For The Rest Of Our Life – Chapter 59

Xiao Wanqing, you’re truly shameless

In the backlight, Lin Xian’s beautiful and charming face appeared hazy and dreamlike, leaving an indelible impression on Xiao Wanqing’s mind. It was familiar yet unfamiliar, bringing both joy and palpitations.

Xiao Wanqing thought she was still in a dream. For many days, the longing for Lin Xian had been suppressed to the limit, and finally, upon seeing her in that moment, she was on the verge of collapse. Desire overwhelmed panic. She struggled to move her vocal cords and let out a low murmur, “Lin Xian…” with a lazy and hoarse tone that was still half-asleep.

Lin Xian originally just wanted to quietly peek at Xiao Wanqing’s sleeping face without intending to wake her up. She peered inside and saw the figure of her beloved sleeping soundly, and she heard the almost imperceptible sound of her breath echoing with the rhythm of her own heartbeat in the silence. A sweet satisfaction welled up in her heart. Just as she was about to withdraw quietly, suddenly, a voice reached her ears, sending shivers down her spine. It carried a myriad of tenderness and gently whispered her name, “Lin Xian…”

Lin Xian immediately stopped her turning motion and slowly turned back to earnestly gaze at the bed in the bedroom.

Xiao Wanqing was lying on her side, her head resting on the pristine pillow, with her light chestnut curly hair gently spread across it, partially covering and partially revealing her small, fair-skinned face. She looked at her, slightly squinting her eyes, her moist red lips slightly parted. Exposed outside the thin blanket were the slipping thin shoulder straps and her smooth and rounded shoulder.

Ignorant and confused, lazy yet charming, she exuded endless allure.

Lin Xian couldn’t take another step forward. She stood by the door, gazing at Xiao Wanqing on the bed, her throat subtly trembling.

After a while, she fiercely scratched her palm with her nails, forcefully suppressing her restless heart. She pushed open the door and walked step by step towards Xiao Wanqing. Finally, she stopped in front of Xiao Wanqing’s bed, squatting down and smiling as she locked eyes with the half-awake Xiao Wanqing.

In Xiao Wanqing’s watery eyes, there was a misty haze, reflecting the complex emotions that Lin Xian couldn’t discern. Deep within her gaze, turbulent undercurrents surged. She stared at Lin Xian for a long time, as if a thousand words were stuck in her heart. In the end, the countless tenderness and entanglement only turned into a sourness within her chest. She blinked, appearing somewhat aggrieved like an innocent child, and softly, with a slight nasal tone, she called out, “Lin Xian…” This troublesome person had occupied all her thoughts when she was awake, and now, even in her dreams, she refused to give her a moment’s respite.

But, in truth, she missed her so much…

It’s nice to be able to dream of her…

Unable to think while awake, and when asleep, it’s just a dream.

It doesn’t matter, right?

Lin Xian thought that she must have been startled awake from a nightmare, which made her feel so fragile and aggrieved. She stood up slightly and then sat by Xiao Wanqing’s bedside, reaching out to pull up the thin blanket to cover her exposed shoulders in the chilly air. She gently reassured her, “Hmm, I’m here, don’t be afraid.”

However, Xiao Wanqing reached out from under the thin blanket and grabbed the hand that Lin Xian had placed next to her pillow. She slowly separated Lin Xian’s fingers, interlocking their ten fingers, and without blinking, she murmured in a daze, asking, “Why… did I dream of you?”

Lin Xian finally realized that Xiao Wanqing thought she was dreaming. How adorable she was! Lin Xian couldn’t help but feel her heart melt.

With her other empty hand, Lin Xian gently brushed away the soft hair that had fallen on Xiao Wanqing’s cheek and lightly scraped her upturned nose. She smiled indulgently and said, “Maybe it’s because Aunt Xiao missed me?”

Her delightful laughter, accompanied by her warm index finger, carried a tremor-inducing electric current. As her finger slid down from the bridge of Xiao Wanqing’s nose, her heart raced uncontrollably, and she couldn’t take her eyes off Lin Xian.

This feeling, it feels so real. Xiao Wanqing felt the overly realistic sensation in her hand, which she held tightly, and sighed softly in her confused heart.

However, in the next moment, she seemed to have realized something, and her heart tightened. She quickly bit her lower lip with her pearly white teeth, the pain instantly jolting her awake.

Pain, it hurts…

Lin Xian saw Xiao Wanqing’s eyes suddenly widen, and the hazy gaze instantly turned clear.

This wasn’t a dream! Startled, Xiao Wanqing abruptly released Lin Xian’s hand, immediately rolled over, and pushed her hands against the bedding, retreating backwards. Then, she struggled to sit up.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

In the next moment, a loud “clang” resounded—the back of Xiao Wanqing’s head, due to her forceful movement of retreating and sitting up, collided violently with the hard bed headboard.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Lin Xian had a moment of confusion and surprise after Xiao Wanqing’s sudden movements, but the next moment she realized what had happened and quickly reached out to protect Xiao Wanqing’s head. However, it was still a step too late.

Xiao Wanqing’s delicate eyebrows twisted tightly in pain, and she slightly bent forward, instinctively reaching out to touch the back of her head that had been bumped. However, before she could do so, a pair of warm hands beat her to it and cradled her head.

As Lin Xian gently massaged Xiao Wanqing’s head, she anxiously and concernedly asked in a worried tone, “Where did it hit? Is it here? Does it hurt?” Her tone was like an adult comforting a child, reassuringly saying, “Rubbing it will make the pain go away, it won’t hurt anymore…”

In her haste, Lin Xian changed her sitting position to kneeling, with one leg propped up on Xiao Wanqing’s bed. She leaned forward, almost completely enveloping Xiao Wanqing’s head in her embrace.

Xiao Wanqing was enveloped under the slender figure of the girl, and what met her eyes were the rising and falling contours of the girl’s chest visible through her open coat and her translucent, jade-like collarbones. Her heart suddenly beat rapidly, and her mind was once again plunged into the confusion of the past few days. After deliberately ignoring the fleeting joy caused by Lin Xian’s gentleness, panic and helplessness took over her entire being.

In her flustered and nervous state, Xiao Wanqing instinctively pushed Lin Xian’s hands away, pushed her body aside, and tightly pursed her lips, trying to appear calm as she looked at Lin Xian.

Caught off guard, Lin Xian felt somewhat inexplicable as she was pushed away. After a moment of bewilderment, a smile tugged at the corner of her lips, and she softly apologized to Xiao Wanqing, “I’m sorry, Aunt Xiao. I came back without giving any notice and even sat beside you. Did I scare you? I caused you to bump your head. I’m sorry, it was my mistake.”

Her gentle apology further complicated Xiao Wanqing’s emotions. She looked at Lin Xian, bit her lip, and it seemed as though a myriad of emotions were surging in her heart—a mix of joy, happiness, sweetness, but also panic, unease, and helplessness. There was even a hint of embarrassment…

She stiffened her body, blanked her mind, and with a somewhat numb tone, she asked Lin Xian, “How did you come here?”

Her voice was neither salty nor plain, and it even carried a touch of coldness.

For Lin Xian, it was the first time she had heard Xiao Wanqing speak to her in such a tone, and for a moment, she was stunned and somewhat dazed.

Although Xiao Wanqing’s tone wasn’t harsh, it seemed like she wasn’t very happy. There was even a hint of displeasure.

Lin Xian’s initial excitement of wanting to make Xiao Wanqing happy suddenly diminished, and the smile on her lips gradually faded. Being adept at reading people’s expressions and tones, she lowered her voice and cautiously asked, “Aunt Xiao… Do you not like me coming here?”

After uttering this abrupt question, Xiao Wanqing’s rationality started to resurface…

What was she doing? How could she speak to Lin Xian in such a terrifying tone?

Why did Lin Xian come here? Clearly, it was because she cared about her and couldn’t rest assured.

As expected, as soon as she heard the words, she saw a fleeting expression of hurt in the girl’s eyes. Hearing Lin Xian’s distressed and dejected question, something in Xiao Wanqing’s heart suddenly felt like it was pricked, causing a sharp pain to arise.

Guilt and heartache.

Her hands, clenched into fists, tightened slightly on the bedsheet as she reflected on herself: The unease and confusion were caused by her own inexplicable emotions. What does it have to do with Lin Xian? Even if, even if she had some… inappropriate thoughts about Lin Xian, it would be her own fault, and it has nothing to do with Lin Xian.

How could she blame and hurt Lin Xian because of her own mistakes?

That was completely unjustifiable.

She suppressed her unusual emotions, forcing herself to put on a calm expression. Facing Lin Xian, she apologized in a gentle tone, “I’m sorry, Xianxian. I just woke up and might have a bit of morning grumpiness.” A faint smile appeared on her lips as she countered the girl’s earlier dejected question, “Why would I be unhappy? I’m actually so happy that I thought I was still in a dream.”

Listening to Xiao Wanqing’s gentle explanation and seeing that her complexion had indeed returned to normal from the previous coldness, with her gaze gradually becoming clear and soft as usual, Lin Xian relaxed and no longer doubted.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

With a good-natured smile on her face, Lin Xian considerately stood up and took the robe hanging nearby, draping it over Xiao Wanqing’s exposed shoulders. Then, she approached Xiao Wanqing again, reaching out to gently rub the back of her head while chattering away, “Is it still hurting? We made dumplings at home just now, and I wanted you to taste them, so I came to bring you some. I didn’t want to trouble my parents, so I took the bus here myself.” She paused and pouted, scolding Xiao Wanqing, “And also, I came to supervise Aunt Xiao. I checked the fridge just now, and it seems like you haven’t been eating properly these past few days. The things we bought together before don’t seem to have diminished much. But the pickled vegetables, there’s so much less.”

Xiao Wanqing held onto the robe’s lapels with both hands, lowering her head and leaning closer to Lin Xian, not too far nor too close. The familiar scent of Lin Xian’s shower gel lingered around her nose, and her ears were filled with her incessant caring words. For a moment, Xiao Wanqing almost felt like she couldn’t hold herself upright and wanted to follow her heart, relax herself, and lean into that warm, inviting embrace, radiating warmth and enticing fragrance.

However, in the next instant, she suddenly snapped back to reality.

She naturally took a step back, creating some distance between herself and Lin Xian. She lightly rubbed the back of her head with her own hand and smiled at Lin Xian. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.” Her throat felt dry and scratchy as she restrained herself, and the sound of her own voice seemed low and husky in her ears.

She was afraid that Lin Xian would notice something was amiss, so she quickly searched her mind for a suitable response. Under normal circumstances, in the past, what would she say to Lin Xian in a situation like this?

A second later, she mechanically found a lifeline from her memory storage and made an effort to regain a normal tone. Softly and calmly, she replied to Lin Xian, “We bought a lot of dumplings before and put them in the fridge. Why are you so silly to make a special trip for this? Was there traffic on the way? Was the bus crowded? Did you find a seat? Are you tired?”

She blurted out everything she could think of without hesitation.

Lin Xian didn’t notice anything unusual about Xiao Wanqing. Seeing that Xiao Wanqing’s expression was unchanged and that her head seemed to be fine, she felt more at ease and had the thought of teasing her.

She spread her arms and stretched out her body, mischievously plopping down onto Xiao Wanqing’s bed. Her upper body rested on Xiao Wanqing’s legs, which were covered by a thin blanket. Her face buried in the sheets, she complained in a pitiful tone, “The road was so congested, and the bus was so crowded. I felt like a poor sardine in a can. I had to hunch my back and hold my stomach the whole way to avoid intimate contact with others. I stood for over an hour, and my back feels like it’s falling apart.”

She couldn’t see Xiao Wanqing, sitting cross-legged on the bed. Shortly after she collapsed onto her, the fair skin of Xiao Wanqing’s cheeks visibly turned a rapid crimson, spreading all the way to her earlobes, like a red gem dripping with blood…

Unaware of the effect she had on Xiao Wanqing, the girl playfully swayed her body from side to side and coquettishly said, “Xiao Auntie, please give me a back massage and rub my waist.”

Xiao Wanqing’s body stiffened as she felt the girl’s soft yet strangely firm bust pressing tightly against her legs. Although it should have felt soft, it uncomfortably pricked Xiao Wanqing’s entire being, making her body go rigid.

The disturbingly distinct sensation combined with the girl’s continuous wiggling and coquetry, making the soft hills…

The thin blanket was pitifully twisted into a pretzel in Xiao Wanqing’s hands.

Xiao Wanqing tightened her legs, caught between wanting to pull away and not wanting to. Her mind was in turmoil.

She swallowed and admonished herself, saying that she mustn’t entertain such inappropriate thoughts, that she must stop those dreadful associations, stop…

She kept reminding herself, she couldn’t.

Lin Xian was a little girl.

Lin Xian is only eighteen years old.

Lin Xian is Sister Zhou Qin’s daughter.

Lin Xian calls her “Auntie.”

Lin Xian knows nothing.

Lin Xian is so defenseless.

Lin Xian trusts you like that.

Xiao Wanqing, you can’t!

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She incessantly set up a hundred defenses in her heart, giving herself a hundred reasons and a hundred “no’s,” admonishing and reminding herself a thousand times over. But all of this crumbled in an instant with a gentle glance from the girl.

The girl turned over, facing her, with a clear and gentle gleam in her eyes. With a smile, she softly whispered to her, “Actually, I was really tired at first, but, ah, the moment I saw Auntie Xiao, I didn’t feel tired at all.”

“I really miss Auntie Xiao at home.” Her voice was clear, with a soft tone.

Xiao Wanqing closed her eyes, gave up resistance, and in her resignation, she keenly felt the soft yet firm sensation pricking her legs, little by little, bringing a subtle mix of sweetness and pain, searing onto her heart.

Xiao Wanqing, you truly have no shame…


The author has something to say:

Xiao Auntie’s face of despair.

LP: Happy holidays and new year!!! Long time, no see too 🙂