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Fate Trading System – Chapter 38

Plan A

Sister’s Secret 7


Su Xin held the phone and dialed Su Xin’s number again.

This is the third time today.

“Sister, are you busy right now? I have some things I want to discuss with you.”

Su Xin’s voice was delicate and sweet, making people feel a soft spot in their hearts when they heard it.

“No, I’m not busy. What’s up?”

Yan Xingyu did not really want to step into her sister’s room right now because she was afraid she couldn’t control herself.

Even though she had already had a drink before entering Su Xin’s room, after coming out from there, that uncontrollable feeling reappeared.

So she didn’t want to face her sister again because today she only had one last drink left. What if something really happened?

“It’s like this, my classmate wants to come over to our house this afternoon to see me, is that okay?”

“Of course, is it after school in the afternoon?”


“Let the butler entertain her when the time comes. Have the cook prepare whatever she wants to eat after dinner.”

“Okay, thank you, sister.”

“You’re welcome.”

Yan Xingyu turned off her electronic device and opened the door to the secondary bedroom.

There was a coffin placed in the basement, and there was also one in her secondary bedroom.

Actually, the one in the basement was not hers. It was just placed there as a keepsake.

Yan Xingyu closed her own coffin, sealing herself in the darkness, and fell into sleep.

The butler returned in the afternoon, first placing the fresh items in his own room, waiting for the master’s instructions before moving them.

In the afternoon, after school, Su Xin sent a text message to Zhang Shu, telling her there was no problem and to wait at the school gate where someone would pick her up.

The butler was already quite old, so Zhang Shu didn’t plan to have him go out to pick someone up. It was Qianqian who went.

Qianqian was not only the housemaid but also the family’s driver. However, she rarely had the chance to drive because Su Xin was the only one who occasionally went out to play somewhere.

Zhang Shu waited at the school gate with her schoolbag. After about a dozen minutes, a car appeared in front of her.

Zhang Shu got into the car and felt a sense of prestige.

When she got out of the car, Zhang Shu looked at the small villa and felt an inexplicable sense of unease.

Maybe it was just an illusion. It was her first time coming to Su Xin’s house, and Su Xin’s house looked very luxurious and grand. Perhaps she was just too nervous.

Zhang Shu changed into slippers at the entrance and was led to the second floor by the butler.


Zhang Shu closed Su Xin’s room door, breathed a sigh of relief, casually placed her schoolbag on Su Xin’s bed, and sat at the edge of her bed.

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“I don’t know why, but I feel so nervous coming to your house. Next time, be careful. How could you just crash like that? You don’t know how scared I was when the teacher announced the news.”

Zhang Shu looked at Su Xin’s leg in a plaster cast, frowning.

“Isn’t it fine now? Don’t worry. What do you want to eat tonight? I’ll have someone make it for you. And don’t you have to go back for evening self-study? After dinner, I’ll have someone take you there. Don’t be late.”

Su Xin patted her deskmate’s shoulder.

“No worries, I took leave from our class teacher. I just told her I wasn’t feeling well and needed to go to the hospital for an injection. I must have acted convincingly because she didn’t suspect anything and let me go.”

Zhang Shu said with a mischievous smile.

“What about your parents? Aren’t you afraid they’ll find out? Did you make sure your stories match? What if the teacher calls them to check in and you get exposed?”

“Relax, I already told my mom. I said I was coming to see you, and she didn’t say anything. By the way, where are Uncle and Auntie? Why aren’t they home?”

Zhang Shu remembered that she had only seen the butler in the house earlier.

That old man was wearing a very formal tailcoat, looking quite imposing.

“No, I lied to you before.”

Su Xin spoke directly.


Zhang Shu was momentarily stunned, obviously not understanding the meaning behind the words.

“I don’t have parents. They passed away ten years ago.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

Zhang Shu felt a bit at a loss because Su Xin had always appeared very happy before.

“It’s okay. I just didn’t want to be called an orphan—it sounds so unpleasant. That’s why I said that. I still have a sister. It’s fine, I’m doing quite well. I just hope you can forgive me for hiding this from you before. I didn’t mean to deceive you.”

Su Xin didn’t think confessing was a big deal. Perhaps for kids of this age, saving face is really the most important thing. But she wasn’t truly a child of this age; saving face meant nothing to her.

“It’s okay. It’s not a big deal anyway. Don’t worry, I won’t go around telling others. Besides, it’s not something worth talking about.”

Zhang Shu waved her hand and assured her.

“What about your sister, is she busy?”

Zhang Shu stood up and looked around Su Xin’s room.

“Your room really matches your personality, very princess-like.”

Pastel blues, lots of lace, and stuffed animals.

“My sister is quite busy. Hmph, what’s wrong with a princess style?”

“Nothing, it’s very cute.”

Zhang Shu touched Su Xin’s hair and adjusted her glasses.

“It’s going to be late tonight. How about you stay over after dinner? My bed is pretty big anyway. Tomorrow morning, I’ll have Qianqian take you to school.”

“Sure, I was waiting for you to say that!”

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Zhang Shu smiled slyly, like a fox whose plan had succeeded.

Yan Xingyu woke up and drank her last glass of blood.

The butler refilled the fridge with fresh supplies while Yan Xingyu sat on the sofa, looking somewhat despondent.

“Miss, the young lady’s classmate hasn’t left and is staying in the same room with her.”

Yan Xingyu nodded, indicating she understood.

The butler respectfully exited Yan Xingyu’s room, carefully closing the door.

This time, Yan Xingyu didn’t continue drinking blood but poured herself a glass of red wine instead.

The taste spread across her tongue as she swirled the wine in her glass. She opened the heavy curtains, revealing a very round moon. Moonlight slanted into the room, casting a silver-white glow that felt inexplicably melancholic.

The restlessness slowly subsided. Yan Xingyu set down her glass, turned on the laptop, and saw the message she had missed earlier.

YAN: What the hell?

Yan Xingyu’s eldest cousin was a rather unique Western vampire. He exhibited all the typical traits of a vampire—debauchery, twisted desires, a craving for blood and sex, and a fear of sunlight.

But he had something very special about him, which was an extraordinary ability called prophecy.

However, that’s what he claimed. At first, everyone treated it as a joke.

But later, the things he predicted all came true.

Gradually, everyone accepted that he had this somewhat unreliable ability, though it was half-believed, half-doubted. They still listened because out of ten things he said, four were correct.

She had only met this eldest cousin once, and after that, they only communicated online.

Her eldest cousin paid special attention to her, probably because she was the last living member of their branch of the family.

A mixed-blood of East and West, a fiery type of vampire.

All the other mixed-bloods of her kind had already died, and there wouldn’t be any more like her.

She wasn’t afraid of sunlight, but she also couldn’t grant others the ability to live forever.

She couldn’t turn others into vampires.

Her eldest cousin rather liked this trait of hers because he said he wanted to touch sunlight, but vampires are afraid of sunlight.

S: It’s just love, Yan. You haven’t touched anyone, right? I don’t get it. The female vampires here have long been going out to find men, draining them of their blood after sleeping with them—so exhilarating. You, an eternal old virgin.


Yan Xingyu resisted the urge to smash her laptop. Her eldest cousin was actually a nice person; it was just that his words were so infuriating. Every time, she wished she could drag him over from the other side of the Pacific and let him enjoy the warmth of a sunbath.

YAN: I’m serious. Today, my body’s restlessness is very unusual. My craving for blood suddenly increased significantly. You know I’ve always been very good at controlling myself.

Yan Xingyu couldn’t figure it out, but she had a suspicion. Although the blood she drank before came from various sources, it always tasted the same. Today, it seemed she had a taste of her sister’s blood, though it can’t even be called a taste—just a tiny bit of blood threads.

But she found it very sweet and fragrant, while food that used to taste good now seemed a bit astringent.

S: Did you drink different blood, something unlike before? Could it be that there’s a problem with those blood packs? I’ve told you, blood packs don’t taste good. Why not collect directly from living humans? I have blood servants here. If you need, I can send them to you by express delivery.

The count living in the ancient castle couldn’t understand why his little cousin was living so pitifully.

S: Otherwise, come to my side. I can completely accommodate you. Why insist on staying in the East?

YAN: I haven’t finished dealing with my own affairs, and there are some people I must keep an eye on.

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Yan Xingyu leaned back in her chair, fingers interlaced.

She wasn’t as idle as her eldest cousin, who spent every day enjoying life and nothing else.

But it seemed their lives weren’t very stable either. After all, they had things like vampire hunters over there. Yan Xingyu’s side was safe; there was no such profession here.

S: Yan, my power of prophecy tells me that you’re really about to encounter your love. Go find someone to warm yourself up.

Across the distant ocean, the beautiful young man in the ancient castle typed away on the keyboard, his expression somewhat melancholic. Why did his eldest cousin never believe him when he said this?

Yan Xingyu shut down the laptop again. Without peers, she didn’t know what exactly was wrong with her.


Her heart never beat. Could she still have love?

But phenylethylamine, dopamine, endorphins, norepinephrine, and posterior pituitary hormones don’t seem to be related to the beating of the heart.

Yan Xingyu recalled the sweet taste of the girl’s blood and that dark night when the girl smiled brilliantly with tears in her eyes.

It was like a piece of candy, making her heart feel sweet just by looking at it.

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