After Being Scummed – Chapter 65

I admire her!

After Yin Bai celebrated her birthday in Haicheng, she accompanied Zuo Jingyou to the Tibetan area to gather more materials together with Xu Ruofeng.

Due to Yin Bai’s altitude sickness, Zuo Jingyou initially disagreed with her continuing to go to the Tibetan area. But Yin Bai, who was as clingy as a puppy during the honeymoon phase, how could she possibly give up the opportunity to spend a sweet vacation with Zuo Jingyou?

So in the end, Yin Bai managed to persuade Zuo Jingyou and overcame numerous difficulties and dangers to enter Tibet together once again.

As soon as they arrived in the Tibetan area, Yin Bai grabbed an oxygen cylinder. During the day, she would sit in a wheelchair and obediently let the bodyguards push her around, following Xu Ruofeng and Zuo Jingyou everywhere.

When they returned in the evening, she hugged Zuo Jingyou and watched her write the outline of the script.

In the early stages of a film, the outline is extremely important. In this vast plateau, Zuo Jingyou’s creativity was fully inspired by Xu Ruofeng’s story. Even though Yin Bai clung to her day and night, Zuo Jingyou managed to complete the initial draft of the script’s outline.

On the evening when the first draft was completed, Zuo Jingyou printed out the manuscript and handed it to Yin Bai, who was on the bed receiving oxygen. She eagerly said, “The script is done. Do you want to take a look?”

“Sure!” Yin Bai instantly became happy. She took Zuo Jingyou’s manuscript and opened it under the bright light at the bedside, her voice filled with excitement. “Let me savor Teacher Zuo’s new work!”

Zuo Jingyou raised her hand and loosened her own shoulder, smiling as she said to Yin Bai, “Then go ahead and read it. I’ll go pour a glass of water.”

Zuo Jingyou turned around, poured a glass of water, and walked to the side of the bed. After taking a few sips, she placed the glass on the bedside table and anxiously looked at Yin Bai, filled with anticipation.

Yin Bai is someone who easily immerses herself in stories. Once she becomes engrossed in something, it’s challenging to capture her attention with anything else.

Just like at this very moment, she meticulously flips through the script in her hands, her expression serious and focused, as if she’s studying some research material.

Seeing her engrossed appearance, Zuo Jingyou breathes a sigh of relief. At least from the script’s perspective, it’s a story that can captivate Yin Bai.

Of course, captivating Yin Bai is not enough. After all, Yin Bai is her girlfriend, and it’s normal for her to take her work seriously and give it a careful read.

Nevertheless, Zuo Jingyou still gains a bit more confidence from it.

The film script isn’t very long, and it took Yin Bai about forty minutes to carefully go through every line of dialogue and each of the four scenes in the movie.

When she put down the script, she looked at Zuo Jingyou and said earnestly, “Teacher Zuo, the first draft of the script is excellent. I’m really looking forward to your new work.”

Zuo Jingyou smiled and sat down beside Yin Bai, lifting her hand to embrace Yin Bai’s neck as she softly said, “I was a little worried that you might feel this script won’t bring you any financial gain.”

Yin Bai reached out and wrapped her arms around Zuo Jingyou’s waist, pulling her onto her lap, playfully swaying her body and looking at her with a smile. “How could that be? I’ve said from the beginning that I’m not worried about money at all. Jin Xiangyu knows how to make money. No matter how much the film may lose, it can always be earned back.”

“The important thing is that I want a good story, a great work.”

“Besides, I also believe that the market will give deserving returns to a talented filmmaker.”

Zuo Jingyou knelt on Yin Bai’s lap, placing her hands on her shoulders and gently rubbing her ears. She smiled and asked, “Do you have that much confidence in me?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Of course! You’re Zuo Jingyou!”

Yin Bai tilted her head back and playfully bit onto Zuo Jingyou, like an excited little puppy gnawing at her. She mumbled unclearly, “No matter what, I will naturally support you.”

Hearing Yin Bai’s words, Zuo Jingyou also smiled. She rubbed the back of Yin Bai’s head affectionately and playfully nuzzled her cheek, saying, “This story, the one who made it happen, is Dawa, not me. But I will also work just as hard to tell Dawa’s story through this film to everyone…”

“Wait until tomorrow… I’ll discuss it with Senior Sister tomorrow…”

“Hiss…” Suddenly, there was a slight pain at the collarbone. Zuo Jingyou lowered her gaze and looked at the big dog that was holding her in her arms. She lightly scolded, “Why are you biting me again… It will leave marks…”

Yin Bai swiftly untied Zuo Jingyou’s robe belt, simultaneously nibbling on her while grumbling, “At a time like this, you’re not allowed to mention your Senior Sister!”

Zuo Jingyou chuckled, opened her arms, and embraced Yin Bai, gently rubbing her head as she coaxed softly, “Alright, alright. You’re getting jealous over such trivial matters. It’s okay, baby, don’t be jealous anymore…”

“If you get any more jealous, you won’t be able to catch your breath…”

Yin Bai held her tightly in her arms, using one hand to capture her and lowered her head to nibble on her while saying, “Who said I can’t catch my breath… Teacher Zuo, tonight I’ll let you use an oxygen tank!”

As long as she wasn’t suppressed by Zuo Jingyou, she would be the fiercest wolf in this plateau!

Zuo Jingyou softly hissed and whispered, “Take it slow,” then she held onto Yin Bai’s shoulder. After a while, Zuo Jingyou was lying on Yin Bai’s shoulder, her breathing becoming irregular, and their hearts beating faster together…

It’s unclear how much time had passed, but Zuo Jingyou, who had expended too much energy, was embraced by Yin Bai, and they both used an oxygen tank to replenish their oxygen levels. Yin Bai held the woman in her arms, looking at Zuo Jingyou’s gradually calming breaths, and proudly said, “See, Teacher Zuo? I told you tonight you would need an oxygen tank!”

Zuo Jingyou leaned against her soft embrace and gazed at her with a gentle look. “I knew you were just fooling around… What if I really couldn’t catch my breath?”

Yin Bai smiled, her eyes curving, “How could that happen, Teacher Zuo? No one will have any problems because of something as joyful as this~”

Zuo Jingyou stared at her helplessly and said, “Don’t you know that there’s a sudden death syndrome called ‘Woo Syndrome’?”

She raised her hand and gently patted Yin Bai’s cheek. “Darling, please exercise some restraint and don’t play so recklessly. I don’t want you to lose your life at such a young age in the highlands.”

Yin Bai remained unconvinced, “Is there really such a thing? Will something really happen?”

“Of course, the human body is fragile after all. Even though modern medicine is highly advanced, unexpected deaths can still easily occur.”

Well then…

Yin Bai pursed her lips and let Zuo Jingyou take another breath from the oxygen tank before speaking to her. “Teacher Zuo, please don’t spoil me so much in the future… What if something really happens to you? What am I going to do?”

Zuo Jingyou sighed while lying in her embrace, then raised her hand and pinched Yin Bai’s cheek, pretending to be helpless. “What else can you do? You’ll just have to be a little widow~”

Yin Bai thought for a moment and held Zuo Jingyou tightly. “No, I won’t be a little widow. Let’s continue developing our relationship and let me enter the bridal chamber every night!”

Zuo Jingyou was almost laughing to death. She reached out and embraced Yin Bai, tilting her head to nibble on her chin. “Then you better pay attention to sustainable development!”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Then let me give you a massage?”

Zuo Jingyou thought for a moment and didn’t refuse Yin Bai. She turned around, facing away from her, and said, “Well then, please give me a massage~”

After all, Yin Bai was really skilled, and the duration was too long. Her waist and abdomen had been tense the whole time, and even with regular exercise, she will still feel sour.

Yin Bai obeyed and attentively began massaging Zuo Jingyou.

On such a cold winter night, there was nothing warmer than being in the embrace of a loved one. After the exercise, Yin Bai nestled into Zuo Jingyou’s embrace and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

After completing the initial draft, Zuo Jingyou and Xu Ruofeng made a few revisions to the proposal, finalized it, and sent it to Jin Xiangyu. They began the filing process and started selecting actors, among other tasks.

On November 27th, Zuo Jingyou flew back to Haicheng with Yin Bai to attend the Golden Flower Awards ceremony. This time, Yin Bai walked confidently with a cane, holding Zuo Jingyou’s hand as they appeared together in front of the media.

When the reporters saw them both wearing black and white couple outfits and appearing together, it was as if a drop of water had fallen into a hot pan – the atmosphere instantly boiled over.

This was almost Yin Bai’s first public appearance in front of the media. She confidently held Zuo Jingyou’s hand and left her signature on the autograph wall. But as they turned around, they were blocked by a group of reporters, bombarding them with questions.

The reporters, emboldened, seized the opportunity to ask incessant questions: “There are rumors that you are in a romantic relationship with Ms. Yin Bai from Galaxy Film and Television, is that true?”

“This is almost Yin Director’s first public appearance. What made you make such an exception? Is it because you are in a relationship with Zuo Jingyou?”

“Do you have any plans to get married?”

The reporters bombarded them with a barrage of questions, all revolving around the rumors surrounding Zuo Jingyou and Yin Bai. Yin Bai glanced at Zuo Jingyou by her side and tightened her grip on her hand.

Zuo Jingyou felt the strength in her hold, glanced at Yin Bai, blinked at her, and lightly parted her lips, silently saying, “Do I need to say it out loud?”

Yin Bai forcefully suppressed the upward curve of her lips, squeezed Zuo Jingyou’s palm, and shook her head. Her gaze searched among the eager reporters until she found a media outlet under her control. She leaned forward, accepting the microphone from the other party, cleared her throat, and said, “What do you want to ask? Do you want to ask about the rumors between me and Teacher Zuo? Do you want to know if we’re in love? Whether we’re dating or planning to get married, is that what you want to know?”

The reporters didn’t expect Yin Bai to speak up, so they paused for a moment and then started snapping photos and recording videos with their cameras.

Amidst the flashing lights, Yin Bai held Zuo Jingyou’s hand, looked directly at the camera, and appeared composed. “Teacher Zuo is an incredibly talented actress and a dedicated filmmaker. I have earnestly watched every one of her works, and I admire the artistry she creates as a filmmaker.”

“As a producer, I hope to continue collaborating with Teacher Zuo in this manner, and I look forward to her creating more outstanding works.”

“So, our relationship is not something that can be easily summarized as simply a romantic one.”

“More accurately, I admire her.”

“Of course, I believe that Teacher Zuo, with her outstanding talent and extraordinary charm, has more than just one admirer.”

“I am just one of the many flowers in the crowd, looking up to her.”

She didn’t deny her feelings for Zuo Jingyou; in fact, she even used the word “admiration.” Zuo Jingyou looked up at her with affectionate eyes.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

After making her bold declaration, Yin Bai asked, in a high-profile manner, “Is there anything else you want to ask about the rumors? If not, I hope that in the future, you won’t ask me, or Teacher Zuo, similar questions.”

“I admire her, that is without a doubt.”

“But as I mentioned, Teacher Zuo is an incredibly talented filmmaker. I hope that besides focusing on her rumored personal life, you can pay more attention to her work itself.”

“If there’s nothing else to ask, then please inquire about Teacher Zuo’s upcoming projects and other work plans.”

With her composed and calm demeanor, Yin Bai took control of the room full of reporters and handed the microphone to Zuo Jingyou, smiling warmly. “Teacher Zuo, now it’s your turn to shine.”

Zuo Jingyou took the microphone and upon seeing Yin Bai’s enchanting expression that could make anyone’s legs go weak, she pursed her lips and smiled shyly, a rare sight.

That evening, the video of Yin Bai’s public declaration of love became the top trending topic on the Golden Flower Awards, securing the number one spot in the search rankings.

Meanwhile, Zuo Jingyou once again trended on Weibo with the hashtag #BossyCEO’sDarlingWife.

LP: Plenty of massages in the future~