The Sovereign – Chapter 34

Volume Two: An Abundance of Blossoms Always Feels Lonely

An Extremely Thrilling Experience

In the moment of lifting my gaze, I saw your silhouette.

“Master, half an hour has passed, and Xiao Yi has still not returned.” Li Yue gazes out the window, feeling worried.

Qin Junlan remains calm and self-assured, seemingly in thought. According to her calculations of the mountain terrain and the entire stronghold layout, exploring thoroughly within half an hour is no easy task. If encountering some sentry obstructions and needing to deal with a few people, it would delay more time.

This time, the ten shadow guards brought out of the palace are all elite warriors, and Xiao Yi is most proficient in tracking, with first-rate agility skills, making him most suitable for this mission. Qin Junlan trusts her judgment in selecting people and believes in Xiao Yi’s abilities.

“Be slightly calm, do not be impatient.” Qin Junlan’s deep and calm words are like a calming pill, allowing Li Yue to relax slightly.

Inside the room, the candlelight has extinguished, and by the soft moonlight, one can vaguely see Qin Junlan’s calm demeanor, possessing the ability to strategize comprehensively and respond calmly in any situation, truly unmatched by anyone.

Qin Junlan firmly believes Xiao Yi may have encountered trouble, causing some delay. Exposure is unlikely, as Xiao Yi, even if exposed, has the ability to escape easily. The surrounding mountain terrain offers him the best concealment.

Not long after, the sound of airflow movement is heard outside the door, judged by irregular footsteps, indicating a vigilant posture while looking around.

“Xiao Yi?” Li Yue opens a crack in the door, peering out with one eye.

“It is me.”

Sure enough, it is him. Li Yue quickly opens the door, and Xiao Yi swiftly slips in, “Subordinate pays respect to Master.”

“What time is it already, and you’re still performing formalities, how is it?” Qin Junlan never sticks to etiquette, especially during days outside the palace, only wanting to quickly learn about the situation at Qionglong Mountain.

“Reporting to Master, this subordinate has explored all the places we hadn’t reached yet, and there is no second military camp. Considering the people we previously saw, the bandits on this mountain are probably fewer than ten thousand.”

“Fewer than ten thousand…” Qin Junlan’s face is serious, with one hand against her chin, pacing back and forth, seemingly thoughtful, softly murmuring, “Fewer than ten thousand…”

“If someone has been maintaining them, they would certainly have expanded over these ten years. Furthermore, if Madam Ying’s words are true, how could there be only these people on the mountain? Where have the remaining over ten thousand gone?” Li Yue senses crises everywhere, having just discovered the main camp here, the numbers don’t match, and there must be a huge conspiracy hidden behind.

“There are only two possibilities: one is migrating elsewhere, and the other is setting out to prepare for some task elsewhere.” Qin Junlan’s thoughts move, “Could this group be gradually withdrawing from here for some major action?”

“But according to our dynasty’s household registration system, every entry into a city requires documents from the previous city. Such a large group moving couldn’t possibly go unnoticed.” Xiao Yi is also puzzled.

“Hmph, what if someone has enough power to forge documents?” Qin Junlan squints her eyes, understanding in her heart, though her guess still needs personal verification as cleansing the sovereign’s side requires strong charges.

“Continue speaking.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Yes! This subordinate found that the whole mountain has two places that cannot be entered. One is the cave that Yun Yao took us into; the other place is a house at the mountain top. This subordinate checked near that house and found not many sentries. Upon closer inspection, discovered disaster silver escort officer Lord Liu and Yuzhou’s Magistrate Lord Ying.”

“Oh? They are colluding together, enjoying themselves at the mountain top, are they?” Qin Junlan is not surprised at all, as if she knows everything thoroughly.

“How did the master know?” Xiao Yi was surprised by Qin Junlan’s insightful foresight. When he discovered the news, he felt emotional, for Lord Ying, in front of Madam Ying, always appeared coerced but had long been colluding with the stronghold. They feasted and conversed daily on the mountain, very carefree.

“Madam Ying’s words are full of loopholes. As a woman who sees her husband as heaven, she is not wrong. However, Lord Ying’s tricks are too clumsy. Being coerced by bandits, and with the large Yuzhou nearby still having troops, could they not eliminate Qionglong Mountain?”

Officials protecting each other, collusion between officials and bandits, truly shocked her. These parasites of the country, engaging in such rebellious acts, must be made to pay a painful price.

Now, Qin Junlan already understands the general situation of Qionglong Mountain. But why do the remaining people need so much grain, unless it is for battlefield and military supply… battlefield… Qin Junlan has a bold assumption. Now someone’s scheme is gradually being exposed, and her whereabouts should also be known by others.

Could it be… Yi Hongchuan really has such audacity? Her own uncle, as long as he is not excessive, Qin Junlan has never thought to move against him. If the recent series of events are related to him, then she has no reason to spare him. Even if the Empress Dowager vouches, it cannot reduce his monstrous crimes.

At the third watch, Li Yue and Xiao Yi both sleep wearily, but Qin Junlan’s sleepiness is completely gone. Her mind is occupied with too many thoughts, unable to sleep peacefully. The success and failure of the next plan, and the corresponding countermeasures, she must think through in advance. If a sudden situation arises, how to respond has already formed a complete plan in her mind.

At the Chen hour (7AM – 9AM), thin mist rises in the mountain, blurring sight, and the guards at the mountain foot report that the grain escort team has arrived. Jiang Wei, indeed, is very punctual. According to the hour calculation, the grain should arrive now, most appropriately.

“Brother Yan indeed keeps his promise; the grain has arrived so quickly, almost as if he had foreknowledge ah~” Yun Yao’s words still probe Qin Junlan.

Li Yue’s heart is shocked. This Yun Yao is indeed also a cautious person, repeatedly probing with words, making her very nervous. She always feels the master’s risk this time, putting herself under much pressure. If any mistake happens, harming her would be a thousand deaths that cannot atone.

“Brother Yun may not know, but yesterday before going up the mountain, I instructed the household that if I did not return by night, I must have agreed on business with Brother Yun, and the next day, a batch of grain must be sent first. If I returned, when to send the grain would be at my command.” Qin Junlan, unflustered, answers fluently, resolving all questions easily.

Li Yue exhaled a breath, seeing Xiao Yi acting as if nothing was amiss, indeed possessing a very carefree attitude. Was she the only one worried and afraid here? But she was also worrying too much. If she herself ventured into the enemy’s den, it would be fine, but with the master beside her, she was always afraid something might happen. Perhaps she should learn from Xiao Yi’s carefree attitude? Actually, she should trust that her master has the ability to resolve all difficulties.

“Brother Yan is truly thoughtful.” Yun Yao’s gaze occasionally drifted over, increasingly admiring Qin Junlan’s demeanor and magnanimity.

In a world full of men, never had such an elegant gentleman been seen, not only handsome by birth, but exuding an extraordinary temperament from inside to out, making people admire even more. Thinking of those rough men in the army, and those gentlemen in the world, they truly cannot compare to her.

Upon arriving at the mountain gate, the guards wanted to search the body.

“What are you doing?” Xiao Yi shouted loudly, standing protectively in front of Qin Junlan. Li Yue also stepped forward, the two of them blocking the guards, daring to touch the master, simply tired of living. Moreover, such a body search would expose the daughter’s identity, absolutely unable to let these people search the master’s body. Anyway, having already reached the mountain foot, escaping would be easy, and at worst, they would fight to the death.

“Why are you so nervous? Can’t Brother Yun trust me?” Qin Junlan raised a slight smile, her deep gaze looking at Yun Yao, “Brother Yun, is this the mountain’s rule, or your rule?”

“Uh…” Yun Yao, looking at Qin Junlan’s beautiful eyes, felt his heart numb. How could there be such beautiful eyes? Her pupils were like cut autumn water, full of spirit, yet deep and bottomless.

“Brother Yun?” Qin Junlan softly called, her smile like the wind, making Yun Yao defenseless.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“No need, no need. Search what body, who let you search the body, Brother Yan is my brother, understand?” Yun Yao scolded the guards, and the two looked at each other and retreated. Clearly, this was the mountain’s rule, yet it became their fault.

Seeing this crisis once again easily resolved by Qin Junlan, Li Yue was also calm and composed. Previously, leaving the palace, they had never encountered such danger; this time up in the mountain really opened her eyes. Qin Junlan, long in the palace, with the ability to govern the country and stabilize the dynasty, socially navigates the common world, and in martial skills can easily fight assassins. The master is so versatile, that many times makes her seem incapable.

As they walked out of the mountain gate, they saw Jiang Wei standing in front of the carts from afar, with a small team of people following behind, escorting twenty carts waiting. To verify the grain, Yun Yao also brought a few people out of the mountain. At this time, capturing Yun Yao would be an easy task, but Qin Junlan did not want to use such an extreme method.

She wanted to recruit this group, not wanting the past massacre of the Iron Guard Army to replay again, especially since there was still a large group whose whereabouts were unknown. The most core secrets, she had not yet uncovered, so she could only follow the clues and continue to maneuver with him.

“Master, twenty loads of grain are here.” Jiang Wei, dressed as a household servant, brought people who all wore similar clothes, disguising them as truth, but in reality, each was a selected elite soldier.

“Very good, return for a heavy reward.” Qin Junlan lightly shook her folding fan, relaxed and content. While scanning the grain, she suddenly discovered a familiar figure.

Her face slightly changed, and she closed her folding fan. The person standing behind Jiang Wei, wearing inconspicuous clothing, was precisely the one she longed for day and night.

Why had Xun’er come? Even though she missed her greatly, she absolutely did not want to meet under such circumstances. Moreover, she was returning to Zhouji today, why had Liu Qianxun still followed? If something unexpected happened, what would she do? Here, if trouble arose, it would be a smoke-filled battle.

But no matter how her heart fluctuated emotionally, her face remained calm and composed.

The two looked at each other, and the corner of Qin Junlan’s mouth slightly raised, while Liu Qianxun returned a smile. No need for many words; with one look, Liu Qianxun felt at ease. She had been sleepless last night, worrying about her mother and also concerned about Qin Junlan. She had already sent a letter to everyone at Shura Sect in Jidu, conducting a thorough search fifty miles outside the city for her mother’s traces.

She knew Jiang Wei and Qin Junlan had their plans and arrangements, and only after repeatedly pleading with Jiang Wei did he allow her to follow. Her originally worried heart finally calmed upon seeing her. Even in such a perilous situation, Qin Junlan remained so at ease. Her confidence and wisdom in controlling everything were truly not inferior to Ling Yu.

The unspoken mood between the two, their mutual eye contact, was not for outsiders to see. Qin Junlan saw the person in her heart, though worried more, she was joyful. If she were not concerned about her safety, why would she have followed?

“Verify the grain!” At Yun Yao’s command, five subordinates began inspecting from the first grain cart.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated; more than half of these twenty loads of grain were fake, transported here according to the ratio and vehicle parking order listed by Qin Junlan.

Not to mention Jiang Wei and others, even Li Yue couldn’t help but worry. She trusts her master’s ability, but with these real items, using fake for real, how would they pass?

The grain inspection tool was a one-foot-long iron trough. Yun Yao walked from the front to the back of the cart, stopping in the middle when a subordinate handed the iron trough to him.

Everyone was very nervous, and Qin Junlan’s gaze was tightly fixed on Yun Yao’s actions.

He swiftly inserted the iron trough into the grain bag, fresh plump white rice grains flowed into the trough. Yun Yao nodded, “Hmm~ indeed, it’s top-quality rice.”

“That is natural, for Brother Yun, all are top-grade.” Qin Junlan’s face was full of smiles, clearly a businessman brimming with confidence in her own goods.

“Brother Yan is a sincere businessman, and this friend, ah, I will definitely make.” While speaking, Yun Yao reached an arm around Qin Junlan’s shoulder. Qin Junlan shifted uncomfortably, stepping forward, pretending to inspect the grain, and said, “Brother Yun, feel free to inspect, any substandard products will be on me.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Qin Junlan’s implied meaning was that if Yun trusted her, why inspect every cart of grain? It seemed the sincerity was lacking. It was a psychological tactic from the business world, perhaps not entirely achieving the purpose, but at least reducing the risk.

“Just a formality, Brother, don’t mind, you all just look around, it’s fine.” Yun Yao, wanting to please Qin Junlan, naturally did not want to upset her and urged his subordinates to quickly finish the inspection.

Several people were well aware of Yun Yao’s intentions, so each bag of grain was symbolically poked open without a detailed inspection. Finally, all twenty carts of grain were checked, and no anomalies were found.

Yun Yao was indeed quite annoying. When his hand touched Qin Junlan, Liu Qianxun’s heart filled with a killing intent. How could he touch the Empress? What was with that covetous look toward her? Did he have improper intentions?

“Alright, transport the grain up the mountain, and hand the silver to Brother Yan.” Yun Yao waved his hand, and his subordinates brought over a box of silver.

“Thank you, Brother Yun. With that, Yan Mo will take leave first. I will personally escort the subsequent grain up the mountain.” After saying this, she walked toward Liu Qianxun. After being apart for two days, they were finally able to meet, and her heart suddenly brightened.

She longed to hold her hand and express her longing, also wanting to ask if she had been well these past two days. More than that, she wanted to embrace her and feel her presence, for as long as she was there, even the bleakest places were full of light.

Everyone relaxed and was just about to head back when suddenly they heard Yun Yao shout, “Wait!”