Big Boss – Chapter 95

Return to the Capital

During the winter, a thin layer of snow fell on Bianjing. It wasn’t quite a blanket of silver, just a light veil of white on the rooftops. The bare branches of the trees lining the Imperial Street were also dusted with a few flakes. As the cold wind blew, the snow dispersed like mist.

From time to time, silver particles floated in the air, stinging the faces of passersby.

In such weather, few people walked on the streets. Only a few lonely carriages rolled over the thin snow, leaving a single line of tracks. One of the carriages turned a corner in the middle of the street and stopped beside a brand-new signboard.

The golden characters of “Zhou Mansion” were clearly imprinted on it, reflecting the daylight, shimmering brilliantly.

“Zhou Shaoqing, with your recent relocation, aren’t you going to invite a few colleagues in for a visit?” Another carriage lifted its thick curtain, and a person holding a hand warmer smiled and said.

(LP: The term “少卿” (Shaoqing) refers to a junior official or a lower-ranking minister in ancient Chinese government.)

“Another day, another day!” Zhou Hong stepped down from the carriage, stomping his feet against the cold, and waved to the others.

“I think you’re just stopping us from meeting your sister!” teased the young man, who wasn’t much older.

Zhou Hong chuckled, waving his hands dismissively. “What nonsense! There’s nothing good to eat or drink at home. Tomorrow, let’s go to Jinlingzhai and I’ll treat everyone properly.”

Knowing that he wouldn’t agree, the group exchanged a few more jokes and then took their leave.

The snow seemed to be falling harder, accumulating on the ground. Zhou Hong exhaled a breath of white mist, tucked his hands into his sleeves, and signaled the guard beside the gate to open it.

In the past two years, Ci Ke spoke less and less. Sometimes she would sit in the courtyard all day without moving. Zhou Hong, feeling distressed, decided to move from their old house, hoping that a change of environment might help her forget the past events associated with their old home.

Although the new residence was a bit smaller, it had all the essentials, which was sufficient for the brother and sister.

“The master has finished his court session,” a maid with double buns said, holding up an umbrella to shield Zhou Hong from the falling snowflakes. She followed behind him with small steps as they walked through the corridor towards the courtyard. “It’s much colder these past few days than in previous years; you should wear more layers.”

“Indeed, this morning I almost froze my nose off,” Zhou Hong said, warming his hands by blowing on them. He walked briskly past the rockery. Although his former limp no longer affected his walking, a careful observer could still notice the slight difference in leg length.

“Where is the young lady?” Zhou Hong asked.

The maid averted her gaze and responded softly, “She rose early and has been plucking the pipa in the pavilion within the garden. We tried to dissuade her, but the young lady did not listen. We dared not press further.”

Zhou Hong clicked his tongue, took the umbrella from the maid’s hand, and walked towards the garden alone.

In the winter garden, there wasn’t much color. The lake was frozen solid, and a woman sat in the lakeside pavilion, wrapped in a snow-white fur cloak. Her jet-black hair was coiled at the back, leaving her delicate facial features fully exposed.

When she lowered her eyes, her face was as fair as a white peach, and her eyes sparkled like glass. Yet, when she lifted her gaze to look at Zhou Hong, the upward slant of her eyes gave off a sense of unease.

Zhou Hong couldn’t help but slow his steps. When he reached her side, he extended his hand to take the pipa, which was cold to the touch, from her arms. Fortunately, Ci Ke did not refuse and let him take it.

“You’re back,” Ci Ke spoke.

“It is indeed very cold today. His Majesty…” Noticing the sudden change in Ci Ke’s expression, he hurriedly corrected himself, “The Emperor also found the fires in the Wen De Hall insufficient, so he dismissed the court early.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Ci Ke showed little expression, merely curling her lips slightly.

“Little sister, it’s cold outside. Shall we head back inside to warm up?” Zhou Hong cautiously sought her opinion.

Ci Ke gave a soft acknowledgment, stood up, and shook off the snow that had been blown into the pavilion. She walked out slowly, following the clean path out of the garden, while Zhou Hong held the umbrella for her.

“Is there still no news from her?” Ci Ke suddenly spoke, her slender fingers, red from the cold, clutching the edge of her cloak to shield herself.

Zhou Hong sighed and hesitated before saying, “Ci Ke, it’s been two years, you…”

“Have you found Pei Ning?” Ci Ke interrupted him.

“Pei Ning is quite well-known in Jiangning Prefecture and seems to have some connections with the local authorities, so she was not difficult to find,” Zhou Hong lowered his head. “But, but Pei Ning also said that she hasn’t seen Miss Ye in the past two years. Like you, she only received a few letters.”

“I said I would wait for her to find me, but in the end, I couldn’t hold back,” Ci Ke murmured self-deprecatingly, stopped walking, and looked back at the distant gate, muttering, “And even with the letters, she hasn’t written for two months.”

She reached for her chest, where a few thin sheets of paper were hidden, each read over a hundred times.

“Ci Ke, you’ve said it yourself, that handwriting on the letters…” Zhou Hong scratched his head in frustration. He couldn’t bear to see his sister in sorrow day after day, so he reluctantly continued, “That handwriting is not Miss Ye’s at all.”

“She wrote in her letters that she was injured and couldn’t write,” Ci Ke said, enunciating each word carefully.

“But it’s been so long, and she hasn’t shown herself. What can a few letters prove? They aren’t in her handwriting, and the content has always been vague!” Zhou Hong couldn’t help but raise his voice, “For all we know, she might have already…”

“She told me to wait for her!” Ci Ke suddenly turned her head, her shoulders trembling slightly, her lips painted more vividly than wintersweet, “Every letter she wrote said so. If she hadn’t written them, why would they contain asking me to wait?”

Zhou Hong was so taken aback by her sudden sharp words that he stepped back, raising his hands in front of him to suppress his emotions. Slowly, he said, “Ci Ke, you are well past the age of marriage. Several men have proposed, but each of them met with accidents the next day—either they fell off their horses and broke their legs, or they were caught by the authorities for committing crimes. Even the Emperor’s personal decree for your marriage did not escape this fate.”

“I know it was all your doing, but now the rumors have spread in the capital, saying you are a jinx with a fate that harms your supposed husband. You are ruining your own reputation. If Miss Ye comes back, it’s fine, but if she doesn’t, and if something happens to me one day, who will protect you?” Zhou Hong earnestly persuaded her.

“I don’t need anyone to protect me. I only want her,” Ci Ke’s voice was far from calm, and she spoke rapidly, “If she asks me to wait two years, I’ll wait. If she asks me to wait three years, I’ll wait too.”

“Even if I have to wait until I’m old and gray, sitting alone, I’ll still wait.” With that, she pushed aside the umbrella Zhou Hong was holding for her and turned to walk towards the main gate.

Zhou Hong slapped himself on the mouth and hurriedly chased after her, “Ci Ke! Where are you going?”

“To the palace,” Ci Ke said coldly.

“Don’t go looking for that Prince in the palace again! The rumors are already widespread, and if… you’re not like Auntie!” Zhou Hong blocked the closing door of the carriage, shouting with his voice stuck in his throat.

Seeing that Ci Ke ignored him, Zhou Hong had no choice but to give up, raising the umbrella in his hand: “At least take an umbrella!”

The snow, which had unknowingly become as thick as cotton, gently fluttered down and landed on shoulders. The figure of the woman in front, wrapped in a fur cloak, walked away alone, soon disappearing into the snowstorm.

The weather that year was unusual; the light snow fell intermittently for a month. It wasn’t until late winter that the snow gradually stopped. The accumulated snow remained, only melting a little when the midday sun shone on it.

The water on the ground, trampled by people, turned into mud, nourishing the land that had been frozen solid throughout the winter.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

In the south, however, the cold plum blossoms were just beginning to bloom, creating trees full of fragrant snow-like flowers. The fallen petals, mixed with rain and snow, drifted into the river and floated away.

The Huai River roared, its emerald waves rising, smoke shrouding the cold sand. Along the long, meandering river, taverns were scattered, the sound of pipa melodies drifting into the ears, intoxicating without a single drink.

Young girls from various households could not wait for spring and had already donned their spring dresses. Though they shivered in the cold wind, they did not forget to admire the plum blossoms by the river, chattering and laughing incessantly.

In the crowd, a particularly striking tall woman caught everyone’s attention. She was dressed in winter attire, with a thick cloak draped over her shoulders, yet she did not appear bulky, indicating how slender she truly was.

Fortunately, she was nimble, and despite the crowded street, she did not bump into anyone.

She arrived at the entrance of a tavern with a yellow banner hanging outside. After glancing up, she stepped inside. The tavern was warm, with a stove lit, and the air was filled with the scent of heated liquor.

“Welcome, honored guest!” The waiter greeted her, taking her cloak and bowing as he escorted her upstairs. From this vantage point along the river, one could overlook the rolling Huai River and see merchant ships drifting downstream, a truly picturesque scene.

The woman sat by the window, coughed softly twice, revealing a pale face.

Her phoenix eyes were bright and clear, as cold as ice at a glance. Her face was lean, with a jawline sharply defined like a graphite sketch. Apart from her eyes, the rest of her features were rather ordinary.

“One cup of warm wine, thank you,” she said softly, smiling at the waiter.

The wine arrived, and so did the person she was waiting for. Swaying her hips, she walked over and sat down across from her, exuding an air of grace and charm. Her nails were painted a crimson hue, and she frowned slightly as she looked at her.

“Miss Ye?” Pei Ning asked hesitantly.

Ye Youqing placed her index finger to her lips and wrote a few words on the table. Pei Ning’s eyes sparkled as she parted her bright red lips in a smile and said, “So it’s Miss Chen. My apologies.”

“Miss Chen, where have you been all these years? You seem much thinner,” Pei Ning asked in a low voice, scrutinizing the disguise on Ye Youqing’s face.

“Previously, I was in the north. This year, I came south, and recently arrived in Jiangning Prefecture,” Ye Youqing answered warmly.

“The north is now in chaos with uprisings everywhere. The Qi army lacks courage and is retreating at every turn. People are desperate to flee to the south. However, many places are not accepting refugees, for reasons unknown, and with the cold winter this year, it’s said that quite a few people have frozen to death.”

Pei Ning chuckled softly and leaned in closer. “By the way, someone came looking for you a month ago, mentioning their master was surnamed Zhou. But I didn’t have any news of you at the time, so I told them nothing.”

Ye Youqing’s grip on her wine cup tightened, and she couldn’t help but start coughing again.

Pei Ning quickly moved forward to pat her back, a hint of concern showing in her eyes. “What’s this? Your health seems so poor.”

“It’s nothing, just an old injury. It’s almost healed now,” Ye Youqing said with a light smile, waving her hand dismissively.

“Now, I’m being watched, so I can’t say much,” Ye Youqing remarked, not looking around but staring at her wine cup.

Pei Ning restrained her gaze as well, patted Ye Youqing’s back, and returned to her seat. “What do you need?”

“Silver,” Ye Youqing replied, using her left hand to dip in water and write a number on the table. Pei Ning’s eyes showed a hint of surprise but quickly calmed down.

“Alright, I’ll prepare it as soon as I get back. I haven’t had any news from you all these years, so I’ve had all the money deposited in the bank under Ma Er’s name,” Pei Ning whispered.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Thank you,” Ye Youqing said.

“This was yours to begin with,” Pei Ning replied. “But why do you need so much silver?”

Ye Youqing shook her head. “I’m being watched closely now, so I can’t let this money come from me. I have to rely on you. As for what it’s for, it’s better if you don’t know.”

Pei Ning nodded, somewhat understanding but still uncertain.

“What’s your next step?” Pei Ning asked.

Ye Youqing took a sip of wine, and the icy look in her eyes suddenly melted into a spring-like warmth. “To Bianjing.”

“Bianjing?” Pei Ning almost exclaimed. She grabbed Ye Youqing’s right hand, which had been hanging down, but saw the woman’s shoulders tremble and quickly withdrew her hand. “Bianjing is too dangerous for you!”

“Don’t worry. Even if the Emperor knows who I am, he wouldn’t dare touch me,” Ye Youqing said. “Besides, I am invited there under the guise of Miss Chen.”

“Moreover, if I don’t see her soon, I fear she will truly abandon me.” Ye Youqing looked out at the long river and the distant indigo mountains, and spoke softly.