For The Rest Of Our Life – Chapter 155

How can one truly prove deep love?

Upon hearing the diagnosis, Wen Tong’s expression changed drastically as if facing a formidable foe, while the person involved, Xiao Wanqing, remained calm and composed, reassuring Wen Tong that it was not a big deal.

Fortunately, Xiao Wanqing’s eardrum perforation was not very extensive, and with timely treatment, the doctor mentioned that it might not necessarily require surgical repair. They could first attempt a more conservative approach with medication and observe for two weeks to see if it could heal naturally.

Xiao Wanqing narrowed her eyes, weighing the options for the future and considering the risk of Lin Xian noticing something after the surgery. Without hesitation, she chose the conservative treatment. She didn’t want Lin Xian to know about this matter, not wanting to increase the conflicts between Lin Xian and Zhou Qin, nor add to Lin Xian’s psychological burden. Lin Xian was already going through a hard time.

Wen Tong, on the other hand, immediately furrowed her brows, nervously interrupting Xiao Wanqing’s conversation with the doctor, inquiring anxiously if conservative treatment would delay things or result in irreversible consequences. The doctor, careful with words, assured her that the risk was minimal and she didn’t need to worry excessively. Wen Tong finally felt a bit relieved.

After getting the medication and sending Xiao Wanqing back, Wen Tong couldn’t help but repeat the doctor’s instructions to Xiao Wanqing on the way home, just to ensure she remembered them. Xiao Wanqing weakly nodded with a smile.

Watching Xiao Wanqing leaning against the passenger seat with clearly heavy thoughts, Wen Tong’s eyes gradually darkened. Matters of the heart were between the two of them and shouldn’t involve interference from an outsider like her. However, as she looked at Xiao Wanqing’s swollen face and thought about the hurt in her ear, the accusations and insults she endured, Wen Tong’s emotions fluctuated, and she couldn’t hold back.

She knew people were biased; Zhou Qin favored Lin Xian, hence blamed Xiao Wanqing. She, on the other hand, favored Xiao Wanqing, leading to her distrust and dissatisfaction with Lin Xian’s behavior in this matter.

She softly called out her name, “Xiao Wanqing.”

Xiao Wanqing turned her head, her clear amber eyes filled with some confusion, gazing gently at Wen Tong, waiting for her to continue.

“I know there are some things I have no right or qualification to say. As your friend, I should unconditionally support you. But if I don’t remind you, I feel like I’m not doing my duty.”

“Go ahead,” Xiao Wanqing’s voice was low and hoarse yet calm.

“Xiao, perhaps Lin Xian and you are truly not suitable for each other, at least not at this moment in time. I have no intention of judging whether your feelings for each other are right or wrong because love itself cannot be measured in terms of right or wrong. It’s just not a good fit. Lin Xian is ultimately too young at this age. I don’t deny that she loves you, but apart from love, she can’t give you anything, can’t do anything. She can’t even protect herself, let alone protect you. Her age and capabilities now leave her powerless to resist the harsh realities of life, subjecting both of you to passivity. Love is supposed to be a mutually responsible commitment between two people, but now, in the eyes of most, it has become your unilateral responsibility towards her. Life is not a fairy tale; love, love alone is not enough.”

“Sister Zhou Qin, on the other hand, is now resisting and shifting most of the responsibility onto you. I know you are a responsible person, but there are some responsibilities that perhaps you can’t bear. If something major happens to Sister Zhou Qin, could you forgive yourself? Could you still be with Lin Xian? Step back for a moment. Even if you two make it through this current situation, in the future, Sister Zhou Qin and her circle of resentments towards you will not diminish. Every slight misstep from Lin Xian, every slight setback in her growth, unfounded blame might start piling up on you. People change; even we ourselves cannot guarantee that we won’t change in a few years, let alone Lin Xian at this uncertain age. You’ve been bearing all of this, but what if one day she changes? How will you cope then? Xiao, I’m worried you may feel sad after parting ways now, but I’m more concerned about you not being able to handle a breakdown in the future. If love is to be long-lasting, it shouldn’t be just about day-to-day matters. Perhaps if both of you take a step back now, and wait for Lin Xian to mature a bit more, truly being accountable, wouldn’t that be better?”

Xiao Wanqing looked at Wen Tong with a deep gaze, her hands clasped together tightly, fingers pressing firmly against each other.

“Wen Tong, is separating really the best choice for both Lin Xian and me?” Xiao Wanqing almost whispered. Every time her remaining courage, hanging by a thread, was denied by these close people, it dissipated a bit. She could bear whatever came her way, but she cared about what Lin Xian would have to endure if they continued like this.

With Zhou Qin’s firm resistance, her shocking collapse, and the absence of any supportive voices to continue, Xiao Wanqing couldn’t help but feel fear and uncertainty.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“But, Wen Tong, I can’t do it,” Xiao Wanqing’s restrained voice echoed in the confined space. “Wen Tong, I can’t forgive myself for giving up without trying, I can’t forgive the version of me that disappoints and makes Lin Xian cry. I can’t…”

Each word was intertwined, causing Wen Tong’s eyes to well up with tears, her throat tightening. Feeling heartache for Xiao Wanqing, unable to bear it, she pursed her lips, sighed in compromise, and said nothing more.

“Don’t worry, Wen Tong, I’ll hold on a little longer, and everything will be better soon.” Xiao Wanqing looked at the heavy rain outside the window, at the gloomy sky ahead, unsure if she was consoling Wen Tong or herself.

Back at home, Wen Tong instructed her not to think about anything and to just go to sleep and rest. Xiao Wanqing was clearly exhausted, but she felt no sleepiness. Not wanting to make Wen Tong worry, she obediently went back to her room, closed her eyes, and pretended to sleep.

With her eyes closed, she listened to the sound of Wen Tong cooking in the kitchen not far away. Memories of the warm and cheerful times with Lin Xian in the kitchen kept flashing in her mind. Despite it only being a little over a year ago, it felt like a lifetime ago. At the very beginning, 17-year-old Lin Xian had a face that was once innocent and radiant, with a carefree smile.

Is Lin Xian doing okay? The image of the girl leaving in the morning with red eyes and a fragile figure pained her heart.

In this panic, Lin Xian was all alone. At just 19 years old, at an age when others could still be carefree, she had already forced Lin Xian to mature faster than her peers. Now, making Lin Xian bear so much for this relationship, causing her to face isolation and opposition, was it really the right thing to do?

In the end, what is the best thing to do for her? Xiao Wanqing questioned herself over and over again, feeling torn.

That evening, during dinner, Xiao Wanqing had no appetite and only managed to eat a small portion of food under Wen Tong’s urging. No matter how difficult the days were, time continued to slip away second by second. The New Year holiday was about to end tomorrow. After dinner, Wen Tong washed the dishes while Xiao Wanqing rinsed them for the second time. Wen Tong inquired about Xiao Wanqing’s plans for the next day.

“I was supposed to go to the company tomorrow to sign the contract formally, as we arranged with Shi Jinglan earlier. Now, considering the current situation, should I stick to the original plan and sign the contract, then delay the start date, or should I directly postpone the signing?” This matter was urgent, so Wen Tong had to ask.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Wanqing spoke softly, “Can we postpone the signing? Wen Tong, I don’t know if I can fulfill this contract in the future.” Given the current circumstances, she couldn’t be certain where her future would lead. Even though she didn’t want to consider it, she knew deep down that if she really had to part ways with Lin Xian, she wouldn’t be able to continue living in Anjiang City.

Wen Tong understood the implications behind Xiao Wanqing’s words instantly, feeling a pang in her heart. After a few seconds of silence, she responded in a deep voice, “Alright, don’t worry about things on Shixing’s end. I will communicate with Shi Jinglan. She is not the type of person who cannot be flexible.”

“Thank you,” Xiao Wanqing said with a faint smile. Seeing that it was getting late outside and the rain had finally lessened, she asked Wen Tong with concern, “Will you be going to work tomorrow? Your car is still in the North District. I’ll lend you my car, and I’ll drive your car back from the North District for you.”

Wen Tong furrowed her brow and replied, “No need. How can you drive with your ear in that condition?” Plus, she didn’t want Xiao Wanqing to go to the North District alone again.

After finishing washing the dishes and turning off the faucet, Wen Tong casually said, drying her hands, “I’ve been a bit traumatized taking taxis alone at night recently, so can I stay over at your place tonight? Lin Xian is no longer using the guest room, so could I borrow her room for tonight? I have an important meeting tomorrow morning after the New Year, and I need to go to the North District in the afternoon. I’ll take a taxi there, and when I come back, I can pick up my car.”

Wen Tong was concerned about leaving Xiao Wanqing alone tonight. If possible, she wanted to take the next two days off to be with Xiao Wanqing during the day as well. Although she couldn’t offer much help, at least she could take care of Xiao Wanqing’s meals and wellbeing. But the next two days were critical for her schedule, and she couldn’t get away. So, she decided to come over at night. She also considered Xiao Wanqing’s feelings – if she took time off to accompany her, Xiao Wanqing might feel burdened and not agree. Luckily, Xiao Wanqing seemed calmer now, which eased Wen Tong’s worries.

Xiao Wanqing understood her friend’s intentions and didn’t refuse this gesture of kindness, as it wasn’t too burdensome.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Late into the night, after bidding each other good night, Wen Tong and Xiao Wanqing went back to their respective rooms.

In the silence, Xiao Wanqing looked despondent as she gazed into space, lost in thought. She knew that it might be impossible for Zhou Qin to accept her for the time being, but Lin Zhan was usually more open-minded. Perhaps there was a slight possibility of a breakthrough with Lin Zhan.

How could she prove her deep love for Lin Xian?

She got out of bed and gathered the love poems she had written for Lin Xian, sorting through the conflicting and struggling days, as well as the happy and blissful moments. She tried to prove the pure and sincere love between her and Lin Xian through all the notes she had written for her. Then, she opened the safe and retrieved two documents: one was a notarized will she had prepared, with Lin Xian as the beneficiary, and the other was an insurance agreement where she was the policyholder and Lin Xian was the beneficiary. These were the steps she had taken after deciding that she wanted to be with Lin Xian for the long haul.

With no other recourse, she could only clumsily present all of this to Lin Zhan and Zhou Qin, attempting to piece together her genuine feelings for them to see.

She may not have many options, but she was willing to give Lin Xian her all, without reservation.

In the early hours of the morning, Wen Tong was in a daze, halfway asleep, when she suddenly heard a loud crash next door, as if glass had shattered. Startled, Wen Tong unconsciously shuddered.

She opened her eyes, feeling disoriented for a moment. Then, as if realizing something, her face paled, and she hurriedly got out of bed, barefoot and trembling, and rushed towards Xiao Wanqing’s bedroom. Without bothering to knock, she pushed open the door to Xiao Wanqing’s room and peered inside directly through the dim light.

In the thick darkness, a slender figure of a woman was crouched by the side of the bed with her back to Wen Tong. In the cold moonlight, scattered glass shards glinted with a chilling light on the floor, with a damp sheen of water winding around them, shimmering faintly…

It was bloodstains…

Xiao Wanqing had another nightmare. She dreamed of Zhou Qin being seriously ill and unable to recover, her mentor and his wife bedridden, a lot of blood, her parents’ funeral hall with mournful music playing everywhere, and Lin Xian crying, crying incessantly…

She feared and told herself it was all fake, just a dream. She reached out her hand to break free, to tear through this horrifying dream, but the next moment, she was startled awake by a loud noise.

The crystal ball that Lin Xian had given her, which she treasured and kept by her bedside, had been shattered by her during her sleep.

Unconsciously, she stepped on the shattered pieces on the ground with her bare feet, instantly piercing her skin and causing blood to flow, yet she felt nothing. She slowly crouched down, staring blankly at the two girls entwined in the chaos within the crystal ball.

When Lin Xian presented her with the crystal ball, her cheerful and firm words seemed to echo in her ears: “Even under such a severe impact, it remains intact. I believe this symbolizes the bond between us, that no matter the challenges we face, our love can withstand it, unwaveringly.”

But now, after such a dream, the crystal ball lay shattered.

Was this also a tragic omen?

Xiao Wanqing forced herself to let go of the facade of strength she wore in front of Wen Tong.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Wen Tong’s quick steps forward halted slowly as she heard the woman’s uncontrollable sobbing.

It turned out that all the calmness and strength she displayed in front of her were just a facade.

It turned out that she had already collapsed.

Wen Tong suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart, filled with regret and guilt. Was this the first time in all these years that she truly glimpsed the collapse behind Xiao Wanqing’s strength? Like a switch had been flipped, as time passed, she began to realize that perhaps she had been wrong all these years.

Back when Xiao Wanqing was immersed in the grief of losing her parents and felt melancholic, was it wrong for Wen Tong to logically reason with her and try to pull her out of it? When Xiao Wanqing was already so distraught, why did Wen Tong add insult to injury by thinking she could approach her rationally, thinking she could handle it like everyone else and shake her or strike her as a punishment?

Perhaps, when people are in sorrow, all they need is someone to cry and feel pain with them.

But Wen Tong had never truly cried with her.