Big Boss – Chapter 88

The Siege

The woman gazed at her, then suddenly smiled.

“You don’t want me to leave?” Ci Ke asked.

Ye Youqing shrugged slightly.

“Then I’ll stay with you for now,” Ci Ke said with a smile. She rubbed against Ye Youqing’s arm like a cat, slid up to her shoulder, and rested her slightly rounded chin on her collarbone, nestling into her embrace.

The tension that had been gripping Ye Youqing’s heart instantly eased, and she contentedly tightened her hold on the soft body in her arms.

Ye Youqing moved quickly. That very night, she ordered Ma Da to prepare a carriage and fast horses, stocked up on provisions, and sent messages to the Iron Cavalry, arranging their tasks for after her departure.

In ancient times, it wasn’t easy to send messages, and there was often a delay. Just the day before, Ma Er had reported that the emperor was raising an army to head north. The next day, rumors were already spreading through the streets that the Qi troops had reached Niangziguan, and that skirmishes had broken out between the two sides.

The atmosphere in the city was much heavier than the day before. After all, no commoner wanted to see war, especially not on the border near Western Xia, where the danger was even greater.

In the evening, Ye Youqing looked at the saddled carriage in the courtyard, her heart still heavy with worry. She drank several sips of cold tea, but it couldn’t quell her agitation.

Everyone was busy packing their belongings. It was only now that they had a moment to sit at the table. Except for Zhou Hong, everyone looked rather grim.

“Brother, why are you so happy?” Ci Ke looked up at him.

Zhou Hong rubbed his hands together and chuckled, “I haven’t left this area for seven whole years. Naturally, I’m excited about going now.”

Ci Ke averted her gaze and worriedly reached for Ye Youqing’s hand, whispering softly in her ear, “What’s wrong?”

Ye Youqing snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head reassuringly. “It’s nothing.”

The messenger, Shi Li, hadn’t returned yet, and Ma Da and Ma Er had already started cooking, filling the courtyard with the familiar scent of food. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Zhou Hong stopped Ye Youqing from getting up and went to open it himself.

Standing outside was the woman from across the street. She craned her neck to peek into the courtyard and handed Zhou Hong a half-basket of white steamed buns, her face beaming. “I heard during the day that you all are leaving. I don’t have much to give you, so I steamed some food. Take these as rations for the road.”

“Mian’er, come thank your big brother and sister properly. We’re really grateful for all their care,” the woman said, about to bow. Ye Youqing quickly stepped forward to stop her.

Mian’er, with her two round buns, jumped out from behind her mother and leapt into Ci Ke’s arms, hugging her leg as she always did.

“Sister, come back to see me in the future,” Mian’er said in her sweet, milky voice.

Ci Ke smiled and patted her head.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, the visitors left. Just as Ye Youqing was about to close the door, she heard the urgent sound of horse hooves. A red-maned horse galloped directly down the brick-paved alley and stopped right at the entrance.

Raising her head, Ye Youqing saw Shi Li with a serious expression, her long eyebrows furrowed and her red lips tightly closed. Shi Li spoke urgently, “Come with me.”

Ye Youqing was taken aback but didn’t hesitate. She took a long stride and jumped onto the horse’s back, gently stopping Ci Ke, who was about to step forward, with a comforting tone. “It’s fine, I’ll go check it out.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

With that, Shi Li squeezed the horse’s belly and, with a sharp command, they galloped away.

The city streets were nearly empty, as if everyone had shut themselves indoors. The only place with a crowd was outside the north city gate, where people had formed a circle. As they approached, a strong smell of blood filled Ye Youqing’s nostrils.

Sensing something was wrong, Ye Youqing dismounted swiftly as soon as Shi Li stopped, pushing her way through the crowd.

On the ground lay several civilians, all dressed in plain clothes with their feet worn and bloody through their straw sandals. Two of them had wounds on their legs or shoulders, gasping and groaning in pain—a harrowing sight.

“What happened?” Ye Youqing grabbed a nearby man and asked urgently.

The man stumbled as she pulled him, but he still answered with a bitter expression. “These people are from Yuanzhou. They said a band of soldiers breached the city gates last night, storming Yuanzhou to burn, kill, and loot. They took over the city in just one night, slaughtering many women, children, and men. Blood flowed like a river!”

The onlookers occasionally rushed back into the city, some gathering their belongings and escaping with their families. Those who couldn’t leave tightly shut their doors and windows, praying silently.

“Quickly, someone help carry them into the city for treatment!” a middle-aged man shouted in a gruff voice. He, along with a few others, hurriedly lifted the injured and rushed through the city gate.

“Are there no others besides them?” Ye Youqing asked softly, her gaze fixed on the wide official road ahead and the hills on either side.

“These few managed to escape only because they were delivering goods out of town and returned late. Once the army took over the city, they sealed it off completely—not even a bird could escape!” The man’s voice was heavy with a sense of impending doom. With a sorrowful look, he and Ye Youqing both stared into the distance.

After a few moments, he said with concern, “Young lady, you’re as beautiful as a flower. If you can escape, have your family take you and flee. Since they’ve already taken Yuanzhou in secret, it won’t be long before they come for our Weizhou. If you don’t run now, you’ll lose your life!”

With that, he cupped his hands in farewell and hurried back into the city.

Ye Youqing turned to look at Shi Li, both wearing expressions of resolute determination.

On the way back to the courtyard, Ye Youqing noticed the desolation within the city—far worse than the panic they encountered when they first arrived. People were constantly leaving with carts and horses, but most didn’t know where to go. Especially those with the elderly or weak at home, they could only shut their doors and windows tightly, hiding inside.

As it was already dusk, the setting sun cast long shadows, and dark clouds loomed over half the sky, adding to the anxiety and fear.

Ye Youqing walked silently along the well-trodden road. Behind her, the city gate had been tightly shut and barricaded, but everyone knew it was a futile effort.

“If they’ve sealed off the city, it means they’re acting covertly, aiming to catch Qi off guard. Tonight should still be safe; we can leave the city under cover of darkness,” Shi Li said beside her.

“Nowadays, Qi’s main forces are all stationed at Niangziguan. Western Xia is employing a strategy of feinting east while attacking west. They pretended to harass the border, but in reality, who knows when they crossed the northern mountains and are now heading straight for Weizhou,” Ye Youqing said through gritted teeth, eyes closed.

“I wonder if the officials in Yuanzhou put up any resistance or sent someone to relay the news to the capital. If not, it’s a disaster. By the time Qi’s army arrives, Weizhou will have been completely devoured,” Shi Li shook her head worriedly, rubbing her palms together until they made a scratching sound.

Due to the influence of King Si Rong, Weizhou’s government had been empty and desolate, with no appointed official in command.

After a long silence, Ye Youqing suddenly spoke, “Am I really going to flee for my life alone?”

Shi Li paused beside her, then suddenly grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. “Ye Youqing! What are you saying?”

“Nothing,” Ye Youqing shook her head, pushing Shi Li away.

She remained silent afterward, walking through the familiar streets, her brows furrowed in thought.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

As soon as they returned to the courtyard, she instructed Shi Li to urge everyone to pack up and leave tonight. The news of the imminent war shocked everyone, but they quickly started bustling about, loading their bundles onto the carriages.

Only Ci Ke stayed by her side, not rushing to pack. In the end, it was Ye Youqing who gently persuaded her to leave.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Ye Youqing calmed herself and walked into the room where Lian’er was confined. She opened the door and saw Lian’er half-lying on the bed, eyes closed in sleep. At the noise, Lian’er abruptly opened her eyes.

Ye Youqing quickly walked over to her side, struck a match, and lit the candle. Once the room was bright, she half-squatted down.

Lian’er looked at her suspiciously, squinting slightly due to the sudden light.

“You must have some way to contact the Imperial City directly,” Ye Youqing said calmly.

Lian’er’s face changed, her cheeks turning several shades paler. She trembled as she spoke, “Didn’t you say…”

“I won’t kill you,” Ye Youqing interrupted gently, “But the Westeern Xia forces will soon attack Weizhou, and the Qi main army is far away at Niangziguan. By the time this news spreads to other prefectures and they report it and mobilize troops, this place will likely have been razed to the ground.”

Lian’er widened her eyes at her, her breathing gradually quickening.

Ye Youqing didn’t rush to speak further. She just looked at her calmly. After a while, she reached out, pulled out a dagger, and cut the ropes binding Lian’er’s legs. Lian’er couldn’t help but let out a small yelp, slowly raising her gaze.

“Will you?” Ye Youqing asked again.

Lian’er looked at her, her eyes dodging for a long time before she slowly nodded.

The sky had not yet fully darkened, but the scene in the courtyard was already quite blurry, as if covered by a layer of black gauze. Even the moon was nowhere to be seen. Only the autumn cicadas’ incessant chirping filled the air, making people feel irritable.

The carriage was fully prepared, with the horses already harnessed and munching on grass. The courtyard was empty.

Ye Youqing paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and knocked on Ci Ke’s door.

The door quickly opened, and before she could say a word, Ci Ke reached out and pulled her inside. The room was dark, with no lights on. Ye Youqing accidentally stepped on Ci Ke’s foot and hurriedly steadied herself against the wall.

“Ye Youqing, ever since you returned from the city gates, something has been off about you,” Ci Ke said softly, her hand holding Ye Youqing’s feeling a bit cold.

“Has it?” Ye Youqing smiled.

“I can see it clearly,” Ci Ke whispered, “Are you thinking of…”

“Shh.” Ye Youqing placed a finger on her lips, stopping her words.

Ci Ke swatted her hand away and was about to speak when she felt a warm pair of lips replace the fingers, sealing her words completely, forcing her to swallow them down.

Ci Ke let out a low moan, reaching out to push Ye Youqing away. However, she suddenly lost all strength, and could only lean back, following Ye Youqing’s lead.

Ye Youqing’s movements were gentle yet inexperienced. She could only try to savor those lips, finding them similar to the texture of strawberry soft candy, yet even more irresistible and unforgettable.

The lips of the two women were both soft and warm.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Though it was an autumn night, the temperature around them suddenly soared, making their heads spin.

Ye Youqing’s mind was a tangled mess; at this moment, she didn’t want to think about anything. She just wanted to hold the girl in front of her tightly, savor her sweetness, and listen to the delicate, pleasant sounds coming from her throat.

Those sounds made her body go weak, so Ye Youqing had to wrap her arms around Ci Ke’s shoulders and back to keep them both steady.

She gently caressed the back of Ci Ke’s head, feeling her shiver from head to toe.

“Ye…” Ci Ke’s voice was broken and intermittent; she couldn’t even call out Ye Youqing’s name. She had never felt this way before, her face flushed with embarrassment. She pressed against Ye Youqing’s collar, but didn’t truly push her away.

Ye Youqing, however, didn’t let her go, exploring further and deeper. Her tongue brushed against Ci Ke’s, causing another wave of trembling.

It wasn’t until Ci Ke was almost out of breath and her body started to lean back that Ye Youqing finally pulled away. Her eyes were a bit unfocused as she caught a hot tear that fell from Ci Ke’s eye with her lips.

The girl in front of her had eyes filled with mist, her lips tortured to a vivid red. She gently ran her tongue over the spot where her lip was split, her arms, like a snake’s, winding around Ye Youqing’s neck, pulling her down.

“Mm…” She leaned in, her eyes red, signaling her desire.