Fate Trading System – Chapter 24

Plan A

The Queen of the Deep Sea 6


When Li Yunxi heard the subordinate’s words, she quickly analyzed the pros and cons. The seabed was currently in a state of extreme chaos. If highly lethal shells were thrown down, casualties were inevitable.

At that time, the mermaids would certainly be in utter disarray. Even if some combatants survived, they would undoubtedly be severely weakened. When the time came, humans could launch a joint attack, and taking control of the seabed wouldn’t be a problem.

There were many people, so losing a few wouldn’t matter. But it was different for the mermaids.

However, her mermaid lady was still in the seabed, right in the place where she was about to strike.

In all honesty, she really quite liked the mermaid lady. She was very stubborn yet soft, and also very clever and mischievous.

But there was no other way; they were enemies.


Li Yunxi gave the order, and the shells headed for the seabed.

“Run, as far as you can!”

Su Xin saw those few shells. Their speed was very fast. Su Xin only had time to shout once, grabbed the mermaid beside him, not knowing who it was, and desperately swam away.

Those things’ destructive power was immense. They exploded underwater, creating a huge noise. Waves were blasted into the air, and blood once again made the already murky sea even more polluted.

Su Xin was injured by the shockwaves and fell unconscious.

Su Xin was only unconscious for a short while. During the process of sinking to the seabed, she regained consciousness and found that the one she was holding onto was the male mermaid named Mo’er.

Mo’er was also unconscious. After Su Xin woke him up, they hurriedly swam toward the place where the Queen was.

She remembered that the Queen was at the center of the shell attack at that time. Upon hearing her shout, she immediately swam away. She didn’t know what the situation was now.

Mo’er watched Su Xin’s hastily departing figure and followed.

The seabed was filled with the smell of blood. Su Xin searched for the Queen’s trace.

The Queen seemed to be severely injured, barely alive, lying at the bottom of the sea with dim eyes.

Seeing Su Xin swim to her side, she moved with difficulty.

They had no healing instruments or medicines; it all depended on the body’s own healing abilities.

The Queen was too close to the shell, and even though she quickly swam away, she was inevitably severely injured.

She was about to die.

“Wei’er Ya, my child.”

The Queen’s voice was weak. She looked toward the surface of the sea with a sorrowful expression.

What to do, it can’t be stopped.

“It’s alright, Mother, it will be fine. I won’t let humans threaten us.”

The Queen’s body was covered in blood. Su Xin, pale, tried to comfort her.

“Wei’er Ya… please…”

The ruler is the core of a race. The Queen knew that her departure would certainly cause panic among the mermaids, but there was no way. She couldn’t protect herself, nor could she protect this race.

If humans conquered the ocean, they would never have peaceful days again. Human greed made them fearful.


Su Xin nodded, her expression sorrowful.

She could feel it; the Queen was about to disappear.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Maybe this was a good thing. After a mermaid’s death, no traces would remain.

They were products of the ocean, born in water, ending in water. After they leave, the Sea God would reclaim their bodies, allowing their souls to rest.

Turning into foam, completely vanishing.

Mo’er watched silently, watching Su Xin who was standing there.

“Wei’er Ya,” he said, “Her Majesty the Queen.”

Su Xin turned around to meet his gaze, her expression heavy.

In total, ten mermaids remained. Su Xin and Mo’er were still alright, four mermaids, including the Queen, had died, and four mermaids were severely injured.

Everything slowly returned to calm. Li Yunxi looked at the water’s surface and gave the order.

New ships went back to sea, sailing on the surface.

Another group of people got ready for diving operations, entering the water like dumplings being dropped into a pot.

“What should we do?”

Mo’er looked at Su Xin. Both of them were lightly injured, while the four mermaids around them were severely injured. With so many humans diving down, they could escape, but then this sea area would be unguarded.


Su Xin gave the order. Mo’er looked at her in surprise, and the two of them each took two mermaids and disappeared from this sea area.

Li Yunxi looked at the seabed survey report; there was nothing.

No trace of mermaids, not even bodies.

Could it be that those few torpedoes had no effect? No, they must have just driven the mermaids away from here.

Li Yunxi felt a slight sigh of relief in her heart. Does this mean that Miss Mermaid is unharmed?

Li Yunxi still remembered the last time she saw the blonde mermaid. The mermaid’s eyes looked at her with cold indifference, revealing nothing.

Su Xin, Mo’er, and others arrived at the new territory. The mermaids gathered there saw their condition and understood something.

Everyone’s expression was very sorrowful as they looked at the sea surface, foreseeing the impending calamity for their race.

“Are we… unable to defend it?”

Are they going to perish?

“No, we won’t.”

Su Xin answered with certainty, her face expressionless as she looked in the direction of the human invasion.

“The ocean’s punishment is coming soon. By then, all their efforts will be in vain.”

Su Xin’s voice was calm, and combined with her expression, it gave off a rather eerie feeling.

“Let them reap the consequences of their actions.”

Some mermaids came to their senses and felt relieved.

【Congratulations to the host, the wish is fulfilled, and now handing over to the client.】

Su Xin saw that mermaid again. She came over and gave Su Xin a warm hug.

“I am really surprised at your speed.”

Wei’er Ya said, it had only been three years.

“Everything came at just the right time.”

Su Xin said.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

In the end, mermaids do not have very high intelligence, let alone complex emotions; they do not have thoughts similar to those of humans.

They believed that Su Xin was capable of leading them to victory, so Su Xin was recognized as their ruler.

If it weren’t for that calamity, perhaps everything wouldn’t have come so quickly.

“Although there were some unexpected events, like how you dealt with the mating season, I actually wouldn’t have minded if you had sought out Mo’er.”

Wei’er Ya said somewhat regretfully.

“I’m sorry, but I do mind.”

“Thank you. I hope you can protect our mermaid tribe well. You are amazing.”

Wei’er Ya looked very happy. She swayed her fish tail and slowly swam away.

【Host, the remaining life span of the body is 47 years. Please enjoy it.】

Okay, thank you.

During the reconstruction of the mermaid’s domain, she appeared calm about the upcoming event.

The eruption of an underwater volcano, followed by a large-scale attack, will cause the seawater to rise.

When the time comes, the seawater will engulf everything, and no one will be able to stop the terrifying force of nature. At that time, Su Xin and her group will take action and seize the opportunity to cause destruction.

Li Yunxi reported the current progress and sat in her room, looking at the underwater survey data.

Although they said they wanted to conquer the ocean, their ultimate goal was to conquer the mermaids, this magical species.

It was only a matter of time before the mystery of the deep sea was unveiled. What Li Yunxi was pondering was why, after the torpedo was launched, there were many fish corpses, but no trace of mermaids was found.

In the laboratory, Gao Ying looked at the test tube, half of the blood had been used up, and she irritably pushed away the research machine.

How could this be? Why can’t anything be extracted?

She was unable to extract genetic material from that tube of mermaid blood. No matter what kind of stimulus was used, it was useless.

It seemed that once the blood left the mermaid’s body, it lost its secrets.

Gao Ying looked at the dense research data, her gaze paused at one place, she adjusted her glasses, and continued to bury herself in research.

There must be something to find. The more elusive it is, the more it piques people’s curiosity.

The disaster belonging to humans by the sea is coming, the tide rises several tens of meters, and the monstrous waves strike humans at a terrifying speed.

Ships moored on the sea surface are overturned, destroyed helplessly at the bottom of the sea.

“Evacuate quickly.”

Li Yunxi gave the order. There were few aircraft, and most soldiers were in C-class mechas, which did not have the ability to fly.

Li Yunxi stood above the sea, her feet touching the waves. Mechas were weapons for land and high-altitude combat, but they were helpless underwater. However, researchers were working hard to develop underwater combat mechas, though it was unclear how long it would take.

What happens when iron meets water? Of course, it sinks.

At this moment, Su Xin was calling her tribe members to destroy the survey machines humans had placed at the bottom of the sea, scattering them at the bottom.

For those who were already at the bottom of the sea, there was no need for them to take action; they had already been forced to death by the immense sea pressure.

Those who could not leave stood on the top floors of tall buildings, looking with fear at the water level that continued to rise.

The sea echoed with ethereal singing, and some people began to fall into a daze, controlled by those with strong willpower around them.

The singing only lasted for a moment, then stopped.

Those people came to their senses, feeling very fearful.

Su Xin had already discussed countermeasures with her tribe. They could not hold on like this forever; if they delayed until humans developed some strange things, they would be completely outmatched.

Therefore, Su Xin planned to negotiate with humans about the ocean. Objectively analyzing the future of mermaids, Su Xin found it difficult to see a future.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Mermaids originally had only simple thoughts and could not compete with humans in terms of strength. Unless they ran away, but the entire continent was inhabited by humans, where could they run to?

Su Xin knew that if she chose to negotiate, it could only be a temporary measure. Because when she went to negotiate, it was impossible for her to let humans take significant advantage. Humans would then realize that her intelligence was not much different from theirs. However, she also absolutely could not let humans discover that other mermaids were simple-minded.

The former would alert humans, while the latter would make humans act recklessly.

Caught in a dilemma, Su Xin could only choose one.

The wind and waves grew stronger, and the voice of a mermaid faintly echoed on the sea surface.

“Look, it’s a mermaid!”

Someone shouted, pointing in a direction, and everyone’s eyes turned toward that direction.

Half of Su Xin’s body emerged from the sea, staring at the mecha not far away.

“You anticipated this, didn’t you? My clever mermaid lady.”

Li Yunxi gazed at Su Xin.

Her mermaid lady still looked healthy, which was good.

“Shall we talk, Li Yunxi?”

For the first time, she called out her name. Li Yunxi blinked her eyes; it sounded very pleasant.