Big Boss – Chapter 77

Abduction (1)

That man is truly anxious, so eager to keep Ci Ke here, afraid that she will run away? Ye Youqing’s grip on the box tightened slowly, almost able to hear the wood cracking.

There were hurried footsteps behind her. Ye Youqing retracted her gaze, forcefully fastened the box, and strode towards the house halfway up the mountain.

“What are you doing?” Two black-clad guards at the door reached out to stop her. Ye Youqing, with a lowered voice, raised the wooden box in her hand, “Delivering something.”

The guard opened the wooden box, took a glance, and then raised his hand to let her in.

Ye Youqing knocked on the door. There was no response from inside, so she gently pushed it. The door slowly opened. She hadn’t had the chance to examine the house properly last night in the rush, but now she noticed that the Second King must have put effort into making it elegant and spotless.

There were a few landscape paintings hanging on the walls, a glass vase on the corner of the table, shining in the sunlight, and a floral and bird screen on the right side of the house. Beyond the screen was the bedroom.

Ye Youqing walked in slowly, only to see the woman sitting on the bed trembling and looking up warily.

Upon recognizing Ye Youqing’s face, the wariness turned into relaxation and joy. She hurriedly got up, holding the handkerchief in her hand, and hesitated to step forward.

Ye Youqing placed the pile of items in her arms onto the table. Just as she was about to speak, she felt a familiar warm body crash into her, hugging her tightly around the waist.

She could feel the heat of the woman’s palms penetrating her clothes, reaching her heart.

Having experienced such an embrace once before, Ye Youqing no longer hesitated and placed her hand on her slender back, gently patting her.

“Don’t be afraid,” Ye Youqing said softly, lowering her head to press her lips against her ear. “I found the trapped Iron Cavalry, but there are only a few, not many people. I’m not sure if we can handle this entire stronghold.”

She began to crave the feeling of holding the woman in her arms, like holding an invaluable treasure, secure yet unwilling to let go.

Both being women, Ci Ke’s body was softer than hers, so soft that it seemed as if she could float away with the wind at the slightest touch.

Because of her proximity, Ci Ke trembled slightly, closed her eyes, and rested her cheek against Ye Youqing’s chest, listening to the pounding inside.

She suddenly had an illusion, feeling that this heartbeat was for her.

Despite her reluctance, Ye Youqing dared not waste too much time. She could only grip Ci Ke’s shoulders, push her away, and reach for the wooden box, speaking in a low voice, “This is the wedding dress. Did he tell you anything?”

Ci Ke’s eyes flickered, and she nodded slightly, “The wedding is in two days.”

Ye Youqing looked at her, motionless for a long time, then suddenly turned around, only to be pulled back by Ci Ke.

“Where are you going?” Ci Ke panicked, gripping her wrist tightly, refusing to let her leave.

Ye Youqing’s eyes were like deep wells, only her heavy breathing revealing her anger. After a moment of silence, she said, “We’ll act tonight.”

“No,” Ci Ke, uncharacteristically strong, held onto Ye Youqing’s hand without letting go, “You just said there aren’t many people available now, we can’t act recklessly. At least wait for an opportunity to catch them off guard.”

Her brows furrowed slightly, “Ye Youqing, aren’t you always calm? If we fail, not only you, but those trapped will be silenced too!”

“And you want me to watch you marry an old man?” Ye Youqing spoke quickly, her tone tinged with anger.

Ci Ke was stunned. She released Ye Youqing, her fox-like eyes slowly looking out the window, the sunlight making her pupils shine like glass.

“Whether I marry or not, and to whom, what difference does it make to you?” Her voice was smooth and ethereal.

Ye Youqing’s heart jolted. She reached out to block the sunlight on Ci Ke’s face, obstructing her view out the window, forcing her to look back at herself.

“Of course, it matters,” Ye Youqing said, her tone like a sulking child, head lowered, “I can’t stand him getting close to you.”

Ci Ke’s expression changed several times, seemingly smiling yet not, and after a while, a layer of mist seemed to form on her glass-like eyes, making them more dazzling.

“He’s rushing the wedding preparations, the whole stronghold will relax their guard on the wedding night,” Ci Ke said quickly, taking two steps back, “You can’t stay here too long.”

Ye Youqing took a good look at Ci Ke’s face, worn from poor rest, memorizing every detail, then turned around and walked back into the sunlight outside.

The guard at the door changed shifts with her. Ye Youqing said nothing, obediently standing at the door, leaning her back against the wall.

If everything goes well this time, she thought, there are some things she needs to ask Ci Ke.

Time passed slowly. The Second King came by several times that day, always looking joyous and flushed, with guards behind him constantly bringing in wedding supplies, decorating the small house in festive red.

Ye Youqing watched coldly, saying nothing, treating herself as a scarecrow guarding the door.

The day passed quickly, and the next day was the so-called wedding day. Fortunately, the Second King adhered to etiquette and did not privately meet Ci Ke.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Being able to guard her during the day brought some peace of mind. Ye Youqing stood under the scorching sun, thinking as sweat trickled down.

The disguise on her face wasn’t often changed, and now it itched. Ye Youqing closed her eyes, silently enduring.

Night fell soon. Ye Youqing’s legs were sore from standing, and just as she was about to relax seeing someone approaching the wooden steps, she stiffened and stood still.

It wasn’t the guards changing shifts, but the Second King. His burly figure was wrapped in coarse cloth, followed by two black-clad men, one of whom was the scarred guard. Ye Youqing lowered her head, waiting for them to pass.

However, they all stopped in front of her.

Ye Youqing could hear her heartbeat, the night silent except for a few crows cawing overhead, flying over the distant mountains.

“Look up,” the Second King’s voice commanded. Ye Youqing straightened up.

The man scrutinized her with eyes hidden under his high brow, then sneered, “It’s him, take him away.”

Upon hearing this, the two black-clad guards behind the Second King suddenly stepped forward, pinning Ye Youqing’s hands and pressing her down in front of the Second King.

“You…” Ye Youqing didn’t struggle, just raised her head and shouted sternly.

“Shh,” the Second King put a thick finger to his lips, “If you wake Fairy Sister, I’ll cut your tongue out.”

“Tomorrow is a big day,” the Second King said lazily, suddenly grabbing Ye Youqing’s face, “Just a pretty boy. Since he’s useless now, why keep him?”

He squeezed hard, almost breaking Ye Youqing’s jaw, examining her for a while before letting go, causing her to stumble.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Youqing was gagged and dragged down the mountain.

Ye Youqing inwardly cursed this man’s ruthlessness and unpredictability. However, unable to break free, she could only retreat repeatedly, watching helplessly as the Second King spoke to Ci Ke outside the door.

She had underestimated this Second King, who would kill without hesitation.

As her rage surged, Ye Youqing gritted her teeth and endured, allowing the two men to gag her and drag her onto a path hidden among the bushes.

Tonight, there was no moon or stars, and once they entered the forest, it was so dark that one couldn’t see their hand in front of their face. They could only rely on their sense of direction, determining that they were heading behind the mountain hollow.

Once they were far from the stronghold, the two men ceased gagging her and simply moved swiftly through the forest, navigating around rocks and thorns with apparent familiarity.

After an indeterminate amount of time, they stopped when the moon revealed a corner from behind the clouds.

“Is it here?” the man on the left asked.

“Yes,” the scarred guard said, looking around more carefully. “Look, this is where I buried it last time.”

Ye Youqing followed the direction of his finger. It was a raised mound with no weeds growing on it, appearing to be a fresh grave.

A chill ran down her back as she looked up and, under the sparse moonlight, saw that the grassy area extended to the mountain peak, full of similar mounds, a chaotic graveyard densely standing under the pale moonlight.

Ye Youqing gritted her teeth tightly.

A cold light flashed over the grave, and a buzzing sound reached her ears, indicating that the person behind her had drawn a long sword.

Seeing her as weak and scholarly, the two men had little defense. The scarred guard was already several steps away, digging a hole for the burial, while the unfamiliar face behind her raised the sword, ready to strike at her neck.

As the blade wind brushed her neck, in a critical moment, Ye Youqing suddenly turned, firmly grasping the man’s chopping hand, forcefully twisting the blade to the side. Before he could react, she closed in and kneed him in the groin.

A muffled, hoarse groan followed as the man’s legs gave way, ready to crouch down. Ye Youqing seized the long sword, kicked him in the face, and with a crack, blood spurted from his broken nose.

Another kick sent the man sprawling unconscious on the ground.

The commotion naturally alerted the scarred guard digging the hole. He leaped from the pit, drawing his long sword and rushing at her. Ye Youqing retreated a few steps, wielding the sword to defend herself, instinctively using Shi Li’s swordsmanship. She twirled the long sword into several flowery moves, momentarily confusing the scarred guard.

But Ye Youqing knew she couldn’t win against him. After a feint, she turned and sprinted towards the graveyard.

Her heart pounded wildly. Since arriving in ancient times, though she had faced many challenges, she had never engaged in real sword fights. Now, sweat nearly washed away her disguise.

The graveyard was flat, with only an old tree on the slope. She gritted her teeth and ran desperately towards the tree.

The footsteps behind her grew closer, along with low curses. As she reached the tree, she heard a heavy step behind her. The scarred guard leaped, charging at her.

Ye Youqing made a quick decision, grabbed a horizontal branch, and used some Qinggong to flip along it. She kicked the guard in the back, threw the long sword, and heard a pained cry as it grazed his arm.

He dodged it. Ye Youqing cursed, turning to run towards the thorns on the slope. Unexpectedly, she stepped into the void and fell heavily onto a bed of old leaves, rolling down the steep slope.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She hurriedly grabbed at vines and leaves, tearing off dry vines but failing to stop her descent. Just as she was about to use her feet to brake, she felt the ground beneath her give way, and she plunged down.

The situation changed too quickly. Dirt and leaves showered her face. She shielded her eyes, and when she could finally breathe, she found herself lying on a bed of dry grass.

Her heart still pounded violently. Afraid the scarred guard might find her, she covered her mouth and nose to block the choking dust and slowly sat up.

A hole above her let in a sliver of light, revealing she was in a narrow cave. The space was cramped, only allowing her to sit up.

The cave walls showed fresh earth marks, as if recently dug.

A hunter’s trap? she wondered. But in a graveyard, who would set a trap here?

Rustling above made her fear the scarred guard might find her. She groped around and found another dark passage on her right.

The noise grew closer. Ye Youqing steeled herself and crawled into the passage.

It was deep, seemingly endless, and narrow enough for only one person to crawl through. Soon, her knees were scraped raw. She tore strips of cloth to wrap her knees as padding before continuing.

After an indeterminate amount of time, she finally saw a glimmer of light. Excited but cautious, she stopped, realizing the light was dim and yellowish, not from the moon or sky, but from a lamp.

Am I back at the stronghold? she wondered, needing to be careful.

She crept forward to where the light came from. The passage widened enough for her to crouch.

At that moment, a head popped into the entrance, and they were face to face, four eyes meeting.

The face was scruffy, hair unwashed for ages, tangled into a mess. If not for the eyes deep within the hair, one might think it was a mop.

Ye Youqing nearly screamed but managed to stifle it by covering her mouth. The man, equally startled, retreated, nearly falling.

Ye Youqing forced herself to calm down, saw no one else outside, and sprang out, pinning the man down and covering his mouth. “Where is this place?” she whispered.

The man patted her hand, pointing outside, and shook his head violently.

“You mean no one is here?” Ye Youqing asked.

He nodded quickly.

She suspiciously glanced around, seeing it wasn’t a room but a cave with a candle burning and messy straw for bedding.

Not far away, an iron grille resembling a jail stood, with an iron door outside, heavily guarded.

Seeing this, Ye Youqing drew the hairpin from her head, pressed it to the man’s throat, and whispered, “Don’t make a sound.”

The man nodded again.

Ye Youqing released her grip. The man collapsed, coughing softly before looking her up and down.

“Where is this place?” Ye Youqing asked again.

“Can’t you tell?” The man, though elderly, didn’t sound frail. He seemed to be in his forties or fifties and pointed to the iron grille.

“Who are you?” Ye Youqing asked again.

The man sat cross-legged and said, “A prisoner.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Youqing raised the hairpin, but the man quickly waved his hands, coughing as he said, “Why so fierce at such a young age…”

Ye Youqing was worried and didn’t want to say much. She directly grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve. As expected, the familiar cross-shaped tattoo appeared before her eyes.

Seeing her staring at the tattoo, the man stopped joking and instead propped himself up, his expression turning serious.

“Who are you?” the man asked.

A light rain fell in the morning, finally suppressing some of the summer heat. Though the sun did not come out during the day, the stronghold was still bustling with activity. The plank bridge-like stairs were covered with red cloth, red lanterns hung on every wooden house, and firecracker remnants were scattered on the ground.

Several long tables were set up in the open area halfway up the mountain, with red candles flickering on them, already lit before nightfall.

As dusk settled, the mountain hollow filled with a soft glow. Except for the guards on duty, everyone in the stronghold gathered in the open area, enjoying a feast with dishes and fine wine, calling out as they clinked glasses.

Before long, a few people were drunkenly carried away, babbling nonsense.

The Second King, dressed in a red robe, was drinking heavily, his face flushed. Wine dripped from the corners of his mouth, trickling down his greasy neck into his collar. He kept laughing loudly.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Brothers, after today, our stronghold will have a mistress!” he said, swaying.

Cheers erupted, and everyone shouted in unison, “Congratulations to the Second King!”

The Second King hiccupped and, amidst the flattery, tossed aside his wine jug and staggered to the tiled house. He pushed the door open forcefully.

Once inside, the noise seemed to be cut off, and it became quiet.

He happily staggered into the bedroom, where a woman dressed in red sat on the bed, her hands clenched tightly, constantly looking out the window.

She hadn’t seen Ye Youqing all day.

The usually plain-faced woman was now made up, transformed from plain water to fine wine, from delicate to enchanting. She bit her fiery red lips with her pearly teeth, her face growing paler.

She kept silently reciting Ye Youqing’s name in her heart to resist everything.

The tall man approached, smiling. “Fairy Sister? We don’t need to follow any rituals. How about we go out and have a drink together?”

Ci Ke’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and she looked at him coldly.

“What about the guards at the door?” she asked.

“Guards?” The Second King scratched his head, taking a while to remember. He grinned and said, “You mean those two scholarly-looking men? Now that you’re marrying me, it’s not appropriate to keep them around, so I had someone…”

He swayed, laughing, and made a beheading gesture at his neck.

The woman before him suddenly went limp, nearly sliding off the bed.