now if she didn’t accept? After all, looking at the state of the kitchen, she didn’t seem like someone blessed with culinary talent.

He Ying shook her head, just about to say something more when she lowered her head and noticed something unusual. Her expression momentarily paused and she asked, “Here, why are there animal hairs?”

Why couldn’t she remember Jing Dan raising any small animals?

At these words, Jing Dan’s face stiffened. Her gaze followed the direction He Ying was looking and saw that, indeed, on the fabric sofa at the moment, there were quite a few white and black hairs sticking to it.

Jing Dan: “…” How could she have forgotten this detail!

Normally, when she was at home, her favorite thing was to transform into her original form and lie on the sofa watching TV!

“It’s, it’s a cat raised by my aunt.” Jing Dan broke the silence after a moment, “She brought the cat over to see me a few days ago, probably then it got stuck on there.”

He Ying quietly observed her expression and, after a long while, slowly nodded, saying, “Is that so? Is it a very beautiful cat? When can I meet it?”

Jing Dan’s expression became even more rigid, “When we have time, I’ll bring it to you to see.”

He Ying responded indifferently, not dwelling further on the topic. Just then, the doorbell rang. Getting up to answer the door, Jing Dan breathed a sigh of relief.

He Ying brought the food inside and said to the person still sitting on the sofa in a daze, “Come and have dinner.”

Jing Dan: “Oh.”

Sitting at the dining table, Jing Dan saw the dishes that He Ying had brought out were mostly her favorite. Subconsciously, her lips puckered into a faint smile.

He Ying noticed the subtle smile on the corner of her lips, her gaze becoming somewhat profound as she pondered something.

However, as they ate, the smile at the corner of Jing Dan’s lips gradually faded and eventually disappeared.

Even though all the dishes were her favorites, they were not as delicious as the ones He Ying made.

He Ying did not react to the obvious change in her expression; she simply added more dishes to her bowl.

Jing Dan’s eyebrows slightly furrowed, looking a bit unhappy.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

He Ying acted as if she did not notice and kept eating her own food.

Seeing that she was being ignored, Jing Dan’s aura became even gloomier, poking at the rice in her bowl somewhat sullenly.

It just wasn’t as delicious as the food He Ying made!

He Ying lifted her head to glance at her and finally couldn’t help but speak: “You must adapt, after all, I can’t possibly make food for you for your entire life.”

What kind of relationship did they have? The fact that she often cooked and delivered food to Jing Dan’s company was already outrageous, let alone taking care of her food for a lifetime. Which ordinary friend would go to such lengths?

Jing Dan pursed her lips, picked up her chopsticks, and began to eat silently, refusing to speak to He Ying any longer.

She was still angry.

Even though she didn’t know exactly why she was so upset.

Seeing her willing to eat, He Ying breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at the two arms resting on the table, she still found the burn injuries an eyesore.

After finishing the meal, He Ying cleaned up everything, went to the kitchen to find some cling film, squatted beside Jing Dan, and carefully wrapped her arms, admonishing, “Be careful not to get your arms wet when you shower later.”

In the end, she even placed a barrier of spiritual energy over Jing Dan’s arms, somewhat unsure.

Jing Dan just gave it a casual glance and nodded without saying a word.

Normally, this would be the time for He Ying to leave, but looking at Jing Dan’s sullen face and thinking she really wouldn’t take care of herself, she said, “I’ll stay here tonight, call me if you need anything.”

He Ying felt she was indeed worrying too much about her. While everyone else was just friends with her, it seemed she was the only one acting like her mother.

He Ying shook her head, speechless at her own thought. Although she was 203 years old, among the spirit race, she remained young and beautiful. If she were to marry, people would say she was marrying at a tender age.

The author has something to say:

Luan Luan: If you are marrying young, what does that make Daidai? Puppy love? You’re amoral!