Fate Trading System – Chapter 23.2

Plan A

The Queen of the Deep Sea 5

Approximately 10,000 words

“Miss Mermaid, you’re awake.”

Su Xin pretended to be unaware of anything, looking at her with a confused expression, and rolled around a few times in the water.

“I think I should fulfill the promise I made before. Actually, I am a trustworthy person, and I hope you can understand.”

Li Yunxi smiled and said.


Su Xin’s expression was quite strange.

“Of course it’s true, letting you return to the deep sea, the place where you belong.”

Li Yunxi nodded, she pressed the switch of the pool, and touched Su Xin’s hand.

The water in the pool was drained, Su Xin was picked up by Li Yunxi, and they walked towards the door.

She brought her to the seaside, Su Xin looked at the vast sea, her face was filled with uncontrollable joy and happiness.

“Miss Mermaid, this is the first time I’ve seen you smile.”

Su Xin stopped smiling, motioning Li Yunxi to quickly put her into the water.

“Miss Mermaid, can you really not tell me your name? After all, I am going to release you back.”

Li Yunxi blinked at Su Xin.

“Wei’er Ya.”

Su Xin thought for a moment and said her own name.

Li Yunxi curled her lips and placed Su Xin into the sea.

Her legs immediately turned into a fish tail, and Su Xin swam towards the deep sea, disappearing instantly.

“Wei’er Ya…” Li Yunxi repeated the name, “I look forward to our reunion, dear Miss Mermaid.”

Su Xin kept diving, not returning to her familiar place but instead went to another side.

Su Xin leaned against a giant coral and sat down, touching the area on the left side of her waist.

Master Fourteen, is it here?


Can you give me a knife or something?

【1/12 of your life.】

Unethical profiteer!

【Buy it if you want, don’t if you don’t.】

Fourteen was certain that Su Xin would buy it.

Why is your system so stingy?

【Saving energy for the creator is what we ought to do.】

Su Xin still exchanged for a knife and started to stab herself.

It hurt a lot. She painfully cut open her flesh and then took out the thing inside.

Su Xin’s face was pale, but she held back from making any sound.

Actually, it wasn’t that bad; it was much lighter than being bitten by a giant shark.

It was a delicate little gadget, like a piece of iron, embedded in Su Xin’s body.

What comforted Su Xin was that the knife wasn’t a one-time-use tool, so she had Fourteen put it away for her.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Su Xin’s side was bleeding, merging into the seawater.

Su Xin grinned at the small iron piece, broke it apart, and discarded it at the bottom of the sea.

If she didn’t leave soon, the unfamiliar large ferocious fish in this area might come, attracted by the scent.

Li Yunxi was leisurely sitting in a room, watching the surveillance, as the light spot kept moving downward in one direction, and the light screen was displaying data, such as how deep the seabed was and what the air pressure was.

Suddenly, the data on the light screen disappeared, and the light spot disappeared along with it.

Li Yunxi’s face changed, and she immediately went to find the scientific personnel who had performed the installation surgery on Su Xin, asking them what had happened.

“This is our latest model, absolutely flawless. In our simulated pressure experiments, it worked fine even at 30,000 meters deep. If it suddenly disappeared, there can only be one reason: it was taken out and then destroyed.”

The scientific personnel replied confidently.

“Wei’er Ya,” Li Yunxi’s smile was terrifying, “it looks like I underestimated you.”

Li Yunxi never thought that she would have a day when someone played her. To be honest, no one dared to play tricks on her anymore, except for Gao Ying, whose thoughts were always inscrutable to others, and Su Xin.

If Miss Mermaid was really playing the game of pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger (to conceal one’s strength to fool others), Li Yunxi thought, then her acting skills were quite good.

If mermaids had really developed intelligence comparable to humans, then it was hard to say what the outcome of this battle would be.

“I really look forward to our next meeting.”

Su Xin, who was remembered by Li Yunxi, was running back to her home, swimming there and then lying on her bed to rest.

The wound on her waist was almost healed, thanks to her extraordinary healing ability.

“Wei’er Ya! You’re back!”

Mo Man never gave up looking for Su Xin and had been searching all along because it was impossible for a normally well-behaved mermaid to suddenly disappear.

“Mo Man.”

Su Xin found this little playmate from the original owner’s memory and called out her name.

“Were you injured?”

Mo Man hugged Su Xin, touching here and there, and after confirming that she was okay, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Where have you been these days? We were all so worried.”

“This is a long story, so I won’t say it. Anyway, I’m back now.”

Mo Man nodded, agreeing.

“I’ll go tell them that you’re back.”

Mo Man swayed her fish tail and immediately left, but in no time, she quickly swam back.

“Wait, I still have one more thing to ask you!”


Su Xin looked at her hurried little companion.

“Why did you choose to be female! I thought… I thought you would choose to be male!”

Mo Man appeared very aggrieved. They both became females, which meant she couldn’t give birth to little mermaids for Su Xin!

Su Xin didn’t know that her little companion had feelings for her, and even less that her little companion thought about how to have children with her every day.

In the original owner Wei’er Ya’s memory, she initially planned to choose to be male. After all, males would have stronger attack abilities in the future compared to females. But because of a certain mermaid, Wei’er Ya chose to be female for herself.

Wei’er Ya had an unrequited love for a male mermaid named Mo’er. This mermaid was recognized as the most powerful mermaid in the tribe. Before Wei’er Ya was an adult, she always liked to cling to him.

Su Xin thought about the world she knew from the original owner’s perspective. Wei’er Ya liked Mo’er, but it seemed like the whole sea bottom thought she merely admired and learned from Mo’er. Wei’er Ya was unaware and thought she was showing her affection very clearly. However, except for herself, no other mermaid thought that way.

Su Xin felt that the original owner’s emotional intelligence was beyond saving.


(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Fourteen let out a faint mockery in her mind.

Fourteen didn’t know where its host got the confidence to mock others, as if she herself had high emotional intelligence. No, does the host even have something like emotional intelligence?

Master Fourteen, do you have any objections to what I said?

【No, host. Please go ahead and perform to your heart’s content.】

Su Xin was not the original Wei’er Ya; she didn’t like Mo’er either, so there was no need to bring up that reason.

“Just felt like choosing it.”

Su Xin gave this answer.

Mo Man hugged Su Xin tightly and then let go, swimming away immediately.

Su Xin lay on her bed, thinking about a very serious problem.

There is no cooked food at the bottom of the sea now.

Dinner still had to be eaten. Su Xin manually peeled it, bit into it with a heavy heart, and found that it tasted pretty good.

Probably because this was a mermaid’s body. If it were a human, they would have been overwhelmed by the fishy smell.

Su Xin saw the male mermaid that the original owner liked, Mo’er.

That indeed was a very charming mermaid, but Su Xin’s heart remained unmoved. Possibly influenced by Qu Feiqing, Su Xin now had no feelings towards walking male hormones and instead preferred to focus on various girls.

Su Xin’s memory was blurred by Fourteen. She could no longer clearly remember the things between her and Qu Feiqing, but she remembered Qu Feiqing’s name and how she called her ‘Empress’ in her ear.

“Wei’er Ya, my child, where have you been these days?”

The Queen looked at Su Xin and asked worriedly.

“Some things happened, but it’s okay now.”

In fact, Su Xin was quite worried in her heart. She had a vial of blood at Gao Ying’s place and didn’t know what might happen.

The sea was calm, and there were still five years until the next ruler’s succession.

Su Xin was bored and idle on the seabed, with nothing to do except patrol at set points or wander aimlessly in the sea.

In Su Xin’s opinion, the underwater world was even more boring than the ancient world. At least in the previous world, she could read books to pass the time. Now, underwater, not to mention books, even paper couldn’t come in. No wonder mermaids in fairy tales always wanted to run away.

Something strange appeared on the surface of the sea.

At first, the merfolk thought it was sea birds hunting, because they were circling above the sea surface, then suddenly flying close to the water, occasionally diving into the sea, and quickly leaving.

But later, they found something was wrong. How could any sea bird dive into the sea, swim around, and then fly away?

It must be something from humans, the merfolk realized and decided to destroy that thing.

But that thing was too small, moved very fast, and could even fly away, so the merfolk couldn’t catch it.

When Su Xin was patrolling, she also saw that thing.

That thing darted very quickly, and Su Xin chased it. When Su Xin got separated from her companions, that thing stopped, allowing Su Xin to catch it in her hand.

That thing began to transform, and eventually, a light screen popped out with the image of Li Yunxi on it.

“Long time no see, Miss Mermaid. How have you been lately?”

Li Yunxi asked with a smile, looking as if greeting an old friend.

“Thank you for your concern, I am quite well.”

Having broken free from that layer of imprisonment and being imprisoned, Su Xin couldn’t be bothered to pretend anymore and greeted Li Yunxi with a smile as well.

“You seem to be in a good mood.”

“Of course, no one would remain in a good mood after being locked up. Naturally, I’m happy to return to the sea.”

“I underestimated you.”

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Li Yunxi looked at the beautiful face of the mermaid on the screen. She was too confident, with the superiority of being human, thinking that other creatures had no brains.

“Goodbye, Miss Human, or rather, never see you again.”

Su Xin crushed that thing and let its remnants sink to the bottom of the sea.

Li Yunxi put down the thing in her hand and revealed a cold smile. Not seeing each other again? It’s not that easy. This is not something a mermaid alone can decide; she certainly does not agree.

In a situation where Su Xin was unprepared, the adult mermaid’s annual mating season arrived.

This feeling was different from the pain of being forcibly injected with human drugs. When Su Xin accidentally touched herself, she couldn’t help but let out comfortable moans.

The mermaids were all looking for their mates. Su Xin did not intend to engage in such behavior, so the moment she discovered the abnormality in her body, she swam out of her territory.

Towards the vast other side of the sea, heading further away.

Su Xin swam to an unfamiliar place and sat on the coral with a rather bitter and resentful expression, pondering a solution.

Master Fourteen, is there any way to make this feeling go away?

【Host, I apologize. This is the body’s instinct; I am powerless to help.】

Fourteen said apologetically.

Su Xin touched her waist and, like a salted fish (a Chinese idiom meaning to lie around doing nothing), swam down from the coral and lay on the soft seabed.

What should I do? Su Xin was in heat for the first time and was completely unprepared.