Fate Trading System – Chapter 21

Plan A

The Queen of the Deep Sea 3


“Little mermaid, how is your tongue?”

Li Yunxi asked with a smile.

Su Xin felt her tongue was slightly better, but when it returned to her mouth, it started to ache faintly again.

The main problem was, Su Xin was still very hungry.

It was fine if she didn’t eat, but although that one bite was very hot for Su Xin, it did enter her stomach, making the feeling of hunger even more intense.

The blonde mermaid emerged from the water again and extended her hand towards Li Yunxi.

“You want more?”

Li Yunxi raised an eyebrow in surprise. She thought the mermaid wouldn’t try again so soon after being scared once, as animals typically quickly flee after feeling pain.

“Then tell me your name.”

Li Yunxi thought, since the mermaid could speak human language, there must be communication between them. If there is communication, there should be nicknames for each other.

Su Xin ignored her and just stared at the food in her hand.

“How about this: you tell me your name, and I’ll tell you mine in exchange, okay?”

Li Yunxi coaxed.

Su Xin still ignored her, showing an attitude that if she didn’t get the food, she would just keep staring without saying a word.

She had no interest in the princess’s name at all. Moreover, if she wanted to check, Fourteen could list all her information in front of Su Xin at any time.

“If you don’t tell me, then this food won’t belong to you.”

Li Yunxi gently shook the food in her hand.

Su Xin was unmoved by both threats and coaxing, and her attitude even made Li Yunxi doubt if Su Xin really understood her. But based on Su Xin’s previous reactions, Li Yunxi believed she should understand.

Su Xin’s gaze moved from the food in Li Yunxi’s hand to Li Yunxi’s face, making eye contact with her.

Su Xin just looked at her quietly, without speaking.

Clearly, it was a very stubborn look, but Li Yunxi felt it was somewhat pitiful.

“Here you go, don’t burn yourself this time.”

Li Yunxi handed the porridge to Su Xin. This time, Su Xin used a spoon, making sure to blow it very cool before putting it into her mouth. She ate very, very slowly.

Su Xin thought this was the most laborious meal she had ever eaten.

After watching her finish breakfast, Li Yunxi left, leaving Su Xin alone in the re-closed pool.

Master Fourteen, give me all her information.

【Searching, transmitted.】

Su Xin reviewed Li Yunxi’s life and couldn’t help but click her tongue in admiration.

Li Yunxi wasn’t as harmless as she appeared on the surface, far from it.

This was a special era, an era without constraints.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Humanity was constantly advancing in science. Among their accomplishments, they built spaceships, created mechas, and their technology was advanced enough to support interstellar exploration.

But the unknown doesn’t always bring good news. They found that in the vast universe, there wasn’t another planet like Earth where they could survive.

Unknown planets carried unknown radioactive elements, and the air and water essential to humans belonged solely to Earth.

After hundreds of years of evolution, wars frequently broke out on Earth, with large countries swallowing smaller ones, until finally, three major powers stood.

After learning this, the three countries united to issue an order to protect the environment and Earth. After all, if Earth could no longer support human life, where would humanity go? No one knew.

With the premise of protecting Earth, humans meticulously researched science. Mechas were developed, and people were assigned to various professions based on their suitable attributes.

Li Yunxi was destined from birth to fight in the north and south. Her combat talent broke previous records.

There were two kinds of people the nation would always treasure like gems.

One was an imperial general, and the other was a scientific genius.

As a princess, Li Yunxi lived a life completely different from her sisters, undergoing rigorous training and constant battles.

Her outstanding combat talent was revealed in one war after another, never dealing with intrigue, only facing blood and slaughter.

Looking at those combat stats, Su Xin found them terrifying.

Master Fourteen, do you have a way to let my fish tail turn into legs and walk quickly?



If Fourteen had such a method, escaping might not be a problem.

【Ten minutes, 1/2 lifespan.】

What? 1/2!


Capitalist exploitation!

Just hearing 1/12 would make Su Xin heartache, let alone 1/2, that’s like six months, really ruthless.

【You can choose not to exchange.】

Master Fourteen, considering our good relationship, can’t you give me a discount?

【Dear host, business is business.】

Fourteen’s response was very cold and ruthless. Su Xin needed to carefully calculate if it was worth it.

Life as a fish was depressing. Su Xin lay at the bottom of the pool, tapping the glass and making plans in her mind.

Due to Wei Ya’s disappearance, the seabed began a search operation.

The mermaid tribe wasn’t numerous, so they valued every companion highly.

“Has no one seen where Wei Ya went?”

Queen Xi Wei frowned.

The ocean was vast, and the private areas of tribe members were very expansive. But now, facing the challenge of humans, tribe members often gathered to patrol the sea surface. If any human presence was discovered, they would immediately annihilate it. Today should have been Wei Ya’s patrol day, but she didn’t show up.

As a newly adult mermaid, the responsibilities she bore were much greater than those of the underage little mermaids. Wei Ya had always been a responsible child and wouldn’t suddenly disappear.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

“I searched her entire territory and didn’t find her. Wei Ya disappeared on her coming-of-age day, I didn’t see her.”

Mo Man was visibly anxious.

Mo Man became an adult today, choosing a female form because she thought Wei Ya would be the most courageous male in the tribe, so she chose to be female.

“Mo Man… I think I have to tell you the truth…”

The queen hesitated.


“Wei Ya chose to be female.”

The queen’s face was regretful.

All mermaids were genderless before adulthood. Wei Ya’s bold and brave character, whether fighting enemies in the deep sea or humans on the surface, was extremely valiant. Everyone thought Wei Ya would definitely choose to be male. After adulthood, females and males began to differentiate, with male mermaids becoming more aggressive and females striving for reproduction.

Mo Man stood there stunned, her blue fish tail stirring the water.

She turned and swam away.

“Mo Man needs to calm down. Right now, our priority is to find Wei Ya.”

Slite organized the mermaids to fill Wei Ya’s vacancy and continued searching with the others.

Su Xin was bored in the pool, thinking her tribe should have noticed her absence by now.

According to the original owner’s memory, she was supposed to patrol the sea surface today. Today was also an important day, the coming-of-age day of her little companion.

Su Xin tapped the glass of the pool with her palm. She knew nothing about the outside world. The original owner had been carried in here by Li Yunxi while conscious, so Su Xin knew the route. This place wasn’t close to the seaside; escaping would be very difficult, and ten minutes wouldn’t be enough.

Each time cost 1/2; Su Xin didn’t want to work for nothing.

The sky outside gradually brightened, reaching its peak, but Li Yunxi still hadn’t returned, leaving Su Xin without lunch.

As the sky darkened again, with stars twinkling in the black sky, Su Xin still had no dinner.

Li Yunxi was here to fight. If she wasn’t in the room for a day, Su Xin couldn’t help but think more.

Three hours past the meal time, Li Yunxi finally returned. She opened her door, smiling at Su Xin.

“I guess you haven’t had lunch or dinner.”

Su Xin didn’t want to speak because it was obvious. No one else could enter Li Yunxi’s room, and if Li Yunxi didn’t return, she had nothing to eat, not even a grass carp.

“Little mermaid, do you want to go back to the sea?”

Li Yunxi dangled the bait, and Su Xin’s ears twitched, looking up at her.

“I can let you go back to the sea.”

Li Yunxi smiled mischievously, and Su Xin felt she had bad intentions.

“Anyway, let’s have dinner first. You probably like crucian carp, so I had my dinner specially prepared and cooled for you.”

Li Yunxi’s actions were very considerate. Su Xin had a plate of braised crucian carp in front of her, a cold crucian carp.

Su Xin wasn’t afraid of fish bones. After all, in the sea, she ate all kinds of fish. Although sea fish had fewer bones and freshwater fish had more, it didn’t matter.

Satisfied, Su Xin finished gnawing the fish, washed her hands and wiped her mouth in her pool. The water in the pool was running water, constantly changing.

Su Xin sank to the bottom of the pool and closed her eyes.

Li Yunxi leaned on the glass, watching the beautiful creature in the water.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

“Such a tempting thing, just like the ocean, making people yearn.”

Li Yunxi pressed a button by the pool, and the water in the pool was gradually drained.

Li Yunxi pressed another button, fully opening the pool and picking up the sleeping mermaid.

The mermaid’s whole body was wet, and her tail had a hard texture. Li Yunxi didn’t mind her clothes getting wet at all, holding the mermaid and walking to the door. She entered a command into the smart lock and carried the mermaid out.

At the door, a cylindrical object was already placed. Li Yunxi put Su Xin inside, the cylinder sealed, and began filling with water.

“Remember, don’t casually eat the food given by the enemy.”

Li Yunxi tapped Su Xin’s face through the outer glass of the cylinder, her voice cheerful.

The unconscious Su Xin knew nothing about this.

The author has something to say:

Mo Man: You promised to become male?

Wei Ya: Who promised you that?

Those who get divorced happily but then abuse their children, I just want to say, of course, the children are yours. How could I possibly give birth to them alone!