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Big Boss – Chapter 9

Her past

Amidst the chaos at the General’s residence, Ye Youqing seized the opportunity to escape unnoticed. By the time she returned home, Ye Chengzhu, who had fainted, was also carried back, plunging the Duke’s Household into turmoil. The cries of Concubine Xiao from next door could be heard clearly through the walls.

After returning home, Qin Xin disappeared to who knows where. Ye Youqing leisurely changed into clean clothes and sat down to study the fan pendant. However, no matter how much she looked at it, this so-called Fenghua Pendant seemed quite ordinary.

She decided to probe Zhao Qingrou for information another day, wondering how to ask without arousing suspicion.

Just as she carefully stored the pendant away, she suddenly heard someone knocking urgently at the entrance.

“It seems the ancient life is busier than expected,” Ye Youqing mused, shaking her head as she quickly opened the door to see a short maid standing at the threshold, panting, “Eldest… Eldest Miss, there’s a commotion in the front yard. Qin Xin somehow angered the Crown Prince, you’d better come quickly!”

Upon hearing this, Ye Youqing’s heart tightened. Could it be that he was taking revenge on Qin Xin for the incident where he was knocked unconscious that day?

“Take me there,” Ye Youqing quickly said, stepping out the door at a brisk pace.

Though she said to lead her there, Ye Youqing’s long legs carried her faster than the maid, and in no time, she reached the front courtyard. The noise and angry cries filled the air, startling a flock of birds.

Under the shade of the flowers, Ye Chengfu stood with his chest puffed out, surrounded by several robust servants, holding a young girl in his grasp as if she were a chicken.

“Madam, I am merely disciplining the servants on your behalf. You are of frail health; why bother to intervene?” Ye Chengfu said with a smile, gently waving his folding fan, addressing someone not too far away.

“Ye Chengfu, don’t you go too far,” Zhao Qingrou trembled with rage, clutching her chest, her breathing already unsteady.

“This is the Duke’s residence, how can we tolerate the presence of unclean hands and feet? You there, teach this audacious maid a lesson and send her to the officials!” Ye Chengfu snapped his fan shut and pointed at Qin Xin with the tip of it.

“I didn’t steal anything! It was the steward who embezzled my allowance and the madam’s medicine. I merely took it back!” Qin Xin, scared out of her wits, was sobbing and sniffling but still tremblingly shouted.

“Embezzling medicine? It’s just a few silvers’ worth of medicine; why would the steward embezzle it? I see it’s you, girl, who covets unrighteous wealth, just being stubborn,” Ye Chengfu said lazily. “Don’t dawdle, get on with it!”

Just as the servants were about to lift the struggling Qin Xin away, a low inquiry was heard: “What is going on here?”

Ye Youqing slowed her hasty steps, steadied her breathing, and walked out from amid the crowded flowers. She glanced at the helplessly raised Qin Xin and moved to Zhao Qingrou’s side to support her.

“Qing’er, why did you come here?” Zhao Qingrou was possibly choked up with anger, coughing continuously.

Upon seeing her, Ye Chengfu’s smile immediately tightened into a straight line—likely recalling the frustration he had suffered that day, his expression turned even more unfriendly.

“Ye Youqing.” He forced a smile, curving his lips sarcastically. “This girl claims it’s for the sake of reclaiming the monthly allowance for the madam, but considering the madam’s family background, such trifles shouldn’t even catch her eye, right?”

The obvious mockery made Zhao Qingrou’s face turn even paler.

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“Whether or not you’re deemed worthy of attention isn’t up to you to decide. The steward of the illustrious Duke’s Household can’t even manage the monthly allowances properly, showing favoritism here and skimping there. It’s laughable,” Ye Youqing said with a similarly hooked smile, striding towards Ye Chengfu.

Seeing her approaching, Ye Chengfu instinctively remembered the serious hit from the other day and stepped back subconsciously.

“Besides, I was the one who asked Qin Xin to reclaim her due monthly allowance. You didn’t confront me but chose to bully a maid. What kind of skill is that?” Ye Youqing suddenly lowered her voice, her originally gentle tone now carrying a hint of threat, “A baseborn daring to openly defy the eldest daughter, how would others view this if it were to spread?”

“Ye Youqing, you!”

“Address me as your elder sister.” Ye Youqing’s phoenix eyes smiled, “And don’t forget, in a few days, it will be the critical moment for you to enter the officialdom under our family’s patronage. Should anything about this spread, I fear it won’t look good for you.”

Ye Chengfu’s face darkened instantly.

In the Qi Dynasty, although sons of dukes could not inherit titles, they could still enter officialdom under the patronage of their family’s status, securing a position in the court. Ye Chengfu had recently received the Emperor’s grace, allowing him to enter service despite being a concubine’s son.

At such a critical time, he absolutely could not afford any mistakes.

“Ye Youqing, since when did you…”

“Address me as your elder sister.” Ye Youqing emphasized again, her eyebrows slightly raised.

Ye Chengfu’s lips trembled with rage, having never seen Ye Youqing so assertive before. Even when she tried to be firm in the past, she couldn’t articulate her stance well. But now, suddenly, she was eloquently putting him in his place, leaving him speechless.

He snapped his folding fan open with a flick and stormed off, his retreating figure seemingly fleeing in defeat.

The household servants who had been clutching Qin Xin, seeing him run away, became unsure of what to do next. A cold glance from Ye Youqing had them hurriedly releasing their grip, dropping Qin Xin, and scattering without a trace.

Qin Xin, wiping away her tears, stumbled towards Ye Youqing, sniffling and sobbing quietly.

“Madam, Eldest Miss… it’s my fault…” she said softly.

Ye Youqing slowly shook her head, pulling Qin Xin closer and gently patting her back, as she watched those people’s retreating figures.

What a predatory place this is, where everyone is like duckweed on the waves, subject to being oppressed by others everywhere. Today, by chance, she was able to ease the situation, but what about next time, or the time after that?

If a person is not strong, no matter how eloquent they are, how many can they really scare off?

“Qin Xin, take me to see that shop tomorrow,” Ye Youqing suddenly said.

Hearing this, Qin Xin quickly nodded, looking at her young mistress through the haze of her tears, suddenly remembering her promise not to cry, and forcefully wiped her tears away.

“Qing’er, you have truly grown up,” Zhao Qingrou covered her heart, her eyes reddening as she sighed deeply, feeling guilty. “But that shop has been losing money for a long time, I’m afraid…”

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“It’s alright, mother.”

Looking up, the tall young woman was smiling with her eyes curved, her hair illuminated by the golden light of the setting sun: “I will protect you.”

That night, the entire capital of Bianjing was brightly lit, celebrating the birthday of the Emperor’s most favored concubine. Yet, under the brilliant and splendid lights, several people could not find sleep for a long time.

Someone drunkenly collapsed at the foot of a wall, tears in their eyes as they looked up to the sky and laughed heartily.

Some pore over history books, reading by lamp light into the night. Others weep silently, feeling powerless and alone.

Lamps illuminate the luxurious courtyard as if it were daylight, with the aroma of wine permeating the air. Inside the palace, dishes and cups are scattered in disarray, and drunken men lie in the arms of pleasure, their snores echoing throughout.

Outside, dozens of imperial guards stand in the shadows, statuesque as if carved from stone, their breathing inaudible.

A woman appears under the lamplight, her hairdo casting a shadow over her face, making her features indiscernible, but her graceful figure moves elegantly.

“This is the imperial guard. Who goes there!” one of the guards draws his long sword, pointing it in front of the woman.

Startled, the woman quickly bowed her head, timidly saying, “Esteemed sir, this servant has been commanded by the Noble Consort to deliver sobering tea.”

The imperial guard examined the frail woman, took the tea she was carrying, poured a little on the back of his hand, and sniffed it. After that, he nodded and let her pass.

With small, careful steps, the woman slowly walked into the hall.

The grandeur and luxury of the palace’s layout were almost comparable to that of the Empress’s residence, adorned with precious jade artifacts and paintings everywhere. Even the fruits on the tables were rare imports, some even kept on ice to maintain their freshness.

Someone cleaning the wine stains off the floor saw the woman, nodded at her, and then stepped back to leave.

The woman set down her teacup and quickly entered the inner room, where the sound of snoring became more pronounced. A portly man, towering at over seven feet tall, lay on the bed, deep in slumber, completely oblivious to the world around him.

“You’ve arrived,” someone spoke up, causing the woman to hastily turn around, a flicker of fear passing through her expression.

By the low table sat another woman, slightly older in appearance, yet still radiating a beauty that seemed to captivate the essence of thousands, as if all the grace in the world resided within her. With almond-shaped eyes and long eyebrows, she appeared almost celestial, as if she belonged in the heavens.

She was dressed in deep blue silk, the collar and sleeves adorned with crimson edges, embroidered throughout with gold thread—a clear indication of its extravagant value. An ornate headdress sat atop her head, with ice-blue gemstones cascading down her hair.

“Ci Ke, come here,” she said.

The woman stepped forward and lifted her head. As the lanterns finally dispelled the shadows across her face, revealing her beautiful features, she took a deep breath and spoke, “Your Highness…”

“I believe I’ve made myself clear,” the woman interrupted.

Ci Ke fell silent for a moment before finally speaking, “Aunt.”

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The woman nodded in satisfaction, her voice warming, “You’ve handled the matter with Ye Youqing well. If Qin Wang had managed to align with the Duke’s Household, eliminating him later would have become even more difficult.”

Ci Ke silently nodded without uttering another word.

“Just,” the woman began again, her voice harsher, “I’ve heard that Ye Youqing entirely changed her demeanor after calling off the engagement herself. Is it true?”

Ci Ke’s gaze flickered, her fists clenched, but she remained silent.

Only upon closer inspection could one see the dried tears on the woman’s face.

Suddenly, she stood up, reaching across the low table to grasp Ci Ke’s chin, gently caressing it. Her lips parted slightly, the scent of alcohol wafting through the air.

“Ci Ke, could it be that you still have feelings for that fool?”

LP: Eh? Whose the fool? … Ye Youqing? Ci Ke has feelings for her from the beginning?!

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