Fate Trading System – Chapter 22

Plan A

The Queen of the Deep Sea 4


Although the Earth is currently in a state of tripartite division, small and large wars continue to erupt. Despite her youth, Li Yunxi has experienced numerous battles of varying scales.

Waging war requires not just brute force, but also strategic thinking.

Li Yunxi is a general who prefers to use her intellect, always aiming to achieve the greatest benefits with the least damage, regardless of the nature of the conflict.

For Li Yunxi, the mermaid she unexpectedly found might be the key to breaking the stalemate in this war.

How could she possibly let go of such a valuable asset so easily? Li Yunxi had already made up her mind.

Li Yunxi personally transported her mermaid to another location and met someone.

“I hope you won’t harm her.”

Li Yunxi said to the tall woman, looking at Su Xin inside the cylindrical container with gentle eyes.

The woman glanced at her coldly, her eyes fixated with obsession on the sleeping, golden-haired mermaid inside the cylinder.

Truly a beautiful and mysterious species, like a gift from nature. How could such an astonishing being exist in this world?

“Don’t let anyone know about her. I’ll come to take her away in three days. Make sure you have everything set up by then.”

Li Yunxi wanted to install a small device inside Su Xin’s body, but she wasn’t skilled in this sort of work. So, she straightforwardly sought out a professional to do it—Gao Ying.

If Li Yunxi was a genius with exceptionally high combat aptitude, then Gao Ying could be considered a prodigy in scientific research. She was a nationally protected talent, possessing her own independent laboratory not affiliated with the government, where she conducted her own desired research.


Gao Ying responded indifferently.

“You’d better not do anything extra. She belongs to me. All you need to do is install that thing properly.”

Li Yunxi looked at the indifferent woman and issued a warning.

Gao Ying ignored her, taking Su Xin into her own laboratory.

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Li Yunxi frowned at the closed door. She didn’t particularly like this person. She was gloomy and completely indifferent to anything outside of scientific research. In her memory, she had never seen this person smile, but she had seen her go mad, exuding a violent aura not unlike her own demeanor on the battlefield.

Gao Ying pressed her face against the glass, her fingers trembling slightly.

She drained the water from the cylinder, lifted Su Xin out, and placed her on her own laboratory table, starting a stopwatch.

Two minutes and forty-two seconds later, Su Xin’s fish tail transformed into human legs.

Gao Ying calculated the humidity of the air, the duration Su Xin was out of the water, and the evaporation rate of the moisture from the fish tail, her fingers dancing across the control panel.

When Gao Ying’s hand touched those cold legs, she tentatively pressed the leg muscles. Noticing that the mermaid seemed to be waking up, she placed her in a specially prepared area specifically designed for mermaids.

When Su Xin woke up, she found a person in a white lab coat standing with their back to her. The person had light blonde hair tied into a ponytail and a rather tall figure.

Su Xin looked around her surroundings; she had been moved to a new place, an area even more confined than the pool, with very limited space to move around.

Fourteen recounted to Su Xin what had happened while she was unconscious, giving her a rough understanding of the situation.

Master Fourteen, is this place far from the ocean?

【Unfortunately, it is even farther.】


Su Xin thought that Li Yunxi probably wanted to install something like a tracker inside her body, or perhaps something even more terrifying.

Connecting this with what Li Yunxi had previously said about returning her to the sea, Su Xin tapped the glass with her hand. Li Yunxi must be thinking she’s a fool.

However, animals indeed aren’t very smart. After all, following the original owner Wei Ya’s way of thinking, she definitely wouldn’t know about such things.

But it’s fine if they think she’s foolish. Su Xin swayed her fish tail; she couldn’t just sit and wait for death. If this woman really managed to put that thing inside her body, she had no idea what kind of price she would have to pay to get it out.

“You’re awake.”

Su Xin got a clear look at the woman’s face. A strand of light golden hair fell beside her ear, and her emerald green eyes, hidden behind frameless glasses, exuded a gloomy aura.

At first glance, Su Xin felt that this woman was a scientific research fanatic, the kind of person who seemed to care about nothing but research and spent all day in the lab. She seemed even harder to deal with than Li Yunxi.

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Gao Ying was fiddling with her instruments, with a small gadget placed beside her hand.

Su Xin fully displayed herself as a low-intelligence mermaid, becoming fierce and irritable, continuously ramming the glass in an attempt to escape.

Gao Ying appeared very composed, calculating the force of Su Xin’s ramming and the glass’s pressure resistance.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.”

Gao Ying took off her frameless glasses and leaned against the glass, meeting Su Xin’s gaze.

“You are truly beautiful.”

Her eyes repeatedly swept over Su Xin’s face, with an unabashed fervor.

Su Xin felt uncomfortable under this gaze, as if she were being watched by a pervert.

Gao Ying did nothing, just stood there watching Su Xin, as Su Xin tried again and again, to no avail.

Su Xin had already estimated the strength of the glass in her mind. She pretended to be exhausted from ramming into it, swimming inward a bit, and looked at the woman outside through the curtain of water.

Master Fourteen, give me this person’s information.

【Searching, information transmitted.】

After reading Gao Ying’s information, Su Xin was left speechless, her emotions choked in her throat.

This woman is a downright lunatic; she’ll do anything for her research. However, at least she hasn’t lost her humanity and hasn’t meddled with any shady stuff.

Gao Ying focuses on biological research. Instead of studying combat mechas, she researches any methods that can enhance human qualities and human evolution.

To research this kind of thing, specimens are indispensable.

Su Xin looked at Gao Ying’s eyes and felt that her own life as a fish was in danger.

Three days later, Li Yunxi appeared punctually in front of Gao Ying’s laboratory and called her via communicator.

The communication request was abruptly ended, causing Li Yunxi’s expression to darken.

On the other side of the wall, Su Xin was experiencing a crisis of dignity, curling up her body while cursing internally with some strong national swear words. It turned out that this woman wasn’t one of Li Yunxi’s people; she didn’t listen to Li Yunxi at all.

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Strangely enough, throughout the three days, Gao Ying hadn’t injected anything into her body.

On the second day, the water in the pool was mixed with something else, and the water-dependent Su Xin lost her strength, allowing Gao Ying to draw a tube of blood from her.

After that, Gao Ying didn’t do anything else to her and kept busy with that tube of blood. Gao Ying actually wanted to pull out a scale, but Su Xin, being weak, was trembling severely, so she didn’t succeed.

Today, she once again rendered Su Xin powerless, lifting the mermaid out of the water and watching as her legs became visible.

How do mermaids reproduce? What differences do their organs have compared to humans once they transform into legs?

“Don’t be afraid.”

Gao Ying watched as the transparent liquid in the syringe was slowly injected into the mermaid’s body, revealing a rare smile as she cut off the communication request from Li Yunxi that had just popped up.

Outside the door, Li Yunxi’s face was a mask of terror, and she kicked the door hard.