For The Rest Of Our Life – Chapter 126

The air began to thicken

Xiao Wanqing felt an irrational emotion she hadn’t felt in a long time, feeling a part of her that was emotional and had been missing in her life quietly come back to life, leaving her somewhat bewildered.

Indeed, she could have just softened a bit, called out to Lin Xian, coaxed her a little, asked her what was wrong, why she was upset, and all this dilemma would have been avoided. But in that instant, she found it somewhat hard to speak.

She aimlessly showered in the bathroom for who knows how long before taking a deep breath and comforting herself: it’s okay, if Lin Xian doesn’t come over, then she will go to Lin Xian.

Speaking of which, the bed in Lin Xian’s room, which she had prepared, she had never actually slept in it.

However, contrary to her expectations, as soon as she finished showering and opened the bathroom door, taking only a few steps, an unintentional glance made her eyes sweep over her own big bed, where the neatly folded air conditioning quilt had been unfolded, revealing a tall figure hidden underneath.

Lin Xian completely hid herself inside the cup, covering herself tightly without revealing even a strand of hair. She awkwardly, quite obviously, was like being nakedly telling her: “I’m very unhappy, you quickly come and coax me.”

Upon seeing Lin Xian at first glance, Xiao Wanqing’s heart softened. The slight grievances and sadness she had felt a few minutes ago vanished in an instant, leaving only the warmth and joy like a spring breeze that melts away the ice and snow.

She turned off the light, opened the quilt, climbed onto the bed, and with a smile on her lips, she looked at the little mound next to her for two seconds, and slowly lay down. She turned on her side, slowly slid down, and like Lin Xian, completely concealed herself under the air-conditioning quilt. Then, she stretched out her hands in the quilt and hugged Lin Xian’s soft body, softly caring for her: “Isn’t it stuffy under the quilt?”

This little fool, even though angry, still turned her body towards her. Xiao Wanqing’s heart became even softer.

Actually, Lin Xian, at the moment Xiao Wanqing followed and snuggled into the quilt, reaching out to hug her, all displeasure and irritation vanished. But she thought, this being the first time, she couldn’t let Xiao Wanqing off so easily. So, she still pretended to be indifferent, with eyes tightly closed, motionless, silently feigning sleep.

Xiao Wanqing didn’t get angry despite the situation. She smiled softly in her ear, her voice so alluring that it almost gave away their act.

Xiao Wanqing held Lin Xian’s hand tighter, her fingers lightly drawing circles on her back, teasing Lin Xian’s throat, causing an involuntary gulp.

She began to kiss Lin Xian, her warm red lips trailing down from her forehead, lingering and descending until they reached Lin Xian’s slightly parted lips, which were tense with nervousness. The girl’s open teeth made it easy for her to advance. Xiao Wanqing lightly sucked Lin Xian’s soft lips a few times, and then unceremoniously invaded the sweet taste of her mouth, seductively conquering…

Despite being in a comfortably air-conditioned room, Lin Xian felt a heat throughout her body. Her lower abdomen tingled, and the sweat on her back, touched by Xiao Wanqing, made her feel sticky.

She couldn’t help but twist her body, gently clench her teeth, and bite Xiao Wanqing.

Xiao Wanqing winced and took a delicate breath, tactfully stepping back. She wasn’t upset, and after giving Lin Xian a light peck on the lips, she feigned ignorance with a playful smile, “Awake, are you?”

Lin Xian opened her eyes, unable to see Xiao Wanqing’s expression in the darkness. She had already melted in the passion and tenderness of Xiao Wanqing’s kisses, yet she still mustered a cool facade, murmuring, “I’m awake.”

Xiao Wanqing curved her eyebrows understandingly, her lips gliding down to gently nip at Lin Xian’s smooth jawline, childishly saying, “This is a punishment, you just bit me.” Seeing Lin Xian unmoved, her voice softened a tad, revealing a slight grievance, “You bit me so hard it hurt.”

Lin Xian’s heart tightened, and her brows knotted instantly. She unconsciously lifted the air-conditioning quilt covering them both, inspecting Xiao Wanqing’s face in the moonlight seriously. She feared she had not controlled her strength earlier and genuinely hurt Xiao Wanqing.

But Xiao Wanqing’s warm eyes only looked at her with affection, clearly hiding a smile, obviously pretending to trick her into breaking character.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lin Xian knew she had tricked herself into a corner and couldn’t save face. Puckering her lips, she was about to pull up the blanket to hide again.

Xiao Wanqing lifted the hand that was around Lin Xian’s waist, pressing down gently yet firmly on Lin Xian’s move. Then, she moved a bit upward, pulling Lin Xian’s head into her embrace and said gently, “Xianxian, are you mad at me?” Though phrased as a question, her tone was affirmative.

Resting in her arms, Lin Xian was surrounded by the faint and pleasant scent of Xiao Wanqing’s shower gel. The sweetness and love in her heart finally overcame everything else. She couldn’t pretend anymore.

She stretched her arms to hug Xiao Wanqing back, whispering her confession, “Yes, I was mad at you just now.” She thoughtfully added the “just now” to let Xiao Wanqing know she wasn’t mad anymore.

Xiao Wanqing patted Lin Xian’s back, earnestly seeking an answer, “Then, can you tell me why you were mad? Xianxian, I’m a bit slow.” She humbly said, like a diligent student tackling a difficult problem, “I can’t figure it out. Could you give me a hint?”

Lin Xian was amused by her tone, lifting her head from her embrace to meet her gaze squarely, and playfully bumped her forehead against Xiao Wanqing’s, bluntly saying, “Yeah, you are dumb.”

Xiao Wanqing couldn’t help but laugh.

“Just now…” It was rare for Lin Xian to feel somewhat embarrassed and shy about speaking her feelings. But after biting her lip, she still looked directly at Xiao Wanqing and confessed, “You seemed completely unfazed and not jealous at all when someone confessed to me earlier. It made me feel a bit sad. Then, you even inquired about the other person’s details, making me feel like you wanted to push me away, which left me feeling insecure, and somehow, I just couldn’t help getting angry.”

Although she had been very upset and sad just moments ago, Lin Xian had calmed down and didn’t want to stay angry with Xiao Wanqing. They already had many issues between them, but what scared her were the problems she couldn’t see or touch. She preferred to confront issues she could feel, rather than keeping things hidden out of pride. She didn’t want small, solvable problems to accumulate over time and turn into unsolvable ones.

Xiao Wanqing was taken aback, never expecting this reason. She instinctively asked Lin Xian, “Would you be happier if I showed jealousy and unhappiness?”

Lin Xian’s face heated up momentarily when her somewhat contrived feelings were so straightforwardly pointed out. After a pause, she honestly replied, “Yes, that’s right. Because, in that way, I can feel how much you care about me. For me, that’s a kind of sweetness.” The more Lin Xian spoke, the more bashful she became, her voice also growing quieter.

Xiao Wanqing slightly furrowed her brows, empathetically mulling over things for a moment, as if she had come to a realization. She let out a helpless but relieved smile, softly asking Lin Xian, “Xianxian, do you know why I didn’t wait for you to come out together after the debate that day?”

Lin Xian shook her head.

“It’s because, that day, I was already drowning in jealousy.” Xiao Wanqing candidly opening up about her feelings to Lin Xian was unfamiliar to her, but actually saying it out loud made her feel somewhat relieved. If, if she hadn’t started to be certain that she wanted to be with Lin Xian for a long time, then she probably wouldn’t have dared to express these thoughts. Because she feared that her intense, turbulent love would be a kind of pressure and constraint for Lin Xian.

But now, she wanted to monopolize the girl she loved.

“Xianxian, that day I saw how much those boys and girls admired and liked you, my heart was filled with pride at first, but gradually, it turned sour and uneasy. Xianxian, I’m always scared that with so many choices around you, one day you will see their good and no longer see mine. I couldn’t bear to watch anymore, afraid that if I continued, I would reveal emotions I shouldn’t have, making it difficult and worrying for you. So, I fled in a panic.”

Hearing her lover’s care, Lin Xian couldn’t help but smile, yet her eyes welled up with moisture. “Xiao Xiaowan, where could I possibly have any other choices? From the beginning to the end, my only choice has been you. Besides you, it’s still you.”

She kissed Xiao Wanqing gently, her voice hoarse with empathy, “Then why didn’t you tell me, tell me about your worries, your anxiety, let me share and solve them with you?”

The smile on Xiao Wanqing’s face gradually turned bitter. She bit her lip, locking eyes with Lin Xian, and said softly, “Xianxian, having reached my age, most of the time, it’s hard to act directly according to one’s feelings and always rationalize to restrain oneself. My rationale tells me, getting jealous easily leads to arguments, arguments easily wear out each other’s feelings. I trust you, so, that kind of arguing is unnecessary, my unease and unhappiness are just excessive emotions. These excessive emotions, I thought I could just deal with them on my own, why bring them out to make you unhappy too.”

Xiao Wanqing believed, in fact, she wasn’t wrong, nor was Lin Xian. This was an issue of different ways of thinking between her and Lin Xian.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lin Xian furrowed her brows tightly, staring at Xiao Wanqing intently, deeply in thought. After a moment, she expressed her confusion, “But, a lot of the emotions that arise from interactions between two people can’t just be resolved and digested by one person alone. It’s also possible that an emotion which takes one person three days to process could be resolved in just three sentences through communication. Countless small emotions and grievances, if not addressed in the moment, could accumulate over years to an irreconcilable extent and then suddenly explode.”

“Yes,” Xiao Wanqing gave an affirmative answer involuntarily.

She had experienced irrational escalations of emotions and knew that was not the right approach. It would only lead to both parties hurting each other like hedgehogs, worn out both physically and mentally.

But dating at this relatively more mature and rational age stage was also a first for Xiao Wanqing. It was only after Lin Xian’s questioning that she belatedly realized that pretending to hide one’s emotions was also unwise.

The balance in a romantic relationship, no matter how young or mature, is equally difficult to manage.

She reaches out to gently stroke Lin Xian’s cheek, sincerely admitting, “You also make a good point, it was subjective of me. Xianxian, in love, I too have much to learn.”

“In the future, I might still make mistakes, could you continue to communicate with me as openly as you do now? I am willing to correct my errors and strive to do better.” She isn’t someone who likes to argue or insist on being right, nor is she one to enjoy letting a cold war drain their passion. She appreciates Lin Xian’s attitude towards communication.

Lin Xian might be younger than many people she knows, but at this moment, she has to admit that Lin Xian handles emotions with more maturity than most.

“Xiao Xiaowan, I think you’re already doing very well. Really.” The girl’s eyes brimmed with affection, affirming her warmly. Then, she slightly curved her lips, winked playfully, and added, “If you could be a bit more open with me, a bit more unrestrained, that would be even better.”

Xiao Wanqing laughed softly and indulgently. She whispered back, “Alright…”

True to her word, starting from the most recent events, she tenderly caressed Lin Xian’s thin lips with her index finger, shyly saying, “Actually, I was very angry just now too. So angry that, in my heart, I had already blasted that guy’s head off a hundred times.”

Lin Xian, looking at Xiao Wanqing’s beautiful face so close to hers, feeling the gentle touch of her finger on her lips, felt an indescribable itch in her heart, almost unbearable.

Unable to help herself, she unconsciously opened her mouth and captured Xiao Wanqing’s mischievous index finger, stopping her movements, trying to quell the sudden tickle in her heart.

Xiao Wanqing’s slender finger suddenly found itself in the warm, soft cavity of the girl’s mouth, causing her body to shiver suddenly, the words she wanted to say stuck in her throat.

Lin Xian, thinking it was all in jest, noticed Xiao Wanqing’s stunned expression, feeling somewhat puzzled. She bent her soft brows and eyes, moving her tongue to lick Xiao Wanqing’s finger, silently asking with her eyes, what’s wrong?

The girl’s clear gaze and her captivating motions constituted a stark visual contrast, seemingly adding an extra layer of allure. The long-forgotten dreams in Xiao Wanqing’s mind started to replay.

Feeling a warmth in her lower abdomen, Xiao Wanqing unconsciously crossed her legs and swallowed. She awkwardly pulled her finger out of Lin Xian’s mouth quickly.

However, a thin silver thread that followed her fingertip out made Xiao Wanqing’s eyes grow more obscure.

Lin Xian was puzzled by Xiao Wanqing’s sudden change. But quickly, she keenly noticed a fleeting intensity in the eyes of the lover just a short distance away from her, something she had never seen in Xiao Wanqing’s eyes before.

Lin Xian couldn’t understand what it was, but suddenly felt as if the air around them, like when Xiao Wanqing kissed her spine earlier, started to flow slower again, becoming so dense it was hard to breathe, accelerating her heartbeat, heating her body.

Without realizing it, the way she was looking at Xiao Wanqing now bore the same intense and captivating emotion that had briefly flickered in Xiao Wanqing’s eyes earlier.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

However, before Lin Xian could react, Xiao Wanqing had already turned over, too embarrassed to face Lin Xian any longer.

In a husky voice, she bid Lin Xian good night: “It’s getting late. We should sleep, Lin Xian, or we won’t have any energy tomorrow. Good night.”

Lin Xian felt as if there was a fire burning in her heart, restless and unwilling to let Xiao Wanqing go to sleep just yet. After a moment, she seemed to become aware of what she was actually thinking.

Sneaking a glance at Xiao Wanqing, who seemed to have already drifted off to dreamland, Lin Xian felt guilty and empty.

After a long pause, she managed to suppress her thoughts, propping herself halfway up to leave a kiss on Xiao Wanqing’s forehead, whispering tenderly, “Okay, good night, the best Xiao Xiaowan in the world.”

The author has something to say:

Having just finished role-playing, Shi Man gently kissed the extremely tired Xia Zhijin and smiled with a light curve on her lips: “I think it’s time for me to step in and save the newbie.”

LP: how lewd!!! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)