The Sovereign – Chapter 30

Volume Two: An Abundance of Blossoms Always Feels Lonely

A Plan in Mind

Gradually, she starts to feel a bit of heartache for her and wants to accompany her.

Qionglong Mountain is twenty kilometers from Yu Prefecture, an empty mountain where the trees are lush in all four seasons. Originally desolate and uninhabited, ten years ago, due to the arrival of a group of bandits, they began chiseling the mountain to open roads, and it has since become a mountain stronghold. That group of bandits occupied the mountain as kings, expanding from the initial ten thousand people to now clearly becoming an army.

The entire Ji Kingdom army is under Qin Junlan’s control, from the deployment of stationed armies throughout the country to the personnel organization and numbers of each army, the annual needs for military provisions, the training methods each year, and how weapons and equipment are replaced—all these are in Qin Junlan’s mind.

Originally, the reappearance of the Iron Guard army always troubled her. As expected, someone is secretly raising such an army. For what purpose? Rebellion? Ha, perhaps she has not killed a chicken to warn the monkeys for too long. This time, she indeed wants to see how many people have become disloyal to her, the empress. This time, she will surely clear these out, regardless of how many more people she must kill.

Unable to sleep at night, Qin Junlan’s distant figure stands at the highest point of the city tower.

In the dark, Liu Qianxun slightly raises her head to clearly see her, her gaze fixed on Qin Junlan’s somewhat lonely figure.

Is she not always alone like this? In the deep dark night, standing on the city wall, overlooking the myriad states of the world. Thousands of lights, proudly in the world, yet she never possesses her own happiness.

Born as the ruler of the world, who in the world can accompany the sovereign’s side?

Such cold loneliness at high places, even if more aloof and strong, is hard to resist this year-round solitary melancholy. She is originally such a gentle woman, with a peerless appearance, yet can only always wrap herself as stronger than men, superior to anyone.

Has she ever lived for herself? Qin Junlan, your heart is so difficult to open, even if you give me more tenderness, even if you have done so much for me, you still firmly lock me outside your heart.

Liu Qianxun thought of this, her heart suddenly ached. What is this about? Heartache for Qin Junlan, it is simply inexplicable. Liu Qianxun helplessly shook her head.

Suddenly feeling the air flow, Liu Qianxun hurriedly hid behind the city wall bulwark and saw a man fly over and land beside Qin Junlan. She focused her energy to enhance her hearing and could clearly hear what the newcomer said.

“Reporting to Master, we have found that Qionglong Mountain is indeed occupied by a group of people. According to your instructions, this subordinate disguised myself as a merchant to inquire if there was business to be done. The gatekeeper asked what business I was doing, and I pretended to be a grain merchant. They claimed they recently lacked grain and wanted to buy some, saying the price was negotiable.”

“Li Yue?” Qin Junlan’s stern face showed not a trace of warmth. The speaking voice chilled Liu Qianxun’s heart; she thought she was already very cold, yet did not know Qin Junlan could become so icy as frost.

“Li Daren is still surveying the terrain with her two brothers.”


“Yes!” After reporting, he leapt up, displaying outstanding Qinggong, and easily flew away. The city tower returned to calm, as if he had never appeared.

Is this the shadow guard? Liu Qianxun thought. It turns out that Qin Junlan always has shadow guards accompanying her travels, and she had not detected them. The shadow guards are indeed well-trained experts, surpassing even the shadow guards of Suyuan Tower. She just did not expect Qin Junlan’s speed to be so fast; having just heard about the Qionglong Mountain issue during the day, by evening, Li Yue and the shadow guards had already launched an investigation, progressing quickly with both courage and strategy.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She seems to somewhat understand why Qin Junlan can control the kingdom, developing Ji Kingdom into the leader of the four countries.

With the moon on the treetop, hazy light shines on her figure, her eyes are deep, and even with such a slender figure, she supports the entire nation.

Since arriving at the disaster area, she has been depressed and melancholy, rarely smiling. Her eyes and heart are entirely focused on this drought, and everything around her is no longer important. At this moment, her whole body exudes a murderous aura, the suppressed killing intent in her heart like a knife sweeping through Liu Qianxun’s heart. Icy without a trace of warmth, maybe this is how Qin Junlan appears as an emperor.

Her manner of remaining calm, observing words and expressions, and hiding emotions without showing them precisely confirms the ancient truth that the ruler’s heart is the hardest to fathom. Liu Qianxun knows very clearly that once she steps in here, Qin Junlan is the emperor, no longer the one who liked to repeatedly call her “Xun’er” Chaoyan.

The next day, military provisions smoothly arrived at Zhouji, escorted by a team of the Red Armor Army, who performed a grand ceremony upon seeing Qin Junlan.

“Subordinate has, according to your instructions, delivered all twenty loads of military provisions. Please, master, decide.” The Red Armor Army commander, awe-inspiring in red armor, naturally exudes heroic spirit, with every Red Armor warrior appearing majestic.

This is Ji Kingdom’s Red Armor Army, renowned worldwide, and today, seeing them, they indeed prove extraordinary. If on the battlefield, their momentum already gives them an edge. Liu Qianxun finally understood why Ling Yu exhausted efforts to obtain Qin Junlan’s 《Military Strategy Treatise》, reportedly a powerful army method she self-created and is preparing to compile into a book for future generations.

Besides wanting to obtain the army border defense layout map, Ling Yu desires this treatise. She does not kill Qin Junlan because the treatise is not yet completed. A strong army means a strong nation, a principle everyone understands.

“Quickly return to the stationed army!” Qin Junlan solemnly issued the command, and the soldiers collectively bowed, “Yes!”

Almost without lingering for a moment, the soldiers escorting the military provisions then retreated. Qin Junlan’s military governance policy is that the nationwide stationed army must maintain a balanced situation, and unless in desperate wars and emergency situations, they will absolutely not casually move a single soldier or officer.

With the military provisions smoothly arriving, the whole of Zhouji released a breath of relief; the stored grain can still maintain them for a few days. According to Qin Junlan’s decree, once the second wave of nationwide donated grain arrives, it can temporarily alleviate the situation. Additionally, the second batch of disaster silver will also arrive in seven days.

If the bandit issue is not resolved before the second batch of grain and silver arrives, then it will be troublesome.

“If the bandits know that Zhouji received a batch of military provisions, will they…?” Lord Lin worried that the bandits would covet the military provisions. “Now, everywhere in Yuzhou territory lacks grain, and if the bandits really swallow the disaster silver, it’s hard to guarantee they won’t target this batch of military provisions.”

“Could it be that they still dare to openly rob?” Jiang Wei immediately bowed, “I request the order to guard the military provisions and will surely protect them with my life.”

“We can take the initiative to strike. I have a plan that perhaps can be tried…” Qin Junlan, utterly unflustered, seemed able to control everything, handling the situation with ease and advancing and retreating with measure.

“Master Yan, please speak. If it can be done, I will definitely fully cooperate.”

The government office resembled a temporary command post. Against the bandits, they could only use wisdom, not clash head-on. Before clarifying the truth, Qin Junlan would absolutely not move the Red Armor stationed army.

To clearly understand the situation on the mountain, they must enter it; only investigating at the mountain foot and unable to enter deeply is still not helpful. Qin Junlan decided to personally go up the mountain. As for the strategy, when she sent the shadow guard to investigate first, she had already thought of how to respond.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Qin Junlan arranged all aspects of the plan and the necessary cooperation, preparing to take Li Yue on this trip, not intending to bring Liu Qianxun.

After discussing the plan to go up the mountain, the night was already deep. Bai Ruoxi, busy providing porridge to disaster victims every day, was more tired than anyone, and each evening she would pull Ye Ming aside and sigh with emotion.

“I have been clothed in silks and fed delicacies since childhood, never knowing the hardships of the common people. Seeing these people moved to tears from eating a bowl of hot porridge, I feel I used to be so willful, not knowing how to cherish life.” Bai Ruoxi tilted her head, leaning on Ye Ming’s shoulder.

“Understanding now is not too late.” Ye Ming no longer resisted her as before and had become accustomed to her daily presence, speaking to her with a much kinder tone and attitude.

“Ye Ming, have you ever been hungry?”


Bai Ruoxi lifted her head, her pair of bright big eyes gazing at her with some heartache, “How could you have gone hungry?”

“I’m an orphan, being hungry is normal.” Ye Ming said with indifference, as those are memories of past events almost forgotten.

“Ye Ming~~ you definitely won’t be hungry in the future, I will support you.” Bai Ruoxi tugged at Ye Ming’s sleeve and gently shook it.

“I’m not a kept man.” Ye Ming glared at her with annoyance and shook off her hand, but Bai Ruoxi, like an octopus, suddenly clutched her neck, “Then you being a kept man is no harm, I am after all Xicheng….” Halfway through the words, Bai Ruoxi suddenly felt something seemed amiss.

“Xicheng what?” Ye Ming raised an eyebrow, could it be that Bai Ruoxi dares to reveal her family name?

“A wealthy family in Xicheng, not to say immensely rich, but still prosperous enough to support another person without a problem.”

“No need, Miss, I have my own hands and feet, I don’t need someone to support me.” Ye Ming, hand gripping the sword hilt, walked forward directly as Bai Ruoxi hurried to follow, chattering non-stop, “What’s good about being a subordinate following behind Hong Yuan all day? You, you should follow me, I won’t treat you as a subordinate, you can be on equal footing with me.”

Ye Ming stopped, turned her head, her brows heroic, and coldly said, “Young Master Bai, watch your words.”

“Alright, alright, if you’re unwilling I won’t force you, why so fierce.”

“Don’t follow me anymore.” Ye Ming finished speaking and leapt up, leaving Bai Ruoxi far behind.

“Just using Qinggong to bully people.” Bai Ruoxi was not convinced; she did not believe that not knowing Qinggong meant she couldn’t catch up. Thinking of this, she quickly ran toward the place where Ye Ming had flown away.

If she calculated the time correctly, the sect leader should be arriving in Weixian, and tonight there would surely be news from Shura Sect. Ye Ming flew to the city gate, inspecting the marks. Finally, she found an inconspicuous brick with a mark of a sword crossing a circle. She cautiously moved forward, tapped it with the sword hilt, and the brick made a hollow sound.

She gently pushed the green brick, easily taking down the wall stone, inside was a small bamboo slip containing a secret message. She opened and read it, but before she could destroy it, she sensed someone approaching. She tucked the letter away, quickly turned around, and just as she was about to strike, discovered it was Bai Ruoxi, and hurriedly stopped her attack.

“What are you doing?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Bai Ruoxi was gasping for breath, exhausted to the point of being out of breath, “I, I don’t know Qinggong, so I can only run to find you. Can’t you wait for me for a moment?”

Ye Ming stepped forward and fiercely grabbed her wrist, “Who let you follow!” In an instant, a murderous intent burst forth. Bai Ruoxi stared blankly at Ye Ming, who at this moment resembled a fierce beast, as if she could tear her apart in the next second. The ferocity and killing intent in those eyes made Bai Ruoxi feel fear; she had never seen this side of Ye Ming. Her wrist was being squeezed forcefully, the pain making it almost lose feeling.

“Ye Ming, you… let go, you’re hurting me.” Bai Ruoxi began to struggle, her wrist already bruised, the veins on the back of her hand exposed, turning purple due to the blocked blood flow.

Ye Ming then realized and slowly released her hand, discovering that just a moment ago she actually wanted to silence Bai Ruoxi. Seeing her take the message undoubtedly exposed her identity, and such a dangerous matter, if passed to Qin Junlan, would certainly bring danger to the tower master. She could not take the risk.

She gripped the sword hilt, glaring at Bai Ruoxi, seeing her looking pitiful and full of grievance.

“Ye Ming, if you dislike me, just say it. I won’t cling to you, is it necessary to use force?” Her eyes filled with tears, her nose tinged with bitterness, “From childhood till now, I have never been treated with such cold words, only you, only you always shout at me and even use force. I dislike you! Wuwuwu…”

After a burst of venting, Bai Ruoxi cried and ran away. Ye Ming powerlessly lowered her hands, looked up at the night sky, deeply exhaled a breath, suddenly feeling a dull ache in her heart, “I am an assassin, you are a princess, we are not people of the same world.”