Big Boss – Chapter 41

I like her

A soft, even and faint breathing sound reached Ye Youqing’s ears. She was momentarily dazed, her hand pausing in mid-air, until she realized that Ci Ke’s body was sliding down her chest. As if suddenly aware, she hurriedly embraced her.

“Ci Ke? Ci Ke?” she whispered, but received no response; she seemed to be asleep.

“I can’t let you drink anymore in the future,” Ye Youqing muttered, sighing as she slung her over her shoulder, allowing her arms to hang down. Then, with effort, she lifted her onto her back.

The woman’s body was not heavy, just limp and difficult to carry. Ye Youqing had to slow her pace, walking for who knows how long, only noticing the sun had moved from directly overhead. It was then that she saw the gates of the Duke’s residence.

The guard at the gate was about to salute Ye Youqing when he saw Ci Ke on her back, freezing in place.

“Open the door,” Ye Youqing whispered, and the two hurriedly opened the door, watching Ye Youqing’s figure before exchanging glances.

Subsequently, the news of the Eldest Miss of the Duke’s Household returning with a slave on her back spread like wildfire.

However, Ye Youqing paid no attention to this. Taking advantage of Duke Liang’s absence, she secretly slipped back to her own courtyard with Ci Ke on her back. Zhao Qingruo and Qin Xin may have been sunbathing in the mansion’s garden, leaving the courtyard deserted.

Ye Youqing breathed a sigh of relief, quietly making her way back to her room. She placed Ci Ke on the bed and helped her lie down.

The woman’s face was slightly flushed, still under the influence of alcohol. Ye Youqing covered her with a thin blanket and was about to leave when she noticed blood on the woman’s delicate lips, momentarily stunned.

“Why didn’t I see it earlier?” She rubbed her hand against her face, lowering her head to wipe away the bloodstain with her fingertips. There was a small wound there, as if bitten by teeth.

The sleeping woman suddenly stuck out her tongue, intending to lick the corner of her mouth where the injury was, but unexpectedly met Ye Youqing’s fingertips, causing the skillful tongue’s tip to touch.

As if a volcano had erupted at the peak of the mountain, Ye Youqing felt something rush from her heart to the top of her head. She hastily staggered back, retreating a few steps until she bumped into the corner of a dressing table, causing a sharp intake of cold air from the pain.

Rubbing her palm against her cheek, Ye Youqing murmured to herself, “Perhaps it was just nerves earlier, not fully relaxed.”

Fortunately, Ci Ke did not wake up. Ye Youqing took a few deep breaths, calming her racing heart, then left silently, closing the door behind her.

Meanwhile, on the bed behind her, the woman suddenly turned over and curled up. As she half-opened her eyes, she gently placed her fingertips on her lips, lightly caressing them.

Ye Youqing was still worried about Qin Wang’s news, her mind in turmoil. She made her way to the study, intending to copy the recipe that she had not finished copying before, trying to calm her mind.

She also waited for Duke Liang to return to the mansion, hoping to glean some information from him.

However, from writing during the daylight hours until nightfall, Duke Liang had not yet returned home, and the copied recipes did not increase. Ye Youqing had to set down her pen, rubbing her thumb on her temple.

“What is wrong with me?” she wondered.

The candle she had lighted earlier had run out of wax, gradually dwindling and casting a dimmer light that swayed wearily, making her feel drowsy. She decided to set down her pen and rest her eyes.

As she closed her eyes, she was submerged into darkness.

The next morning, Ye Youqing was awakened by the loud sound of the door being forcefully opened, while she was leaning on the desk, her arms numb, with no sense of time.

“Ugh…” Ye Youqing muttered, struggling to sit up. She heard her bones creaking for a while before returning to normal.

The candles on the candlestick in front of her were not completely burnt out yet. The candle tears resembled frozen waterfalls, sprinkling down like snow-white, sticking on the smooth redwood branches.

“Didn’t it burn out last night?” Ye Youqing muttered to herself, then furrowed her brow, massaging her arm that felt like a rubber tube.

“Eldest Miss, I couldn’t find you anywhere this morning, and it scared Qin Xin!” a fiery young girl hurried over, placing the tea she carried on the table, her small face scrunched up.

Ye Youqing comfortingly smiled at her, suddenly remembering something and asked, “Did Duke Liang return home last night?”

Qin Xin hesitated for a moment, then shook her head, “Qin Xin couldn’t find Eldest Miss this morning, so she went to ask the guards. They said that Eldest Miss returned yesterday, but Duke Liang did not. He must have had official matters to attend to at court.”

Ye Youqing’s thoughts drifted for a moment before nodding in understanding.

The matter involving Qin Wang was too complicated. As long as Qin Wang was not dead, she could not completely relax.

Her arm had recovered somewhat, Ye Youqing slowly got up. Suddenly, she noticed that the paper she had been pressing down on had thickened significantly. She lowered her head to take a look and was instantly stunned.

She had only copied the beginning of a recipe, but now it was completely finished, neatly arranged on the table and categorized with labels.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The characters on it were in small regular script, elegant and neat.

“Ci Ke?” Ye Youqing murmured to herself, then bypassed Qin Xin, rushing out of the door in big strides and making her way to the inner room, pushing the door open.

Inside the empty room, the bed was neatly made, looking as if no one had ever slept on it. There was a fresh bouquet of flowers on the table, emitting a faint fragrance, covering the lingering smell of powder.

Ye Youqing suddenly felt her heart sink.

She fell silent for a while, then walked to the table and picked up a letter placed on it. Opening the letter, her eyes fell on three words: “Zhan Xin’an.”

The letter was short, with just a few words, mostly expressing thanks, but it felt distant.

Well, the matter was settled. No one would try to harm her anymore. It was inevitable for her to leave. Moreover, once exonerated, she would still be a noblewoman in the capital, with the Noble Consort by her side. There was no need for her to stay anymore.

It was something I should have thought of earlier, but I just didn’t.

Ye Youqing seemingly relaxed as she set down the letter. Qin Xin, who had followed behind her, saw her unpleasant expression and took the letter. After reading it, her mouth puffed up in anger.

“Eldest Miss, I told you that foxy woman is not a good person. It seems like she was just pretending to be obedient and exploiting you…”

“Qin Xin.” Ye Youqing interrupted her in a low voice, her tone somewhat stern.

Qin Xin immediately stopped talking, pursing her lips. Her eyes dropped, hands nervously fidgeting in front of her, eyes reddening.

Ye Youqing suddenly felt a headache. She weakly pulled a chair and sat down, her tone softening slightly, “I’m sorry.”

“It is only right for the Eldest Miss to reprimand her servant,” Qin Xin wiped her eyes, “I just feel like, Miss seems very upset.”

Ye Youqing was somewhat surprised. Was she really feeling upset?

Was she upset that Ci Ke left without a word, or was she upset that Ci Ke, who was so captivating yesterday, was now distant and aloof?

Upon reflection, Ci Ke’s actions were just as she had said, a transaction. Yet, Ye Youqing couldn’t help but feel a sense of dissatisfaction and resentment. Why was that?

Ye Youqing rarely struggled with things she couldn’t understand. With a long sigh, she suddenly cleared her mind and pulled Qin Xin closer, smiling as she wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

“Alright. Ci Ke has left, I will go to Jinlingzhai today. You stay at home to take care of Mother. If there is any news, send someone to find me,” she said gently.

After washing up and changing into a crisp and neat long-sleeved garment, she left the house to find Shi Li to pratice. Luckily, Shi Li had not been drinking the night before and was still awake that day.

The two of them each took a long sword in the backyard. Shi Li had a slender figure and soft hands, yet she danced with the sword like swirling snowflakes, the sword energy swirling around the courtyard, knocking down many green leaves, fluttering and flying.

Ye Youqing tried to mimic her style but always seemed to miss the essence, falling behind by half a beat.

Only hearing the sound of the wind breaking, Shi Li’s long sword stopped at Ye Youqing’s throat. The two of them simultaneously stopped their movements. Shi Li blew away the stray hair on her forehead, released her hand, and the sword fell. Ye Youqing reached out and grabbed the sword hilt.

Shi Li sighed, grabbed a pot of wine from the wall, took a sip, and looked at Ye Youqing with her light-colored eyes.

“What’s wrong with you today? You’ve forgotten how to operate your energy and have made many mistakes in your moves.”

“I’m sorry,” Ye Youqing sighed, leaning the two swords against a tree.

“No need to apologize, something is weighing on your mind,” Shi Li said. “What about Ci Ke?”

Ye Youqing suddenly felt as if something was choking her. She took two sips of wine before saying, “She’s gone.”

“After yesterday’s events?” Shi Li suddenly laughed, slender fingertips picking up a leaf and letting it be carried away by the wind.

Upon Ye Youqing’s arrival, she informed Shi Li of the situation. She had thought Shi Li would be worried about the Noble Concubine, but to her surprise, Shi Li just smiled faintly and did not mention it again.

“Yes,” Ye Youqing nodded.

“Xiaoqing, do you know, sometimes when I see Ci Ke, I feel like I’m seeing Zhou Ziqiu from years ago. But it’s just a moment, and afterwards, I know that the two of them are completely different,” Shi Li remarked.

“At Ci Ke’s age, Zhou Ziqiu was the most beautiful woman in the capital, adored by all. But Ci Ke is not, she has been a slave for seven years.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“So Ci Ke is much more complicated than Zhou Ziqiu, she is tough on herself, able to endure what most people cannot, and that’s why she has many thoughts, and no one can figure her out.”

“But I feel like she… is quite simple,” Ye Youqing whispered, thinking of the Ci Ke who had fully trusted her in the past.

Shi Li smiled and then leaned against the wall beside Ye Youqing, getting closer and asking, “Xiaoqing, do you like her?”

Like her? Ye Youqing subconsciously nodded, “I quite like her.”

Shi Li’s previously enthusiastic expression immediately turned disappointed, she lazily raised her head and shook her attractive head.

“Forget it, blockhead,” Shi Li said listlessly. “Since you think of her, it’s no trouble to enter the palace, just ask her in person to avoid being distracted during practice.”

Ye Youqing nodded, realizing something. “Ci Ke left some items behind, I’ll send them to her on another day.”

Shi Li opened her mouth but ultimately swallowed her words, gesturing for Ye Youqing to continue with the sword practice.

Watching Ye Youqing’s agile figure, Shi Li’s expression became slightly lighter, her eyes showing a hint of complexity as she muttered to herself, “Wanting to meet but finding an excuse.”

Due to the events of the previous day, the usually calm Imperial Palace and official circles were filled with hidden turmoil. Many ministers gathered in small groups, secretly discussing all night. Those who had previously sided with the trend and submitted reports were now feeling endangered.

The old ministers who had once fought alongside King Si Rong and the Valiant Cavalry General on the battlefield hurriedly wrote a memorial report again that night, sealing it with blood, seemingly willing to stake their lives.

It was said that the lights of the Imperial Study shone all night, and the following day, a thorough investigation was ordered. The ministers who had previously stirred up trouble now turned against each other, claiming that they had been deceived by forged letters from Qin Wang, pleading for the Emperor’s mercy.

As if the world had turned upside down overnight, within just two days, the Imperial Palace issued a decree. King Si Rong and the Valiant Cavalry General were exonerated, given posthumous titles, their residences and lands restored, and their families cleared of any wrongdoing, compensated with gold and silver.

As for the criminal Qin Wang, he was sentenced to death by hanging.

The Ministry of Justice’s prison.

The air was damp, the stone walls exuded a watery hue, and the bottom was covered with moss. Occasionally, a few dark and dried red patches, giving off a strong and pervasive smell of blood.

In the tightly guarded cell, a disheveled man sat slumped in a corner, his face dark as he gazed at the shackles on his feet, seemingly pondering something, a strange smile creeping onto his face.

Light footsteps approached, someone gracefully walking closer, stopping outside the cell door. Their snow-white attire contrasting starkly with the dark prison cell.

“You b*tch!” Qin Wang raised his head, gritting his teeth in anger, the shackles on his feet clattering noisily as he struggled to stand.

But the woman outside the door seemed to pay no heed to his words, instead, her lips curling into a mocking smile, sending a chill down Qin Wang’s spine.

“Zhou Ci Ke, you are so vicious! You used me, deceived me to no end! How can someone like you, resorting to any means, weaving endless lies, even have the face to live!” Qin Wang lowered his voice, his tone sounding like a hissing snake.

“General Qin, don’t be hasty,” Ci Ke’s cherry lips curved up as she looked down at Qin Wang, as if observing a corpse. “You will die before me.”

“Today, I want to see how you will compensate for the lives of my entire family, how you will face justice, and finally relieve the hatred in my heart,” Ci Ke said with a smirk. With eyes curved and mischievous, she stepped back, and several soldiers clad in armor suddenly appeared, opening the cell door and rushing in.

Fear flashed in Qin Wang’s eyes as he hurriedly tried to retreat, but with the hard wall behind him, he had nowhere to go. He was forcibly pushed down, and someone swiftly began to wrap rope around his neck.

“No, please, Zhou Ci Ke!”

He suddenly hoarsely exclaimed, “Zhou Ci Ke, you think you have won! Your cruel and treacherous nature will make you despised by all. You don’t deserve anyone’s pity in this life!”

“Just wait, you and that woman surnamed Ye, one day you will face retribution!”

“You know there will be retribution in this world as well.” Ci Ke smiled, her eyes turning red, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Retribution has come.”

The man’s scream, once filled with despair, weakened, then fell silent. Ci Ke clenched her hands tightly, her eyes unblinking, as if trying to etch the horrifying scene into her mind.

Finally, with a resounding sound, Ci Ke’s body softened, and she took a few steps back, leaning against the wall. Her right hand reaching up to her shoulder, as if to comfort herself.

The icy prison air enveloped her.

“Father, Mother, Brother, Ci Ke and Aunt have avenged you.”

“You can rest now.” She whispered softly, then straightened her posture, her eyes returning to a cold gaze, and strode out of the cell, the swaying of her snow-white skirt trailing behind her.

As she exited the Ministry of Justice, she saw a lady in splendid attire standing under the palace wall, with two rows of courtiers behind her, their faces heavily made up, hiding their emotions.

“Aunt.” Ci Ke approached, speaking softly.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Is he dead?” Zhou Ziqiu’s eyes flickered with a glint of light.

Ci Ke nodded, then closed her eyes slightly, the scene from before lingering in her mind.

“That’s good then.” Zhou Ziqiu spoke casually, as if Qin Wang’s death was merely a minor matter. She then reached out to put her arm around Ci Ke’s shoulder, diverting the conversation to unrelated topics.

As they talked, the topic suddenly shifted: “You just left the Duke’s residence like that, and Ye Youqing didn’t say anything?”

Ci Ke’s expression darkened slightly, her lips curling sarcastically as she replied, “No, she didn’t.”

Zhou Ziqiu nodded, seemingly relieved, then cautiously inquired, “But these past few days, you’ve been distracted, could it be…”

“Just tired.” Ci Ke shook her head.

“Alright then.” Zhou Ziqiu smiled warmly.

“For someone like me, being beside her only adds to her troubles.” Ci Ke’s eyelashes drooped, hiding her emotions.

Though Zhou Ziqiu was smiling, her eyes still held concern as they walked to the Imperial Garden. Only then did she speak again, confirming, “So…you really don’t like Ye Youqing?”

“I don’t.” Ci Ke closed her eyes.

“Alright then,” Zhou Ziqiu said, patting her on the shoulder. “Let’s go back to the Qiushui Palace. When you were away just now, she came to seek an audience.”