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Fate Trading System – Chapter 39

Plan A

Sister’s Secret 8


Damn love…

Yan Xingyu thought that she might have drunk too much blood today and let her cousin lead her thoughts astray, so her brain got messed up.

What does a vampire need love for?

Besides, no one would like such a monster, right?

Yan Xingyu thought that she was already the last one left, and the group of vampires in the West didn’t make her feel anything, so she really was considering being a thousand-year-old virgin.

Yan Xingyu stopped thinking about it and brushed Su Xin’s face out of her mind.

She walked into the secondary bedroom, lay back in her coffin, and fell into darkness.

Su Xin was preparing to stay up all night to cultivate immortality,1 anyway, she didn’t have to go to class the next day, but Zhang Shu was different. So at eleven o’clock, Su Xin ordered her to go to bed.

“Then I’ll sleep, but don’t stay up too late.”

It was Zhang Shu’s first time sharing a bed with Su Xin, so she was a bit nervous.

She took off her glasses, her face blushing.

“Got it. You should go to sleep. If you want anything specific for breakfast tomorrow morning, just tell the cook.”

“There’s no need to trouble Auntie. I’ll just go out and buy breakfast myself tomorrow.”

“It’s no trouble at all. Besides, you didn’t ride your electric scooter over, so after breakfast, let Qianqian take you to school.”

“Having a rich second-generation friend really isn’t bad.”

Zhang Shu said with a grin.

“I’m not a rich second generation; my sister takes care of me. My sister is really nice.”

Except for the fact that her race is a bit different?

“Got it, your sister is the best. I’m going to sleep now.”

At one in the morning, Su Xin suddenly decided to go to bed.

After all, she didn’t want to experience the same awkward situation as last night. What if her bladder couldn’t hold it again? If she had to ask her best friend for help, that would be even more embarrassing than asking her sister.

Su Xin turned off her phone and went to sleep with her eyes closed.

The next day, when Zhang Shu woke up, Su Xin was still sleeping soundly.

Zhang Shu put on her glasses and looked at Su Xin, who was sleeping deeply with her eyes closed, looking extremely cute. Almost as if under a spell, she lowered her head, and just as their faces were so close that they were almost touching, Zhang Shu suddenly jerked her head up.

What was she doing? Even if her best friend was really cute, she couldn’t do that.

Besides, wouldn’t that be taking advantage of her? Well, maybe not, but Su Xin was completely unconscious in her sleep. Usually, she just wanted to touch her a little, but now she actually wanted to kiss her—what was that about?

Zhang Shu calmly put on her school uniform. The movement of her getting up caused Su Xin to stir and half-wake.

“You’re up?”


“There’s a spare toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet. You can use that. For towels, just use mine; the blue one, the smaller one. The cook, Qianqian, and the others should already be up.”

After saying a whole lot, Su Xin fell back asleep.

Zhang Shu responded softly and walked into the bathroom.

Su Xin was woken up by the urge to pee, and she was in a very complicated state.

She painfully asked her sister for help, and Yan Xingyu quickly appeared in front of her and picked her up.

“Sis, you’re pretty strong.”

Su Xin said to Yan Xingyu, who would often carry her in a princess carry.

Although she wasn’t very heavy, she was still a full-grown person, weighing at least a hundred pounds.

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“Mm, carrying you is no problem.”

Yan Xingyu placed Su Xin on the open toilet, and Su Xin pulled down her pants herself and let go. Because she let go so quickly, Yan Xingyu hadn’t even had time to leave the bathroom before hearing the sound of rushing water.

“You were holding in quite a lot.”

Yan Xingyu made a comment.

Su Xin silently flushed the toilet, pulled up her pants, and thought about how she had completely lost face in front of Yan Xingyu.

Yan Xingyu watched as Su Xin hopped on one foot over to the sink to start brushing her teeth. Su Xin stared at herself in the mirror as she brushed, her expression somewhat blank.

Yan Xingyu slightly frowned, suppressing that feeling.

After Su Xin finished brushing her teeth, Yan Xingyu picked her up and walked out of the bathroom.

They were very close to each other, and once again, she smelled that sweet fragrance coming from her soft little sister.

It seemed to seep out from the blood vessels beneath her fair skin, tempting her to do something bad.

Yan Xingyu was now certain that something was wrong with Su Xin.

Before coming into her room, she had deliberately drunk a cup to prevent any loss of control.

Based on her previous experience, one cup would usually last for about a day. In the past few days, it’s lasted about half a day, with the shortest time being three hours.

But she had been close to her for less than five minutes, and the effect of the blood already seemed to have worn off.

Yan Xingyu placed Su Xin on the bed, looking at her with a probing gaze.

“What’s wrong, Sis?”

Su Xin felt a bit strange under Yan Xingyu’s gaze. Could it be that Yan Xingyu still hadn’t gotten over her recent reckless behavior?


Yan Xingyu responded vaguely, suppressing the agitation in her body.

That innate instinct, the craving for blood.

“I’m leaving now. If anything comes up, contact me by phone.”

Yan Xingyu left somewhat hastily, and Su Xin looked at her back, feeling puzzled.

Yan Xingyu looked at how often she had been drinking blood and sighed helplessly.

The blood plasma felt quite good yesterday, but today it seemed to taste a bit off.

Could it really be because of the blood threads on her sister’s hand that caused this change?

There’s only one way to find out.

Yan Xingyu sat in the chair, racking her brain on how to get a bit of her sister’s blood. If she were to just bite her neck openly, that would be way too obvious.

Yan Xingyu tapped the table, an idea coming to mind.

Just after Su Xin finished eating, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

“Sis? Is something up?”

“You’re always getting sick, and I’m a bit worried. So, I’ve decided to have you undergo a full medical checkup.”

Yan Xingyu spoke seriously, with the same private doctor who had come before standing behind her.

“Oh, okay… but how can I get a medical checkup in my current state?”

“Just a blood test for now; the rest can wait until your leg is better.”

The doctor approached with the medical kit and took out the blood-drawing equipment.

Su Xin swallowed nervously and nodded.


Su Xin had a vial of blood drawn, collected into a small bottle.

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The amount wasn’t large, but she felt a bit of pain.

Standing behind her, Yan Xingyu twitched her nose. It smelled so good.

The doctor used a cotton swab to stop the bleeding and removed the needle.

“Feeling okay?”

The doctor asked.

“I’m fine.”

Su Xin shook her head.

Yan Xingyu didn’t linger in the room for long. After the doctor left, she followed him out.

The doctor handed the small vial of blood to Yan Xingyu and left without saying anything.

As a private doctor, he currently only serves this family. He had served others before, and strange requests were nothing new to him. This one wasn’t anything special, and since it was a private matter, he just did his job and didn’t ask too many questions.

Yan Xingyu eagerly took the small plastic vial back to her room. She opened the cap and inhaled the sweet aroma.

The amount indeed seemed very small to her. Yan Xingyu extended her tongue and licked it, her eyes turning from their original black to a deep red.

This was the taste, surpassing anything she had ever tried before.

Yan Xingyu’s fangs extended uncontrollably. She licked her sharp teeth and licked the vial clean of blood.

What should she do now? It seemed she had found the answer she was looking for.

YAN: “Do you ever lose control of yourself because of someone’s blood?”

S: “Oh? Of course not. Although I crave it intensely, I wouldn’t lose control—unless I were extremely hungry or severely injured.”

The noble cousin claimed that he still had a lot of self-control, after all, he was a high-ranking vampire.

S: “What you’re describing can happen with lower-level vampires. They can’t control their instincts and want to attack. But, dear cousin, you’re at least considered a noble, right?”

Yan Xingyu twitched the corner of her mouth. Noble, my ass.

S: “Are you saying that you’ve experienced this situation, the mysterious changes you mentioned yesterday in your body?”

YAN: “Yes.”

S: “Hahaha, dear cousin, you’re so weak.”

Yan Xingyu cursed, calling him an idiot.

S: “Logically, that shouldn’t be the case. How strong is the attraction of that person’s blood to you?”

Her cousin got a bit more serious, and his tone became more solemn.

YAN: “It’s extremely attractive. When I smell her scent, I can’t control myself and want to pounce on her. The scent makes me incredibly agitated, but if I drink her blood, I calm down.”

Yan Xingyu’s fangs had retracted, and she was typing away on her keyboard, marveling at the situation.

Her sister’s scent was wonderful, and seeing her dazed expression was so cute.

S: “Then why are you hesitating? Just take action and make her your blood servant.”

Her cousin didn’t think there was anything to be troubled about; since there was such an object of affection, it would be fine to take action after getting together.

Was it because that person was relatively unattractive?

Yan Xingyu shut down her computer, contemplating the possibility of keeping her sister like a pet.

Although their current situation didn’t seem much different from that of a pet—she was taking care of Su Xin, and Su Xin was obediently being taken care of by her.

However, Yan Xingyu couldn’t be certain what Su Xin’s reaction would be when she found out she was not human. It would probably be fear and terror; that’s usually how ordinary people react.

Yan Xingyu decided to probe the situation indirectly.

As she walked into her room again, Su Xin’s scent no longer evoked that previous restlessness; it felt as though that sensation had been soothed.

“Big sister…?”

Why are you here again?

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Su Xin was playing a game, and Yan Xingyu wouldn’t just enter her room for no reason; she usually came in when Su Xin needed to go to the bathroom or during that sudden health check earlier.

“You keep playing; we’ll chat after you’re done.”

Yan Xingyu sat next to Su Xin, watching her fingers swipe on her phone.

“Please stop ganking me! How am I supposed to level up!”

Thinking about the parent nearby, Su Xin suppressed the urge to curse.

Little princess Lin Qiaoqiao would never curse; at most, she would say “bad guy” in a very cute way. Su Xin, on the other hand, was not like that, but she couldn’t break her character, so she forced herself to hold it in.

After a hard-fought game, Su Xin put her phone down.

“What does big sister want to talk about?”

“Do you read novels?”


Su Xin glanced at the original owner’s bookshelf.

“What genres?”

Su Xin had a sudden idea and pinched the edge of the quilt.

“I read a lot of different stuff, like ghosts and vampires; I love it all.”


  1. Cultivate immortality: This phrase, 修仙 (xiūxiān), literally means “cultivating immortality” and is often used humorously in modern Chinese culture to refer to staying up late, especially when playing video games or binge-watching shows, with the idea being that one is trying to extend their life or gain supernatural powers by not sleeping.

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