For The Rest Of Our Life – Chapter 110

Heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse

“It’s me.”

At the sound of Lin Xian’s voice, Xiao Wanqing felt a moment of stupor. She looked around; only the bedside lamp was on in the room, casting a dim, yellow light that made everything seem hazy and dreamlike. She wondered if she was still not awake from a dream.

The person outside the door seemed to have a lot of patience and did not rush her, quietly waiting after the one response.

Xiao Wanqing forgot the caution she had when getting out of bed and slowly reached out to open the door.

Even if it were indeed a dream, she still wished to see Lin Xian in this moment.

Outside the door, Lin Xian was dragging a large suitcase, looking travel-worn with her usually radiant and energetic face now showing signs of fatigue. She stared intently at the door and, as it opened, immediately sought out the face of her beloved, assessing Xiao Wanqing’s complexion.

Upon seeing Xiao Wanqing’s pale lips and unusually flushed face, Lin Xian’s brows instantly furrowed in concern.

“May I come in?” she asked softly, noticing Xiao Wanqing’s somewhat dazed expression.

Footsteps echoed in the hallway, seemingly heading in their direction. Worried that others might see Xiao Wanqing’s enticing appearance in her pajamas, disheveled and alluring, Lin Xian didn’t wait for a reply and quickly pushed the door open to enter the room.

The next second, with her back foot, she deftly closed the door, released the handle of the suitcase, and enveloped Xiao Wanqing’s slender body in a tight embrace.

It wasn’t until Lin Xian’s warm and lively body heat reached her that Xiao Wanqing fully woke up to the reality—this was not a dream.

The little girl she had been yearning for, who was supposed to be miles away, had crossed mountains and rivers to find her.

Belatedly, Xiao Wanqing raised her hands to tightly embrace the girl, as if holding a precious treasure. She heard the girl muttering complaints and worries in her ear, “Xiao Xiaowan, you don’t have any sense of caution, huh? Answering the door in the middle of the night without even asking who it is, and dressed like this.”

Xiao Wanqing was still immersed in the enormous surprise of Lin Xian’s visit, feeling a warmth and sweetness in her heart. Her voice, lazy and husky from just waking up, weakly explained, “Because I recognized it was you.”

At the sound of her voice, Lin Xian immediately detected that something was amiss. Her heart tightened, and she let go of Xiao Wanqing, reaching out to feel Xiao Wanqing’s forehead, her brows furrowed, “Are you running a fever?” The temperature felt slightly high in her hand, but thankfully, it wasn’t scorching hot.

Xiao Wanqing slightly narrowed her eyes and drew down the girl’s hand from her forehead, securing it in the palm of her hand to comfort her, “Yes, I have a bit of a low fever, not over 38 degrees Celsius. It’s nothing serious; I’ve taken medicine, and it’s gradually going down.”

She pinched the soft hand within her own and sighed, “You’re the one who makes me worry, who gave you such courage? To run out of the province all by yourself without even a word, and weren’t you afraid that I might have a sudden change in my itinerary? No public transport would be running after just arriving from the high-speed rail station this late, weren’t you scared to ride the taxi alone? Recklessly brave.” Her words were full of reproach, yet her tone was very tender, filled with affection and apprehension. On her first night staying in the hotel, she joked with Lin Xian that her room number was oddly next to 5201, causing Lin Xian to tease her about such a coincidence not being one at all. Little did she expect Lin Xian to remember this and find her way here like this.

Lin Xian gazed at Xiao Wanqing, embarrassedly admitting, “Actually, I was very scared.” This was her first time traveling out of the province alone, her first time riding through the night by herself. As soon as she got on the cab, she sent the cab number to Yan Yuhuan, jokingly saying that if she didn’t send a message in half an hour, please help call the police.

Yet, she pursed her lips and sincerely continued, “But all this fear is nothing compared to the dread of being home alone, not seeing you, worryingly imagining things about you.”

“Thinking of you, I become fearless.” The girl curved her brows and eyes gently, her expression so tender it made Xiao Wanqing’s heart quiver.

After she finished speaking, she naturally crouched down, opened her suitcase, and began to take out items that Xiao Wanqing found astonishing from her luggage—a small electric stew pot, an electric kettle, along with millet, bok choy, corn, eggs, and some other light ingredients.

“I originally planned to stew some porridge at home to bring over, but the journey takes several hours, and I worried that the porridge would not be fresh after such a long time and would breed bacteria, so I didn’t dare to cook it.”

“I brought a small power electric stew pot especially, the hotel’s voltage should be able to handle it, it just cooks slower, so if we cook now, we’ll have to wait a bit.” She had been concerned about Xiao Wanqing’s dinner during the car ride, and only after Xiao Wanqing said she had a little rice porridge did she feel somewhat relieved.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

After receiving the phone call, she became restless and couldn’t calm down. Thinking of Xiao Wanqing alone in a strange place, suffering from illness, enduring the pain, unable to eat or sleep well, busy with work, and without anyone to care for her, she felt incredibly anxious and wished she could fly to her side immediately. She was always the type to act on her thoughts, and after pondering for a bit—which really was only a matter of seconds—she made a decision, booked the next available train ticket, sent a message to Zhou Qin, who was still at school, saying she wouldn’t be back for a couple of days because she was going to play with Yan Yuhuan, and then recklessly stuffed a couple of clothes, went to the supermarket to buy a pot and vegetables, and rushed to the train station.

“Now that we have a pot, I will go to a nearby supermarket tomorrow to buy some fresh ingredients. You don’t have to eat out for your three meals. I can bring them to you, or you can come back here to eat…” The girl was arranging the pot she took out of her suitcase on the table while chatting and advising Xiao Wanqing nonstop.

Xiao Wanqing watched, transfixed, as Lin Xian bustled about for her, slender figure moving with purpose. A sourness caught at her nose, and her eyes reddened. The physical discomfort she had endured all day, along with her emotional fragility, seemed to melt away under the girl’s tenderness.

She was really just a young girl herself, still at an age where she needed to be looked after. So why did it feel so comforting to be with her, so natural to want to depend on her?

Without realizing it, Xiao Wanqing walked up behind Lin Xian and, for the first time, clung to her with affection and dependency, wrapping her arms around Lin Xian’s waist. She leaned against her back, burying her cheek into her shoulder, and murmured softly, “Lin Xian, don’t be so good to me…”

So good that, what if I never want to let go, refuse to let go?

When Xiao Wanqing embraced her, Lin Xian’s body trembled involuntarily for a moment before she was flooded with elation and sweetness. That gesture, she had performed it countless times towards Xiao Wanqing. She knew what it meant, how soft and tender the heart must be to make such a gesture.

Compared to kissing, it’s actually during a hug that two people, two hearts are closest to each other.

For the first time, Xiao Panpan took the initiative to press her heart close to hers.

Lin Xian poured the rice from the bag into the pot, softened her body even more, and drew even closer to Xiao Wanqing. She rubbed her cheek against Xiao Wanqing’s hair and asked with a smile, “You are my girlfriend, who else should I be good to if not you?”

Her gaze fell on the half-drunk bottle of mineral water on the table and the scattered medicine beside it. She prodded the water bottle and feigned annoyance as she chided her: “Xiao Xiaowan, is this how you take care of my girlfriend when I’m not here?”

Xiao Wanqing, resting her head on Lin Xian’s shoulder, followed her gaze, giggled softly, and admitted her mistake in a tender voice, “I was wrong, I won’t do it again.”

Lin Xian’s heart melted at her words.

She turned back, standing face to face with Xiao Wanqing, her gaze burning intensely as she stared at her beguiling, gorgeous face. In Xiao Wanqing’s typically gentle and reserved expression, Lin Xian saw a new vulnerability and a captivating charm that had never been revealed to her before, warming her heart. She couldn’t help but lean down to kiss her.

Xiao Wanqing saw the twinkling stars in Lin Xian’s eyes. She parted her lips submissively, allowing Lin Xian to take what she desired.

For a moment, Lin Xian bit her, held her close, almost wishing she could merge Xiao Wanqing into her own body.

It seemed, no matter how close, it was never close enough.

Nevertheless, she ultimately restrained herself with reason and did not indulge in kissing Xiao Wanqing until her eyes glistened with tears and she began to sob, as she had done a few times before, unwillingly letting go. Lin Xian was considerate of Xiao Wanqing’s discomfort, barely skimming the surface of passion. She gently stroked Xiao Wanqing’s lips, now slightly reddened from the kissing, tidied the stray hairs on her forehead, and coaxed her softly, “Does your stomach still feel uncomfortable? How about you go rest in bed? You look so tired. You still have work tomorrow, how can you endure like this?”

The woman lowered her gaze, biting her lip, without a word.

As if by telepathy, Lin Xian discerned the unvoiced sentiments in Xiao Wanqing’s eyes. Suddenly, she bent down, one hand on Xiao Wanqing’s shoulder, the other under her knees, and with a gentle effort, lifted the slender woman into her arms.

Xiao Wanqing, taken by surprise, instinctively widened her eyes in tension. The next second, as she was held in Lin Xian’s embrace, she gradually relaxed, a bright, silent smile blooming on her lips. She didn’t struggle, compliantly wrapping her arms around Lin Xian’s neck, gave her young lover a misty-eyed glance, then lowered her gaze, not daring to look directly.

She should get down; at her age, behaving like this… it wasn’t proper. But the unstoppable sweetness rising in her heart made her reluctant to push away.

Lin Xian did not notice the myriad of thoughts churning in Xiao Wanqing’s mind. She carried her steadily towards the bed, coaxing her with a warm voice, “You don’t have to accompany me, you should rest first.” She chuckled, teasingly adding, “When I’m done, may I borrow a spot on the generous classmate Xiao Xiaowan’s bed?”

Xiao Wanqing gave a muffled laugh, “What if I said no?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

With a gentle motion, Lin Xian carefully laid her down on the bed, mischievously winking as she said, “Then I would have no choice but to be a bit forceful.”

Taking advantage of Xiao Wanqing’s unguarded state, Lin Xian lightly pushed her, catching her off-balance, making her sink softly into the bed, her long hair spreading out beautifully like a painting. Lin Xian’s gaze intensely warmed for a moment as she positioned one knee in between Xiao Wanqing’s legs, leaning down, looking superior from above and asked with a naughty smile, “Are you scared?”

Xiao Wanqing gazed at Lin Xian’s youthful and charming face, her throat unconsciously bobbed, and her heart suddenly raced unbearably fast. She turned her face away, daring not to look directly at Lin Xian and remained silent, offering no answer.

Lin Xian didn’t notice anything amiss; she suppressed her own inappropriate thoughts, content with having lightened Xiao Wanqing’s mood. Rising to her feet, she pulled over the air conditioning blanket and carefully tucked Xiao Wanqing in before returning to her desk.

Xiao Wanqing watched Lin Xian’s retreating figure, biting her lip, feeling a subtle, indescribable shame.

It wasn’t long before Lin Xian had the porridge set on the stove to cook later. Moving quietly and after freshening up, she changed into her pajamas, turned off the lights, and climbed into Xiao Wanqing’s bed, lying down beside her.

She glanced sideways at Xiao Wanqing and realized that she was still wide awake, her eyes open.

“Does your stomach still hurt?” she asked in a soft voice.

Bathed in the moonlight from the window, it seemed as if she saw the ripple of water in Xiao Wanqing’s eyes, who gently responded, “A little.”

The rustling sound broke the silence of the night. A girl’s warm hand searched under the blanket, finding Xiao Wanqing’s lower abdomen. Before Xiao Wanqing could react, her nightgown was lifted, and the hand rested on her firm and delicate skin.

Xiao Wanqing trembled involuntarily, her legs instinctively closing together, nervously calling out, “Xianxian…”

Lin Xian did not detect the tension and enticing sweetness in Xiao Wanqing’s voice, filled with concern and tenderness for her. Her hand began to make clockwise circles on Xiao Wanqing’s abdomen, asking with concern, “Are my hands too cold? Does this feel a bit better?”

Xiao Wanqing felt the gentle yet provocative movements on her abdomen, hearing the love-laden voice of her beloved, her mind unavoidably filled with the dreams where Lin Xian turned and tossed her…

Biting her lip, she felt a shameful yet comfortable restlessness within her. She even thought, if, if the girl really wanted something to happen between them tonight, she might not have the willpower to push Lin Xian away.

To her relieved and secretly disappointed heart, Lin Xian was wholeheartedly concerned for her, without a hint of any other intention. Enjoying the girl’s thoughtfulness, she moved closer to Lin Xian, sharing a pillow with her and responded, “It’s very comfortable…”

Lin Xian continued her comforting motions, whilst also reaching out to touch Xiao Wanqing’s eyes, saying, “Then close your eyes, see if you can fall asleep, okay?”


In the darkness, without realizing it, Xiao Wanqing truly fell asleep.

Xiao Wanqing wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she faintly heard a “pu pu pu” sound by her ears and woke up groggily. She opened her eyes, turned her head, and saw Lin Xian still with her bright, wide eyes open, gazing at her tenderly with a smile playing on her lips.

The gentle and soothing motion on her lower abdomen was, unbelievably, still ongoing.

Xiao Wanqing’s heart instantly felt as if something was going to brim over, sour and astringent, yet sweet and honeyed. With a pang of affection, she pressed down on Lin Xian’s hand to halt its motion and asked softly, “What time is it?”

Lin Xian intertwined their fingers in response and said, “It should be past midnight, I guess. Does your stomach still hurt?”

Xiao Wanqing shook her head and murmured, “It doesn’t hurt anymore.” You dummy, don’t your hands get tired?

Lin Xian then turned to ask her, “Did the sound of the electric stew pot wake you up? I didn’t realize it would be so loud.” Saying this, she was about to get up: “I’ll go see if there’s a way to make it quieter, or maybe, move it to the bathroom.”

Xiao Wanqing immediately halted her movements, deceiving her, “It’s nothing, I just had a dream and suddenly woke up.” Unable to suppress the desire to be close to Lin Xian, she snuggled into her arms like a little kitten and whispered, “It’s past midnight, you should go to sleep too.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lin Xian thoroughly enjoyed Xiao Wanqing’s unconscious actions of closeness and dependence, feeling her heart soaring. However, she suddenly remembered, “It’s past midnight, Qixi Festival has passed. Xiao Wanqing, I came in such a hurry that I didn’t even have time to bring you a gift for the festival.”

Xiao Wanqing was momentarily stunned, unable to restrain herself any longer. She lifted her head, and a flurry of kisses landed on Lin Xian’s jawline, and finally, landed on Lin Xian’s delectable, thin lips.

“Lin Xian, you are the best gift to me,” she murmured softly amidst their intertwining lips and teeth.

Xiao Wanqing, you’re not just greedy, you’ve become covetous. She chastised herself at the bottom of her heart.

Is it possible, even by the slightest bit, that she can monopolize someone as wonderful as Lin Xian forever and ever?

The author has something to say:

Lin Xian: I seem to have seen the first light of dawn!!!

LP: subtitle just means “adventurous and uncontrollable”

Also, so lewd!!! If they’re in room 520…


  1. The pronunciation of “520” (wǔ èr líng) sounds similar to the phrase “我爱你” (wǒ ài nǐ), which translates to “I love you” in English. As a result, the number 520 has become a symbolic expression of love, and it is often considered a romantic gesture to choose a room with the number 520 in hotels or to use it in other contexts related to expressing affection.