Panda Cub – Chapter 100

Having you is enough

On Monday, two little girls wearing kindergarten uniforms—white shirts on top and red plaid skirts on the bottom, with yellow round hats on their heads and little backpacks on their backs—obediently waited for He Ying to take them to kindergarten.

He Ying squatted in front of Xiao Daidai, pointed at their clasped hands, and said, “Daidai, you have to take good care of Xiao Ting at school. Don’t let anyone bully her.”

Because Bei Queting had transferred midway, He Ying was worried she might not fit in. She wasn’t too concerned if Xiao Ting couldn’t integrate right away, but she was afraid of her being bullied.

“No way! No one can bully Beibei!” Xiao Daidai tightened her grip on Bei Queting’s hand and said with a stern expression. Worried that He Ying might not believe her, she added with her serious little face, “If anyone dares to bully Beibei, I’ll make them cry!”

After all, she had made quite a few kids cry before for bothering her!

He Ying’s expression became complicated upon hearing this. She glanced at Jing Dan, who looked innocently at the sky, sighed softly, and said, “Alright, just don’t hit people for no reason.”

During Xiao Daidai’s year in kindergarten, they had been called to school by teachers numerous times and had faced confrontations from other students’ parents.

However, they couldn’t really scold Xiao Daidai, as retaliating when bullied is normal. They could only reason with her that strength should be used for self-defense, not for bullying others.

“I won’t hit people for no reason!” Xiao Daidai said proudly.

He Ying smiled helplessly, rubbed her little face, patted Bei Queting’s head, reminded them to help each other at school, and then put a bottle of milk in each of their backpacks before sending the two little ones to kindergarten.

Jing Dan also left with them, but she headed in a different direction—to work.

After delivering the two girls to school and handing them over to the teacher, He Ying felt a bit anxious. She waited outside for a while, and only when no calls from the teacher came, did she feel relieved and drive to the dance troupe.

When the teacher took Xiao Daidai and Bei Queting into the classroom, they were holding hands tightly. Xiao Daidai whispered to comfort Bei Queting, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll always be with you!”

Bei Queting’s initially tense nerves strangely relaxed at her words. It seemed that with Daidai by her side, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Xiao Daidai originally sat with Zizi, but after Beibei came, she wanted to sit with Beibei. However, she was afraid that this would make Zizi sad, so her little face scrunched up in a dilemma.

Seeing her frowning little face, the teacher gently laughed, squatted down, pinched her cheeks, and said softly, “What’s wrong, Daidai? Are you unhappy?”

Holding Bei Queting’s hand, Xiao Daidai let the teacher pinch her face and asked with big eyes, “Teacher, I want to sit with Beibei. Can you arrange for me, Beibei, and Zizi to sit together?”

The teacher, feeling somewhat guilty under those pure eyes, thought for a moment. Actually, having three children sit together in a small group to help each other was a good idea. Many teaching models outside used this approach.

“Sure,” the teacher responded softly. “Take Beibei to find Zizi. I’ll rearrange the seats later.”

Hearing the teacher agree, Xiao Daidai, who should have been very happy, tugged at the teacher’s sleeve and said in a serious, childish voice, “Teacher, you can’t call her Beibei. Only I can call her that. You can call her Xiao Ting.”

The teacher was a bit amused and helpless. She glanced at Bei Queting, who looked a bit embarrassed, and compromised, “Okay, I’ll remember to call her Xiao Ting~”

Satisfied, Xiao Daidai gave the teacher a bright smile and pulled Bei Queting to find Zizi.

Looking at how happy the children were, the teacher sighed in her heart, thinking that the joy of children is so simple. However, she also quietly muttered to herself, isn’t “Beibei” and “Xiao Ting” the name they called that little chubby bird on the show? How could they give the little chubby bird a person’s name?

Could it be that because Bei Queting was unable to follow them during the recording of the show, they named the little chubby bird that name out of longing for Bei Queting?

Unable to figure it out, the teacher shook her head and went to rearrange the seats.

Xiao Daidai pulled Bei Queting’s hand and found Zizi, who was drawing. She was very happy and said, “Little Aunt, the teacher agreed we can sit together!”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Zizi looked up at them and was very happy to see Bei Queting. She was especially delighted to hear Xiao Daidai’s words. Previously, she had been worried that she wouldn’t be able to sit with Xiao Daidai after Bei Queting joined their class. Now, this arrangement was perfect!

As expected, the teacher announced the rearrangement of seats during class. Students will now be grouped into groups of three, and from now on, assignments will be submitted as a group. Group members can help each other and make progress together!

Hearing this, the children immediately cheered. Then, a few more adults came in to help them move the desks and chairs. After everything was set up, the desks and chairs for Xiao Daidai’s group were placed together. Xiao Daidai sat in the middle, with Zizi and Bei Queting sitting on either side.

The other children were curious about Bei Queting, especially since she was shorter and looked like a younger classmate.

They didn’t understand why a younger classmate was in their middle class.

Regarding this, it was requested by Bei Queting.

Previously, He Ying and others considered that Bei Queting had not attended school before. If she was placed in the middle class, she might not be able to keep up with the progress of her classmates. It would be better to put her in the lower class.

But what did Bei Queting say at that time? She said she wanted to be in the same class as Xiao Daidai, so that they could always be together while studying. As for the issue of keeping up with the progress, they didn’t need to worry about that; she would catch up.

Since Bei Queting said so, what else could He Ying and others say? With the idea of respecting the child’s wishes, they finally arranged for her to transfer to Xiao Daidai’s class.

During class, Bei Queting listened attentively and adapted well. Although she hadn’t formally attended school before, she had learned a lot by listening in on lessons for other young birds in her clan.

Xiao Daidai, who had initially planned to help Beibei with her lessons, was stunned to see her writing fluently.

Did this mean she had no role to play?

Bei Queting noticed Xiao Daidai’s downcast look and, after understanding the reason, smiled gently. She pushed her notebook to Xiao Daidai and asked, “Daidai, how do you read this word?”

Upon hearing the question, Xiao Daidai’s eyes lit up, and she eagerly started explaining.

Zizi, seeing this, was bewildered. When did Xiao Daidai become so enthusiastic about tutoring others?

Kindergarten classes were not very strict. If a child cried, the teacher had to comfort them, so lessons were often interrupted. Bei Queting, who had never seen such a scene, was surprised.

In her clan, crying in class would result in being thrown out until they stopped.

Watching Xiao Daidai and the others unfazed by the crying, Bei Queting started to wonder if she was overreacting.

Xiao Daidai calmly took out a milk bottle from her backpack and whispered to Bei Queting, “Now you know why I don’t like coming to kindergarten?”

Crying every day, crying every day, one cries after another, anyway, they just can’t let her ears rest for a moment!

She snorted softly. She, Xiao Daidai, despised these crybaby humans!

Bei Queting silently watched the crying child and fell silent.

With the class disrupted, Xiao Daidai and Zizi began tutoring Bei Queting on previous lessons.

Perhaps due to Xiao Daidai’s fierce reputation, no one dared to bother Bei Queting, allowing them to peacefully get through to lunch.

Lunch can be said to be the most chaotic. Nowadays, children are pampered at home and eat whatever they want, which leads to a lot of picky eating habits. They don’t eat this and they don’t eat that, and every mealtime feels like a battle.

Xiao Daidai and Zizi, holding their rice bowls, carefully huddled with Bei Queting in a corner, trying to stay as far away from the battlefield as possible.

“Lunch has to be eaten at kindergarten. Although it’s not as good as what mom makes, we mustn’t be picky eaters if we want to grow tall!” Xiao Daidai said to Bei Queting with a serious face, afraid that she wouldn’t eat later because the food wasn’t tasty.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

After all, when she first started kindergarten, she chose not to eat because the school’s lunch wasn’t as good as her mom’s cooking. Having been accustomed to her mom’s delicious food since childhood, she became very picky about other foods.

Later, it was only after her mom said that not eating would make it hard to grow tall that she compromised.

Bei Queting couldn’t help but want to laugh at her words. Compared to before, she had already improved so much, how could she still be picky about food? But seeing her serious look, she still nodded softly in agreement.

The three little ones huddled in the corner, obediently eating the food in their bowls. This scene couldn’t help but make the nearby teachers sigh with emotion, wondering how they could teach such obedient and adorable children.

At this moment, the teachers had completely forgotten how many times they had called the parents because of Xiao Daidai fighting.

By the time the three little ones had finished eating, the battle over there had just ended, and people were quietly sitting down to eat. After some digestion, Xiao Daidai went to tug on a teacher’s clothing hem, looking a bit sleepy, and softly said, “Teacher, we’re really sleepy, can we go take a nap first?”

Seeing her like this, the teacher couldn’t help but feel pity. What harm could come from letting such well-behaved children, who hadn’t caused any trouble, take a nap first?

She took them to the nap room. Bei Queting’s bed was right next to Xiao Daidai’s, but Xiao Daidai, who was already used to sleeping while hugging Beibei at home, refused to sleep in her own bed and insisted on squeezing into the same bed with Bei Queting.

The teacher saw Bei Queting allowing her to squeeze in and could only shake her head helplessly without saying more. After covering them with the blanket, she went to take care of the other children outside.

Xiao Daidai held Beibei and smiled with squinting eyes, looking a bit smug. Even the teacher had compromised!

Seeing her so happily, Bei Queting also curled her lips into a smile and voluntarily leaned into Xiao Daidai’s embrace, letting her hold her to sleep.

On another bed, Zizi watched them and began to feel a bit envious. Suddenly, she really wanted a little sister!

On the other side, Jing Shiyue and Qiu Shuhuai, who were busy at the company, sneezed simultaneously and rubbed their noses, feeling somewhat puzzled.

At this moment, in Jing Dan’s office at Qingzhu Media, she was eating bamboo shoots fed to her by He Ying, looking at her phone with a bit of disbelief.

Both she and He Ying were prepared to be called by the teacher for a scolding! But this morning had been quiet and peaceful, with nothing happening.

“Has Daidai grown up?” Jing Dan said, somewhat confused.

In the past, with five days of classes a week, they would be called to the school twice. Yet, on Bei Queting’s first day of school, everything was uneventful.

Hearing this, He Ying found it somewhat amusing and took the phone from her hand, placing it aside. “Isn’t this the best? You should focus on eating.”

Jing Dan thought about it and agreed. It’s best to be called by the teacher as little as possible. After all, although the teacher wouldn’t say anything harsh, being reprimanded itself was already quite contrary to her image!

The first day of Bei Queting’s school went smoothly. When He Ying and Jing Dan came to pick them up after school, they were genuinely pleased to see the two little ones dressed cleanly and tidily.

It seemed they had really grown up.

However, when Jing Shiyue picked up Zizi, her face turned a bit awkward and flushed. She hurriedly got into the car with Zizi, fearing she might say something shocking outside.

As soon as Zizi saw her, she happily exclaimed that she wanted a little sister!

Her voice was a bit loud, and naturally, Jing Dan and the others heard it too. Seeing the somewhat thoughtful look on Xiao Daidai’s face, He Ying quickly covered her ears and put her into the car.

Jing Dan then got into the car holding Bei Queting, and as soon as the door closed, it blocked out most of the sounds from outside.

He Ying, looking at the Xiao Daidai’s earlier expression, was genuinely worried that Zizi’s words might have had some effect on her, making her also want a little sister or something like that.

But Bei Queting was very quiet. She thought to herself, if Xiao Daidai had a sister, would she still treat her as well as she did now? Would she still hold her and sleep with her?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Would she only hold her little sister to sleep in the future?

He Ying lightly coughed, started the car, and drove in the direction of home. Suddenly, Xiao Daidai at the back got down from the baby seat, came to the front, and said to the two moms, “Mama, Mommy, can you only have me as your child in the future? I will be especially, especially good to you, so can I not have a little sister?”

Her little face was very serious, showing that she truly thought this way.

He Ying was stunned, exchanged a glance with Jing Dan, and then looked at Bei Queting through the rearview mirror. She smiled and said, “Having you is enough.”

Having you already makes us very happy.

The author has something to say:

The whole text is finished! If possible, please give a five-star rating (shy). Also, if you don’t really want to give four stars, but it’s just because the system restricts you from giving five stars, please don’t rate it. I accept your five stars in my heart, as four stars can significantly affect the rating (feeling wronged).

LP: This novel is now complete~

​As before, it will take at least a few days for the next novel!

I hope you enjoyed reading this one, thank you for all your support!