For The Rest Of Our Life – Chapter 51

Fireworks bloomed behind her…

Lin Xian took small, delicate bites of her sandwich, feeling quite satisfied with her culinary skills. After drinking more than half a glass of milk, she licked the milk foam from the corner of her lips and contentedly admired Xiao Wanqing’s graceful dining manners for a while. Suddenly, she remembered an important matter and asked Xiao Wanqing, “Aunt Xiao, did you tell Aunt Wen about my plan to spend New Year’s Eve together at Wanquan Villa? Did Aunt Wen agree?”

Aunt Xiao happened to have just finished the last sip of her milk. She got up, taking the cup and plate to the adjacent kitchen, and answered as she walked, “By the time I remembered last night, it was already too late. I was afraid she had fallen asleep, so I didn’t want to disturb her at that moment.” She washed her hands, walked back to the dining table, and sat down, smiling. “I don’t know if she’s awake at this time on the weekend. I’ll send her a text message first. If she sees it, she’ll reply to me.”

She picked up her phone from the table and swiftly opened the messaging app, selecting Wen Tong as the recipient. She composed a message: “Are you awake? I suddenly remembered that it might be inconvenient for me to soak in the hot springs on December 31st.”

Setting the phone aside, she expected it would take a while for Wen Tong to reply. However, to her surprise, as soon as she put down the phone and before the screen even dimmed, a reply message from Wen Tong came in.

“Your monthly visitor? No problem. We can go there to have a meal and watch fireworks.”

Lin Xian swallowed a bite of her sandwich, narrowed her eyes, and said, “Aunt Wen replied so quickly.”

Aunt Xiao smiled dismissively and said, “Maybe she just woke up. She probably keeps her phone by her bedside.” Her fingers danced on the phone screen as she asked Wen Tong, “Xianxian doesn’t plan to go home for New Year’s Eve, and she also wants to see the fireworks. Can I invite her to join us?”

This time, Xiao Wanqing thought that Wen Tong would reply quickly as well, so she didn’t put down her phone. Instead, she casually opened today’s news and started browsing while waiting for Wen Tong’s message to arrive.

However, once again, she had miscalculated.

Five minutes passed, and the phone remained silent, without any response at all.

Lin Xian also finished her meal. She wiped her mouth with a tissue and playfully asked Xiao Wanqing with a half-spoiled tone, “Aunt Wen doesn’t want me to be a third wheel, does she?”

Xiao Wanqing furrowed her brows in confusion as she stared at her phone. She gently shook her head and reassured Lin Xian, “She probably just hasn’t seen it yet. Maybe she replied to my message and then got up to freshen up.” She stood up, ruffled Lin Xian’s hair, and scolded her, “Why do children always think so much? Everyone loves Xianxian. Aunt Wen must be more than happy to have you.”

Naturally, she tidied up Lin Xian’s plate and cup, walked to the kitchen, and placed them in the sink along with her own used utensils.

Just as Lin Xian was about to follow Xiao Wanqing’s footsteps, she saw Xiao Wanqing’s phone, which was left on the table, vibrate and light up. Lin Xian approached and took a quick glance at the screen—it was a new message notification.

Lin Xian grabbed the phone and quickly ran into the kitchen, exclaiming, “Aunt Xiao, your phone lit up. Did Aunt Wen reply to your message?”

Xiao Wanqing was busy running water over the utensils and couldn’t free her hands. She glanced at Lin Xian and trusted her, saying, “It should be a reply from Aunt Wen. The screen password is 5566. Open it and take a look.”

Lin Xian paused for a moment. She looked at Xiao Wanqing’s slender figure with her back turned and gradually, a radiant smile bloomed on her lips, while her eyes shimmered like water.

Has someone with such strong defenses come to trust her like this?

Her heart softened, and she softly replied to Xiao Wanqing, “Okay.” Then, her fingertips lightly touched the screen, entering the password one by one, unlocking the screen.

The first thing that caught Lin Xian’s eyes was the screen—a cartoon desktop with a white background, depicting a young couple with a little girl chasing butterflies in a heartwarming scene. Lin Xian gazed at the desktop, and a slight sense of melancholy emerged in her heart.

She opened the message, and indeed, it was a reply from Wen Tong.

Wen Tong said, “Okay. I can ask a friend for an extra ticket, but it might be difficult to find an available room to stay overnight at the resort.”

Lin Xian read it aloud for Xiao Wanqing to hear. Xiao Wanqing answered softly without hesitation, “Tell her it’s okay. After we watch the fireworks, we’ll just come back. The drive shouldn’t take too long.”

After receiving the message, Wen Tong replied, “That’s fine. I’ll ask my friend to reserve an extra ticket.”

After sending her reply, Lin Xian looked at the message interface, and her gaze slightly darkened at the sight of the 386 messages in the top right corner. There was a momentary sense of gloom. However, she quickly composed herself. Seeing no more incoming messages from Wen Tong, she closed the interface and locked the screen in an orderly manner.

She put down the phone and happily ran up to Xiao Wanqing. With both hands, she embraced Xiao Wanqing’s slender waist from behind and pressed herself against Xiao Wanqing’s shoulder. In a tender voice, she thanked her, saying, “Thank you, Aunt Xiao, you’re so good to me.”

Her warm breath brushed against Xiao Wanqing’s snow-white neck, causing Xiao Wanqing’s body to tremble slightly. She felt a tingling sensation, as if the itchiness traveled along her meridians and seeped into her heart…

Feeling a bit uneasy, Xiao Wanqing shifted slightly in Lin Xian’s embrace but didn’t resist too much. In the end, she yielded to the gentle warmth within her heart that longed to be close to Lin Xian. She lightly rubbed her cheek against Lin Xian’s forehead, teasing her, “The tickets were arranged by your Aunt Wen, so if you want to express gratitude, you should thank your Aunt Wen.”

With a fondness in her eyes, Lin Xian lowered her head. Unseen by Xiao Wanqing, she lightly touched Xiao Wanqing’s fine hair at the back of her head with her thin lips, closed her eyes, and spoke in a calm and sincere tone, “Thank you, Aunt Wen.”

Thank you, Aunt Wen. Thank you for accompanying her all these years.

However, love does not come before or after.

Neither of us can be generous.

So, I’m sorry, Wen Tong.

In the dimly lit bedroom with the curtains still drawn, Wen Tong curled up her knees, her hair in disarray, half-reclining on the bed. By the faint glow of her phone, she turned her head and gazed quietly at the small lantern placed by her bedside for several days. She had personally crafted it, stroke by stroke, and painted it meticulously. The lantern’s body was pink, adorned with delicate tassels at the bottom. In the center of the tassels, there was an unusual emptiness, with a long strip of red paper tied to it, faintly revealing some black ink marks as if something had been written on it.

After a while, Wen Tong tossed aside her phone, turned her eyes away, and the gentle smile that had initially appeared upon receiving Xiao Wanqing’s message had long vanished from her lips, replaced by a bitter smile.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Perhaps it still wasn’t the right time.

She closed her eyes, comforting herself.

On December 31st, as Lin Xian had predicted, Xiao Wanqing indeed encountered some inconveniences. Since she wasn’t going to soak in the hot springs and would only participate in the evening activities, Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian didn’t set off until evening.

Wen Tong didn’t go out of her way to meet them, as their paths didn’t align. The three of them had agreed to meet at the dining venue in the resort.

When they arrived at the entrance of the resort, Xiao Wanqing realized that there were many more people than she had imagined. There was even a long queue at the ticket checkpoint. Xiao Wanqing couldn’t help but feel somewhat astonished. A fireworks event could be this grand and lively?

She drove around in circles until she finally found an empty parking space in a parking lot a little distance away from the resort entrance. After parking the car, the two of them got out, and as the chilling night breeze blew, they unexpectedly felt cold. Xiao Wanqing unconsciously rubbed her hands together.

In the next moment, her icy-cold hand fell into the warm palm of Lin Xian.

Lin Xian held Xiao Wanqing’s soft fingers and guided their hands into the warmth of her down jacket pocket. She playfully tilted her head and said, “It’s time for the little heater to work its magic again.”

Xiao Wanqing’s eyes softened, and she made no resistance. It had become a familiar routine for her.

With her other free hand, she carefully adjusted the scarf that had slipped down from Lin Xian’s neck and gently said, “Let’s go, little heater.”

The little heater responded with a bright smile, warming not only her hand but also her heart.

At the VIP entrance, Xiao Wanqing followed Wen Tong’s instructions and provided Wen Tong’s phone number. They were then able to smoothly enter the resort through the fast lane.

Xiao Wanqing had been to this place before, organized by the magazine she worked for. The so-called resort was more like a small leisure vacation village with hot springs, swimming pools, entertainment facilities, and picturesque landscapes. Although the scenery was beautiful, it wasn’t particularly unique. Xiao Wanqing didn’t have high expectations for tonight’s New Year’s Eve. Over the years, she had never been fond of trouble or held special regard for holidays and festivals. So whenever Wen Tong wanted to make elaborate plans for New Year’s Eve, she would politely decline.

However, as they walked through the initial section of the resort, turned a corner, and stepped onto the tree-lined avenue, Xiao Wanqing couldn’t help but be momentarily amazed.

In the winter, the days are short and the nights are long. At this moment, the night had already fallen. In Xiao Wanqing’s impression, this stretch of road should have been unremarkable, quiet, with only the tall streetlights emitting a faint glow.

Now, on this three-meter-wide tree-lined avenue, it was ablaze with lights, bustling and noisy. On both sides of the road, beneath the towering palm trees, were beautifully crafted and intricately designed arch-shaped lanterns in vibrant colors. The lanterns radiated splendid brilliance in the dark night, one after another, seemingly endless in sight.

Under the arches, a continuous stream of people flowed, and many passersby stopped to admire the colorful spectacle. Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian couldn’t help but join in, taking a few steps and pausing, marveling at the sight. However, despite the mere hundred meters of road, the two of them took a full twenty minutes to leave, still feeling reluctant.

At the end of the arches and lanterns, it wasn’t the dimness they had imagined, but rather, it was even more magnificent. As Lin Xian glanced ahead, her eyes were greeted by pavilions and towers, arranged in an exquisite and countless manner. Countless red lanterns were orderly hung, emitting a dim yet dazzling glow. For a moment, she felt as if they had stepped into a world of lights, with spectacular displays of fireworks and breathtaking beauty.

While Lin Xian was captivated by the scene, her heart sank involuntarily. Was there only a fireworks event today? If she hadn’t come, what had Wen Tong prepared for this day?

She strolled leisurely with Xiao Wanqing, seemingly casual, and casually asked, “Aunt Xiao, is there only a fireworks event here today? Why are there so many lanterns?”

Xiao Wanqing, enjoying the rare scenery, responded gently to Lin Xian, “I was also wondering about that. It’s not the Lantern Festival, so why are there so many colorful lanterns and a sea of lights?” They finally arrived at the waterside restaurant that Wen Tong had arranged for them. Xiao Wanqing smiled and said lightly, “We’ll find out when we ask her.”

Lin Xian pursed her lips, tightened her grip on Xiao Wanqing’s hand, and nodded, “Okay.”

Even though they were love rivals, Lin Xian couldn’t help but sincerely praise Wen Tong’s extraordinary beauty. As they stepped onto the second floor of the restaurant, they saw that every table in the semi-enclosed dining area was occupied, with a crowd of people bustling about. With minimal effort, Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing immediately spotted Wen Tong, who stood out from the crowd, sitting by the window and gazing into the distance.

The two approached Wen Tong, and Xiao Wanqing lightly tapped the table, teasing her, “What’s so captivating outside the window that you’re looking at it so seriously?”

Wen Tong finally turned around and sneered. Her gaze casually swept over the smiling faces of Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian. In the next moment, her gaze shifted downward and suddenly fixated on Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian, who were still holding hands with Lin Xian’s hands resting in her pocket.

Wen Tong’s throat twitched, and involuntarily, she glanced at Lin Xian.

Lin Xian calmly met her gaze with a steady look and greeted her gracefully, “Good evening, Aunt Wen.”

Wen Tong nodded and averted her gaze.

Unaware of the tension, Xiao Wanqing naturally sat opposite Wen Tong with Lin Xian, and only then did she release her hand from Lin Xian’s grasp, placing both hands on the table.

Wen Tong couldn’t help but let her gaze burn once again on Xiao Wanqing’s fair and slender hands. After a moment, she composed herself, tugged at the corner of her mouth, and revealed her usual lazy smile, playfully saying, “Chief Editor Xiao really knows how to keep people waiting.”

Xiao Wanqing, with a good temper, replied, “I wasn’t going to be late, but I was captivated by the colorful lanterns outside.” She asked the questions that had been on her mind all along, “Is it just a fireworks event? It seems quite grand.” In her peripheral vision, she noticed a band-aid on Wen Tong’s index finger, and immediately expressed concern, “What happened to your hand?”

Wen Tong gently rubbed her index finger, thinking about the lantern that couldn’t be sent out, now stored away in a dim box, and the words that couldn’t be spoken for many years. Her eyes dimmed imperceptibly for a moment.

“It’s nothing. A few days ago, I accidentally scratched it on a staple from the bookbinding.”

She turned on the power for the oven and hot pot, answering Xiao Wanqing’s curiosity, “I found out after I arrived that there’s a lantern festival today. It seems to be a collaboration with the cultural department in the city for the promotion of intangible cultural activities. They’re starting with a prelude for the upcoming New Year. If it goes well, they’ll hold a larger-scale lantern festival on Lantern Festival this year.”

Upon hearing that there was nothing to worry about, Xiao Wanqing set her mind at ease and responded, “No wonder.” She turned her head and teased Lin Xian, “Xian Xian is truly fortunate.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lin Xian’s eyes twinkled, and she smiled at Wen Tong, saying, “Thanks to Aunt Wen’s blessings. Thank you, Aunt Wen.”

Wen Tong tested the temperature of the oven, then mischievously flicked Lin Xian’s forehead as she stood up, saying, “No need for thanks. Come on, let’s go see what we should eat together. I’ll let your Aunt Xiao watch the table.”

Lin Xian happily agreed.

After bringing the ingredients back, Wen Tong and Xiao Wanqing intuitively flipped the barbecue in the oven, occasionally chatting. Lin Xian listened silently, only able to interject a word or two occasionally, but her mouth was never idle.

Xiao Wanqing, with each wave of cooked meat, naturally placed the first piece into Lin Xian’s bowl, to the point where Lin Xian didn’t need to reach into the oven herself.

It wasn’t until the shrimp in the hot pot was scooped out that Xiao Wanqing lowered her snow-white neck and skillfully peeled a few shrimp with her slender fingers, placing them in Lin Xian’s bowl. She gently said to Lin Xian, “Try to see if they’re not overcooked.” Wen Tong couldn’t resist speaking up at last, half-jokingly saying, “Didn’t you always find it troublesome to peel shrimp shells, so you’ve always avoided foods that require peeling?”

Before Xiao Wanqing could respond, Lin Xian turned her head to look at Xiao Wanqing and sweetly smiled. She also scooped out a shrimp from the hot pot and softly said, “Then I’ll help Aunt Xiao peel shrimp from now on. I’m really good at peeling shrimp.” As she spoke, she skillfully and quickly peeled a shrimp and placed it in Xiao Wanqing’s bowl, a little proud as she said, “See, its tail is still intact.”

Xiao Wanqing earnestly examined it, a radiant smile blossoming on her lips, teasing Lin Xian, “It seems that the little heater’s hands are not only warm but also skillful.”

Lin Xian blinked shyly in response.

Wen Tong gazed at them, biting her lip, and half-jokingly murmured, “Aunt Xiao, I also want to eat shrimp…”

Lin Xian quickly laughed and responded to Wen Tong, “Aunt Wen, I’ll peel it for you.”

In just two or three seconds, a tender shrimp fell into Wen Tong’s bowl. “Aunt Wen, please eat.”

Wen Tong slightly closed her five fingers placed along the rim of the bowl, mustering a smile, and lowered her gaze, saying, “Thank you, Lin Xiao Xian.” She picked up the shrimp and put it in her mouth, savoring it slowly.

Perhaps because her mind was elsewhere, it tasted bland…

During the meal, they continued eating from dinner time until late into the night. Approaching ten o’clock, the three of them stepped out of the restaurant with their round bellies and began strolling through the park to admire the illuminated flower lanterns.

As they walked slowly, Lin Xian realized that what they had seen at the entrance was just the tip of the iceberg. It wasn’t until they reached the Luiyan lake in the villa that they truly entered a sea of lights, a world of shadows.

On both sides of the lake shore hung thousands of various lanterns, each with its own unique shape and form. They swayed and danced in the night breeze, even more splendid and dazzling than the stars in the dark night sky…

Wen Tong, Xiao Wanqing, and Lin Xian walked side by side, lingering and indulging in the lifelike lanterns of the twelve zodiac animals, the exquisitely designed elegant palace lanterns, and the magnificent architectural light displays representing the city’s landmarks.

While enjoying the sights, Wen Tong was inadvertently stopped by the crowd, falling slightly behind Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing. It was then that she suddenly noticed that at some point, Lin Xian had taken Xiao Wanqing’s hand and put it in her pocket, just as they had done when they arrived.


As the evening breeze brushed past, Wen Tong slowly put her hands in her own pockets and suddenly felt a bit cold…

After an unknown amount of time, while everyone was looking up at the 13-meter-high water lantern installation in the center of the lake, a sweet voice suddenly sounded near Lin Xian’s ear, “Lin Xian! You’re here too!”

Wen Tong, Lin Xian, and Xiao Wanqing all turned their heads towards the source of the sound and saw two figures, one tall and one short, both wearing outfits resembling those of a couple. Under the illumination of the lights, the young girl’s beautiful face shone brilliantly as she hurried towards them.

It was Shi Man and Xia Zhijin.

Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing saw them, and their eyebrows curved with delight. Lin Xian greeted, “Man Man, Sister Zhijin, what a coincidence! Are you here to see the lanterns or the fireworks?”

Shi Man and Xia Zhijin both smiled sweetly at Xiao Wanqing and greeted her in unison, “Hello, Aunt Xiao.” Then, Shi Man replied to Lin Xian, “Neither, actually. My mom asked us to come out for dinner together, and when we arrived, we discovered the lanterns here. So after dinner, we parted ways with her and decided to come and take a look.”

Shi Man’s gaze fell upon Wen Tong, about to politely inquire about how to address her, when suddenly, in the distance, the countdown clock for the New Year began to sound. In the crowd, people started chanting the countdown in unison, “10, 9, 8, 7, 6…”

Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing exchanged a smile, about to join in the countdown with the crowd when suddenly there was a loud explosion from the center of the lake. The countdown abruptly stopped, leaving everyone startled…

Shi Man was startled by the sudden noise and instinctively took a step back, seeking refuge in Xia Zhijin’s embrace. Although Xia Zhijin was also startled, she quickly and skillfully held Shi Man’s soft body in her arms, while her warm hands swiftly covered her small ears…

Xiao Wanqing was caught off guard and trembled slightly from the sudden noise. Almost simultaneously with the sound, Lin Xian and Wen Tong hurriedly approached Xiao Wanqing, extending their hands instinctively, wanting to embrace her and cover her ears to comfort her.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Wen Tong took a step towards Xiao Wanqing, and Lin Xian also took a step towards her. But in the next second, it was only Lin Xian who securely covered Xiao Wanqing’s ears.

A splendid burst of fireworks soared from the water, blooming in the night sky…

It was so beautiful that Wen Tong’s nose felt a bit tingly.

She saw it, under the clusters of fireworks, Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing were nestled together. Lin Xian covered Xiao Wanqing’s ears from behind, while Xiao Wanqing leaned against Lin Xian’s embrace. She turned her head, her eyes watery, her smile blooming like a flower, and her crimson lips moved as she spoke to Lin Xian.

After a moment, she turned her head towards herself and said in a clear and pleasant voice, “Wen Tong, Happy New Year!”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

In an instant, she looked at Xiao Wanqing’s gentle and captivating face, feeling a bit aggrieved.

Clearly, she even reached out her hand faster than Lin Xian. Why, in the end, could she not be the one who was touched…?

Her hand, which had long been empty, fell despondently, slowly unclenching. Finally, her eyes flickered, and she forced a smile back at Xiao Wanqing, saying, “Happy New Year.”

Because, in that instant, Xiao Wanqing also took a step towards Lin Xian…

She raised her gaze through the hazy night and moist eyes, locking eyes with the young girl standing not far away, tall and resolute. The girl half embraced Xiao Wanqing, displaying a possessive and assertive posture, while her gaze lingered upon her with a profound intensity.

It seemed as if hidden waves were surging…

After a while, Wen Tong turned around silently, gradually distancing herself from the bustling yet chilly area.

She leaned against a tree trunk in a secluded corner, gazing at the ripples on the water’s surface, one circle after another, as she silently lit a cigarette. The cigarette burned slowly, but she remained lost in thought, without taking a single puff.

Someone approached her, their voice low and melodious like a cello, “May I borrow a light?”

Wen Tong coldly glanced sideways and saw a woman with black hair elegantly styled, delicate features, and a restrained and noble demeanor. Her eyes were tranquil as she stood gracefully by Wen Tong’s side.

The fireworks bloomed in the night sky behind her…

LP: Poor Wen Tong ( 。 • ᴖ • 。) I hope she meets someone who will appreciate her fully

Busy month, so please expect inconsistent updates~