Fate Trading System – Chapter 14

Plan A

The Days and Nights of the Courtesan 14


Once started, there’s a second time after the first.

Although the second time is not quite familiar, it’s better than the initial confusion.

At this time, the sun is shining brightly. Su Xin made a request for intimacy, and Her Majesty the strict Emperor thought for a moment, then took Su Xin’s hand and left the Imperial Garden.

“Where to?”

Su Xin felt shy; it was indeed inappropriate to have a tryst in a palace where people are always moving about.


Fourteen restrained the urge to preach, silently reciting prosperity, democracy, civilization, and harmony.

Master Fourteen, you can now stare at the mosaic, be good.

【Host, please remember your mission.】

Got it.

Qu Feiqing gently pulled Su Xin to her resting palace and dismissed all the servants, including the hidden shadow guards.

The hibiscus curtain warmed the spring night. This time, there was no rush. Qu Feiqing and Su Xin indulged in some mood play.

Usually, undressing is just undressing, but in a special occasion, it becomes something extraordinary.

Su Xin picked a budding flower and gave it to Qu Feiqing. Qu Feiqing happily accepted it, kissing the still unopened flower.

The light pink flower was very beautiful, and its petals felt extremely delicate to the touch.

Qu Feiqing smiled as she touched the beautiful flower and then the stamen inside.

Seeing that Qu Feiqing liked her gift, Su Xin’s face blushed, and her body was excitedly trembling.

Qu Feiqing loosened Su Xin’s well-tied hair, spreading it on the bright yellow bed.

She also removed the hairpins from her head, took off her luxurious clothes, and snuggled closely with Su Xin.

This time, the kiss was conscious; Qu Feiqing knew the feeling.

Su Xin stared at Qu Feiqing with her eyes open, their tongues entwined, with a cunning look in her eyes.

Qu Feiqing was helpless against her look. Their lips parted, and she kissed Su Xin’s forehead, then her eye corners, sighing silently in her heart.

Qu Feiqing knew she was happy, but because of this happiness, she felt a kind of confusion.

It was a very unsettling feeling, something Qu Feiqing couldn’t describe, like a vague, indistinct feeling.

In the depths of emotion, one becomes lost in thoughts.

Fortunately, Su Xin didn’t get overly excited and maintained some sanity, asking about her mission.

“Your Majesty, am I beautiful?”

Su Xin asked while half-lying on Qu Feiqing, who faced her, feeling Su Xin’s loose hair beside her.

Su Xin’s appearance was extremely beautiful; Qu Feiqing felt nothing could compare. But instinctively, she felt if she gave Su Xin the desired answer, something bad might happen.

But nothing would happen, Qu Feiqing knew in her heart, yet she was unwilling to say it out loud.

“Answer me, am I beautiful?”

Su Xin saw Qu Feiqing looking at her silently, and she rubbed against Qu Feiqing twice, exhaling breaths that sprayed onto Qu Feiqing’s face.

Su Xin licked Qu Feiqing’s face like a cat, leaving wet trails.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Qu Feiqing gazed into those bright eyes and couldn’t help but respond with a sound.

Su Xin was satisfied and had a vigorous session.

Qu Feiqing dressed and planned to handle court matters, indicating that her joyful mood allowed her to deal with even the most troublesome memorials.

Su Xin rolled happily on the bed and hurriedly asked Fourteen about her task progress.

Master Fourteen, did I complete it? Did I complete it?

【Yes, it’s completed. Currently transitioning with the client…】

Fourteen affirmed, feeling it had indeed chosen the right host, adding points to its performance.

Su Xin’s eyes flashed, finding herself back in that in-between space, akin to a transit station, and saw again the woman in ancient attire with a charming face.

She had looked at that face in the mirror for over a year, and suddenly seeing it on someone else’s face, Su Xin felt a bit uneasy.

“Honored One, you truly have surprised this humble servant.”

Xue Yao’s expression was quite peculiar; she had never expected Su Xin to complete the task this way. However, she was very satisfied, as it had helped her escape the brothel and successfully integrate into the Four Kingdoms Banquet.

Although her future life wouldn’t be lived by herself, she had at least escaped the life she didn’t want to live.

Su Xin’s face remained expressionless; she was surprised too. She hadn’t expected it either, but it just felt right, and they ended up together, having an intimate encounter twice.

With the transition successful, Xue Yao gracefully departed.

Su Xin knew her soul’s power would be absorbed by another person, and she would fade into nothingness.

But that’s the nature of the deal.

Master Fourteen, what if a client regrets after the task was completed?

【Some have tried. We will show them what makes life worse than death.】

Fourteen’s voice was cold. There were no such easy deals in this world, where the transaction system and its hosts did work for free. Obedient ones would disappear without pain; disobedient ones would suffer until they could no longer bear it and then vanish.

Su Xin returned to Qu Feiqing’s large bed, got up and dressed piece by piece, planning her future.

She was now free to live as she pleased; how she lived in this body was up to her.

But the ancient life was too dull and boring for Su Xin, who was used to modern life and addicted to electronic products. Staying here seemed meaningless.

【Host, you can return to your original world by committing seppuku or other forms of death escape, deducting the life points on credit. Your real-world life has ten months remaining.】

Fourteen reminded Su Xin.

Only ten months.

Su Xin shook her head, decisively rejecting death escape. Having died once, she knew how precious life was and how joyful living could be.

This body could live until 40 years old. Su Xin had 26 more good years, too long to waste.

Su Xin diligently tidied up Qu Feiqing’s bed, which had been made very messy by the two of them. After tidying up, she rubbed her arm and walked out, slowly returning to her own palace.


Shujuan saw Su Xin return and came forward to greet her.

“Shujuan, get me a set of clothes. I want to take a bath and then sleep.”

“Um… this early? Miss, aren’t you having lunch?”

It was almost time for lunch, and Shujuan thought the miss had only been up for less than two hours.

“A bit tired.”

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Su Xin walked towards the bathing area. She felt a bit tired after finishing up. Qu Feiqing, on the other hand, could still feel refreshed and go on to revise memorials after their session. It was different for those who had trained.

If it were Su Xin’s previous body, she would probably be lively and energetic by now. But this delicate body couldn’t handle it.

After washing up, Su Xin lay down on the bed, covered herself with the brocade quilt, and closed her eyes to sleep.

Shujuan picked up the clothes one by one from beside the bath and placed them in the basin, planning to take them for washing.


Shujuan sighed lightly, holding Su Xin’s discarded undergarment, gently rubbing it with her fingertips, and bringing it to her nose to sniff.

Feeling that her actions were too bold, Shujuan panicked a bit, hurriedly stuffed the undergarment back into the clothes, and her face blushed.

Qu Feiqing was reviewing memorials but gradually became somewhat distracted, wondering what Su Xin’s reaction would be.

She was someone with a strong sense of responsibility. After becoming the emperor, this sense of responsibility seemed to have been heightened. Influenced by the emotions of her mother and father from a young age, Qu Feiqing detested unfaithful feelings. However, given society’s nature, she felt powerless to change it and could only struggle to be herself on the throne.

Having done it once and then twice, Qu Feiqing felt quite good about it.

When embracing another person, it didn’t feel as repulsive as she had imagined.

Qu Feiqing thought she might as well continue like this. At least the other person made her feel comfortable, and life was no longer so lonely.

Maybe that person truly adored her. If there was no love, why seek intimacy?

Qu Feiqing, like many other women, thought that even though she was a ruler, she didn’t have the desire to embrace multiple partners. She wasn’t a man and couldn’t separate intimacy from love.

Su Xin thought it was just mutual consent and nothing more than having a couple of intimate encounters, but Qu Feiqing didn’t see it that way. She had even thought about their future together.

Su Xin stayed in the imperial palace for another month and found it very boring. This small world was too confining. The palace was indeed luxurious, but she longed to explore the world outside.

During this month, she occasionally played with the young Prince, watched him study diligently, often chatted with Qu Feiyun, who had a strangely low sense of humor, read books, embroidered, played instruments, sang songs, and had intimate moments with Her Majesty the Emperor in secret, yet no one discovered them.

“Xue Yao, aren’t you a guqin player? Play the guqin for me, will you?”

Qu Feiyun came to find Su Xin again, shaking Su Xin’s arm and acting coquettishly.

“Isn’t there a guqin player in the palace?”

Su Xin propped her chin, her fingers tapping on the stone table.

“But I want to hear you play.”

Qu Feiyun tugged at Su Xin’s sleeve. Su Xin nodded, and Shujuan went to fetch the guqin.

“Xue Yao, why aren’t you afraid of my Imperial Sister? You are the first person I’ve seen dare to be so close to her.”

Heaven knows how scared Qu Feiyun was when she saw Qu Feiqing and Su Xin being very close the first time.

“Is she very scary?”

Su Xin thought Qu Feiqing was quite nice. From the beginning, she was allowed to get close. Although Qu Feiqing initially treated her like an idiot, after they had been intimate once, Qu Feiqing’s attitude improved significantly.

By now, they had been intimate 5, 6, 7, 8 times, and Su Xin felt Qu Feiqing was extremely kind.

Qu Feiyun looked at Su Xin in shock, nodding like a pecking chick.

“Imperial Sister is the scariest person I’ve ever seen, but it seems she’s become much gentler since meeting you. That’s a good thing, a good thing.”

Qu Feiyun had seen her Imperial Sister kill her Imperial Brother with her own eyes. In her heart, no one could be more terrifying than Qu Feiqing.

“But I’m about to leave.”

Su Xin smiled.

It’s too boring to stay in the palace, so it’s time to say goodbye.


(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Fourteen wanted to say something but stopped.


【It’s nothing.】

The system wouldn’t interfere with the host’s emotions. Fourteen now confirmed that Su Xin was not only emotionally unintelligent and alarmingly obtuse but also is a bit of a scumbag.

【Host, have you really never thought about why the Emperor wants to keep being intimate with you after the first time?】

Fourteen tried to give a hint.

Is it because I’m beautiful?

The author has something to say:

This time it should be very obvious. The little flower as a gift = an important strategic stronghold.

The author skated by on rollerblades.

Su Xin: Is it because I’m beautiful?

Fourteen: Beautiful my ass.

In reality, Fourteen is a straightforward system that doesn’t swear.