For The Rest Of Our Life – Chapter 67

If hormones had a scent

When Lin Xian was getting ready and changing clothes, Xiao Wanqing also changed her clothes and put on light makeup, looking all prepared. Lin Xian couldn’t help but resentfully curse the magazine company for exploiting labor and oppressing employees. Starting work so early in the morning, Aunt Xiao really worked hard.

During breakfast, Lin Xian clearly noticed that Xiao Wanqing seemed to have a poor appetite. She only scooped half a bowl of porridge and picked up just a few bites of vegetables, eating absentmindedly.

Lin Xian discreetly observed Xiao Wanqing, unable to tell if her complexion was due to makeup or if she couldn’t see it, but her movements were elegant and graceful as usual. She couldn’t discern anything. However, it was still too unusual, and she couldn’t help but worry as she asked, “Aunt Xiao, are you feeling unwell?”

Xiao Wanqing’s deliberate distraction was brought back by Lin Xian’s voice. Her chopsticks paused slightly, and she forced a smile, speaking gently, “No, why do you ask?”

Lin Xian pointed to Xiao Wanqing’s bowl with obvious disbelief, deducing with evidence, “Because today, this is not your usual amount of food. We have been eating breakfast together for so long, and I’ve seen you have a poor appetite a few times, but it was always when you didn’t feel well. Is… your stomach hurting(menstruation)? But that doesn’t seem right; I think it should have ended a few days before I came back.” She furrowed her brows, seriously trying to recall and make sure she didn’t remember the dates incorrectly. “Or is it because you’ve been tired recently and irregular in your schedule, so your stomach hurts?” Lin Xian’s voice suddenly became nervous.

Xiao Wanqing hadn’t expected Lin Xian to observe her every move so carefully, and even more surprisingly, she knew her menstrual cycle so well. She looked at Lin Xian, and after a moment of astonishment, a faint warmth and shyness appeared in her eyes involuntarily. She reassured Lin Xian, “I’m fine, it’s just that my stomach was a bit uncomfortable when I woke up this morning. I took some medicine before eating, and I’ll be fine in a while. Don’t worry.” She had intended to praise Lin Xian’s cooking skills from yesterday, but at this moment, being discovered by Lin Xian’s abnormality, she dared not reveal the truth, afraid that Lin Xian would feel guilty for overthinking.

Oh, this girl has such a considerate and delicate heart. Xiao Wanqing secretly thought to herself, she should put away the leftovers from last night that she didn’t want to throw away. Otherwise, Lin Xian might find out.

Upon hearing this, a look of concern immediately appeared in Lin Xian’s bright eyes. She frowned and worriedly said, “Could it be that you ate something indigestible during last night’s social event?” She felt gloomy and blamed herself, “It’s all my fault. I should have remembered to prepare some warm soup for you to warm your stomach when you came back.” She blamed herself for not taking it seriously, thinking that it would be fine as long as she didn’t drink alcohol.

She still didn’t know how to take care of people, did she?

Seeing the girl’s worried and self-blaming appearance, Xiao Wanqing bit her lip and felt even more sad and guilty.

It was her fault, her lie, but why did it ultimately have to involve the innocent Lin Xian and make her suffer?

Having inappropriate feelings for her was already a grave mistake, and now she was deceiving the girl’s precious trust and genuine care, making one wrong step after another.

Throughout her life, she had been honest and never acted as a villain. Except for feeling guilty towards her parents and loved ones, she believed she hadn’t wronged anyone. Why had she ended up in this helpless situation?

Was it a punishment she hadn’t fully paid for in this lifetime?

She forced a smile and tried to comfort Lin Xian, saying, “Xianxian, what does this have to do with you? I’m an adult, and if I haven’t taken care of myself, any blame should fall on me. Besides, maybe I caught a chill while sleeping last night, that’s why I feel unwell. It’s nothing, just a minor issue, and I’ll be fine soon.”

Lin Xian pouted, still looking unhappy. She put down her chopsticks and stood up, about to walk towards Xiao Wanqing. “Then let me massage your stomach. It might make you feel a little better.”

Xiao Wanqing’s face tensed at the thought of the girl’s hands touching her stomach, gently rubbing it. She couldn’t hide her discomfort and quickly raised her voice in a nervous tone, refusing, “No need, Xianxian!”

Lin Xian stopped in her tracks, looking at Xiao Wanqing in astonishment.

As soon as the words left her mouth, Xiao Wanqing realized her own lapse. She forced herself to calm down, cleared her throat almost imperceptibly, softened her tone and expression, pretending to be natural. “No need, Xianxian. You should eat your meal first before it gets cold. I have to go to work after eating. Massaging… the stomach might make me late.” Her vivid imagination began to conjure up images again, to the point where she unintentionally stuttered when mentioning the word “massaging.”

Upon hearing the latter excuse, Lin Xian lowered her head and returned to her seat. She remained silent for a while, then suddenly whispered, “If only I were a little older.”

If she were a little older, if she were more capable, if she were more talented, would Aunt Xiao not have to work so hard and socialize so much? She wanted to help Aunt Xiao achieve the ideal life they had once discussed.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Xiao Wanqing didn’t hear clearly what Lin Xian said. She couldn’t bear to see Lin Xian unhappy, so she softened her expression and humorously teased her, “Xianxian, quickly finish the leftover porridge. If it gets cold, it won’t be comfortable to eat, and then I’ll suspect that you’re deliberately getting back at me for making you worry.”

Upon hearing Xiao Wanqing’s gentle voice, Lin Xian couldn’t help but burst into laughter. She calmed her emotions, went along with Xiao Wanqing’s banter, and picked up her chopsticks again, humming, “You’re suspecting me with a petty mind.”

Seeing Lin Xian’s relaxed expression, Xiao Wanqing felt as if the clouds in her heart had dispersed and the sun had come out. A faint smile appeared on her lips, and she indulgently admitted her mistake, “Yes, yes, I was thinking too much. Xianxian, you’re a bigger person who doesn’t hold grudges.”

After taking a few sips of porridge, Lin Xian still couldn’t help but worry. She reminded Xiao Wanqing, “If you still feel unwell in the morning, don’t force yourself. Call me, and I’ll take you to see a doctor.”

Xiao Wanqing was momentarily amused by Lin Xian’s mature tone that didn’t match her age. Who was whose aunt here? But the three words “I’ll take you” softened her heart. She couldn’t laugh because she knew Lin Xian was serious.

It had only been half a year, yet that immature and naive child seemed to have suddenly become so mature and reliable.

Could it be that her feelings had changed?

Unconsciously, she had developed an unwarranted reliance on her, and her imagination had gone beyond what it should have been, making her vulnerable and easily moved.

Every unintentional word from the girl could stir up her emotions and trigger a cascade of thoughts.

Xiao Wanqing became increasingly restless. She shouldn’t continue staying in the same room with Lin Xian like this. She was afraid Lin Xian would say something that would make her lose control and say things she couldn’t restrain. She couldn’t give Lin Xian any more chances like this.

It was too much of a test of her willpower.

Every minute and second felt like a gentle torment.

It was both painful and joyful.

She couldn’t bear it any longer.

Or perhaps, she didn’t know if she could bear it anymore.

She quickly finished the last sip of porridge, stood up, turned around, and walked towards the kitchen, no longer looking at Lin Xian’s captivating face. She softly responded, “Hmm, okay. Xianxian, I’m getting ready to go to work.”

Lin Xian wanted to say something more, but when she saw Xiao Wanqing’s apparently hurried figure, she guessed that she was really in a rush to go to work. In the end, she swallowed the unfinished words and agreed, “Alright, Aunt Xiao, you don’t need to clean up the dishes. I’ll wash them later.”

From the kitchen came Xiao Wanqing’s voice of refusal, “No need, Xianxian. You don’t have to wash the dishes you’ve used. Just leave them…” She paused for a moment before continuing, “Leave them for me to wash when I come back in the evening.”

Not long after, as if she had just finished rinsing her mouth in the bathroom, she returned to the entrance of the dining room, lowered her head, and softly instructed Lin Xian, “Lunch is prepared and it’s the same as yesterday. I’ll have time to come back and cook dinner. Don’t get your injured hand wet.”

Lin Xian’s focus immediately shifted, and her eyes lit up. She exclaimed eagerly, “Aunt Xiao, are you coming back for dinner tonight?”

Xiao Wanqing’s eyes flickered with hesitation for two seconds before she gently replied, “Hmm, I’ll come back for dinner tonight. No social engagements.” She couldn’t help but raise her head and look directly at Lin Xian, her gaze deep and tender. She said softly, “So be good and don’t handle knives or get your hand wet, making me worry.”

Lin Xian felt that Xiao Wanqing’s gentle and indulgent words were even warmer than the last sip of hot porridge she had swallowed a second ago. With her eyebrows curved, she picked up her chopsticks. Her shiny, clear eyes stared unwaveringly at Xiao Wanqing. Step by step, she walked towards Xiao Wanqing, standing right in front of her, looking straight into her watery eyes. With a radiant smile, she raised the tumultuous waves in Xiao Wanqing’s heart. “Then Aunt Xiao, you should be good too and not make me worry, okay?” Her lips curled up slightly, her smile as bright as peach blossoms in March, her words tinged with a hint of coquetry, gentle like the spring breeze in March.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

They were too close… Their breaths seemed to entwine stickily…

Xiao Wanqing averted her eyes, unable to meet Lin Xian’s gaze any longer. With difficulty, she took a step back, leaning against the doorframe, creating distance between herself and Lin Xian. Almost imperceptibly, her throat moved.

Lin Xian’s heart and eyes were filled with the person in front of her, and she naturally keenly noticed Xiao Wanqing’s slight retreat. A flash of confusion crossed her eyes, but then an ecstatic delight surged in her heart. Aunt Xiao, why couldn’t she accept being this close to her? Was it because she was starting to have some reaction to her?!

However, in the next second, Xiao Wanqing ruthlessly shattered her beautiful fantasy. “Xianxian, it seems like you have a fishy smell on you.”


After a moment of daze, Lin Xian awkwardly stepped back and turned to walk towards the kitchen. As she walked, she muttered with a pitiful tone, “I won’t eat fish for breakfast anymore.” Ahhhhh!

She wanted to hit herself!

Xiao Wanqing watched Lin Xian’s retreating figure with a complex expression. She weakly leaned against the wall, tilting her head back and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

She had lied to Lin Xian.

In order to conceal her own abnormal feelings, she had offended Lin Xian in a panic.

There was no fishy smell, only an indescribably pleasant and alluring fragrance.

If hormones had a scent.

It must be Lin Xian’s scent.

Xiao Wanqing rubbed her temples with a mixture of distress and self-reproach.

She straightened her posture, went to the living room to grab her handbag, and without waiting for Lin Xian to come out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth, she raised her voice a bit and bid her farewell, “Xianxian, I’m running a bit late. I have to go to work.” With that, she swiftly walked to the entrance, slipped on the easiest-to-wear high heels, opened the door, and hurriedly left.

She almost fled in panic.

In the parking lot, she sat in her car for a long time, staring blankly at the dimly lit space that had suddenly become flickering and intermittently illuminated. The broken headlights blinked on and off, resembling her own uncontrollable and broken heart.

It still needed to be fixed, Xiao Wanqing struggled desperately.

After a long while, she finally turned the car key heavily and started the engine.

The car sluggishly climbed the uphill road of the garage, and the light grew brighter and closer.

Yet, Xiao Wanqing felt that the darkness ahead was getting deeper.

Could it still be repaired? Gradually, she lost confidence.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

In the following two days, Xiao Wanqing woke up early every morning but still ended up being caught by Lin Xian, who also intentionally woke up early, forcing her to endure the irritating breakfast time together. Xiao Wanqing felt sorry for Lin Xian, innocently losing sleep because of her, and gradually, a sense of compromise arose within her. But after only three or four days, her morning wake-up time gradually returned to the normal time of last year.

A series of defeats.

In response, Xiao Wanqing explained that the new project proposal had been rushed out, allowing her to breathe a slight sigh of relief compared to before.

Lin Xian, having no work experience, naturally didn’t suspect anything and happily accepted the situation.

Apart from Xiao Wanqing needing to return to her study early in the evening to work, no longer watching TV and having a meal together, spending time together in the study, Lin Xian felt that life seemed to have returned to the normal track of last year.

However, occasionally she would feel that Xiao Wanqing’s attitude towards her was slightly different.

Sometimes cold, sometimes warm; sometimes distant, sometimes close.

But every time she tried to carefully observe and confirm it, Xiao Wanqing would behave completely normal, leaving no trace or clue.

Lin Xian couldn’t tell whether it was intuition or an illusion.