Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 109

Lin Qing has a pair of very beautiful hands

Before Lin Qing’s birthday, what comes first is the New Year.

Even though they have known each other for such a long time, spending New Year’s as a couple is a first for them, so both of them are especially attentive. This year’s New Year’s Eve dinner is also different from usual. With their relationship confirmed, this New Year naturally became a gathering of both families.

After discussions between both sides, the location of the New Year’s Eve dinner was set at the Qiao family’s home. A big reason was that Qiao parents were not clear about the relationship between Mother Lin and President Cong, so they couldn’t take them to their own home for dinner without explanation.

Upon seeing the Cong family’s mother and son following Lin Qing and her mother, Father Qiao quietly pulled Qiao Yu aside and candidly expressed his doubts.

“Yuyu, why are we having dinner with Lin Qing’s family, and why are they here too? Could it be that Cong Ye likes one of you two and his mom keeps bringing him over to make a scene?”

“Qiao Zheng, I heard everything.”

Before Qiao Yu could express admiration for her father’s wild imagination, President Cong’s voice coldly came from behind, startling the father and daughter into standing up straight simultaneously, showing an awkward smile to the arms-crossed President Cong.

“Cough, Old Cong, that’s not what I meant, you know, right?”

Having seen a lot in the world, Father Qiao quickly composed his expression, putting on a kindly fatherly look.

“You see, Yuyu and Qingqing get along quite well, right? I know Qingqing is likable, but I still suggest that your family should not meddle in the kids’ feelings—”

“What’s all this about? With Qingqing being so likeable, do you really need to tell me?”

President Cong felt a bit frustrated, rolled her eyes dramatically, and bluntly remarked.

“You should tell your daughter to be gentler with Qingqing, that’s what matters.”

In Father Qiao’s bewildered gaze, Qiao Yu trembled with fear and nodded obediently. She had the feeling of a new daughter-in-law facing a stern mother-in-law, naturally feeling slightly inferior, and awkwardly shifted her gaze away, nodding in agreement. She heard Lin Qing’s light laughter coming from the sofa, which made her want to turn her head to look at her, but President Cong gave her a stern look, so she obediently stayed put.

Thus, the whole New Year’s Eve dinner passed in this slightly eerie atmosphere of a parental meeting, although the Qiao parents were still a bit confused about the situation, it didn’t stop them from praising Lin Qing at the dinner table, laughing and chatting with Mother Lin. President Cong was pleased to hear it, and the adults enjoyed themselves, exchanging toasts and glasses, making the scene resemble a business party.

“Do you want a drink?”

Not very interested in their conversation, Lin Qing poured herself some red wine and offered the glass to Qiao Yu, giving a subtle nod.

“…No. I don’t want to get drunk in this kind of setting.”

Feeling it would be unprofessional, Qiao Yu declined seriously, emphasizing her image in front of Lin Qing’s parents. When Lin Qing saw this, she couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows in amusement.

“Just a little bit and you’ll get drunk?”

“I used to get drunk just by drinking alcoholic beverages…”

Qiao Yu mentioned her embarrassing experience of passing out at a KTV after consuming alcohol, feeling a sense of shame about the past that she preferred not to revisit. Lin Qing seemed to recall the same incident, but her expression became subtly different. Qiao Yu noticed the faint blush creeping up Lin Qing’s ears and suddenly realized that Lin Qing was likely remembering the accident they had together at that time. She felt her heart skip a beat and a sudden dryness in her mouth.

Seeing the atmosphere start to become ambiguous, Qiao Yu silently thought to herself that this was not a good situation. Just as things were getting awkward, a simple and cheerful voice chimed in from the side.

“Yes, yes, yes, Qiao Yu, you were so drunk back then you couldn’t even stand, like a newborn deer, hahaha!”

…There are always people in this world who are completely clueless about reading the room. Qiao Yu closed her eyes in silence and turned to look at Cong Ye, who seemed to be the happiest person at the table (after all, he was the only person focused on eating and no one was competing with him for food). Although she felt she should be thankful for his interruption, she couldn’t resist firing back in response.

“You’re crazy, Cong Ye. Do you think you looked good when you were drunk back then? You slept like a newborn koala!”

“Huh? Koalas sound so lame, isn’t there a more handsome description?”

“…Is this even important? Then let’s go with sloth.”

“That sounds even worse than koala!”

With that, the younger generation’s atmosphere smoothly became more lively. Lin Qing mainly watched helplessly as the two of them argued like elementary school kids, with the debate topic being “who has a worse alcohol tolerance” – honestly, Lin Qing felt they were both equally matched and didn’t see the point in their argument.

But out of some private motives, Lin Qing quietly poured a glass of wine for each of them and pushed it in front of the two, smiling meaningfully.

“Let’s see who can handle it?”

This was really putting them on the spot. Qiao Yu had no intention of drinking initially, but as she watched Cong Ye, that fool, confidently raise his glass and gulp it down while provocatively challenging her, she felt a competitive urge that not drinking would mean she lost. Reluctantly, she gritted her teeth and drank her own glass.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Of course, both she and Cong Ye quickly became tipsy. The adults finally noticed their odd behavior and teasingly removed the alcohol, replacing it with fruits for them to eat something healthy. This time, Cong Ye didn’t doze off. Instead, he skillfully skewered a neatly cut dragon fruit with a toothpick and began meticulously counting the seeds on it.

By the time Qiao Yu heard him count to 64, her head started to ache. She snuggled her head against Lin Qing’s shoulder, and heard her let out a light chuckle.

“You can only have three drinks, Qiao Yu.”

Feeling aggrieved, she nibbled on the strawberry that her lover handed to her mouth and grumbled, “It’s all because of you, Qingqing made me drink.”

Then she heard Lin Qing laugh softly and apologize to her, reaching out to gently massage her temples with a kind attitude. Her grievances were quickly smoothed over, and she didn’t realize the deeper meaning behind Lin Qing’s previous gesture.

It wasn’t until the day of Lin Qing’s birthday that Qiao Yu, looking at the full glass in front of her, furrowed her brows, sensing something.

They had celebrated her birthday with everyone during the day, and now, as the sky darkened, it was their time together.

Qiao Yu quietly looked up at the composed Lin Qing, whose smile was bright and she tapped the glass as if to signify something.

“Today is my birthday, shouldn’t I have a drink?”


It was a valid point, but Qiao Yu looked at her own glass, then at Lin Qing’s, and asked with a complex expression.

“Is there… much less in your glass than mine?”

“Is that so?” Lin Qing selectively ignored the differing levels of liquid in their glasses, pretending to look and innocently said, “I ate a lot for dinner just now, so I can’t drink much.”

That was definitely a lie. Given Lin Qing’s appetite, most of the dinner had ended up in Qiao Yu’s stomach, yet she could nonchalantly claim she had eaten a lot and couldn’t drink much, making it easy to see she had some ulterior motive.

Qiao Yu had no choice but to go along with it. She reconsidered the amount of alcohol in her glass and hesitantly said, “…Shouldn’t we discuss business first?”

Such as the issue of sharing information that Lin Qing had been fixated on. However, this seemingly legitimate request was firmly rejected by Lin Qing.

“What I’m doing now is business too,” Lin Qing said, slyly winking, “Let’s at least drink three glasses before we talk, then.”

Alright, now Qiao Yu knows what Lin Qing is up to. This person has no intention of hiding her motives at all.

Being determined to get her lover drunk, Qiao Yu had no choice but to fulfill her wish.

After all, it was Lin Qing’s birthday today, so she should be accommodated.

“I see that when Lin Qing celebrates her birthday, the host also has to accommodate her… Well, okay, the host doesn’t need to hurry me out, I’ll just enter hibernation now.”

The system, becoming more adept at reading the situation, left behind its sigh before entering hibernation, leaving Qiao Yu with a question as she raised the glass to her lips.

…Oh, she always goes along with Lin Qing. So, what exactly does Lin Qing have to do that requires her to be drunk?

Just as she had this thought, she subconsciously drank the wine at Lin Qing’s urging, without much time for reflection, the alcohol quickly taking effect.

After two glasses of wine, Qiao Yu quickly became confused. However, Lin Qing persistently pushed a third glass in front of her, looking at Qiao Yu with an especially serious expression.

Qiao Yu stared at the glass, tilting her head and looking at it for a while. Suddenly, a laugh bubbled up from her throat, and she decisively raised the glass to drink it in one go. As she placed the glass back on the table and shook her head slightly, she felt the surge of the alcohol effects clearly.

“…Drinking so quickly, it will give you a headache.”

Lin Qing’s voice came faintly from in front of her, and Qiao Yu leaned against the back of the chair, looking at her with intoxicated eyes.

At that moment, Lin Qing stood up and approached Qiao Yu as if testing the waters. She bent slightly, slowly raised her hand to touch Qiao Yu’s flushed face.

As Lin Qing’s hand reached up, Qiao Yu let out a soft “mm” and turned her face to nuzzle Lin Qing’s palm. Her gaze casually swept over Lin Qing’s fingers, unconsciously lingering for a moment.

Lin Qing has a pair of very beautiful hands. Her fingers were slender and elegant, smooth as jade. At this moment, her fingertips were slightly cool, and being touched by them felt very pleasant to Qiao Yu.

“Qiao Yu…”

The person being called just kept looking at her hand, as Lin Qing, suppressing her jumbled heartbeat, softly called out.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)


Qiao Yu finally responded slowly, her voice tinged with a bit of a lazy nasal tone. She turned her gaze towards Lin Qing, the amber-colored pupils swirling with a soft light, her eyes shining brightly with an undefended affection.

Lin Qing was almost overwhelmed by the guilt-inducing gaze, silently condemning herself for needing such courage. After a mental struggle, she hesitantly asked.

“Do you want to… rest?”

The words carried a deep meaning, and Lin Qing didn’t know if Qiao Yu understood. Qiao Yu just looked at her quietly for a while, then suddenly lowered her head and smiled.

“Go rest.”

Qiao Yu’s voice brightened cheerfully, and without waiting for Lin Qing to make a move, she stood up on her own, grabbed Lin Qing’s wrist, and clumsily led her to the bedroom.

The intoxicated person sat on the edge of the bed, blinked at Lin Qing hesitating in front of the bed.

“What’s wrong?”


To be honest, Lin Qing was in a moral dilemma, feeling that her actions were taking advantage of the situation. But at the same time, she believed that since they were already lovers, this was inevitable sooner or later. Certainly, Qiao Yu wouldn’t blame her—

Lost in this internal struggle, Lin Qing didn’t notice Qiao Yu’s outreached hand. She only managed to let out a short gasp before she was pulled into her lover’s embrace without a word.

“…I’m sorry, I might have lost control.”

The first thing Lin Qing heard after the sudden attack was an apology. She was momentarily caught off guard, then felt Qiao Yu’s hand skillfully slipping inside the hem of her nightshirt.

“Hey, hey? Qiao Yu, wait—”

The situation unfolded completely differently from what she had imagined, plunging Lin Qing into confusion. She attempted to break free from Qiao Yu’s embrace, but upon hearing her muffled voice, she involuntarily stopped her movements.

“…Is it not allowed?”

Qiao Yu’s voice carried a hint of grievance, consciously creating some distance between them. She presented a despondent face to Lin Qing, the usually clear eyes now clouded with mist, looking like she could burst into tears at any moment as she pursed her lips.

“Does Qingqing… not like it?”


Looking into those eyes, Lin Qing couldn’t say anything. She hesitantly lightly bit her lower lip and ultimately sighed in resignation.

“…I don’t dislike it.”

Lin Qing embraced Qiao Yu’s neck apologetically, surrendering herself to her lover.

She knew that Qiao Yu’s emotions would change quickly when drunk. She would feel upset because of any behavior resembling rejection and happy because of a simple statement like “like.” Qiao Yu was easy to coax and deceive—it should be like this.

As she gently leaned back onto the bed in the embrace, Lin Qing was still reflecting on where she went wrong in her actions. When she met her lover’s eyes once again, she finally saw the mischief in the depths of them.

“You… you’re not really drunk, are you—hmm…”

“Is this matter important?”

With the front completely collapsing, unable to resist anymore, Lin Qing subconsciously turned her head to meet Qiao Yu’s fiery kiss. She tasted the hint of alcohol on her lover’s tongue and lightly bit down to show her dissatisfaction. Sensing Qiao Yu’s silent laugh, she then kissed even more passionately.

She wasn’t really that drunk.

Perhaps a person’s alcohol tolerance can grow as well. Qiao Yu, after just three drinks today, only seemed slightly intoxicated.

How should I put it, in this state, the greatest role alcohol played undoubtedly was making Lin Qing in her eyes more… alluring.

Qiao Yu closed her eyes in the soft gasps of her lover, swallowing the sound of her whimper. In that moment, she deftly slipped something that had been tucked in the pocket of her nightshirt onto Lin Qing’s hand.


She slightly pulled back, watching as Lin Qing’s gaze focused on the ring on her ring finger, staring blankly at the shining ring.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Happy birthday.”

Qiao Yu lifted her eyes, kissing her hand gently, whispering.

“…Now isn’t the time to say this phrase.”

Her lover cutely glared, looking oddly pouty for some reason. After holding back for quite some time, she finally blurted out a sentence.

“The pair in my pocket, with our names engraved on them…”

Qiao Yu hesitated for a moment, then couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Her shoulders shook with laughter, and after being punched several times by the annoyed Lin Qing, she barely managed to stifle her laughter and returned to kissing her lips again.

“Okay, it seems like I’ve messed up your plans, sorry about that.”

“Now is definitely not the time to say this phrase!”

“Fine, fine, fine. I’ll say what you want to hear… tonight.”

Qiao Yu’s voice dangerously lowered, and before Lin Qing could react, she was led by her sudden movement to tense up her body, the room once again filled with the sound of rapid breathing.

Lin Qing has a pair of very beautiful hands.

Perfect for gripping the sheets.