For The Rest Of Our Life – Chapter 44

Lin Xian, do you believe in fate?

Xiao Wanqing had been so absorbed and focused that she didn’t know how much time had passed. When she snapped out of it, she realized that Xia Zhijin and Shi Jinglan on her right had disappeared, leaving only two empty seats.

Did you only come to watch Shi Man’s performance? Xiao Wanqing couldn’t help but sigh.

Actually, she was already surprised that Shi Jinglan could make it here. During an interview, they had briefly touched on the topic of family. At that time, Shi Jinglan had smiled and said that she felt indebted to her daughter. They could only meet a few times a year, but fortunately, her daughter was independent and didn’t make her worry too much.

Thinking about Shi Man, Xiao Wanqing realized that she had indeed grown up well and become excellent under Shi Jinglan’s busyness and neglect. She then thought about Xia Zhijin’s skillful performance in the kitchen that day and speculated that Xia Zhijin might have played a part in it.

She wondered what role Xia Zhijin played in their family. Xiao Wanqing shook her head and laughed at herself for being so gossipy.

Two more performances passed, and Xiao Wanqing’s phone in her bag suddenly started vibrating like crazy. When she took out her phone, the vibration had stopped. The caller ID indicated that it was her assistant. Xiao Wanqing was hesitating whether to go out and make a call when the phone screen lit up again, and her assistant called once more.

Normally, if it wasn’t something urgent, her assistant would considerately send her a text message after one unanswered call, letting her know why they were trying to reach her and asking her to call back when she was available. But now, her assistant had called twice in a row.

Xiao Wanqing’s heart sank, fearing that something urgent had happened.

After a moment of thought, she hung her SLR camera around her neck and grabbed her bag. Moving cautiously and stealthily, she quickly made her way toward the half-open back door of the cinema.

Once outside, Xiao Wanqing glanced around before heading up to the second floor and entering an open rooftop. She found an empty corner and returned the call from her assistant.

As expected, there was a temporary issue with work.

Two months ago, Xiao Wanqing had already planned a salon event for the magazine, scheduled to take place two days before Christmas. The salon invited industry peers and aimed to explore the integration of the print media era and the online media era. At that time, they had already confirmed and successfully contacted four keynote speakers.

Now, the assistant received a notification from one of the keynote speakers, saying that there had been an unexpected incident and she wouldn’t be able to attend next week. Xiao Wanqing was the main organizer of the salon, so as soon as the assistant received the news, they hurriedly came to ask her. Should they proceed with three keynote speakers instead or try to find another speaker to save the situation?

If they hastily reduced one keynote speaker, many subsequent related aspects of the salon would need to be modified, which would be a tremendous amount of work.

Most importantly, time was really running out.

Xiao Wanqing leaned against the wall, raised her hand to rub her forehead, sighed, and comforted her assistant in a gentle tone, “For now, let’s stick to the original plan. I’ll contact someone tonight and give you a reply tomorrow.”

In truth, with such limited time, unless they had a strong connection, who would willingly prepare in such a rushed and panicked manner?

Having no other choice, Xiao Wanqing had to send a distress message to Wen Tong.

Wen Tong currently worked at Xinchao, one of the domestic information media giants, as the director of the market department in the Anjiang division. In terms of qualifications, she was on par with the previously contacted keynote speaker.

Xiao Wanqing and Wen Tong had known each other for many years, and she always believed that it was best to keep things pure between friends and not involve too many work-related matters. So, despite their work fields overlapping in many ways and having a network of contacts that they could share, she never wanted to trouble Wen Tong unless she took the initiative.

This time, there was no other choice but to go ahead with it.

Fortunately, shortly after she sent the text message, Wen Tong promptly replied and agreed to her request. She also suggested that they have a detailed discussion over the phone when it’s convenient for Xiao Wanqing.

However, Wen Tong also mentioned a condition. She said that since Xiao Wanqing had scheduled her own salon event for one evening, in addition to several evenings of preparation time, Xiao Wanqing should at least compensate her for one evening of her time.

Xiao Wanqing read the reply, relaxed her furrowed brows, and chuckled helplessly. It couldn’t be something too outrageous, right? A gentle smile flickered in her eyes as she reluctantly replied to Wen Tong, “Alright, I’ll compensate you.”

With a smile on her face, she put her phone away, placed it in her bag, and retraced her steps. Suddenly, she caught sight of a familiar figure in her peripheral vision, causing her footsteps to pause.

Xia Zhijin was sitting on a narrow balcony ledge, gazing up at the deep night sky with a vacant expression. On her usually cool and calm face, Xiao Wanqing could discern a sense of desolation and melancholy.

Leaning against her bag, Xiao Wanqing tightened her grip on it, her heart skipping a beat. She immediately changed direction, walking lightly towards Xia Zhijin.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She stood behind Xia Zhijin and swiftly embraced her with both hands, pulling her close, while softly expressing concern and a reminder, “Why are you sitting here? It’s too dangerous.”

Startled by the sudden touch, Xia Zhijin didn’t show the expected surprise or struggle from Xiao Wanqing’s worry. She turned her head slowly, looking back and seeing Xiao Wanqing’s face. She only slightly narrowed her eyes before speaking in a calm tone, “It’s Aunt Xiao…”. Then, the girl turned her head again, gazing absently at the starless, silent night sky.

Sensing something off in Xia Zhijin’s mood, Xiao Wanqing dared not let go. She leaned closer to the girl with a gentle tone, coaxing her, “The night wind here is strong, easy to catch a cold. Shall we come down first?”

The girl remained silent, not responding to her.

Xiao Wanqing hesitated, wanting to coax her again, but suddenly, Xia Zhijin leaned backward, completely surrendering herself to Xiao Wanqing. She nestled fully into Xiao Wanqing’s embrace, her voice soft and gentle as she laughed lightly and asked, “Aunt Xiao, do you think poverty can really bend a person’s back? Are the poor not qualified to dream?”

Although she asked with a smile, her voice gradually choked up, and a hint of tears became evident halfway through.

Xiao Wanqing was shaken by the desolation and despair in her tone, and for a moment, aside from holding her tighter, she couldn’t find the right words to answer her, to provide comfort.

“Being human is so boring…” The girl’s voice was clear and cold, carrying a sense of profound weariness and vulnerability beyond her years. It was as if she had glimpsed the cruelty of fate in an instant.

Just now, when Shi Jinglan finished watching the performance, she signaled Xia Zhijin to come out with her. They sat facing each other on the quiet open balcony on the second floor of the theater, at an empty table. Shi Jinglan said softly to her, “You should be with her.”

Isn’t it ridiculous?

Because she was worried that being with Xia Zhijin would make Shi Jinglan unable to accept it, causing her sadness and distress, she desperately pushed away the person she liked. She faced Xia Zhijin’s reproach and coldness, feeling heartbroken. And the person she had been worried about, casually and effortlessly told her, “Be with her, don’t mind me.”

For a moment, she was ecstatic, thinking that the goddess of luck had finally shown her favor. She thought that her barren and desolate life could finally go smoothly for once.

However, the next moment, Shi Jinglan’s calm, low, and insinuating voice brutally shattered her illusion, even breaking her self-esteem and pride that had lasted for years.

Shi Jinglan said, “Manman has always liked you. If you don’t accept her, she won’t be able to handle it and will keep causing trouble. Thanks to you, she has become more obedient in these years. Just do Auntie a favor and don’t let her get too heartbroken. Play along with her.”

“But, it’s just a game of playing house. Don’t take it seriously.” Her gaze was indifferent as she looked down on Xia Zhijin, carrying a deep meaning. She said, “Do you understand what Auntie means?”

Xia Zhijin couldn’t believe her eyes as she looked at this woman whom she felt she had never truly known. She felt the chilling pressure in her icy gaze, and in an instant, she couldn’t help but shudder.

Her mind was in a state of confusion, and she remained speechless, her heart in turmoil.

Shi Jinglan, however, had lost patience. “I have another video conference coming up, so I’ll leave now.” She stood up, pressed a check onto the table, and casually said, “Bring your grandmother and sister here.” Then she left straight away.

Xia Zhijin stared blankly at the six-digit check on the table. After a long while, she suddenly chuckled softly, tears streaming down her face…

Xia Zhijin, how audacious and delusional must you be to regard someone as half a mother to admire and respect? How dare you think she is kind and caring towards you and has been helping you, even letting you live in her house? You presumptuously believe that if you were with Shi Man, it would deal her a double blow.

Who do you think you are? Who gave you the audacity and courage?

A tool used to control and satisfy someone’s daughter, yet you proudly see yourself as a dignified person who can sit on an equal footing with her?

Take the money, accompany her for meals, play with her, and study with her. Just follow along as instructed.

Now, you’ve accepted money to sleep with her, so what right do you have to resist and feel cold-hearted?

It’s because you owed her from the beginning.


Well, what were you thinking? Someone who struggles just to have three meals a day, what right do they have to indulge in so-called emotions, so-called love?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

In the end, you were just too naive…

“Aunt Xiao, I really did have feelings for Shi Man.” Xia Zhijin suddenly withdrew her legs, which were hanging in the air, turned her body around, and faced Xiao Wanqing. Her eyes were bright and clear, as if they could illuminate the entire night sky.

Xiao Wanqing gently held her thin and bony back and responded tenderly, “Hmm, Shi Man is really lucky.”

Xia Zhijin shook her head with a sense of disappointment and regret. “But from now on, no one will know, and no one will believe.”

She jumped down, landing firmly on the ground, and buried her head in Xiao Wanqing’s embrace, murmuring a grateful “Thank you, Aunt Xiao.” Then she moved away from her, her face once again displaying a cool and indifferent expression, as if nothing had happened. She cheerfully said to Xiao Wanqing, “Let’s go down. The award ceremony should be starting soon.”

She turned around, her figure slender and proud, yet so fragile.

Xiao Wanqing stared blankly and suddenly called out to her in a loud voice, “Zhijin!”

The girl turned around, looking at her with confusion.

Xiao Wanqing furrowed her brows, rare seriousness in her expression, and her voice became low. “Zhijin, we can’t choose our own background, but we can choose our own life.”

Upon hearing this, Xia Zhijin smiled faintly, but it was like the blooming of a night-blooming cereus, fleeting in an instant. “Life doesn’t offer choices either.”

Xiao Wanqing’s heart tightened suddenly, as if there were tiny needles piercing into it.

That day, when Yan Jia abandoned her and walked away, she said the same thing, “Xiao Wan, I have no other choice.”

Perhaps it wasn’t the people who were wrong, but fate?

Fate didn’t give them any other options.

As Xia Zhijin had anticipated, when they returned, the award ceremony was already underway.

Lin Xian’s class confidently secured the first prize. Xiao Wanqing stood below the stage, smiling as she took photos with Lin Xian. She even sent the photos along with the good news to Zhou Qin.

After the competition ended, Xiao Wanqing waited for Lin Xian on the side. Lin Xian’s classmates noticed that Xiao Wanqing had a SLR camera and asked if she could take a few group photos for them. Xiao Wanqing readily agreed, displaying a good-natured attitude, and became the exclusive photographer for Lin Xian’s class. She took several photos of them in various poses on the Starlight Avenue outside the theater.

The classmates were still excited and not ready to stop, pulling each other into different poses, but Lin Xian felt a pang of concern.

She casually helped Xiao Wanqing put the SLR camera back into her bag and bid everyone farewell, saying, “It’s getting late. You should go back and freshen up for rest. Let’s disperse. I’ll export the photos and send them to you later.”

Indeed, it was getting late. Seeing this, everyone sensibly calmed down and bid their goodbyes and thanks before dispersing.

On the way back, they walked leisurely on the deserted tree-lined avenue, heading towards the parking lot.

Xiao Wanqing was unusually silent, while Lin Xian was still immersed in the excitement of the competition, talking non-stop.

“Aunt Xiao, I think the overall quality of our School of Finance and Economics’ performances is better than that of the School of Business Administration. What do you think?”

Xiao Wanqing responded lightly, “Hmm.” In truth, she hadn’t seen the performances that came after.

“Look, the story plot of the School of Business Administration’s first prize-winning performance, I feel like the logic and character development are completely unreasonable.”

“Yeah, really?” Xiao Wanqing responded absentmindedly.

Lin Xian finally noticed that something was wrong with Xiao Wanqing. She grabbed Xiao Wanqing’s hand, stopped walking, and looked at her intently. Her gaze was burning as she asked, “Aunt Xiao, what are you thinking?”

Perhaps it was the warm light cast by the tall street lamps on both sides, or maybe it was the vulnerability that followed after the bustling excitement had faded away. It could also be the lingering mature and captivating look that Lin Xian had yet to remove from her makeup, which made Xiao Wanqing relax her guard and feel the desire to confide in her.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She asked the question that had been lingering in her heart since earlier, “Lin Xian, do you believe in fate?”

Lin Xian’s expression slightly froze, and the hint of a smile faded. She wanted to ask why Xiao Wanqing suddenly brought up this topic, but after a moment’s thought, she firmly answered, “I don’t believe.”

Xiao Wanqing looked at her resolute expression and smiled with a tinge of desolation. “I didn’t believe in it before either. But as I grew older, I realized more and more that there are so many things in life that we have no control over, that we are powerless to change. It’s as if sometimes, we’re not walking our own path, but rather, there are unknown hands pushing us towards a road we cannot choose. Isn’t that fate?”

Just like Yan Jia chose to give up and Xia Zhijin chose to surrender, she chose to close herself off, never daring to love or hate again.

Lin Xian looked at her intently, still firm and shaking her head in disagreement. “That’s not it, I don’t believe.”

She said, “Sometimes, we all tend to blame everything that goes wrong on fate and uncertainty. But in reality, everything we have experienced and everything we are currently going through is the result of choices we each made. If fate truly exists, hasn’t fate given us choices? No, it’s that we ourselves are too afraid to choose, unwilling to bear the consequences of our choices. What we willingly accept and find favorable is called a choice, and what we reluctantly accept and find unfavorable is called fate. Isn’t fate unfair in this regard?”

“Aunt Xiao, I don’t believe in fate, I only believe in myself. We only have one life, and only I can be the master of my own life.”

The dim light from the street lamps cast shadows on the young girl’s confident face, illuminating her radiant and extraordinary beauty, touching her heartstrings.

Xiao Wanqing gazed at Lin Xian for a long time, and finally, her expression softened, her frown loosened, and the burden in her heart gradually dissipated.

She reached out and gently brushed Lin Xian’s nose, her expression full of affection, and said tenderly, “Lin Xian, I hope you can always be an exception.”