For The Rest Of Our Life – Chapter 137

Handing you a salary card

Indeed, just as Chen Kaiwen had anticipated, Xiao Wanqing inquired about the incident yesterday.

The woman’s voice was pleasant to the ear, her tone mild and polite: “Teacher Chen, I’m here to understand the situation regarding Xianxian’s regularization at work. After coming back yesterday, Xianxian told me about this matter, and the child felt wronged all night.”

The fact that a guardian can talk about this matter without any reservations indicates Lin Xian has a clear conscience, with nothing disgraceful to hide. Chen Kaiwen immediately had a preliminary judgment.

“As a guardian, of course, I trust Xianxian. But this trust is not without basis; I believe you have also noticed Xianxian’s behavior and conduct on regular days, Teacher Chen. I know you care about your students and that’s why you are willing to listen to other students’ opinions about Xianxian to understand the situation. I am very thankful for your responsibility, Teacher Chen.”

“It’s nothing, Lin Xian is a student whom I value greatly.” Apparently, Xiao Wanqing intended to start with diplomacy before moving on to more confrontational topics, which made Chen Kaiwen somewhat embarrassed.

As he expected, she then proceeded to the crux. “However, Teacher Chen, without solid evidence, perhaps there are things that you need to further investigate, not only just understanding the situation from Xianxian’s side. Teacher Chen, may I ask? The student who raised complaints about Xianxian’s behavior, was it a male student?” Actually, when Xiao Wanqing mentioned ‘without solid evidence’, there was a probing tone to it.

Chen Kaiwen was taken aback, unsure of the significance behind Xiao Wanqing’s question, and hesitated to answer for a moment.

Seeing that he did not refute the ‘without solid evidence’ statement, Xiao Wanqing felt much more relieved. She did not beat around the bush and continued without waiting for Chen Kaiwen’s response: “Xianxian told me she could guess which male student had complained to you about this matter.”

Xiao Wanqing spoke with heavy significance and a touch of melancholy: “Teacher Chen, I can understand that boys in their adolescence are full of youthful vigor, sometimes too prideful to accept even a slight rejection. But, it’s really inappropriate to act irrationally because of that.”

By this point, it was clear to Chen Kaiwen what Xiao Wanqing was implying.

Was Zhang Sichao motivated by unrequited love, turning his affections to resentment and malicious slander?

Zhang Sichao, serving as the head of the organization department under his charge and thus his right-hand man, shared a close teacher-student relationship with him. He also acted as his eyes among the students. So, when Zhang Sichao confidently reported this matter, claiming that many in the class quietly shared his views, he believed him without much doubt.

Chen Kaiwen’s expression darkened as he earnestly responded to Xiao Wanqing, “Editor Xiao, rest assured, I will look into this matter thoroughly and ensure a fair outcome for Lin Xian.”

“I trust Teacher Chen; thank you for handling this,” Xiao Wanqing, understanding the underlying implication of Chen Kaiwen’s words, responded lightly and succinctly.

Lin Xian mentioned that Wang Zi only learned about the incident after accidentally seeing a note between her and Chen Zhi. Zhang Sichao, who heard it from Wang Zi, couldn’t provide any evidence besides her word. Xiao Wanqing was not worried about Chen Kaiwen’s inquiry; even if he questioned Chen Zhi, it was unlikely she would admit anything, leaving Zhang Sichao without proof. Besides, many had witnessed Zhang Sichao drunkenly confessing to Lin Xian, and his subsequent approach to Lin Xian before class was done under many watchful eyes. If Chen Kaiwen intended to understand the situation, he would quickly find numerous witnesses.

With Chen Kaiwen promising a fair resolution, at least Lin Xian’s permanent position was secure. As for punishing Zhang Sichao, Chen Kaiwen, feeling used, was unlikely to let it slide as if nothing had happened.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Wanqing gently touched the soft spikes of the cactus on the balcony, her lips curling into a smile.

After ending the call, Chen Kaiwen, having reviewed the incident from start to finish, realized his hastiness in believing Zhang Sichao’s side of the story.

His expression grim, he prepared to summon Zhang Sichao during the break. However, before he could send for Zhang Sichao, Shi Man, a highly influential figure, arrived at the office first.

Since Shi Man’s enrollment in the Finance Department, the Shixing Group had generously donated several laboratories and equipment to the department. The leadership had privately instructed him to give special treatment to special people. The implication was clear without being explicitly stated.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Chen Kaiwen flashed a smile and invited Shi Man to sit down with him for tea.

To his surprise, Shi Man was also there regarding Lin Xian’s matter.

The young girl, full of vigor and with a hint of arrogance, questioned him: “Teacher, I am Lin Xian’s good friend, and I have objections to what’s happening with Lin Xian. Other students can protest, can’t I do the same? There’s no issue with Lin Xian’s promotion application in terms of the process, right? The vote has already passed and is just awaiting announcement. How can it be that due to someone’s baseless remarks, it’s now pending further observation? So, what are the standards for promotion?”

Chen Kaiwen, out of respect for Shi Jinglan and Shixing Group, could not scold her for her assertive tone. Instead, he had to patiently reassure her: “This matter will continue to be looked into; it’s not that Lin Xian can’t be promoted.”

“But, let’s take a step back. Does being homosexual equate to improper conduct? Teacher Chen, my mother and I have always thought of Jingnan as an enlightened, inclusive, and progressive place, which is why I chose here. If you are judging this matter in such a way, I can’t help but question whether Jingnan’s narrow-minded ideology is incompatible with the Shixing Group’s culture of embracing all rivers.” Shi Man slightly narrowed her eyes, earnestly seeking confirmation.

Chen Kaiwen was breaking out in a cold sweat.

Overpowered by his student’s strong presence, he felt aggrieved, but the person was Shi Man, whom he could not afford to offend. According to the college leadership, Shixing Group was planning to donate books to the college library in Shi Man’s name this year. But he also discerned the veiled threat in Shi Man’s words just now.

If this led to the loss of Shixing Group, the major benefactor, he feared he might end up facing the leadership’s cold shoulder.

Chen Kaiwen quickly defended himself: “It’s not like that, Shi Man. This issue might have been misunderstood as it spread. Don’t worry, I promise you, if there’s no problem with Lin Xian’s procedure, there will absolutely be no issues with the promotion.”

Shi Man wanted to hear just this. She immediately showed an understanding smile, kindly saying: “I also think there must be a misunderstanding. I always felt that you are not the kind of person who is narrow-minded, rigid, and unable to discern right from wrong.”

“…” Chen Kaiwen felt the sting of frustration internally. He knew there was little he could do about Shi Man; Lin Xian was the wronged party in all this, and he mentally noted that the primary blame lay squarely on Zhang Sichao’s shoulders.

In the classroom, Lin Xian waited nervously for Shi Man’s return.

After arriving at school, she and Shi Man had decided not to make a big fuss over the matter, opting to let Zhang Sichao off the hook. Shi Man, however, lamented Lin Xian’s soft-heartedness as if chastising her for not being tough enough. Later, after discussing how to give Zhang Sichao a minor chastisement as a significant warning, Shi Man took it upon herself, cryptically promising, “I’ve got this.”

When Lin Xian inquired about her plan, Shi Man simply blinked, offering a sly reply of four words: “Bullying by power.”

After class, Shi Man exited with a cloak of mystery, leaving Lin Xian to wait for the good news calmly. Soon enough, Shi Man returned, her face radiating with triumph, instantly soothing Lin Xian’s anxious heart.

Upon Shi Man’s return, Zhang Sichao was called out. Just before classes resumed, he came back, his face ashen.

Step by step, he struggled towards Lin Xian, feeling the invisible, sharp gazes of his classmates piercing him like a sword rain.

But he was out of options.

Standing before Lin Xian under her indifferent gaze, his face flushed between shades of white and red. Clenching his fists, he managed to force out an almost inaudible, “Sorry…”

Lin Xian frowned slightly, not accepting his apology. Instead, she returned coldly, “Behave yourself from now on.”

Zhang Sichao’s face turned beet red. He grabbed his backpack and left the classroom, skipping the rest of the class. Curious, those around Lin Xian asked what had happened and why Zhang Sichao apologized to her. Lin Xian just smiled, shook her head, and brushed it off, saying, “It’s nothing.” Seeing her reluctance to share, everyone wisely didn’t press further.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Three days later, the list for regularization was posted on the college’s bulletin board. Lin Xian’s name was there, clearly printed in black and white.

Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to herself that what was meant to be hers, would always find its way back to her. She reflected that fairness might not always present itself proactively, but at the very least, we could strive for it within our means. We might not control others, but we can, at least, do our best.

This incident seemed to draw to a relatively perfect close.

By mid-October, Lin Xian quit her tutoring job to embark on the path she had planned for herself.

In the evening, the study was brightly lit, and both Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian worked in a harmonious silence, a tranquil and tender atmosphere enveloping them. Xiao Wanqing wrapped up her day’s work and leisurely flipped through some books while typing study notes on her computer. For once, Lin Xian was also using the computer in the study, her brows furrowed as she occasionally tapped away at the keyboard.

After finishing a chapter of notes, Xiao Wanqing couldn’t help but glance at Lin Xian, and then, she was utterly distracted, unable to look away.

The focused look on the girl was captivating.

With a soft smile and tender eyes, Xiao Wanqing watched Lin Xian unconsciously lick her lips, presumably thirsty. Quietly, she stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare some juice for Lin Xian.

When she placed the juice beside Lin Xian, Lin Xian instinctively turned to look at Xiao Wanqing. The next second, a radiant smile spread across her face as she softly said, “Thank you, my super considerate baby Panpan.”

Sitting beside her, Xiao Wanqing affectionately scratched her nose and playfully chided, “The names you call me are getting stranger by the day.” It was actually cheesy, but Xiao Wanqing couldn’t help feeling both embarrassed and delighted whenever she heard them.

“How is it strange? I’ll just keep calling them, and once you get used to it, it won’t be strange anymore, darling, baby~” Lin Xian wrapped her arms around Xiao Wanqing’s waist, purposely using a coquettish tone as she playfully called her by various endearments.

Xiao Wanqing looked at Lin Xian’s childish antics and felt a sweetness in her heart, but couldn’t help the goosebumps raised by the cheesy act.

Embarrassed, she picked up the glass of juice and offered it to Lin Xian’s lips to quiet her down, swiftly changing the subject: “Is it going smoothly?” referring to Lin Xian’s process of drafting a long novel outline.

Taking a sip of juice from Xiao Wanqing’s hand, Lin Xian’s eyes curved into smiles, “I’m almost done.” She then turned her computer screen towards Xiao Wanqing, eagerly asking, “Xiao Panpan, would you like to take a look for me?”

A bright smile formed on Xiao Wanqing’s lips as she eagerly agreed, “I’d love nothing more.”

She took Lin Xian’s notebook and began to review it seriously. After a moment, she bit her lip and asked Lin Xian, “Can I make some annotations in red to give feedback?” People who write generally have a special possessiveness over their work, and she was worried Lin Xian might feel she was being disrespectful or overly critical.

Lin Xian chuckled, lightly pecking Xiao Wanqing’s cheek, and cheerfully said, “Of course, my dear editor.”

Xiao Wanqing’s brows and eyes relaxed as she explained, “This is just my personal opinion, Xianxian, take it as a reference, don’t take it too seriously.” She paused, then lowly and a bit shyly added, “I don’t want to be just your editor; I want to be your loyal reader.”

Hearing this, Lin Xian’s bright eyes glimmered even more, and her smile seemed to reach the sky. Her Xiao Panpan was getting better at sweet talking!! Ah, how can she be so shy yet so adorable?

Lin Xian’s heart was sweeter than honey itself.

Xiao Wanqing was focused on her computer, while Lin Xian’s gaze was fixed on Xiao Wanqing with the same intensity, unwavering. Lin Xian looked at Xiao Wanqing tenderly for a long time, suddenly, as if she remembered something, lightly smacked her forehead with an “oh”.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Amid Xiao Wanqing’s puzzled look, Lin Xian quickly scurried back to her own room to fetch her backpack. Shortly after, she returned to Xiao Wanqing’s side, took Xiao Wanqing’s hand with her left hand, and placed her clenched right fist onto Xiao Wanqing’s palm, saying warmly with a soft gaze, “Panpan, here’s my salary card for you.”

Xiao Wanqing was momentarily stunned, instinctively looking at her palm — lying there was a squarely shaped bank card.

The girl, with a hint of shyness and tender affection in her eyes, said to her: “I just opened this account today. There’s not much money in it now, just the salary I just received from tutoring. But Panpan, I’ll work hard to make it grow.”

The author has something to say:

The line from the previous chapter was taken from a poem by Pablo Neruda. If you cuties don’t understand, you can look it up on Baidu. Um, 23333, actually, besides the simple and straightforward meaning you guys talked about, I think it also contains a more beautiful and subtle meaning. Of course, the meaning you guys mentioned is also there, haha.

Aunt Xiao embarrassingly covers her face. o(////▽////)q

LP: What the author said, I did not know…

The line “Wanting to do on the girl what spring does to cherry trees” is a reference to a line from the poem “Every Day You Play” by Pablo Neruda. The original line is “Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos,” which translates to “I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees”.