Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 2

My name is Lin Qing. Please take care of me

You, you truly live up to your reputation as a romance novelist!

The system was completely impressed by Qiao Yu’s proficiency. Indeed, you have your own expertise, and I deeply admire you. I’ve decided not to disturb you any longer.

“…What are you doing?”

This time, it’s not me speaking! Startled, the system and Qiao Yu turned their heads in the direction of the voice. They saw a teenager in a school uniform looking at Qiao Yu with a bewildered expression.

With well-groomed eyebrows and a cold, distant demeanor, emanating an aura that says “don’t mess with me,” Qiao Yu suddenly stood upright, covering her mouth in surprise and checking if there was any commotion in the classroom before calming down.

That presence, clearly the male lead!

Qiao Yu’s emotions surged, feeling like a fan who had just met the lead. She carefully observed him as he nodded repeatedly. Indeed, romance novel male leads are good-looking. Even in his early teens, he had a tall stature and long legs, quite pleasing to the eye.

Feeling uneasy under her scrutiny, Cong Ye swung his backpack and slammed it into her: “Are you crazy, Qiao Yu? Haven’t you woken up yet?”

His backpack was empty, so she didn’t feel anything when it hit her. Qiao Yu realized she might have been staring a bit too much and quickly chuckled, “Yeah, I’m still a little out of it. If I hadn’t overslept this morning, I wouldn’t be here now.”

Although this was the first time Qiao Yu had met Cong Ye since transmigrating, many memories of their interactions over the years flashed through her mind. She felt familiar with him.

Cong Ye looked displeased, but Qiao Yu didn’t feel scared at all. She even attempted to tease him with a playful remark, “You’re late today too. What a coincidence.”

…Who wants to have a coincidence like this with you!

Cong Ye frowned in disdain. He felt that Qiao Yu was different from before, but he didn’t dwell on it. With a cold snort, he said, “There are guests at home, and I didn’t want to see them in the morning.”

His implied meaning was ‘I’m not the same as someone who overslept like you.’ He arrogantly lifted his head, only to see the girl in front of him suddenly smiling brightly.


Even someone as cold-hearted as Cong Ye began to genuinely worry about Qiao Yu’s mental state.

He decided not to get entangled with this seemingly strange Qiao Yu any longer. He put his backpack back on his shoulders and gestured towards the classroom entrance, raising his head slightly. “Why are you squatting outside like a thief? It’s just being late, nothing to be afraid of. Let’s go.”

Clearly, he mistook Qiao Yu’s odd behavior as her being too scared to enter because she was late. After speaking, he walked towards the front door.

Qiao Yu was ecstatic. As they say, speak of the devil and he shall appear! The male lead who will interrupt the female lead’s self-introduction came just as she had hoped! She happily followed Cong Ye, intending to enter the classroom together. But in a flash, she suddenly realized that they were a naturally matched couple of outstanding looks and talent meeting for the first time at school. What was she, a bystander, doing following behind? If this were written, wouldn’t the readers criticize her?

Luckily, she narrowly avoided placing herself in the midst of the plot.

Qiao Yu took a deep breath and decided to take advantage of Cong Ye’s intention to push the door open and make her escape.

Little did she know, Cong Ye was quick to react. He grabbed her backpack as she stumbled and pulled her back, impatiently clicking his tongue. “Qiao Yu, what’s wrong with you today?”

Well, I’m just creating a good scene for you to fall in love!

But Qiao Yu couldn’t say that, so she could only roll her eyes helplessly and swallow her grievances.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Before she could come up with a reason not to enter the classroom, the front door suddenly opened without warning. The teacher stood at the entrance, looking surprised at Cong Ye and the disgruntled Qiao Yu, whose face was full of resentment as he held onto her backpack.

Their commotion was too loud and finally caught the attention of the classroom.

Seeing that the situation was lost, Qiao Yu stretched her neck with a glimmer of hope and looked into the classroom, only to find that the figure at the podium was still there. She could only lament inwardly in despair.

It seemed that she would have to play the role of the monster stuck between the male and female leads today. After enduring the teacher’s mild reprimand, Qiao Yu reluctantly followed Cong Ye into the classroom with slow and heavy steps. But after taking just a few steps, she collided hard with Cong Ye as he suddenly stopped.

Her nose stung from the impact, and tears welled up in her eyes as she looked up to see what Cong Ye was up to. She noticed that Cong Ye had a grim expression on his face as he stared fixedly ahead, and he uttered words filled with displeasure through his thin lips. “…What are you doing here?”

Oh no.

Qiao Yu blinked, suddenly understanding everything.

She had initially thought that when Cong Ye said he didn’t want to see “them” in the morning, it meant he didn’t want to come to school with the female lead. But now it seemed that he had no idea the female lead was transferring to his class. He naively believed that by hiding at home, he could avoid seeing her altogether.

It was clear that when his mother told him, he didn’t cooperate and simply let it go in one ear and out the other. Qiao Yu secretly clicked her tongue a couple of times, completely forgetting about the slight sting in her nose. A sense of joy arose within her as she was standing at the forefront, eating melon seeds.

“What exactly do you want?”

Before she could get an answer, Cong Ye’s narrow eyes squinted dangerously, and he took a step forward, his face turning cold as water. He looked like he was ready for a fight and didn’t seem like a pleasant person to deal with.

…Big brother, can’t you discuss your matters behind closed doors? There are so many eyes watching. She just transferred here, can’t you consider the female lead’s feelings?

Qiao Yu pursed her lips in disapproval. It belatedly occurred to her that she hadn’t seen what the female lead looked like yet. Whether it was through the window or the quick glimpse earlier, she only saw a silhouette. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she leaned forward to take a closer look. As she lifted her eyes, her gaze met directly with the girl standing in front of the podium.

She was wearing the same school uniform as Qiao Yu, but unlike Qiao Yu, who wore it haphazardly, she had properly zipped it up. The loose-fitting uniform enveloped her slender figure, and Qiao Yu couldn’t help but follow the exposed smooth and delicate neck upward, where she saw a naturally beautiful face with clear, bright eyes that were currently looking at her, accompanied by a slight tilt of the head. The girl’s black, shiny hair cascaded down her shoulders as she moved, and the soft curve of it made Qiao Yu inexplicably itch.

Qiao Yu’s mind buzzed, and she quickly retreated behind Cong Ye, feeling utterly foolish.

Truly fitting the mold of a campus romance novel’s female lead, she was such a pretty little flower. Qiao Yu, who lacked experience, felt her heart pounding in her chest, her mind going blank.

Meanwhile, Cong Ye noticed that the person across from him not only ignored him but even showed signs of being distracted. The young master, who had never been treated like this before, quickly felt his self-esteem rise and angrily took another step forward, saying, “Lin Qing! I’m talking to you!”

The shout snapped Qiao Yu back to reality. She looked at Cong Ye, who was relentless in demanding an explanation from Lin Qing in front of the whole class, and gritted her teeth in frustration.

I’ve written about guys like you so many times. In the future, you’ll end up chasing your wife to the crematorium.

Cong Ye really didn’t think things through with this move, but Qiao Yu, in line with her self-restraint as an extra character who shouldn’t affect the plot’s development, managed to resist the urge to intervene.

Finally, as she had wished, the system that had been eagerly chattering in her mind about the meeting of the male and female leads started to speak rapidly in a mechanical voice, causing Qiao Yu’s head to ache. While scolding the system to be quiet, she casually leaned on the desk in the front row. The system’s voice stopped, but she could still hear the whispers of her classmates below.

“What’s going on here?”

“From what I gather, this transfer student is chasing after Cong Ye?”

“No way, so she’s a stalker.”

“She looks so quiet and demure, tsk tsk. People really can’t judge a book by its cover. Who knows what she’s like behind closed doors.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

…It seems there’s no shortage of gossipy people wherever you go.

Qiao Yu couldn’t stand listening to those people gossiping. She found them more annoying than the incessant chattering of the system. She felt incredibly frustrated and decided to give them a haughty glare from her higher vantage point. The students sitting in the two rows in front of her immediately shut their mouths obediently.

At this moment, Lin Qing finally made a move. She sighed and looked at Cong Ye with a helpless expression, softly saying, “I transferred here today. The decision was made by auntie and my mother, and it wasn’t my choice.”

Her words were unexpectedly firm.

Qiao Yu’s eyelids twitched as she remembered that Lin Qing in the original story was a girl with a mix of gentleness and strength, someone with resilience who couldn’t be easily taken advantage of. She looked at Cong Ye, whose words were stifled by Lin Qing’s firm response, and a mischievous feeling welled up within her.

But as soon as that thought arose, she quickly shook her head to dispel it. Oh no, the story hasn’t even started yet, and I’m already getting sidetracked. This won’t do.

She was busy trying to regain her composure when Cong Ye, who had never been publicly humiliated like this before, pushed aside the teacher who was trying to appease him and took a few steps to stand in front of Lin Qing. He forcefully grabbed her wrist, his tone laced with mockery as he said, “Then just refuse, won’t that solve everything?”

Lin Qing winced in pain, unable to break free. She bit her lip and looked up at him without flinching, feeling exhausted by his unpredictable temperament.

She had no idea Cong Ye was also present, otherwise she would have refused long ago. These past few days of interaction had made her realize that Cong Ye had completely forgotten about her, even treating her attempts to reminisce about their childhood as a poor excuse for flirting. Their relationship was far from harmonious, and Lin Qing didn’t want to continue this unpleasantness.

But even if she were to say these words, he probably wouldn’t believe her. Lin Qing felt a sense of frustration and simply shook her head, choosing to remain silent.

Just as the two of them reached a standoff, a sudden “Ouch!” came from near the door. Lin Qing turned to look and saw a figure stumbling and falling, barely managing to grab hold of Cong Ye’s backpack with a claw-like grip before almost toppling over.

Cong Ye, caught off guard, quickly let go to stop her momentum, but as a result, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

“… Qiao Yu!”

Cong Ye’s anger surged, and he sat up, yelling at the person lying on the ground in a chaotic manner, “What are you doing again?”

Qiao Yu sat up with a whimper, pointing at the boy sitting near the door with a very aggrieved expression, “He tripped me!”

The boy who had obediently placed his feet under the desk replied, confused, “?”

Qiao Yu, who was unreasonable, stood up, brushed off the dirt from her clothes, and turned to complain to Cong Ye, “You were blocking the doorway and I was about to take a few steps inside when this leggy bastard tripped me.”

As she spoke, she rolled up her sleeves and walked up to the unlucky boy, glaring at him menacingly, “Why do you stick your leg out so far? Do you admit your mistake? If you admit it, Cong Ye will let you off! If you don’t admit it, you’re going to get beaten up!”

Although she hadn’t quite figured out how Cong Ye would beat him up, looking at Cong Ye’s dark expression, the boy shrunk his neck and tremulously apologized, saying he was wrong.

Qiao Yu was satisfied and withdrew her hand, smiling as she walked over to pick up Cong Ye’s fallen backpack and handed it to him, saying, “Alright, alright, he admitted his mistake, so don’t bear a grudge to him anymore, okay? Hurry back to your seat.”

… When did I bear a grudge to him?

Cong Ye’s handsome face went through various expressions, trying hard to suppress the excessive brightness of Qiao Yu’s laughter. He turned around with a serious face and looked at Lin Qing, feeling that after this commotion, it was not the right atmosphere to continue questioning.

After this brief moment, he calmed down and finally realized that Lin Qing’s transfer must have been his mother’s idea.

Cong Ye felt a bit regretful about his impulsiveness earlier. Now that Lin Qing had transferred, it was a done deal, and there was no benefit to causing such a scene.

He thought about it, but it was impossible to make the young master soften or show weakness.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Cong Ye intended to skip over this matter and not talk to Lin Qing. He reached out to take the bag from Qiao Yu’s hand, gave a cold snort, and walked briskly back to his seat, causing a loud noise as the desk and chair collided. Then he turned his head to look out the window, exuding an aura that said he didn’t want to be disturbed by idle matters, even if someone died behind him.

In her heart, Qiao Yu cursed the male lead of the romantic novel for having a big mouth but lacking substance. She also picked up her own backpack and walked towards her seat. After taking a few steps, she turned back to look at the teacher who was still standing there in a daze, waving at him warmly.

“Wake up, you haven’t finished arranging the transfer student yet, have you?”

The teacher startled as if awakening from a dream, quickly pushed up his sliding glasses, cleared his throat, and said to Lin Qing, “Y-Yes, you haven’t finished your self-introduction yet, so please continue—”

“No need,” Lin Qing shook her head, “There’s nothing much to say.”

As she said that, she looked towards Qiao Yu, and Qiao Yu, who was about to leave quickly, was frozen in place.

She vaguely thought in her mind: Huh? Why am I frozen when she looks at me? Can’t I just walk away?

Before she could put this thought into action, those eyes filled with a smile suddenly curved, and Lin Qing’s gentle voice sounded, “But it’s still necessary to say it to the person who didn’t hear.”

Lin Qing lightly tucked her hair behind her ear, and her originally cool expression softened, revealing a shallow dimple on her cheek as she smiled at Qiao Yu.

“I’m Lin Qing, nice to meet you.”