Big Boss – Chapter 39

Her embrace

Her voice was very soft, as if probing, carrying some emotions that Ye Youqing did not quite understand.

Ye Youqing paused for a moment, without too much thought, and said, “Okay.”

“Why do you need to be present if only evidence is required?” Ye Youqing was somewhat puzzled.

“One must have a relative present. Apart from my aunt, I am the only one left in the Zhou family,” Ci Ke said with a smirk, though her smile carried a hint of sadness.

With only one lamp left burning, Ye Youqing lay flat on the bed, while Ci Ke slept on the beauty couch under the window, her body curled up, her eyes reflecting a shimmering light from the candle.

Ye Youqing looked at the dust on the ceiling, listening to the rustling of leaves outside the window, feeling somewhat puzzled as to why she had agreed to Ci Ke’s request so naturally.

Perhaps it was once again the influence of compassion, she thought.

Ci Ke beside her did not speak, seemingly already asleep, so Ye Youqing closed her eyes as well, letting her consciousness gradually sink and enter the realm of dreams.

After some time passed, Ye Youqing turned over from lying flat to lying on her side, causing a corner of the thin blanket on her body to slip off, revealing a large part of her undergarments.

There was movement on the beauty couch, Ci Ke rubbed her eyes and got up, quietly approaching Ye Youqing, gently covering her with the fallen corner of the blanket as she blew out the candle.

She stared at the candle tears for a moment, then covered her heart. Ever since hearing the news from her aunt, her heart had been in a state of tension, never truly at ease.

She did not lie to Ye Youqing. She was indeed afraid. Enduring many years of pretending and laughing with her enemies, now finally being able to settle the score with Qin Wang made her both nervous and fearful.

She didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, unsure if everything would go smoothly.

That’s why she didn’t want to sleep alone. The only one who could put her mind at ease now was Ye Youqing.

“If only she could accompany her,” Ci Ke thought.

Relying on one person like this is not right. She should have only been using and getting close to her, but these past few days, she gradually realized the uncontrollability of the situation. She didn’t know if she was intentionally getting closer or if it was what her heart truly desired.

She would often dream of the day she was whipped, the day she was chased in the heavy rain, or the day she struggled underwater. Yet there was always a pair of hands pulling her out of the water. When she gasped for breath and opened her eyes, all she saw in the darkness was the face of Ye Youqing.

Cold, gentle.

How could there be a woman like Ye Youqing in this world, willing to lend a helping hand again and again, it was simply foolish, Ci Ke thought.

“If you were to keep tormenting me, that would be enough. Just let me hate you,” she whispered. “Why change?”

“Why help someone as lowly and despicable as me.”

Ye Youqing’s hand began to move erratically, grabbing Ci Ke, who couldn’t break free. Her body then naturally slumped onto the bed, silently allowing those hands to tightly wrap around her.

Being held like this was actually uncomfortable, but Ci Ke felt a tingling sensation emerging from every inch of her skin that touched the woman, rushing through her body like tidal waves.

The heart that had been in constant panic was slowly sinking, eventually engulfed in a gentle drowsiness.

The moonlight broke through the clouds, turning into beams of light that evenly spread into the room, creating a tranquil and enchanting atmosphere.

The next morning.

When Ye Youqing woke up, her hand was twisted in a posture in front of her, with nothing in her embrace. She squinted as she looked out of the window, the daylight not too glaring yet, indicating it was still early.

However, the beauty couch under the window was already empty. Ye Youqing’s heart skipped a beat, quickly getting out of bed and walking out of the inner chamber, only to see a piece of paper on the table.

“A eunuch sent by my aunt took me into the palace. Take care.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The neatly written words showed strength and integrity, clearly Ci Ke’s handwriting. Ye Youqing breathed a sigh of relief.

The night before, she had thought that just in case, she would personally escort her into the palace. Nonetheless, this arrangement was good; Zhou Ziqiu should have made preparations.

She thought it might be better to go back to sleep, but as soon as she sat back on the bed, a knock on the door was heard.

Opening the door, she saw a familiar maid from the mansion, who lowered her head and said, “Eldest Miss, there is a eunuch from the palace outside who wishes to see you.”

A eunuch from the palace? Ye Youqing was somewhat surprised but then nodded, “Bring him in.”

In no time, the eunuch Zhu, whom she had seen by Zhou Ziqiu’s side a few days ago, rushed over to her side, panting a little and bowing to her. He grinned and said, “I have met the Eldest Miss.”

“Eunuch Zhu,” Ye Youqing nodded to him. “What instructions does the Noble Consort have?”

“The Noble Consort indeed has a matter and would like to ask for the Eldest Miss’s help,” Eunuch Zhu smiled and then leaned in, speaking in a lowered voice.

“With such an important matter, why did you not inform Ci Ke to discuss with me yesterday? Waiting until this hour,” Ye Youqing listened to what he said, showing a slight hint of displeasure.

Seeing her anger, Eunuch Zhu quickly bowed, sighing, “The Noble Consort had already suspected that the Emperor would not easily overturn the case. Since the injustice involves two families, relying solely on Miss Ci Ke’s words is indeed difficult. It requires the presence of the relatives of King Si Rong’s side, who would firmly assert that the letter in the Noble Consort’s hands is genuine and have certainty.”

“Yesterday, fearing that Ci Ke would worry about implicating the Eldest Miss and thus conceal it, the Noble Consort personally instructed this servant to inform you early this morning. She even mentioned that as long as the Eldest Miss goes, Qin Wang will certainly be at fault. If the Eldest Miss does not go, there is a high possibility of him distorting the truth and eventually framing you.”

“At that time, Miss Ci Ke will be in danger,” Eunuch Zhu said with his head bowed.

After listening to him, Ye Youqing suddenly chuckled, but her eyes fell coldly on Eunuch Zhu.

“The Noble Consort is really putting me on the spot, must roast me on the fire pit,” she said with narrowed eyes.

She first explained that as a descendant of King Si Rong, she should intervene, but fearing that she would act selfishly and leave her alone, she brought up Ci Ke, implying that if she did not go, and the case was not resolved, Ci Ke would be accused of deceiving the Emperor.

This woman is really thorough.

“Wait for me at the mansion entrance for a half stick of incense,” Ye Youqing said casually.

The palace was very quiet today, giving off an impending storm coming. Ye Youqing sat in the carriage, the side door already prepared, and encountered no obstacles along the way as she entered the palace. She was brought to the outside of the Wende Hall, about to disperse the morning court.

Stepping down from the carriage, Zhou Ziqiu was standing by the stone lions, hands tightly clenched on her chest, her almond-shaped eyes filled with nervousness, almost turning red.

Reaching out to hold Ye Youqing’s hand, Ye Youqing could feel her trembling hand.

“I thought Miss Ye wouldn’t come,” Zhou Ziqiu said. She was still beautiful today, but not dressed in splendor. Instead, she wore a light red garment, resembling a withering leaf in the wind, desolate and beautiful.

“The Noble Consort has her reasons, I dare not not come,” Ye Youqing’s face showed little expression.

Zhou Ziqiu pretended not to understand Ye Youqing’s words, her red lips curling.

Meanwhile, in the main hall, an air of solemnity pervaded as hundreds of ministers stood in neat rows, their tall winged hats unmoving on their heads. No one dared to speak, while the Emperor, dressed in a crimson silk robe with a crown on his head and his beard quivering slightly, appeared truly enraged.

“Captain Song, what do you mean by this?” the Emperor spoke softly.

“Your Majesty, forgive me. This old subject wishes to bring charges against General Qin for the case of framing King Si Rong and the valiant General of Cavalry many years ago.” A gray-haired elderly courtier knelt before the gathered officials, though his back was hunched, his voice was incredibly loud and resonant.

“The evidence of the two’s collusion with the enemy is conclusive. It has been many years since the incident, yet Captain Song has brought up the old matter. What is his intention?” In the crowd, a tall winged hat shook violently, and at this moment, a stern voice rebuked, coming from General Qin himself.

However, if someone were to look closely, they would notice that his face was pale, appearing on the brink of fainting.

“At that time, the evidence was not conclusive. All the evidence presented was from General Qin, as well as the testimonies of the soldiers around King Si Rong and the General of Cavalry. Yet, just as the matter was settling down, those witnesses met untimely deaths one by one. Is General Qin unaware!” Captain Song’s voice was hoarse, filled with anger.


(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“That’s enough.” A reprimand came from above, the Emperor’s face darkening. He turned his gaze towards Captain Song, “Are you suggesting that I believed slander and wrongly punished these individuals?”

Captain Song’s hunched body trembled for a moment, then he spoke slowly and deliberately, “I dare not. However, the two noblemen were indeed wronged back then. I have now been appointed as an envoy to go to Western Xia. I personally heard the Western Xia monarch praise the two gentlemen for their bravery, strategy, and prowess in battle, declaring them as the pillars of our country.”

“I intend to test if the Western Xia monarch is unaware of this matter.”

“And what does that matter? The words of a foreign emperor cannot be used as evidence!” General Qin spat, kneeling down beside, “Please, Your Majesty, think carefully.”

Other officials exchanged glances and one stepped forward, saying, “The words of a foreign emperor are indeed not trustworthy. It is likely an attempt to sow discord between our monarch and officials. Please, Your Majesty, think carefully.”

General Qin’s eyes landed on Duke Liang, but Duke Liang stared straight ahead as if in a trance, offering no defense. Seeing him not stepping in, his allies also bowed their heads in silence, distancing themselves from the situation.

General Qin became even more flustered, about to speak, only to be interrupted by Captain Song.

“Your Majesty, this old subject has further evidence. It may be necessary to summon a woman, who is the daughter of the General of Cavalry, Zhou Ci Ke.”

The Emperor furrowed his brows, staring at Captain Song for a while before slowly raising his hand, “Summon her.”

The doors of the hall opened, and a woman entered slowly. She wore a light pink dress, her hair neatly arranged, plain and simple yet stunningly beautiful. As she walked through the hundreds of officials, she appeared delicate and petite next to the men.

Many gasped in surprise, and even the Emperor focused his gaze on the woman, genuinely taken aback.

It was well known that the Zhou family had given birth to the most beautiful woman in the capital, but the young woman before them now was no less striking than Zhou Ziqiu.

Ci Ke ignored the gazes of those around her, keeping her eyes lowered as she stood upright, then knelt down gracefully.

“This subject is named Zhou Ci Ke, paying respects to Your Majesty,” she spoke, her smooth voice echoing in the hall.

“So, you are Zhou Ci Ke.” The Emperor leaned slightly forward, examining the woman. After a moment, he continued, “Present the evidence.”

“Your Majesty, this woman is cunning and deceitful, skilled in using charm to manipulate. You must not believe her words!” General Qin urgently interjected.

Ci Ke’s eyes fell on General Qin, like a beautiful yet poisonous poppy flower, causing General Qin’s large stature to tremble suddenly.

With a turn of her gaze, the woman’s voice rang out, “Your Majesty, I was once forced to serve as a personal slave in General Qin’s mansion, where I discovered these letters.”

Several sheets of paper were handed to the nearest officials, who quickly glanced at them before rushing forward to present them to the Emperor.

“Based on what I know, the same letters that condemned my father and King Si Rong back then are the ones being shown now, except the contents were manipulated and forged by General Qin. The original letters never mentioned anything about treason!” Ci Ke raised her voice, making everyone hear her loud and clear.

Now, despite being disciplined, murmurs began to fill the hall.

“Nonsense! You clearly fabricated those letters and falsely claimed to have found them in my mansion. You have a wicked heart, do you know lying to the Emperor is a grave offense!” General Qin pointed a finger at Ci Ke’s nose, shouting angrily.

Ci Ke suddenly sneered, looking at General Qin as if he were a fool, her cherry lips slightly parted, “General Qin, are you joking with me? When the incident occurred all those years ago, I was only twelve years old. How could I have fabricated letters with such similar content?”

General Qin fell silent immediately, his face filled with frustration as he angrily pounded his fist on the ground, then bowed before the Emperor, “Your Majesty, I have been wronged. Please think carefully.”

“Your Majesty, as long as we compare the letters from back then, we can determine who is lying!” Captain Song also bowed, speaking loudly.

The Emperor’s expression was dark and unreadable as he twisted the sheets of paper in his hand, his thoughts inscrutable.

“Someone, bring the letters here,” he ordered.

The long-faced eunuch by the Emperor’s side heard and quickly scurried off, returning after some time with several letters held carefully, saying cautiously, “Your Majesty, they are all here.”

The Emperor flipped through them one by one, then looked at Ci Ke, “Zhou Ci Ke, do you claim that this one, in particular, is the original one that was not forged?”

“Yes, I recognize my father’s handwriting naturally, as does Captain Song. He served under my father and King Si Rong for three years and is equally familiar with their handwriting. Perhaps one alone may not reveal the truth, but when compared side by side, it becomes irrefutable evidence.” Ci Ke spoke calmly, enunciating each word.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The Emperor’s sharp eyes fixed on Ci Ke, studying her for a while before suddenly shaking his beard and reclining back, “However… I feel it is unnecessary.”

“Words alone are not enough. Without conclusive evidence, who can truly explain the events of seven years ago,” he added.

Ci Ke raised her eyes upon hearing this, disbelief evident in her expression as she clenched her hands tightly, almost crushing her own teeth.

“But the evidence is irrefutable. As long as Your Majesty investigates thoroughly…” Captain Song became anxious upon hearing this and knelt forward a few steps, only to be interrupted by a wave of the Emperor’s hand.

“The court session time has passed, and now what matters is the state affairs. These old cases can be discussed privately at another time,” the Emperor waved his hand, preparing to leave.

It was clear to everyone present that the Emperor did not wish to delve further into the matter, and thus, no one dared to speak up again. The agitated Captain Song was restrained by the guards, his graying beard seemingly flushed with red in despair.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty!”

“Your Majesty, are you going to ignore this injustice and turn a blind eye?” As the Emperor seemed about to leave, the woman’s angry and piercing voice echoed through the magnificent hall.

The Emperor halted his steps and slowly turned back.

“You bold servant girl, how dare you show disrespect to the Emperor!” General Qin let out a sigh of relief and then angrily reprimanded the woman in a low voice, attempting to grab her by the neck and push her down.

At a critical moment, the palace doors suddenly opened halfway, and several guards entered, bowing respectfully and reporting, “Your Majesty, there is a woman outside who claims to be a descendant of King Si Rong and insists on seeing you!”