Fate Trading System – Chapter 19

Plan A

The Queen of the Deep Sea 1


【For ensuring the host’s well-being in the real world and facilitating the smooth operation of the next world mission, Fourteen will help the host blur the memories. Goodbye.】


After Su Xin washed her face, she lay down on the bed and slept like the sky was spinning and the earth was moving (a Chinese idiom describing a deep, disoriented sleep). When she woke up, it was already noon the next day.

After washing up, she opened the door and knocked on Qiu Qingqing’s door.

Qiu Qingqing opened the door and ruffled Su Xin’s unkempt hair.

“Qingqing, I’m so hungry. Hurry up and cook.”

“I know, I know. The rice is already cooked, the vegetables are ready, just need to stir-fry them. I’ve also made soup. Do you want to have a bowl first to fill your stomach?”

“What soup?”

“Tofu and pork rib soup.”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Su Xin obediently waited for her soup. Qiu Qingqing served her a bowl and began stir-frying the dishes.

Stir-fried pork liver, tomato and egg, cola chicken wings, tofu and pork rib soup.

Three dishes and one soup. Qiu Qingqing placed the rice cooker on the dining table, and the two began to enjoy lunch.

After finishing her meal, Su Xin stood up and walked around a bit while Qiu Qingqing went to wash the dishes.

Su Xin didn’t feel at all like someone who was spoiled in front of Qiu Qingqing.

In fact, Su Xin was very capable of enduring hardship, but in front of Qiu Qingqing, it wasn’t necessary. Qiu Qingqing would take care of everything for her. She only needed to sit at the dining table and eat. In front of Qiu Qingqing, she didn’t need to do anything because Qiu Qingqing would handle it all.

When Su Xin reached for her phone, she felt a bit dazed, but it was just for a moment.

After playing two rounds of games on the sofa, Qiu Qingqing sat down beside her with her own phone.

After a while, there was some movement on Qiu Qingqing’s phone, and she frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong?”

“There is a mission.”

“Aren’t you on vacation?”

Su Xin leaned over, pressing her body against Qiu Qingqing’s, peering at her phone screen.

Sure enough, it was a mission issued by the organization, asking Qiu Qingqing to deal with someone.

“The organization said it’s quite difficult. Three people have already failed, two died, and one was seriously injured.”

So they had no choice but to ask her to take action even though she was still on vacation.

“However, if you succeed, there will be a lot of money, and you can also get an extended vacation.”

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Qiu Qingqing was considering whether it was worth it.

“Be careful, and good luck.”

Su Xin leaned over and kissed Qiu Qingqing’s forehead. Qiu Qingqing rubbed her hair and nodded.

Qiu Qingqing went out, and Su Xin was alone at her house, either ordering takeout or eating instant noodles.

Five days later, Qiu Qingqing returned, carrying an unmistakable scent of blood. Thankfully, it was night, so no one noticed.

The aura Qiu Qingqing exuded when she wasn’t hiding anything from Su Xin was a dark, striking presence that was hard to ignore. In contrast, Qiu Qingqing’s usual demeanor was gentle and graceful. At the very least, no one who saw her would think she was a dangerous person walking on the edge of darkness. As Su Xin would say, “She looks just like a virtuous housewife.”

Qiu Qingqing spoke little, her voice was soft, and everything she did carried a sense of unhurried elegance. However, when she acted, it was always clean and decisive.

At Qiu Qingqing’s current skill level, there weren’t many who could injure her badly.

“It seems it was indeed a tough opponent. Did you succeed?”

Su Xin took out a first aid kit and began to treat Qiu Qingqing’s wounds.

Qiu Qingqing nodded, closed her eyes, and fainted. Su Xin paused for a moment, then carried Qiu Qingqing upstairs, removed her bloodstained clothes, and cleaned her wounds.

After everything was done, Su Xin placed Qiu Qingqing on the bed. Worried that Qiu Qingqing might have any issues in the middle of the night, she slept in Qiu Qingqing’s bed.

The next morning, she woke up to find Qiu Qingqing watching her with a rather pitiable expression.

“Xinxin, I am seriously injured this time. From now on, keep me company at night and sleep with me.”

Su Xin was a bit surprised but nodded nonchalantly.

Qiu Qingqing gave Su Xin a smile, but silently sighed where Su Xin couldn’t see.

Su Xin didn’t like going out much. She felt her profession was exciting enough, and during her free time, she preferred to stay at home doing nothing.

After lounging around for a month, Su Xin once again heard the robotic voice of Fourteen.

【Host, hello. There is now a request from a future dimension. Would you like to accept it?】

Su Xin glanced at the beautiful spring scenery outside, then walked upstairs in her slippers.

“Qingqing, I’m going for a nap.”

After closing the door, Su Xin lay on the bed and chose to accept.

【Request accepted successfully. Contacting the client. Entering stasis in the real world.】

Su Xin appeared in a completely white system space and saw a creature she had never seen before, resembling the legendary mermaid.

She was floating in mid-air, her blue fish tail swaying. Her chest was adorned with shells to prevent exposure. Her face was small and delicate, with long, slightly curly golden hair flowing behind her. Her expression gave off a melancholic vibe.

Su Xin was a bit stunned; this beauty transcended species and made one involuntarily captivated.

“Hello, are you the person entrusted with my wish?”

The mermaid greeted her.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

“Yes, hello.”

“My wish is to return to the deep sea and become the queen of my clan. That is my mission, please help me.”

The mermaid’s tail lightly swayed, barely concealing her anger and sadness.


To become a queen, this wish seemed quite impressive.

The mermaid swayed her tail and left, Su Xin watched her back and closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, Su Xin found herself in the water.

The water’s surface reflected her appearance, a face that involuntarily evoked pity, with pointed ears and fingers that did not resemble human fingers, but had transparent, web-like structures.

Su Xin looked around at her environment; it was a large, semi-circular pool. She was confined inside, like a pet, which indeed reflected her true status.

Not far from the pool was a gigantic bed. On the side of the bed near the window was a desk, and on the side near the door was a wardrobe. It was hard to believe this was a bedroom, but it indeed was a very spacious bedroom, belonging to the empire’s most favored princess.

Su Xin was receiving information about the body she was in and felt a bit of a headache.

This was a future dimension where human civilization was highly advanced, and there was severe conflict between the sea and the land.

After expanding all the land territories, humans aimed to exploit the ocean, which also held abundant resources. However, they were met with resistance from the ocean’s overlords, the rulers of the deep sea, the mermaids.

Mermaids were a very rare race, but their destructive power was not to be underestimated. After witnessing the beauty of the mermaids, humans became even more determined to invade the sea. However, their attempts were repeatedly thwarted, resulting in a stalemate.

The original owner, Vilja, was an unfortunate mermaid. She had already come of age and chosen her gender. In terms of human dynastic hierarchy, Vilja would be considered the fifth child of the queen, thus the fifth heir.

In the sea, the rule is that whoever is the most powerful becomes the leader. On the day Vilja came of age, she challenged a giant deep-sea shark. After being wounded extensively by the shark, she managed to inflict serious injuries on it as well.

When she was about to deliver the final blow to the shark, its dying strike pushed her to the shallow waters. After killing the shark and preparing to take her trophy back, a huge wave struck, pushing her to the shore. Her fish tail turned into legs upon leaving the water.

As Vilja was about to crawl back into the sea to transform back into her mermaid form, she was spotted by the Empire’s Second Princess during her seaside stroll. The Second Princess took her back to her seaside palace, mistaking her for someone attacked by piranhas due to her injuries, and provided her with medical treatment.

Vilja was extremely weak in her human form, especially since she was gravely injured. Without water, she was close to death.

After a confusing conversation with the Second Princess that was like a cow’s head doesn’t match a horse’s mouth (an idiom meaning their conversation made no sense together), Vilja, faced with the choice of either dying or revealing her identity, chose the latter. She asked the Second Princess to take her to the bathroom, revealed her fish tail in the bathtub, exchanged a complicated look with the Second Princess, and then passed out.

Upon waking up, she found herself in this giant pool. Vilja was approached by the system and quickly issued a commission request.

Vilja knew that falling into human hands would not end well. Besides their covetousness for mermaid beauty, humans were still in a stalemate with mermaids.

Humans had long attempted to conquer the ocean depths without success, and mermaids frequently commanded fierce fish to attack ships, preventing humans from accessing the sea.

Humans were greedy for both the resources and the mermaid race, while mermaids naturally harbored immense hatred for humans, to the point of not sharing the same sky (meaning they cannot coexist).

The Second Princess kept the original owner like a pet. Given how precious the mermaid race was, she naturally would not kill her.

What made Su Xin feel that the situation was not so dire was that the Second Princess had not yet decided to send her to some research institute for dissection or observation.

After all, humans are extremely curious about the structure of mermaids.

Su Xin had no doubt that given humanity’s madness, upon seeing a female mermaid like her, they might even try to mate her with a human to see what could result.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

For humans, mermaids are ultimately just another sea creature, albeit a more advanced one, but still no different from animals.

Although mermaids can think and have combat abilities, their intelligence pales in comparison to that of humans.

Mermaids always act on instinct and are straightforward, not skilled in schemes and intrigues.

Humans want to engage in negotiations, using diplomatic tactics to deceive them, but mermaids completely ignore them. Any human appearing on the sea surface is killed without exception.

Only a few people know that the Second Princess has a mermaid here. Some want the Second Princess to use the original owner as a hostage for negotiations, but the original owner resisted, refusing to call out and draw her companions.

The original owner is still safe now because the Second Princess protected her, declaring that no one was allowed to touch her pet.

In fact, the title of the most favored princess alone wouldn’t deter many people, but when combined with the title of the God of War, it does.

That’s right, the Empire’s most favored Second Princess is also the famous God of War who has fought in numerous battles across the lands. This time, she came to conquer the seabed.

The author has something to say:

Vilya: I don’t want you to save me, mmp.

Second Princess: So it’s my fault then.