Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 113

All my future, is all about you

Waiting is such a torment, isn’t it?

Especially this kind, knowing that your lover is fighting for the future of both, while you are helpless, only able to wait in place for her return, the feeling is truly terrible.

Qiao Yu, after leaving her words to Lin Qing, soon lost consciousness, collapsing softly into Lin Qing’s arms. Lin Qing, struggling to maintain her composure, brought Qiao Yu to the sofa, letting her lie down, resting her head on her own lap.

Qiao Yu’s expression was very calm, as if she were asleep, but waves of unrest surged in Lin Qing’s heart.

Her sudden collapse was somewhat reminiscent of that nightmare-like summer day in high school.

Lin Qing couldn’t help but tremble, feeling like she was forced to face her greatest fear, as if the scars she thought had already healed were viciously ripped open by herself, gushing blood.

She groped to hold Qiao Yu’s hand, squeezing it tightly, as if grasping at a lifeline, helpless and frantic.

If this hand were to slip away from her fingers like quicksand.

Then she would never stay alone in this world.

Having come to terms with it, Lin Qing, amidst the silent wait, repeatedly traced the contours of Qiao Yu’s features, the untidy fear gradually transforming into persistent longing and desire.

Luckily, her lover was someone who kept her word. Under her gaze, she furrowed her brows slightly, then opened her eyes.

Those amber-like eyes gleamed in the light, as focused and affectionate as ever.

Her Qiao Yu returned to her side in one piece.

Lin Qing couldn’t find words, so she could only deeply kiss her lover.

“—That’s it, that God… she helped me. You don’t have to worry about satisfaction anymore in the future.”

By the time Qiao Yu had explained everything, it was already two hours later.

During this time, most of it was spent comforting Lin Qing. After returning, she confirmed that she had only been unconscious for less than an hour, but Lin Qing seemed as if she had been asleep for a week. Qiao Yu originally intended to joke around a bit, but upon seeing her reddened eyes and pale complexion, all that remained was a heart full of pain. She softened her voice and comforted her repeatedly, spending more time than it took to leave just to stabilize Lin Qing’s emotions.

“Sounds like a good person.”

Lin Qing sniffled, still unwilling to leave Qiao Yu’s embrace, her voice still somewhat muffled.

“Yeah… at least in helping me with this, she’s indeed a good person.”

Having had a more intimate encounter with God, Qiao Yu said ambiguously, recalling the appearance of that person, and pondered for a while.

That person mentioned that her world had discovered the existence of parallel universes.

Which means… the world of God should also be a parallel world.

But now, thinking about these things again doesn’t make much sense. Qiao Yu shook her head and turned her head back.

“You probably haven’t read that letter yet, right?”

“…No, I forgot.”

Prompted by her, Lin Qing remembered. She frowned slightly in annoyance, realizing she had been so focused on providing Qiao Yu with a lap pillow that she had forgotten about it. She heard Qiao Yu sigh in relief.

“Well, that’s good—I just wanted to say, it seems like it doesn’t matter if I tell you about this thing now. Anyway, I’m back now, and I’ll tell you everything.”

“As for that letter, it seems useless now, so just give it back to me.”

She said this seriously, reaching out her hand to Lin Qing. Lin Qing gave her a light glance and didn’t say much. She propped herself up and walked into the bedroom. After a while, there was no sound.

Qiao Yu slowly caught up and followed her inside, resignedly. As expected, she saw Lin Qing had already opened the envelope, holding a piece of paper that looked particularly familiar, lost in thought.

“…You’ve opened it.”

Her words carried a hint of guilt. Qiao Yu awkwardly walked over, hands behind her back, and sat down beside Lin Qing, feeling somewhat awkward.

Beside Lin Qing were the opened envelope and another slightly smaller one that hadn’t been opened yet. Although it was too late to change anything, Qiao Yu still anxiously brought over the unopened envelope, stealing a glance at Lin Qing whose expression was gradually darkening.

“You really… can scheme well, can’t you, Qiao Yu?”

Listen, there’s a sting in your words.

Qiao Yu, aware of her fault, shrunk her neck, her voice sounding hollow.

“N-no, it’s because I’ve always been against telling you about uncertain risks…”

“So you reluctantly left me the letter, but also slipped this in the envelope to make sure I wouldn’t open the second envelope, right?”

Her voice trembled at the end. Lin Qing, her eyes red, glared at her, her grip on the paper loosening and tightening, unwilling to crumple it even slightly.

“You… you, you…”

Hearing the tears in her lover’s voice again, Qiao Yu’s heart softened. She sighed lightly and carefully took the paper from Lin Qing’s hand.

Two lines were written on the paper, penned across a long span of time.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

【I want to spend every moment with Lin Qing】

【If I can’t come back, I want Lin Qing to never know the secrets of any world, to live a safe, joyful, and worry-free life forever】

The characters in the second line visibly showed more hesitation and interruption, indicating the unstable state of mind of the writer at the time of writing. With hesitation, she wrote down these words intermittently.

Qiao Yu held her own wish list and chuckled self-deprecatingly.

“…I knew you would be angry when you saw it.”

“But you still wrote it.”

“Yes, I still wrote it.”

Without any flowery words, Qiao Yu nodded calmly, reaching out to grasp her lover’s hand. Lin Qing trembled but didn’t pull away.

“Because I knew that if I really couldn’t come back, you wouldn’t open that second letter after seeing this line.”

“…That’s really too much, Qiao Yu.”

“I know, it might be a bit despicable. But… but…”

Qiao Yu tightened her grip on Lin Qing’s hand, her eyes filled with tender affection.

“But, Qingqing, if we switched places, would you be willing to take on this risk for me?”


“…You wouldn’t.”

Ignoring her lover’s expected silence, Qiao Yu said decisively, then smiled again.

“But you’re smarter than me, maybe you can find a better idea than my foolish way of leaving wishes.”

Lin Qing didn’t respond, sinking into a long silence. Finally, she sighed in resignation, leaning forward under Qiao Yu’s slightly surprised gaze and forcefully biting Qiao Yu’s lip.

“…Ouch, that hurts.”

“It’s supposed to hurt.”

Her voice still a bit huffy, Lin Qing tugged at her lover’s cheek, speaking earnestly.

“I’ll forgive you this time.”

“From now on… don’t ever do something like this again.”

“I won’t.”

Her words were full of unwavering confidence as Qiao Yu replied without hesitation, brushing against Lin Qing’s soft lips.

“From now on, I can tell you everything.”

Their entanglement, concealment, pain, and troubles all came to an end here.

Laid out before them was a life path that was wider and brighter than imagined, to be traversed hand in hand by the two of them.

The second wish on Qiao Yu’s wish list had become obsolete with fortunate circumstances, and her primary wish had never changed, though it would take a very long, long time to realize it.

“What if you commit the same mistake next time?”

“Then punish me by forbidding me from kissing you ever again.”

In the days that followed, their lives were uneventful, filled with the gentle flow of affection.

Lin Qing entered her final year of university, busy with preparations for graduation and job hunting, while Qiao Yu, still only a sophomore, could only watch helplessly, wanting to help but not knowing where to start.

“Do you understand now how I felt when I could only watch you busy back then?”

Her lover said so, and Qiao Yu sighed, feeling that her lover could be unexpectedly grudgeful at times.

At times like this, it was necessary to shower her with kisses, which would quickly smooth over any ruffled feathers.

But there was also the risk of overdoing it and making the person even angrier, so caution was needed in this regard.

…But Qiao Yu, relying on Lin Qing’s favoritism, would always be honest for a few days after reflecting on her mistakes.

Putting aside these thoughts for now, watching as her friends one by one stepped into the workforce with one foot, Qiao Yu couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy. At gatherings with old friends, she appeared restless.

“What’s wrong, Qiao Yu? Feeling lonely? Don’t worry! I’m still here with you at school!”

Cong Ye, who chose to continue his postgraduate studies, slapped her shoulder with his tongue hanging out. Over these days, his tolerance for alcohol seemed to have improved a bit. At least he didn’t pass out immediately after drinking; he could still drag Qiao Yu into a tipsy brawl.

“No, it’s really not that important.”

“Can’t you treat me a little better?”

Ignoring Cong Ye’s pitiful inquiry as if she hadn’t heard it, Qiao Yu turned to Lu Yao, who had decided to work for the family business after graduating from university, with a somewhat serious expression.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“I just realized suddenly… I seem to be someone who has family property to inherit?”

“Only now you realize it?” Lu Yao couldn’t help but be dumbfounded, then grimaced. “But you should be fine. At least you won’t end up like me, starting from the bottom at my old man’s company—nor will you have three blind dates arranged for you every week.”

“…That sounds tough.”

Recalling how this friend had been relentlessly arranged with blind dates since high school, Qiao Yu patted Lu Yao’s shoulder sympathetically, receiving two dispirited grunts in response.

“These guys are too hopeless.”

The one speaking was Mi Yi, pouring herself a drink. Qiao Yu couldn’t keep track of how much she had drunk from the beginning of the meal until now, but despite that, she still looked unfazed. Her face didn’t even flush a bit, leaving Qiao Yu wondering how someone of her small stature could have such an endless capacity for alcohol.

“Are you planning to hit the town before you leave?”

“Yeah, I’m flying directly to France in two weeks. I’ll send you guys postcards.”

“It’s such a rare opportunity to go to France, and you’re only sending postcards. What’s the difference between foreign postcards and domestic ones anyway?”

“Fine, I’ll give you a choice then. Postcards covered in baguette crumbs or regular ones. Which do you want?”

As sharp-tongued as ever, Mi Yi left Qiao Yu no choice but to shut up.

Lin Qing chuckled and lightly squeezed Qiao Yu’s hand, helping her regain her composure. Just as she did, Mi Yi calmly downed another glass of wine, then turned to them as if suddenly remembering something.

“Speaking of which, there’s something I want to discuss with you guys.”

The “you guys” in this sentence, of course, refers to Qiao Yu and Lin Qing. The two exchanged a glance before turning to look at Mi Yi together.

“Well, it’s…”

It’s rare to see Mi Yi so hesitant. After a moment of hesitation, she finally bit the bullet and asked directly.

“…It’s that I’m actually writing a novel now and I wanted to ask if you guys mind if I write story of the two of you?”


“Ah, well…”

So Mi Yi saw Qiao Yu stunned on the spot, while Lin Qing’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. Just as Mi Yi wondered if writing a novel was worth such astonishment, she saw Qiao Yu snap out of it with a start and flash her a sheepish smile.

“Sorry, I’ve been writing it myself!”

Indeed, Qiao Yu had been keeping up with her promise to God, maintaining a fairly steady update schedule.

With no risk involved, Lin Qing gradually let go of her worries and began to read the comments on the articles with her, no longer resisting the existence of this piece of work.

“This character seems quite common.”

Qiao Yu followed Lin Qing’s direction and saw a reader with the ID “Mi” and couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Yeah, I wonder how she manages to stay so idle in a post-apocalyptic world.”

Worrying for Mi Yi, who had once extended a helping hand to her, Qiao Yu looked at the comment she left under the new chapter, “Ah ah ah ah ah I’m living so sweetly, I’m ecstatic, I’m dancing wildly, I’m feeling so good I can’t stand it,” and couldn’t help but wonder if something had happened to her while typing.

“Don’t worry, Host. According to my colleague, she just accidentally hit herself in the face while lying down playing on her phone.”

“She’s really too relaxed, isn’t she?”

Qiao Yu couldn’t help but laugh along with the system, exchanging a few pleasantries. Although the system hadn’t been revoked by God, it seemed to have been modified so that it could only appear when Qiao Yu initiated the holographic screen.

“I heard this was a decision made by my boss to prevent herself from coming over too often.”

Qiao Yu didn’t know what to say about this explanation. She sighed and scrolled through the comments, stopping when she saw another familiar ID.

“This name is really… quite eye-catching.”

“Yeah… it’s a bit… distracting indeed…”

Even Lin Qing furrowed her brows, and Qiao Yu looked at that ID, unsure whether to be angry or amused.

【Better Not Encounter Qingcheng’s Color: Love is really great】

Why choose such a suggestive name! It looks like a joke!

Recalling the artistic ID name that God accidentally showed her when registering the account, Qiao Yu couldn’t help but feel complicated. Indeed, God;s thoughts were difficult to understand, and she really didn’t know what was going on over there.

“Well… forget it, let’s call it a day for today.”

Feeling like her energy was being needlessly drained, Qiao Yu closed the screen. When she turned her head, she saw Lin Qing looking at her hesitantly.

“…I think it’s better to meet.”

“Don’t worry about that name anymore.”

Qiao Yu was amused by Lin Qing’s persistence in odd matters. She pulled her into her arms and laughed, saying, “At this point, there’s no need to worry about meeting or not meeting.”

“Well, that’s true…”

Her lover seemed to still be a bit uneasy, loosely twirling her lengthened hair with her hand before suddenly speaking up.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Qiao Yu, have you thought about the future?”

“Of course, I’ve thought about it. I’ve been thinking for a long time about which country would be best to get our marriage certificate.”

“…I’m not asking you about that now…!”

Seeing Lin Qing’s face immediately turn red, Qiao Yu kissed her affectionately, wearing a gentle smile of contentment.

“I’ve considered everything.”

“All my future plans involve you.”

They were tiny miracles in the vast expanse of the universe, entwined in the barren soil and unknowingly blossoming.

Whether in the past or in the future, they would always be together, nothing could ever separate them.

God called them miracles, but Qiao Yu felt it was simply meant to be.

Since the moment Qiao Yu began to continue writing the novel with a Lily theme, she and Lin Qing harvested the destined love for each other.

The author has something to say:

Hello, everyone! The main text of today’s chapter has come to an end! Let’s celebrate!

Wow, I really didn’t expect this book to come this far. Initially, I only planned to write around 300,000 words, but I couldn’t control these hands… Qiao Yu and Lin Qing are really good together, and there’s a bit of that feeling of being reluctant to part like an old father (laughs).

Thank you all for accompanying me during this time! If you have any ideas for side stories you’d like to see, feel free to share them in the comments. If I find them interesting, I’ll write them! Muah! Bowing!

LP: … main text is complete… I feel dead inside 🙁

Anyway, 6 extra chapters coming up!