Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 119.2

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She could see that Qiao Yu was also very nervous, frequently glancing at her with a look of wanting to ask but not daring to. Eventually, Qiao Yu mumbled about taking a bath first and fled the room.

Lin Qing thought this was a good idea, so she also went to the other bathroom to take a shower. Although still confused, she meticulously cleaned herself.

Yes! To remove her invisible “pillow princess” label, Lin Qing felt that something had to happen tonight!

Even though it was clear from various signs that Qiao Yu was not as dissatisfied with the current situation as Mi Yi, Lin Qing’s self-esteem subtly flared up a bit, making her puff up with determination.

She also wanted to do to Qiao Yu what Qiao Yu had done to her! She couldn’t be the only one always on the passive end every day. She also wanted to see Qiao Yu under her, with a dazed expression, blushing and heart racing…


Strange. She couldn’t imagine it at all.

Rather, as soon as she tried, her mind was filled with images of Qiao Yu being mischievous, with a cunning and aggressive look in her eyes, softly coaxing her with words, and increasingly unrestrained actions—

—Calm down! Calm down, Lin Qing!

Lin Qing forcefully wiped the water from her face, trying hard to suppress the near runaway imagination in her mind, biting her teeth in embarrassment and annoyance.

Even if she couldn’t imagine it, wouldn’t seeing it with her own eyes tonight suffice?

This was like losing morale even before the battle began. Lin Qing forced herself to keep her momentum, carefully blow-dried her hair in the bathroom, and took more time than usual to pay attention to her appearance. Only then did she slowly walk out, stopping as soon as she reached the living room.

Ah, Qiao Yu was already sitting on the sofa in full readiness, looking very serious.

All the speeches Lin Qing had prepared earlier now couldn’t come out. She silently walked over and sat down beside Qiao Yu, feeling Qiao Yu immediately straighten up and turn to her with a very attentive and solemn demeanor, waiting for her to speak.

…Qiao Yu seemed to have mistakenly thought they were about to discuss a very serious matter…

Under Qiao Yu’s earnest and pure gaze, Lin Qing only felt her sense of shame rising rapidly, to the point that she could even feel the side of her face being looked at heating up.

Her mind raced through several solutions, thinking the best way now was to muddle through, but when she stiffly turned her head and met Qiao Yu’s eyes, she felt a string in her mind snap with a “pop.”

“…I don’t want to be a pillow princess anymore…”

The voice that slipped from Lin Qing’s lips was very small but accurately transmitted, causing both of them to shudder.

For about thirty seconds, the whole room was silent.

“I see, I roughly understand the situation.”


“Mi Yi… ahem, I’m different from her. I don’t really mind this sort of thing…”


“Of course, whatever Qingqing wants to do, I have no objections.”

“…You might as well just laugh out loud!”

Lin Qing blushed and pounced on Qiao Yu. Her lover opened her arms and caught her, the laughter she had been holding back finally burst out, the trembling caused by laughing too much reverberated through their chests.

“Is it that funny!”

Lin Qing, both embarrassed and angry, struggled to free her hand from Qiao Yu’s embrace, pinching Qiao Yu’s face to stop her from laughing. Her lover’s face, pulled into a somewhat comical expression by her, still brimmed with mirth in every corner.

“Because… I thought Qingqing was going to say something major, but didn’t expect…”

Qiao Yu didn’t finish her sentence out of consideration, but it was enough to make Lin Qing feel her whole body burning up.

She rubbed Qiao Yu’s face in frustration, and Qiao Yu cooperated by making ow-ow sounds, her hands circled around Lin Qing’s waist—wait a minute.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lin Qing suddenly got even angrier. How did she end up in this position again! She wasn’t aiming for this position today!

There was no point in hiding anymore. Lin Qing decided to go all out, grabbing Qiao Yu’s collar aggressively.

“I don’t care! Today I’m going to be… on top!”

So coquettish.

As soon as the words left her mouth, Lin Qing felt she lacked confidence, almost unable to face Qiao Yu’s expression. It was true that initial enthusiasm wanes over time, and Lin Qing sadly realized her behavior was increasingly like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. This was completely different from what she had imagined, how infuriating.

Who exactly was she saying was infuriating? Lin Qing’s rush of boldness subsided, and now she just wanted to bury her head in Qiao Yu’s shoulder and hide for a while, but unexpectedly, Qiao Yu grabbed her wrist.


Qiao Yu’s voice still carried lingering amusement, but she nodded affirmatively, slowly placing Lin Qing’s hand on her chest.

“Whatever Qingqing wants to do, I have no objections.”

She repeated what she had just said, but with the actual action, it was especially convincing.

Lin Qing stared blankly at Qiao Yu’s collar for a long time, not daring to move, just looking pitifully at Qiao Yu.

Her lover seemed to anticipate her gaze, leisurely curling her lips, her eyes flickering slightly.

“…If Qingqing doesn’t know how, how about I first…”

“Teach you?”

This was practically a trap.

The first thought that came to Lin Qing’s mind when she woke up the next morning was this sentence.

What happened last night, what happened last night…

Even after experiencing it many times, recalling it still made her blush. Lin Qing bit her teeth and pulled the quilt over her head, forcibly suppressing those scenes in her mind that should have been censored.

Qiao Yu is really…!

“You’re awake.”

An indifferent voice that made Lin Qing grit her teeth with irritation came from the doorway. Footsteps gradually approached the bedside, and the person sat beside her, pausing for a moment, seemingly aware of Lin Qing’s guardedness, chuckled softly, and kissed her exposed hair.

“What’s wrong? Why are you stifling yourself like this?”

This person was asking despite knowing the answer!

Lin Qing couldn’t hold it in any longer and threw off the quilt, glaring angrily at Qiao Yu, who looked refreshed.

“It’s all because you bullied me yesterday!”

“I did not.”

Facing Lin Qing’s anger, Qiao Yu refuted with a serious expression.

“I clearly went easy on you yesterday, but it was you who said your hands were weak.”


Lin Qing reluctantly recalled her embarrassing behavior yesterday, and her anger diminished by three parts. She still argued in a low voice, “Then couldn’t you have taught me in a safer way? Your method just makes me even weaker!”

“That’s asking too much…” Qiao Yu furrowed her brows in mock difficulty, sighing deliberately. “After all, I’ve taught you so many times, but you haven’t learned a thing—”

“Qiao Yu!”

Lin Qing was so angry she slapped the quilt, but because most of what Qiao Yu said was true, she could only glare at her.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

…How to put it, in conclusion, she did accomplish her goal in a certain sense yesterday.

But she herself was really unprepared and lacked practical experience. Her actions were clumsy and uncoordinated. She knew she must have hurt Qiao Yu, but Qiao Yu just coaxed her, never saying a word about the pain.

This actually made Lin Qing feel guilty, and she quickly agreed to Qiao Yu’s suggestion, which she had initially refused firmly… to “teach her.”

And this guilt was like the key to Pandora’s box. Lin Qing soon found she had no time to “learn.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll reflect on it.”

Qiao Yu conceded at the right moment, raising her hands in surrender and blinking innocently.

“Calm down and have some water first.”

Saying this, she eagerly handed over the cup of water she had just brought in. Lin Qing, still angry, snatched it and took small sips of the warm water.

“…After all, your throat must be quite tired from yesterday.”

Qiao Yu’s words almost made Lin Qing choke. The anger she had just suppressed flared up again, and she glared fiercely at Qiao Yu, who guiltily averted her gaze.

“Hey, we’ve strayed off topic. I actually wanted to say…”

Who knew what good words could come from her mouth? Lin Qing put the cup on the bedside table with a loud bang, but instead of being scared, Qiao Yu smiled gently. She reached out and, ignoring Lin Qing’s feigned struggle, held her hand, intertwining their fingers.

“Don’t worry so much. We’ll go at our own pace.”

Qiao Yu’s tone softened, unexpectedly serious, making it hard for Lin Qing, who was mostly embarrassed, to stay angry. She pursed her lips, feeling a bit dejected.

“…But I also want to…”

“I know, I know.” Qiao Yu gently rubbed the back of her hand, coaxing softly, “We can take our time. It’s not something you can do well on the first try anyway.”


Lin Qing’s mind uncontrollably went to strange places, her ears burning again. Her voice was very soft, but Qiao Yu could hear it clearly.

“Next time, you still have to go easy on me.”

Her lover couldn’t help but laugh, earning a few more glares from Lin Qing, who finally nodded seriously.

“Of course, I promise.”

Only then did Lin Qing hum in satisfaction, watching Qiao Yu open her arms and tilt her head in a gesture.

“Then, since I’ve been so obedient, don’t I deserve a hug?”

…What a sneaky person.

Lin Qing’s heart suddenly softened into a mush. She compromised, leaning over and falling into Qiao Yu’s arms, letting out a soft sigh.

Suddenly, she realized there was no need to rush. Qiao Yu’s love was always evident, enveloping her brightly and soothing all her restlessness.

She wanted to give Qiao Yu the best, but actually, even if she wasn’t perfect and made mistakes, in Qiao Yu’s eyes, Lin Qing was always the best.

“I wonder how Mi Yi is doing…”

“Yeah, we should go check on her later. I believe she’ll handle it well.”

“Mm… Speaking of which, my hands are really sore. When you… turned around before, didn’t you feel anything?”

“Maybe at first, but now I’m totally, uh, used to it. You see, maybe because I write a lot…”

“…I see, those are really useful hands.”

“Speaking of writing, many of my readers have recently started commenting that they want to see what happens behind closed doors.”

“?! That’s obviously not okay! Are you writing that kind of stuff, Qiao Yu?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“That’s exactly why they’re commenting! How could anyone write about their own—besides, even if they did, it wouldn’t be published! It would get locked!”

“That’s really reassuring…”

Though they both knew it was time to get up, neither of them let go. They just sat in bed, chatting about trivial matters and laughing together.

The path of love and marriage is always full of unknowns. They were still exploring the best way to be with each other.

After all, there was plenty of time ahead. They had all the time in the world.

The author has something to say:

Important news first: This book ends here! Yay!

Now, about this chapter: It might be different from what everyone expected. I was just writing the scenes I wanted to write. Sorry, I guess I really can’t write counterattacks (kneels).

Finally, my thoughts on finishing the book: As my first book, it far exceeded my expectations in every aspect… Thank you all so much for accompanying me during this time! I really like you guys! Mwah!

Lin Qing and Qiao Yu still have a long way to go. I really like this phrase, it implies a sense of unfinished business, which is great.

LP: Thank you all for reading! This book has been a fun read~

I’ll be adding another novel after a few days! Have a great day~