Miss Forensics – Chapter 130.2

The final battle (4)

He just furrowed his brow and said, “It’s only a temporary delay, not inaction. We encircle the perimeter, and they can’t fly even if they grow wings. The result will be the same.”

Of course, it wouldn’t be the same!

Every minute delayed puts the undercover comrades inside at greater risk.

Feng Jianguo was on the verge of bursting out in anger, his face turning red, before he finally swallowed back the curse words in his stomach.

He picked up a tea cup, unscrewed the lid, and took a big gulp of cold tea to cool off, while Zhao Junfeng looked at him oddly.

“Is there someone in Zhongjing Industrial Port that makes you so impatient?” 

As soon as this was said, all the other leaders looked over.

He set down the tea cup and smirked sarcastically, before sitting down heavily.

“I overstepped my bounds by offering to help; I’ll follow Director Zhao’s arrangements for everything, after all, you are the commander-in-chief, aren’t you?”

The Supreme Lord’s insight was spot on. Zhao Junfeng was naturally suspicious. Since he already knew about the existence of Yunzhong Island, even if the actual trading location was in Zhongjing Industrial Port, he wouldn’t just sit idly by. He would definitely send someone to check it out, and in this back and forth, he would profit from this time difference.  (LP: I might have translated Yunzhong Island as Cloud Island, but I can’t remember~)

The city’s Criminal Investigation Division and Anti-Drug Division were transferred, half of the personnel from the Provincial Anti-Drug Bureau and Special Police were also redirected to Yunzhong Island, leaving behind a negligible number of staff. At this moment, there was no one coming to rescue them.

The Supreme Lord chuckled, “Lin Youyuan, you never thought this day would come, did you?”

He wasn’t in a hurry to kill them, enjoying the sight of human struggle in their last moments was one of his greatest pleasures.

“Cough… ” Lin Youyuan coughed twice, his barely supported spirit quickly fading away.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Yan was also shocked, her throat slightly moved,”You…”

Before finishing her remaining words, she was abruptly interrupted.

“Why waste words, if you want to kill, then kill. What I dislike the most is your tendency to drag others into the muddy waters when you kill someone, fussing around for nothing. It’s been so long, and you haven’t changed one bit.”

Lin Youyuan cursed fiercely, without looking at Lin Yan, as if she was insignificant. 

“After all this time, your stubbornness hasn’t changed at all.” Kuba supported the Supreme Lord, limping over to him and pressing his face with a cane, showing a hint of pity in his eyes.

“Even at death’s door, you’re still putting on airs.”

Butler Lin struggled free from his lackeys holding him back, intending to rush forward, but the Supreme Lord’s gun was pointed at his head.

“You better not move. Your master’s life is in my hands.”

Butler Lin gritted his teeth, halted his steps, and was knocked down on his bent back leg by a gun, dropping to his knees, with several guns pointing at him all at once.

“Why involve others in our grievances, Lin Jueshui? You’ve always wanted to kill me, haven’t you?” 

The Supreme Lord’s last name is Lin?!

Lin Yan’s shocked gaze suddenly turned towards him.

The person known as Lin Jueshui chuckled twice, tapping his face with the cane, his every wrinkle hiding malevolence and cunning.

“Lin Jueshui? Who is Lin Jueshui? Wasn’t he already dead?”

Lin Youyuan, disabled and unable to get up from the ground with just the strength of his upper body, even when forced to submit under the enemy’s feet, his eyes remained defiant.

Lin Yan had never seen his father show such an expression before. He had always been cold, disdainful, cunning, and only interested in his own gain.

“Well, since you don’t acknowledge your surname Lin, why did you come back? And why did you not discard this jade ring, but instead embed it in your cane!”

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

He spoke quickly and urgently, coughing a few times unintentionally, as Lin Youyuan’s gaze fixated like a needle on the dragon head on his cane.

There was a green gemstone embedded there, which Lin Yan had noticed before, but had not expected it to be made of the same material as the jade ring on her father’s hand.

She staggered back a step, seeming somewhat unable to believe this reality. 

“Shut up!” Lin Youyuan’s words made him furious, intending to strike with the cane but then catching sight of the jade ring on it, he erupted in anger and his face contorted.

“Kill him!”

Kuba’s finger was about to pull the trigger, but Lin Youyuan suddenly reached out his hand forcefully: “Wait! After all, we are brothers. At this point, I have nothing more to say.”

“But—” He glanced at Lin Yan, calmly turned his face away, and shifted his gaze to his brother.

“It’s not bad to die by your hands. You can personally send me on my way, unlike others…”

Lin Youyuan paused slightly and slowly continued.

“Who are unwilling.”

He then closed his eyes slowly, adopting a look as if he was ready to die at any moment.

Lin Yan began to struggle, Butler Lin knelt beside her, tightly gripping her clothes to signal her not to make a sound.

Lin Jueshui’s eyes twitched as he looked at Lin Youyuan lying on the ground. Thirty years had passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Youyuan had aged, with white eyebrows. The once spirited and arrogant young man had almost become a cripple.

He held the gun, the dark muzzle aimed at him, trembling slightly.

Kuba reminded softly, “Supreme Lord, we don’t have much time left. We can’t delay any longer.”

As if awakened by his words, the title “Supreme Lord” brought him back to the cold reality.

Thirty years ago, how did he treat him, how did he conspire with others to harm him, how did he turn him into the ghostly figure he is today?

New grudges and old hatred surged in his heart at the same time. Lin Jueshui threw away his cane, limped over, grabbed his collar, pressed the gun against his temple, breathing heavily.

“Alright, then I’ll… send you on your way!”

A surge of hatred burst suddenly in his eyes, his index finger lightly curling back. Lin Youyuan smiled slightly, and in the blink of an eye, his right hand swiftly pulled out the handgun that was prepared in his pocket. Taking advantage of their close proximity, he pressed it firmly against his chest.

It was too late to dodge at this distance.

Lin Yan’s eyes turned red as she struggled and rushed forward: “Don’t do it!”

Before the words even fell, Kuba had already noticed Lin Youyuan’s movement and raised his hand, hitting him in the shoulder with a shot.

The old man was already at death’s door, and this shot was like taking half of his life. Lin Youyuan fell heavily to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, which began to seep out from under his suit jacket.

Butler Lin’s eyes widened in shock. He pushed aside the guns pointed at him and lunged forward. Someone behind him fired a shot, hitting one of his legs, but he continued to crawl forward step by step.


Lin Youyuan coughed and a large amount of dark red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He looked up at Lin Yan, briefly extending a finger before quickly pulling it back, gasping for breath violently.

The sudden turn of events was too abrupt, and Lin Youyuan’s position changed too quickly. Is he good or evil? She had not figured it out yet, but she watched him collapse in front of her, covered in blood.

Memories surfaced one by one in her mind.

She had run to shower under the faucet in the cold winter of the ninth day for her father’s attention, even when sick, he ignored her.

He allowed Lin Cheng to repeatedly bully her, showing no concern for her as a young child, even sending her to the care of Lin Ge’s family.

She brought home a test paper with a perfect score, but Lin Youyuan didn’t even glance at it and threw it into the trash as if it were worthless. 

Thus, she no longer loved studying. If being an exemplary child couldn’t earn her father’s attention, then she might as well be a total troublemaker. Only when he erupted in rage or even physically punished her would Lin Yan have that slight illusion that he still cared about her. 

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

However, illusions are just that—illusions. 

If he truly cared, he wouldn’t scold her, wouldn’t hit her, wouldn’t be indifferent, and wouldn’t have kicked her out of the house. 

Lin Yan grew up in this twisted and oppressive environment, up until now.

She looked into Lin Youyuan’s eyes, and to her surprise, there was a hint of softness, and he even reached out as if to get closer to her. 

Lin Yan was both astonished and delighted, tears welling up in her eyes. 

In that moment of distraction, a reflection of a knife from behind her appeared in Lin Youyuan’s pupils. 

The sharp point grew larger and clearer, but Lin Yan was completely unaware. 

Many things happened that day, including the reunion with Song Yuhang, the death of Tiger at her hands, Song Yuhang taking down Kuba, the arrest of the Supreme Lord, and the announcement of the dismantling of this major transnational crime syndicate. She was able to return to living under the sunlight once again.

However, in Lin Yan’s later recollections of that day, the moment that left the deepest and most unsettling impression on her was this instant.

Lin Youyuan, an old man with crippled legs, nearing his golden years and suffering from a terminal illness, had a bullet fragment embedded in his shoulder. At the moment when her back was exposed to the enemy’s knife, somehow, he mustered up the strength from somewhere and, relying solely on his thin and frail arms, rose up, suddenly lifted his upper body, and leaped towards her, pressing her into his embrace. 

“Look out!”

It was a father’s instinctual reaction when his daughter was in danger. It was this instinct that made him spew out a mouthful of clotted blood, the warm blood splattering onto Lin Yan’s face as the knife deeply pierced into his back.

Lin Yan had never imagined, in her thirty-two years of life, that Lin Youyuan had never embraced her. The first time the two of them hugged was under such circumstances.

She forgot everything.

Survival instinct.

Combat skills.

First aid skills.


She also temporarily lost the ability to think calmly as an excellent undercover agent.

Her mind went blank, forgetting how to move.

The gunshots seemed to be drifting away from her, leaving her world filled with nothing but blood.

And this blood came from her own father.

Outside the courtyard, there was the sound of dense gunfire, the reinforcements had arrived. Kuba threw away the heavy submachine gun, pulled out a handgun from his waist, and ran out covering the Supreme Lord.

“Retreat to Yunzhong Island!”

As they were about to rush out of the courtyard, Lin Youyuan pushed her away abruptly, his voice intermittent.

“Useless… What are you standing there for… Go… Go after them!”

Getting flustered, he started coughing violently, and with each vibration of his vocal cords, more blood would well up at the corners of his lips.

Lin Yan held him, eyes red, shouting, “No, I’m not leaving! I’ll take you to the hospital! To the hospital!”

Lin Youyuan tremblingly raised his hand to touch her face. Lin Yan thought he was going to stroke her, but unexpectedly, he slapped her hard, causing her to turn her head, ears ringing.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Youyuan said, “Damned thing! What he took… was my Lin family’s legacy… the sweat of half a lifetime… You must… you must help me get it back…”

“And also… look at all these people in the courtyard…”

Lin Yan glanced over and saw bodies strewn on the ground in all directions – Liu Zhi, who died next to the car, employees from the Huange Nightclub who came to rescue her, and Lin Youyuan’s people.

“They all died because of you!!!”

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

He strained to lift his body, roaring with the last bit of strength, his eyes filled with bloodshot veins.

Lin Yan felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, “No… no…”

“Get lost!” Lin Youyuan forced out a word from between his teeth, breathing heavy like a bellows, his complexion pale, nearing the end.

He didn’t want Lin Yan to see him in this state, so he used all his strength to resist her approach.

“If the Supreme Lord doesn’t die today, the Lin family will no longer have Lin Yan. There will be no need for your worship during holidays and festivals. Consider it as me…”

“Raising a useless daughter.”

Truly her father, knowing her inside out, still toying with emotions at this critical moment.

He knew Lin Yan valued her pride and was competitive, so he spoke harshly to provoke her.

Lin Yan indeed clenched her fists, quickly stood up, wiped away the hint of tears from her eyes, picked up a gun from the ground, and rushed towards the door with determination.

Before she reached the door, Butler Lin, who was lying on the ground severely wounded, suddenly lunged towards the Supreme Lord who was passing by, shouting loudly.

“Miss, quickly, avenge the master!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kuba’s gunshot shattered on his forehead. Butler Lin collapsed to the ground, blood oozing from a bright hole in his forehead, dying with his eyes open.