Big Boss – Chapter 82

Big Brother Competition

“Nonsense.” Ye Youqing retorted in a low voice, but her eyes never looked at Shi Li, with a hint of avoidance.

Shi Li remained silent, her gaze gradually losing focus as she looked at Ye Youqing.

“Shi Li, may I ask you about your past?” Ye Youqing asked suddenly, seeing that no one had come out yet.

“What?” Shi Li raised her eyebrows.

“I mean, you and Zhou Ziqiu…” Ye Youqing tugged at her clothes as she spoke, feeling that this matter might be reopening old wounds, but apart from Shi Li, she had no one else to ask.

Shi Li saw her difficulty and chuckled, shaking her head to indicate it was fine.

“You may ask, it’s all in the past anyway.” Shi Li said.

“How did you and Zhou Ziqiu get together? I mean, how did you know you were…” Ye Youqing extended two slender index fingers and gently touched them together.

Shi Li looked at her with a half-smile, making Ye Youqing feel hot all over.

“At that time, I was quite young, probably younger than you are now. It was my first time leading an escort, traveling a long distance to Bianjing. The employer was a family of officials for generations, and they happened to be hosting a banquet, so they invited me to join.”

“That was the first time I saw Zhou Ziqiu. When she stood there, no other beauties could catch anyone’s eye.” Shi Li said, her lips involuntarily curling up, “But although she was beautiful, she had a spoiled and arrogant nature. Seeing me in rough clothes, she mistook me for a servant and asked me to serve her tea.”

“At that time, I was proud of being the young escort head, respected by people in the martial world, so I mixed the tea with half a glass of bitter melon juice.”

Ye Youqing couldn’t help but grin.

“Later, while I stayed in the capital teaching you martial arts, I often ran into Zhou Ziqiu on the Imperial Street. Every time we met, we argued fiercely, but Zhou Ziqiu was sharp-tongued, and I could never win. Once, annoyed by her, I used my Qinggong to take her up a tree to scare her, then secretly watched from the side.”

“I intended to save her once she softened, but she started crying and tried to climb down herself, naturally slipping. I had to catch her.”

“Catching her, we both fell, with her landing on top of me, and then…” Shi Li said, her fingertips touching her lips.

Ye Youqing was mesmerized and understood, her face heating up.

Shi Li seemed to be reminiscing about the past, her expression first enchanted, then turning calm, as she chuckled softly.

“So after that, you were sure?” Ye Youqing tilted her head.

“Yes.” Shi Li nodded, “Because we were both women, I hesitated for a long time, knowing it wouldn’t be accepted by societal norms.”

“But life is short. If you have feelings, you should give it a try.” Shi Li’s smile gradually froze, her tone softening.

Ye Youqing nodded along, her index finger tapping lightly on the table, pondering something. Shi Li seemed lost in thought as well, and both fell silent.

Fortunately, after half a stick of incense’s time, the door suddenly opened. Ci Ke, with swollen eyes, rushed out, smiling brightly and running straight to Ye Youqing.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Ye Youqing quickly stood up. The girl stopped in front of her, eyes red: “Ye Youqing, I have a brother now!”

Seeing her happiness, Ye Youqing couldn’t help but smile too, watching the girl loop her arms around her neck, jumping with joy.

Ci Ke had never been so lively, her smile like the spring sunshine, melting the snow.

Zhou Hong also walked out, his eyes, similar to Ci Ke’s, bloodshot, gratefully smiling at Ye Youqing.

Ye Youqing couldn’t help but run her fingers through her cool hair, laughing: “Alright, we’ll return to Weizhou together tomorrow, with your elder brother.”

“His leg can’t be delayed. Weizhou, not a small town at all, should have good doctors.”

Zhou Hong’s eyes widened, looking bewildered, as if not understanding why Ye Youqing, who had previously ignored him, was now so concerned.

“Thank you, big brother.” He bowed slightly.

Ye Youqing sighed. It seemed this title wouldn’t change anytime soon.

The Iron Cavalry’s swift actions had already started returning the people, cleaning up the mess left by the Second King, and distributing houses. Within a day, the entire village was orderly, and the rebels were dealt with one by one.

Knowing it was an internal Iron Cavalry matter, Ye Youqing, not yet fully trusted, did not intervene.

The next morning, she was escorted down the mountain, boarding a carriage, quietly returning to Weizhou, with Ding Cheng accompanying them on Old Liu’s orders.

In just ten days, Ye Youqing felt as if a hundred days had passed. When she left, she was full of doubt and worry, but on the way back, the path became clear.

The appearance of the Iron Cavalry was a pleasant surprise, not to mention the mine, which was a great fortune at any time, capable of bringing endless benefits if managed well.

Though there were many risks, Ye Youqing’s heart swelled with excitement and anticipation.

Departing in the morning, they entered the city by noon. Weizhou was unchanged, the streets narrow and crowded, but the people bustling with smiles.

“Have you heard? The men taken from the east of the city came back this morning. They said they were blindfolded and left near the official road, returning on their own!” someone whispered by the roadside.

“Really? Where were they taken? What about the others?”

“They couldn’t say, only that they were kept in a cave, working day and night, and returned emaciated. The others should be back soon.”

“That’s good news. Weizhou has suffered for so long; now we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.” More people gathered, even an old man pushing a cart stopped to listen.

“One of them is my relative. He said they were saved but blindfolded afterward, seeing nothing.” said another.

“That’s truly meeting a benefactor.” The old man sighed.

Ye Youqing walked through the crowd, listening clearly. She exchanged a glance with Shi Li, who was holding the reins, and silently turned into a small path, returning to the long-awaited courtyard.

The gate was wide open, knives being sharpened in the yard, children laughing. As soon as Ye Youqing entered, she was almost knocked over by a girl running with a pinwheel.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She quickly steadied the girl, looking down at the girl who barely reached her legs, surprised.

The girl named Mian’er, seeing Ye Youqing, immediately hid her smile, hiding the pinwheel behind her back, and after a good look with wide eyes, whispered, “Young Master.”

When she looked at Ci Ke, her mouth opened but was covered by Ci Ke, who squatted down.

“Now you should call her sister.” Shi Li emerged from behind them, leading the horse into the yard, smiling, “Don’t block the entrance, talk inside.”

“Young Master!” A rough voice called out, Ma Da, holding a cleaver, ran over with Ma Xiao, hands wet, both smiling, “The messenger sent by Young Master arrived early, saying you would return soon, so we bought some meat to welcome you!”

“We’ve been worried sick without news of you and Miss Ci Ke, but now we know you’re safe, thank heavens!” Ma Xiao said, quickly wiping the stone table in the yard clean, inviting them to sit, then hurried to fetch tea.

Seeing the lively atmosphere, Ye Youqing felt a sudden peace, the scorching sun warming her, the heat seeping into her heart.

Ma Xiao hurried back, placing clean teacups down, taking Ci Ke’s hand, looking her over, then sighed with relief: “Especially Miss Ci Ke! I felt bad for letting you out, who knew you’d disappear.”

“Luckily you were with Young Master, or how could I explain to her!” she said remorsefully.

Ci Ke shook her arm, comforting her softly: “It was my fault for running off, not yours.”

They smiled at each other, and Ye Youqing coughed: “Alright, it wasn’t your fault. This place is safe now, and from now on, you won’t need to call me young master.”

“Oh, I haven’t introduced.” She remembered something.

She then pulled Zhou Hong, sitting awkwardly, halfway, smiling: “This is Zhou Hong, Ci Ke’s elder brother. Please take care of him. These two are Ma Da and Ma Xiao, our people.”

Zhou Hong, feeling uneasy, rubbed his hands, not daring to look up, just nodded: “Hello.”

“Miss Ci Ke’s brother?” Ma Da was surprised, stepping forward to look, but Ma Xiao pulled him back, smiling: “I have met Lord Zhou.”

Ye Youqing knew Zhou Hong, a long-time refugee, had lost his noble demeanor, feeling inferior and uneasy under her protection.

“Big brother, I’ll help!” Zhou Hong couldn’t sit still, getting up to help in the kitchen, stopped by Ye Youqing and Ci Ke.

“As Ci Ke’s brother, you’re my brother too, no need to be formal.” Ye Youqing said before Ci Ke.

Ci Ke turned her eyes to her, lips slightly open, eyes filled with complex emotions.

“No, you saved me and took me out of the village, you’re my big brother.” Zhou Hong hurriedly said.

“No, you’re my big brother.” Ye Youqing insisted.

“No, you’re my big brother!” Zhou Hong grabbed her hands, earnestly.

“No…” Ye Youqing finally gave up, covering her face, speechless.

Through her fingers, she saw Ci Ke smiling slyly, her fox eyes watching her, emotions swirling within.

Ye Youqing let go, giving up the argument.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“I’ll help in the kitchen!” Zhou Hong limped away.

Ye Youqing glanced back at Ci Ke briefly, only to find her engrossed in observing Mian’er counting ants nearby, her expression somewhat distant. She wanted to speak up and inquire, but her words failed to escape her lips.

She signaled Shi Li to stay with Ci Ke, rolled up her sleeves, entering the kitchen, taking the vegetable basin from Zhou Hong.

“I’ll do it,” she said.

“No, no, no, how can we let a girl like you do such rough work…” Zhou Hong smiled apologetically, took back the basin of water, and placed it on the stove, washing the fresh green vegetables inside.

Ye Youqing looked at him and slowly walked up to him, whispering, “Why is Ci Ke so absent-minded today? I watched her the whole way, either staring into the distance or speaking absentmindedly.”

“It’s like she’s hiding something in her heart,” Ye Youqing said.

Zhou Hong’s hand paused slightly as he washed the vegetables. He turned his head to look at Ci Ke, who was sitting upright in the courtyard, then turned his face back, looking at the basin in his hand. His prominent nose appeared from his messy hair, and the tattoo on his forehead was faintly visible.

“Perhaps it’s because Ci Ke’s birthday is the day after tomorrow, but it’s also my parents’ death anniversary, and the Zhou family’s death,” he said in a low voice.