For The Rest Of Our Life – Chapter 138

You are my loved one

“Let me save a bit more, and in the future, the money in this card can be used as funds for us to travel together.”

Xiao Wanqing stopped reviewing the document and looked at Lin Xian in astonishment. She held up the thin silver card in her palm, so light that it almost felt weightless, yet she felt it heavy as if there were a thousand pounds pressing on her heart.

“Lin Xian, this is yours, you should keep it for yourself.” Xiao Wanqing’s eyes filled with mist, her throat tightened, and her voice became hoarse.

Lin Xian pouted, pretending to be displeased, and asked, “Why not, Panpan? Do you think it’s too little?”

“How is that possible?” Xiao Wanqing frowned and explained. “Xianxian, this is your hard-earned money from your weekly hard work. You should have the freedom to use it as you please. How could I accept it with a clear conscience?”

“Why not?” Lin Xian countered. “Isn’t it normal for couples to save some money together on a card as shared funds? And between spouses, isn’t it even more normal for the husband to entrust his salary to the wife for safekeeping? My dad’s monthly salary has always been managed by my mom.”

Xiao Wanqing bit her lip, her eyes watery, listening to Lin Xian talk about husband and wife, and feeling both sweet and bittersweet. What Lin Xian said was indeed a common way of life for couples. But Lin Xian was too young. How could she ask Lin Xian to contribute her salary when other people her age were still receiving their allowances from their parents?

But when she saw Lin Xian’s earnest and expectant eyes, she couldn’t bear to voice her refusal.

Lin Xian had asked that she be treated as a normal lover. Xiao Wanqing was trying to see things from Lin Xian’s perspective and was trying to be more considerate of her as a loved one.

After much thought, Xiao Wanqing suggested, “How about I also save a fixed amount of money into this card every month?” She would only make the money in this card grow together with Lin Xian, and eventually, find a suitable time to return it to its rightful owner.

“No, it’s not good.” Lin Xian got off the chair and squatted in front of Xiao Wanqing, resting her chin on Xiao Wanqing’s thighs. Her big bright eyes looked earnestly at Xiao Wanqing as she said, “You already cover all our living expenses every month. I know I’m not capable of sharing that burden with you yet, so I can only do what I can. It’s my right and my obligation, Panpan. I know you understand me, but this can make me feel happy and needed. Would you please consider my wish a little more?”

“Silly, who pushes their money away like this?” Xiao Wanqing’s nose tingled, she gently scolded, smoothing the stray hair on the girl’s forehead.

Lin Xian stood up and held Xiao Wanqing’s hand, firmly grasping the square card. Then she straddled Xiao Wanqing and kissed her slightly flushed eyes, saying with a smile, “The silly one is the one pushing it away, not Lin Xiaoxian.”

She kissed Xiao Wanqing’s red lips and softly said, “You’re not an outsider, you’re my beloved one.”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wanqing’s heart trembled, and her ears started to burn. She couldn’t help but hug the girl’s waist tightly, her eyes filled with tenderness.

In the midst of a kiss, the swivel chair couldn’t handle the backward movement, and both of them were caught off guard, startled. Xiao Wanqing instinctively reached out to grab the desk to stabilize the chair, but in her panic, she accidentally knocked the mouse off the desk, producing a loud “clatter.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Fortunately, the chair finally stopped rolling amid the clatter.

The two, interrupted in the midst of their passionate kiss, looked at each other and saw a big “bewilderment” in each other’s eyes, appearing dazed and endearing. In the next moment, both Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Lin Xian didn’t laugh easily, but once she started, it was hard to stop. Xiao Wanqing had already started laughing, and Lin Xian couldn’t stop laughing, even resting in her arms.

With a soft gaze, Xiao Wanqing looked at Lin Xian’s smiling face, finding her adorable with her eyes curved into crescents, and couldn’t help but feel mischievous.

Lin Xian felt like she was about to regain control, biting her lip as she looked at Xiao Panpan, struggling to tell her, “I’m okay, I won’t laugh again.”

To her shock and dismay, her Xiao Panpan slowly raised the corner of her lips, blinked, and had a mischievous smile in her eyes aimed at her.

Lin Xian widened her eyes and bit her lip tightly. Three seconds later, she couldn’t control herself and burst into laughter again involuntarily.

After a long time, just when Lin Xian was about to stop laughing, Xiao Wanqing saw her complaining with a stomachache and helped her to stop laughing regretfully. Finally getting relief, Lin Xian weakly rested on Xiao Wanqing’s shoulder, and with difficulty wiped away her tears of laughter, saying, “Xiao Panpan, why are you so naughty.”

Xiao Wanqing kissed her small face and gently massaged her stomach, blushing with embarrassment as she softly admitted, “I was wrong.”

It’s just like a clever and cute little kitten trying to be endearing after being scolded for making a mess. Lin Xian had never seen her so obedient before, and her heart instantly melted.

“Panpan, say it again,” Lin Xian said with a mischievous smile, squinting her eyes.

Seeing the mischievous look on the girl’s face, Xiao Wanqing inexplicably felt a trace of shyness rising in her heart. She bit her lip and refused to say anything more.

Seeing her shy expression, Lin Xian was satisfied and didn’t tease her further. She buried her head in Xiao Wanqing’s neck for a while, and then, reluctantly, got off her lap, fearing that her legs might become numb from sitting for too long.

She picked up the mouse and sat on the chair next to it, glanced at the screen, and suddenly remembered to ask, “Panpan, should I submit this novel to a magazine for serialization, or should I serialize it online?”

Xiao Wanqing sat closer to the table, saved the annotated document with the mouse. She tucked the hair that had fallen during their play behind her ears and turned to ask Lin Xian, “Xianxian, do you have a preference for the traditional publishing route?”

“I haven’t decided yet. I’m not really focused on that, just considering which platform suits the style of this novel better.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Xiao Wanqing smiled gently and suggested, “Xianxian, I think the concept of your novel is very innovative, and the characters are well-suited to the current popular online trends. If published online, it might have a bigger impact. Looking at the industry trends, the decline of printed media and the rise of online literature are an irresistible trend. My personal advice is, you can prioritize publishing online as an additional avenue. If you later want to go the traditional route, it won’t be a conflict. If you don’t mind, I can help you reach out to those channels.”

Lin Xian graciously replied, “Then I’ll go with your suggestion. I don’t mind.” She took Xiao Wanqing’s hand, kissed it, and said sweetly, “Xiao Panpan, you’re so amazing. I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot with you.”

Xiao Wanqing chuckled, gently caressed Lin Xian’s hand with her thumb, closed her eyes, and said with a serious smile, “I’m the one who hit the jackpot, I found my future bestselling author.”

Lin Xian was encouraged by her, and with their fingers intertwined, half-jokingly and half-seriously said, “Then Xiao Panpan, you better hang on tight to me. I might not have the most outstanding appearance, but I will strive to achieve high sales numbers to marry you.”

Her other hand held Xiao Wanqing’s hand, gently grasping the bank card, and affectionately said, “Xiao Panpan, I used to lack motivation and drive, always feeling that I didn’t need to work too hard and that it didn’t matter how much I earned, as long as it wasn’t too tough. But now I feel differently. Panpan, I want to work hard to give you a good life, to manage our little home with color and vibrancy, and to show all those who think they know better that a different life can be just as happy and fulfilling.”

The word “home” sounded too good to be true. Xiao Wanqing gazed into Lin Xian’s determined and shining eyes, choked up, and promised earnestly, “Lin Xian, I will work hard with you.”

It was getting late, so they went to take a shower and get ready for rest. Xiao Wanqing finished washing up, but Lin Xian had not returned.

Xiao Wanqing stood at the bedside, blow-drying her hair, and inadvertently looked down at the bank card placed on the bedside table, a deep look in her eyes. Gradually, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

She switched off the hair dryer, sat on the edge of the bed, hesitated for a moment, and finally made a decision.

She picked up her phone from the bedside and sent a text to Wen Tong: “Wen Tong, I’ve decided to change jobs. Please keep an eye out for any suitable opportunities for me.” This was something she had been contemplating for a long time, but when you’ve been in a place for so long, there are bound to be emotional ties, so she had struggled to make the decision.

Today, Lin Xian had given her boundless courage and determination.

She wanted to provide a better life for Lin Xian, gain more leverage, and instill more trust in Zhou Qin. She loved Lin Xian and was capable of loving her well.

At the restaurant, Wen Tong and Shi Jinglan sat facing each other, having a late-night snack that should have been dinner.

They had another late meeting today. As they wrapped up, Wen Tong, clutching her hungry stomach, was about to head home, when Shi Jinglan casually took off her gold-rimmed glasses and calmly said, “I’ve delayed Manager Wen’s dinner again.”

There was no hint of apology in her tone, thought Wen Tong. She stopped in her tracks and put on a polite smile, saying, “Don’t be silly, President Shi, you haven’t had dinner either. It’s my fault for delaying you.”

Shi Jinglan smirked but didn’t confirm or deny. Glancing at her watch, she picked up her bag and said in a flat yet insistent tone, “I know a great restaurant that’s still open at this hour. Manager Wen, let’s have dinner together.”

When the boss invites you to dinner, can you refuse?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

You can’t. Shi Jinglan still held the power of life and death over the proposal she had just submitted. The personnel changes were too significant, and she hadn’t completely convinced her yet.

Moreover, she remembered the unused medication in her bag and, looking at Shi Jinglan’s composed and aloof demeanor, she felt a twinge of annoyance. She couldn’t afford to waste what was left.

A sly gleam flashed in her deep eyes as she revealed a smile and gracefully replied, “Sure.”

Shi Jinglan caught the glimpse of her peculiar smile and subtly furrowed her brows. Finally, she said in a subdued tone, “Let’s go.”

Receiving a message from Xiao Wanqing, Wen Tong stopped eating and stared at it in disbelief several times.

Shi Jinglan quietly appraised Wen Tong for a while, noticing Wen Tong’s absent-mindedness, and then with a slightly furrowed brow, she pursed her lips. After a moment, she offered a gentle smile and calmly said to Wen Tong, “Manager Wen, if you have something to attend to, you can go first.”

Wen Tong withdrew her gaze from her phone at the sound of Shi Jinglan’s words and looked at her for a moment, before suddenly displaying a relaxed smile and said, “President Shi, regarding what we just discussed, I think I have a suitable candidate in mind for the missing content control position.”