Fate Trading System – Chapter 11

Plan A

The Days and Nights of the Courtesan 11

Falling ill

“Your Majesty, you are drunk.”

Su Xin’s hand gently stroked Qu Feiqing’s back.

Qu Feiqing was not wearing luxurious court attire, but casual clothes. Her hair was loosely tied at the back, looking very unruly.

Qu Feiqing’s body stiffened, reflexively pushing the person away, but Su Xin forcefully held her.

Su Xin inwardly sighed at how well-endowed Qu Feiqing was. The soft pressure on her chest made Su Xin admit defeat.

Qu Feiqing could not see Su Xin’s face, irritably furrowing her brows. She hated others being this close to her, even if it was a warm embrace, she didn’t need it.

Qu Feiqing used her internal strength, forcibly pulling Su Xin away from her embrace.

Su Xin took advantage of the momentum, pulling her heavily to the ground. Qu Feiqing was brought forward, falling onto Su Xin.

Their lips collided, and Su Xin couldn’t help but lick, hiss, it was bleeding.

This situation was something Su Xin absolutely did not expect.

【I did not expect it either.】

Qu Feiqing’s lips were still touching hers. With that lick, Qu Feiqing only felt a soft thing carefully licking her lips.

The smell of alcohol surged. Qu Feiqing propped up her arm, her body rising slightly, staying very close to Su Xin.

“You like women?”

Qu Feiqing half-squinted her eyes, the intoxicating scent of alcohol emanating from her body.

I don’t know how to respond to this, little sister, this is a misunderstanding, do you believe me? I really didn’t intend to lick you just now. Master Fourteen, what should I do?

【Host, don’t worry, we are a very humane system. If you want to do it, just do it.】

Fourteen, anyway, has a mosaic. Appropriate physical and mental pleasure behavior is beneficial to the host’s task progress.

Do it, my ass! Who said I wanted to do it!

The alcohol made Qu Feiqing’s face flush with a rosy color, that chilling hostility disappeared, replaced by a seductive laziness.

She stretched out half of her tongue, licking Su Xin’s lip petals intermittently.

“Does Your Majesty like it?”

Su Xin allowed Qu Feiqing’s gentle actions. In the gap between speaking, her lips opened and closed, and Qu Feiqing unexpectedly didn’t expect her to suddenly speak, and the tip of her little half tongue probed into Su Xin’s mouth.

Both of them froze for a moment. This was the first time Qu Feiqing had been so intimate with someone. The teasing action just now was only because she didn’t dislike that feeling and wanted to play with Su Xin a bit, not intending to go further, but now…

Master Fourteen, I suddenly feel like messing around.

【Do as you please, I have a mosaic.】

Protected by the mosaic, promoting socialist harmony.

Su Xin squinted, holding the probing tongue tip, touching it with her own tongue.

Qu Feiqing lightly sighed, perhaps she was drunk, smelling the warm fragrance emanating from Su Xin.

Actually, this person is indeed beautiful; at least when she was licking the tip of her tongue and looking at her with a nearly provocative gaze, it made her feel her blood boiling, a feeling different from a bloodthirsty impulse.

Qu Feiqing was drunk, Su Xin was not drunk, she wanted something to happen.

Clothes partly loosened, Qu Feiqing lifted the wine pot, the wine dripped from Su Xin’s neck, wetting their clothes.

The wine was cold, a cold wind blew from outside the palace, making people shiver.

Qu Feiqing held onto a piece of skin on Su Xin’s neck, drinking all the wine there before moving to another spot.

Su Xin took off the hairpin from her head, threw it aside, her hair long and draped on her back like fine silk.

The wind has risen, and the small red beads on the branches sway with the movement of the wind. The slanted moonlight casts a decadent hue.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Feelings are mutual. Su Xin diligently helps Qu Feiqing with a light massage, and Qu Feiqing lets out a soft hum, her red lips curving upward.

The wind grew stronger, even causing entire branches to sway and tremble helplessly.

Su Xin is already an adult, and the tasks she should have done at Ta Yan’s place have been postponed until now.

The lake in the palace is also stirred by the wind, creating waves. The fish keep swimming in the water, immersed in that warmth.

All things were still. Su Xin sat up, put on her clothes properly, and tied up her hair.

Sweat had come out on her body and was mixed with spilled wine, making her feel sticky and uncomfortable.

Qu Feiqing opened her eyes, looking as if she had woken up.

“How did you find your way here?”

Qu Feiqing looked into Su Xin’s eyes.

“Just wandering around.”

Su Xin gave the same answer.

“In the dead of night, quite the interest.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Qu Feiqing looked Su Xin up and down, not knowing what she was thinking, her expression relaxed.

Each Cold Palace in every Imperial Palace has its own stories, with many masters, generation after generation, rotating and overlapping.

Qu Feiqing spent half of her youth here.

Because her mother, a concubine, gave birth to a daughter, which displeased the Emperor, and at that time other concubines took the opportunity to deal with her mother, so Qu Feiqing’s mother, carrying her still in swaddling clothes, moved into this Cold Palace.

For Qu Feiqing to have her current means and achievements, her mother’s contribution is indispensable.

Her mother forced herself to death by illness in this palace, and Qu Feiqing watched helplessly as her only relative left her.

After she became the emperor, she would occasionally come here, sit alone on the ground drinking wine, reminiscing about her mother.

At first, Qu Feiqing suspected that Su Xin had deliberately followed her here, but then she realized that her visits to the Cold Palace were irregular, coming whenever she felt like it, even she herself didn’t know when the mood would strike her.

However, she still didn’t believe Su Xin’s excuse of just wandering around randomly; it was too clumsy.

“It feels so uncomfortable.”

Su Xin frowned and muttered, feeling very uneasy.

Her current body is weak, unlike the one honed through countless trials before. She had just recovered from an injury not long ago, and now, after intense exercise and exposure to the wind, how could she not feel uncomfortable?

Qu Feiqing felt that her hand was icy cold, and even the high temperature from earlier had dropped.

Su Xin only felt a headache.

Qu Feiqing stood up and extended a hand to Su Xin, who was still sitting on the ground. Su Xin grasped Qu Feiqing’s hand and struggled to stand up.

“Thank you.”

Su Xin patted the dust off her body and lowered her head, not noticing Qu Feiqing’s hesitant expression.

They had done it, and Qu Feiqing was contemplating whether or not to take responsibility.

Su Xin had no such intention and was preparing to leave.


Qu Feiqing helped Su Xin straighten her messy clothes, thinking about how to give her something.

“No big deal, Your Majesty, rest assured, I won’t speak carelessly.”

“Do you… have feelings for me?”

Qu Feiqing’s eyes were deep.

If not, then why insist on following her? If not, then why approach her? If not, then why just now accept her?

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)


Su Xin was a bit confused and showed a bewildered expression.

“Your Majesty overthinks, Your Majesty is like the bright moon in the sky, admirable but unattainable. Xue Yao values self-awareness, just now it was merely a moment of emotion, even if it wasn’t Your Majesty…”

The rest of Su Xin’s words were silenced under Qu Feiqing’s terrifying gaze.

Master Fourteen, why do I feel that something is not quite right.

【This… possibly… Host, you are truly a peculiar person.】

Who would tell someone they just had s*x with, “I don’t like you, even if it wasn’t you, I would still get with someone…”

This is beyond being dense; it’s either low emotional intelligence or just being a scumbag.

I feel like there’s more to your words.

【Is that so? You’re mistaken.】

Fourteen said calmly.

“Your Majesty, I will leave first, see you another day.”

Su Xin instinctively felt that the situation might not be good, and endured her discomfort to hurriedly leave.

Qu Feiqing lightly watched her back and laughed angrily.

Su Xin’s manner of avoiding as if she couldn’t get away fast enough, instead made her appear as if she was clingy.

Everyone’s personality has a great deal to do with the environment in which they grew up.

Su Xin is almost a straightforward person, she speaks directly and doesn’t like to beat around the bush. Her profession doesn’t require her to be roundabout either.

The leader of the organization values her highly because of this personality. She never overthinks and does things as they should be done.

Su Xin’s emotional experiences can be said to be a blank slate. After all, before she could take on missions, her life was solely about training.

After she could take on missions, Su Xin’s profession destined her to operate alone, unable to be very close with anyone, except for Qiu Qingqing, who shares the same profession.

The lack of any emotional experiences has resulted in her current low emotional intelligence.

Su Xin really thought it wasn’t a big deal. She felt that tonight’s event was entirely about mutual consent and attraction, nothing as complicated as some backstory. You’re good, I’m good.

Of course, what Su Xin meant was that not just anyone would do, it had to be someone she had feelings for.

Su Xin, feeling a bit dizzy, returned to her palace. Her whole body was already cold, and her stomach was faintly aching.

【Host, you are sick.】

I know.

Su Xin didn’t bother to take a bath. She took off her outer clothes, wearing only her undergarments, curled up in bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

Since there was nothing to do, Su Xin always slept until she woke up naturally.

When Shujuan came in, she found that Su Xin was still sleeping under the covers.

“Miss, aren’t you getting up?”


Su Xin felt her body was as heavy as if it had been filled with lead, making it very difficult to even open her eyes. She mumbled something and pulled the blanket up higher.

“Then sleep a little longer, Miss.”

Shujuan thought Su Xin was just being lazy, put down the washbasin, and closed the door.

【Host, you have a fever.】

Su Xin did not respond, continuing to sleep as if the world had ended.

Qu Feiqing came to see Su Xin after the morning court session. Originally, she didn’t want to come because of how indifferent Su Xin had seemed last night. However, Su Xin’s reaction last night didn’t seem quite right, and Qu Feiqing couldn’t shake off her concern. So, she decided to follow her heart and came to find Su Xin.

“Greetings, Your Majesty. The Miss is still asleep,”

Shujuan said, bowing to Qu Feiqing.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Still asleep?

Qu Feiqing pushed open the door and walked to Su Xin’s side.

Su Xin buried herself completely under the blanket, with only her hair exposed.

Qu Feiqing lifted the blanket a little, revealing Su Xin’s flushed face.

Qu Feiqing frowned and reached out to feel the temperature of Su Xin’s forehead; it was scorching hot.

“Hurry and fetch the Imperial Physician.”

Shujuan was stunned for a moment, then quickly ran out.

Su Xin closed her eyes and felt someone touching her forehead; it was cool and very comfortable.

“Qingqing, I feel so uncomfortable.”

Su Xin unconsciously whined, habitually calling out to the person she trusted the most.

Qu Feiqing was stunned for a moment, and the corners of her mouth lifted slightly.

The author has something to say:

Come, come, come, let’s match the code words.

Wind/Fish = Finger, Branch = Body, Lake = Important strategic position.